Big Brother 14 Preseason Roadmap To Premiere Night

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As the Big Brother 14 arrival on July 12, 2012 approaches it’s time again for our annual roadmap to premiere night. With just under two weeks to go it’s worth taking a look at everything coming up because things are about to get crazy busy around here. I’ll share with you what CBS will allow me to reveal and anything I can’t will just have to wait. Either way, it won’t be long and it will definitely be worth the suspense.

Big Brother 14 Preaseason Roadmap to Premiere Night:

  • Big Brother Live Feed Early Bird discount starts – June 18
  • Big Brother 14 finalists sequestered – July 1
  • Big Brother 14 House revealed – July 2
  • Rumor Control premieres on Superpass – July 2nd @ 3PM PT (BBT)
  • Big Brother Network interviews BB14 HGs – July 2
  • Big Brother 14 cast reveal here at BBN – July 5 @ 9AM PT (BBT)
  • BB14 HGs enter the house – July 7
  • Live Feed preseason Early Bird sale expires – July 11
  • BB12 removed from Live Feeds Flashback – July 11
  • Big Brother 14 premieres on CBS – July 12 @ 9PM ET/PT
  • Big Brother Live Feed turns on – July 12 @ 10PM PT (BBT)
  • Big Brother After Dark premieres – July 12 @ 10PM PT (BBT)
  • * Estimates based on past seasons’ timelines.

Big Brother Live Feed - Early Bird sale

As soon as I can tell you more about the HGs you know I will. I’ll be speaking with all of them before they move in to the house and when given the green light all the video interview content will be posted and shared right here on

The Big Brother broadcast schedule will be Sundays 8PM ET/PT, Wednesdays 8PM ET/PT, and Thursdays 9PM ET/PT. This is the same schedule as last season.

There’s still lots more to come for Big Brother 14 so be sure to join us on Facebook and Twitter, get our daily email alerts, and grab our free Big Brother mobile apps.



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  1. I feel as if ever since you got special access to interview the houseguests, it’s actually been a hindrance rather than a help. For example, you can’t tell us when the HG enter the house, when in past years, you were able to give us a guess of what you think.

    I just fear that you will provide us with less information than previous years, because you are more involved now. Even if you’re just guessing dates/events, that was fun before to know.

    • Sorry it seems that way, but I’d much, much rather be able to provide you with direct access interviews to all of the HGs instead of just guessing at an irrelevant date a few days ahead of when we know it happens for sure.

      Weigh the trade-off and you’ll see this is miles ahead of what we could offer last year.

  2. after the shows for super pass, rumor control and such, air are we able to watch them again?

  3. did anyone see the photo’s that were leaked of the BB house with some of the cast entering the house? one of the pictures featured the wall with the photo on houseguests and 3(that i could see) were blank. then i scrolled down and it hit me, there was Rachel, she appears to be in the house(photo #17).

  4. Thats not the offical cast. Its just media day where CBS sends some of the media in the house.

  5. So it is 100% official there will be a BB After Dark on Showtime again this year? If not I was going to cancel Showtime . Please let me know, thanks

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