Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Bikinis and Bods By The Pool

Big Brother 14 poolside

Ah yes. The time honored Big Brother tradition of basking in the sun by the pool has returned. Big Brother 14 HGs Kara , Danielle , JoJo, and Frank broke out the bikinis and swim trunks to catch some rays and soak in the pool.

I hope these HGs enjoy the quiet and calm time because before too much longer they’ll be back to fighting, lying, and backstabbing. But that’s later. Now it’s poolside for us on the Live Feeds. Get your free 3-day trial and see what you’re missing on Big Brother!

Sure enough, HGs used the pooltime to hide in the HoH room and hash out their strategy for the next Big Brother 14 eviction. Things continue to shift back and forth, but yesterday’s plan still looks to be holding on steady with this group.

Anyway, check out what the HGs have to offer. Any favorites so far in this bunch?

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  1. I like the Mitt Romney banner ads often appearing on this page. It’s appropriate for Big Brother, a television show which still relegates people of color to floater status.

    • Banners showing up on this page are contextual to either the topic, related to your own searches, or targeted placements. In other words, you have more to do with what ads you see than we do. We did not pick them. Google does, based on the reader.

      But thanks for sharing your old fashioned racial views.

      • You are correct about the ads and the attack was misplaced on that issue – but I can assure you the lack of racial and cultural diversity among this group is a big issue among civil rights groups at this point.  These are not old fashion racial views.  My eyes tell me who the cast is, and the CBS producers get an F for this season.  Some will say but there are two gay people – while this on the surface is good, and I like both, when are they going to stop the stereo types and maybe put a very butch gay male on the show.  We are a diverse  community – I do like Wil and the other gay character – they for now will keep me watching – but CBS is locked into a mentality of stereo types – this does not serve CBS – really they could not find a more diverse group?

      • @48e577616f7c329e99fcf82b427a299b:disqus : But what’s the magical ratio? Last season, half the newbie cast was minorities. Did that diversity of skin color make the game better than ever? If so, are you saying “race first, HG persona second”? Making race the dominant issue on anything tells me “old fashioned racial views.”

        Last season’s cast was great. This season’s cast has great potential too. To say that potential is limited by their skin color, or sexual orientation, is a troubling perspective.

      • Michael you cannot prevail in a discussion by accusing people of saying things they never said.  But you showed an issue which now makes it all the more disturbing.  By your words you are saying they could not have made the game more interesting with more minorities?  This seems to be your standard.  This is very disturbing.  I am 100% certain that the game could have been just as interesting with a few more minorities.  The fact is the producers seem to agree with you that they could not find minorities to make it as interesting as it will be for this group.  I am the first to say the producers job is to find the best cast to bring in the audience.  That is the number one issue.  i am cool with this.  This is a profit making venture.  But the idea that with 2 more minorities the cast would have been less interesting is absurd and the minority community is not buying it.  The argument is the equivalent as the old admissions directors arguing they have no minorities because they are not smart enough to get into their college.  There were certainly enough minorites to make the show interesting.  These producers simply chose to not cast them. 

        But again, claiming I am making an argument I am not is not how you argue a point.  There is no magical number as to a ratio, but the idea they could not find 2 more interesting minorities is absurd and no open minded person believes CBS’s defense on the issue.

        And for the record the only thing I ever hate about any of the players are the drama queens, male, female, gay or straight – I hate the drama and victim queens.  I like hard hitting players who do not pretend it is anything but a game for money.

      • Err, it’s Matthew. There’s no Michael here.

        I just said last season’s cast was great and that this season cast could be great too. Both had different levels of diversity. So clearly if I said last season’s cast was great I did not say last season’s cast couldn’t be great because of its diversity. I’m saying they can make a great cast with any mix and diversity is not the driving factor to make that happen (ie. again “last season was great and this season could be great.)

        You say there’s no magic ratio, but then suggest 2 more would have satisfied you. So the magic number is 3? Come on. Enjoy the game.

    • The only ads I see on this page are advertisement for google advertising. Apparently they want me to buy advertsing space on this page and they will display it for local people who visit this web page. Everything else on this page is big brother related. 

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  1. Big Brother 14 Live Feeds: Week 1 Saturday Highlights | Big Brother 14
  2. Big Brother 14 Spoilers: Week 1 Veto Ceremony Results | Big Brother 14

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