Big Brother 14 Episode 7: Week 2 Live Eviction Show Tonight – Update

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll have another live eviction where either Danielle or JoJo will be evicted. Unlike last week things seem a little more set in stone as we approach this next elimination. We’ll have our official eviction predictions up this afternoon.

The live eviction will be followed by a new HoH competition that should be more of a skill competition. HGs were given a mini ice rink and sticks to practice late last night, but we’ve seen in the past where the actual competition turns out to be very different.

I’ll be here posting live results during the east coast broadcast show so keep checking back for the latest BB14 spoilers. On the go tonight? Grab out free Big Brother apps.

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Share your thoughts and tell us why you want to see either Danielle or JoJo go home. Don’t forget to join us tonight in our chat room during the live eviction show at 9PM ET!

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Update: Julie Chen has just made this announcement for tonight’s show:

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Hey #BB14 fans! I’m announcing a BIG game-changing twist on 2niteโ€™s LIVE show.Who do you think is going home? See youat 9pm

— Julie Chen(@JulieChen) July 26, 2012

We will soon see what that “BIG” twist will be, but I’d guess right now that it’s all about adding more players to the list either by injecting the coaches or returning evictees.



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  1. All I know is Janelleย  has some real problems.ย  Pure evil heart is the only way to describe her actions.ย  Hurting Danielle because she was bored, Wow.ย 

  2. I watched after dark last night on Showtime and the debate about how bad they wanted cigarettes was just annoying!

    • It is apparent, you are not a smoker. These people are probably stressed to the max. I know this show is all staged, but a person needs relief any way they can get it. They should have brought enough cigaretts with them in the first place. DUH :)

  3. I don’t even care who goes home. This so far has been the worst Big Brother ever!

    • Yes, it seems to be dragging.ย  Also, I would hate to see America vote for the coachs to enter.ย  I don’t think this is fair to the new houseguests,

  4. i watched after dark to and Janelle was picking a fuss with Danielle cause she was bored. That’s just wrong and I hope all her players turn on her.

  5. Too bad they can’t evict Boogie. I want to throw up whenever he’s pontificating from the diary room or scheming in the HOH room. He’s been on two BB’s. Thats more than enough!

  6. I think all the coaches need 2 team up and get janelle out while they got a chance. She’s not a good coach or a good person. She is a floater as well as her team. Really what has janelles team done???

  7. I couldn’t stand Britany when she played before and dislike her even more now.ย  I have to change the screen so I don’t have to listen to her crap.ย  She is playing everyone too.ย  She is such a phony.ย  I like Janelle better for sure than Britany!ย  All of them think Dan is so bad and I think he is the only one thatย is true to his word.ย  Would love for Britany to go first.

    • Brittney is the worst of the coaches and talks a lot and tells everyone
      everything on her mind. She cannot play anyone because she is behind
      the eight ball. Imagine telling everyone what is in your mind. Great idea
      going into alliances and taking everyone as telling the truth 100% Good luck with that as you are in Big Brother! She does not strategize and in case of Willie, she should have asked him to align himself with Frank and stay thru to that alliance and not to tell anyone about that alliance. See, that is the difference between a smart coach like Mike Boogie, he told Shane not to tell his coach Brittney or team member Jojo about the alliance. The reason you keep it on the down low is so that, you do not become a huge target if
      people know you have an alliance with certain players. That also gives you the best chance to fly below the radar before the other players figure out who is allied with who! By then, the game has already been won by that alliance and too late for the other players to do anything! Remember the Brigade on Big Brother or the last season of Survivor where Kim came
      out with the smart strategy of voting all the men off. When it became an
      all female contest, she won almost all the competitions as she was the
      best female player and she was also well liked because she played a
      very social game and flew under the radar until the end.

  8. Please don’t bring in the coaches- so unfair. I have not enjoyed the coaches this season.

    • however, if the coaches do go in, they could be evicted faster than if they had to wait for all of their players to be evicted :) Seeing as how that’s everyone’s guess though as to what the twist will be, I doubt they will be doing it. It’s “Expect the unexpected”, not “Expect the obvious”. But I could always be wrong.

  9. what is wrong with big brother noย wonder willie left this is not a good big brotherย  to many other good showsย  come on dont let glass house beat you you have been on 14 years to many coachs they are boring come on big brother get with it or you wont see 15

  10. I think they or hope they will do away with the teams and have them playing for themselves… It would be great to bring back Jodi since she never got a chance to play… Which was way uncool in my opinion… I don’t think it would be right to have the coaches step in all the sudden sinceย theirย teams have beenย strategicย with them all along… But that’s just my way of trying to rationalize this all in an irrational game…ย 

  11. Why have a “twist” in the game if it isn’t going to be for all season?ย  The COACHES need to stay coaches only!ย  Why give them a chance to win $500,000?ย  I’ve enjoyed the coaches competition with some sort of reward in the game given to the winning coach.ย  That’s far enough for them.

    • The COACHES need to stay in the coach roll and let them see who is the best coach

  12. I hope the coaches get into the game so the new houseguests get to play the game for themselves.

  13. coches are in. Don’t waste time voting. CBS has put this into action or they wouldn’t have enough jury guest.

  14. Bring Dr.Will back. Big Brother needs Bring back Danielle’s dad & Dr. Will. ENTERTAINING!! Not a dull moment. I think the coaches should play solo but w additional twists. Add some unexpected players.

  15. I’m saying put the coaches in, then we’ll see how fast the newbies vote them out and play their own game.ย  If they don’t then they don’t deserve to be there.ย  I’d like to see the coaches gone!

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