Big Brother 14 Episode 2: Week 1 Nomination Show Tonight

Big Brother 14 with Julie Chen

Tonight on Big Brother 14 we’ll catch up on the official reveal and motives behind the new Head of Household’s nominations when the latest episode arrives on CBS (8PM ET/PT). After the premiere episode’s insane rush of action it’s going to be hard to reach that high bar, but here’s to hoping Big Brother can keep the momentum going.

Along with showing who Willie, the current HoH, nominated, (we already have those week 1 nominations) we should get a brand new set of competitions this season. The Veteran comps. Of course we already know how that turned out too (winner listed on our Big Brother 14 spoilers board), but it’ll be fun to see how that came to pass.

Most of what we’ll see on Big Brother 14 tonight happened days ago in the house and even more has happened since with the first Veto competition results being revealed. Only the Live Feeds will let you see inside and keep you actively up to date on the game so before to check those out with the Free 3-Day Trial.

You can also keep up with us here on the site through updates on Facebook, Twitter, our free mobile apps, and even our daily email alerts.

While we wait for tonight’s show you can check in on the HGs live and uncensored on the Live Feed in-house cams as they lie, betray, and conspire their way to the top. Fun!



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  1. My favorite part about spoilers is that my hubby doesnt know about them.  He can’t understand why I ALWAYS win our bets.

      • I’m not trying to sound offended just because I’m a guy, I’m not offended at all, in fact I ‘liked’ Becky’s comment…but I don’t think it’s accurate to pin this on the whole ‘guys are dumb’ thing that women like to have fun with. Just because her husband’s unaware that there are websites who give spoilers out…I would imagine he doesn’t have the time or energy to care enough to go and look for something like that, to make himself aware…

    • @MJ, my hubby does work hard and doesnt devote as much time to BB as I do.  He would thank you for defending him if I told him about your comment. (Can’t, though because I would out myself.) ;)

  2. But the coach’s competition was pointless for Britney right? Since Willie from her team is hoh she is already pretty much assured none of her team is going to be nominated and you can’t put the hoh team on slop can you?

    •  for right now you are right, but in the future if the players decide they are playing their own game, and to hell with the coaches it could come in very handy for them to have that power.

      • If Britney had won could she have given someone on janelles team immunity? Or only one of her own players?

  3. prediction, teams will get switched up weekly…. wouldn’t that be a huge twist! maybe it’s too big, but it would make things harder on the coaches…….

  4. Nothing gives me more pleasure than watching cocky Mike Boogie getting cutting down to size.

  5. So after all of willies talk about not listening to what Britney says he does exactly what she and janelle suggest he should do and goes back on his deal with frank and makes an enemy out of him. 

    • And then he says “the coaches won’t expect this”…pretty sure Janelle and Britney expected the nominations, and that’s 2 of 4 coaches…only one I can see surprised is Mike, not even Dan. Willie isn’t too bright.

      • I agree with you MJ.   Willie isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed.   As for my earlier comment….Sorry if i offended you….was only teasing.   My comment was not to be taken seriously.   I assumed most posters had a sense of humor.

      • Not at all Cat, I wasn’t offended (I mentioned that, I even liked the original comment) I know you were teasing, I was just pointing that out because it seemed like an implication about guys being dumb (hey, I often agree they are!). I didn’t take it seriously, and 75% of my life surrounds a sense of humour, so it’s cool.

  6. Willie is just like his Brother. Hot headed & out of the money. LOL Nobody likes a bully. I’m glad they kicked him out of the game.

  7. Danielle is a desperate little girl. It makes me ill to see a girl throwing herself at a guy, and better yet, a guy who doesn’t even like her like that. Danielle if a guy turns you down for a kiss…..HE’S NOT INTO YOU BOO BOO!!!!

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