Big Brother 14: Danielle Murphree Eviction Interview

Danielle Murphree on Big Brother 14

Danielle Murphree nearly made it to the very end of Big Brother 14 before being cut just short of the Final 2 after her coach and ally Dan lost to Ian in the final HoH competition. Today I had the chance to talk with Danielle and ask her about the game, some of her questionable moves, and what’s in the future for her. Despite falling just shy of the money Danielle was in great spirits and didn’t hold back.

Big Brother Network (BBN): Despite everything Dan did you kept going back to him. Why did you keep being willing to forgive him and try again?

Danielle Murphree: He would make the comment that he hadn’t done anything to hurt me in the game. When I would try to recall, I was still there. He hadn’t hurt my game and had never voted to evict me. I wanted to believe he was a good person because I kept thinking back to season 10 and how he played then and was a good guy. I was completely “Mist-ified.”

BBN: It was hard for viewers to separate fact from fiction when it come to some of your stories. Some of the things you said about conversations with HGs that weren’t really accurate. Was that a strategy you had or were you just playing with the other HGs?

Danielle Murphree: You’re going to have to give me an example.

BBN: When you came back and said Janelle was yelling at you but we saw it was a very calm conversation. Or when you said you made Ian cry the other day and that didn’t really happen.

Danielle Murphree: Ian teared up. Ian teared up. I guess I exaggerated that a little bit. Yeah, Janelle didn’t yell at me. Janelle was very sweet with me. I guess it was more game play because I was more trying to test the waters with Dan. I thought him and Janelle might have some kind of deal. I think that’s who I told it to, correct?

BBN: There were a lot of people.

Danielle Murphree: So yeah, I exaggerated for game play. I shouldn’t have. I do apologize. It wasn’t just to maliciously hurt anybody.

BBN: After you joined the Jury you leaned over and said something to someone off-camera that the mic didn’t pick up. What were you trying to tell the Jury?

Danielle Murphree: I was asking Jenn what was going on. What’s the feel? Because when I sat down it was very awkward vibe in the Jury. I had just heard Britney’s comment before so I was confused and was asking what was going on.

BBN: As it ended up you were the last woman in the house. Was that part of your strategy or just how things worked out?

Danielle Murphree: No, it was just how things worked out. It was never my intention to be the last woman. I’m very proud and flattered to be the last woman, but it would have been nice to have another female present.

BBN: Do you regret the Dan-vote? Would you take it back?

Danielle Murphree: I don’t like to play the woulda-shoulda-coulda game or the what-if’s. I am glad that Ian won. I think it would have be nice for Ian to win 7-0 because I think he deserved it but I did give my word to Dan. I did say I would vote for Dan. I didn’t want to break my word. I just wish I never would have told Dan I’d vote for him.

BBN: When you first sat down with Julie Chen there was a crowd reaction that seemed like you saw something. Did you see something in the house [on the monitors]?

Danielle Murphree: Yeah. I saw them jump around and Dan was giggling. Then Dan did the “suck it” thing. I was just like “are you serious?”

BBN: It was hard to see. We weren’t sure if you could see. We thought it seemed like you saw it, them doing the Renegade move.

Danielle Murphree: Was that a Renegade move? Were they called the Renegades?

BBN: I think that was what they did. They clapped hands, spun, and hands as guns.

Danielle Murphree: Ahh, see, that’s going to get me even more fired up. Yeah, I don’t doubt it at all.

BBN: Thanks, Danielle. Congratulations on making it to Final 3.

We chatted a little bit more from there on Dan’s betrayal and explained that yes, he was planning to take her until after the first round of the last competition. There were also some other nuggets from the call that I’ll just drop in a list here.

  • Dan and Danielle are not currently on speaking terms.
  • Danielle believes Shane’s feelings were genuine and not game play.
  • Danielle is open to pursuing a relationship with Shane.
  • Post-show was awkward with her and JoJo and Janelle.
  • Danielle believes she would have beat Dan but lost to Ian.
  • Danielle would consider going back for another season.
  • Danielle won’t go to the Vegas or SuperPass parties so she can avoid negativity.
  • If she had won Round 3, she would have taken Shane over Dan.

On that last one, Dan said he doesn’t believe her and thinks she’s trying to save face. Hard to be sure, but I think he could be right.

Overall it was a fun interview. Danielle said the questions were grilling her, but I think things went pretty easy on her. I imagine she had a long rough day of tough interviews. Hopefully she takes some time away from the ol’ innerwebs and lets things calm down before she jumps in and reads what fans had to say.

Check out our preseason interview with Danielle to compare how she played the game to what she planned to do heading in there.



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  1. Well, at least she owned up to “exaggerating” and apologized. I give her props for that.

    Hopefully she chalks this up to a learning experience, and nothing more or else she’s probably going to have a nervous breakdown after reading what people have to say about her.

    • Exactly we have to remember this is a young girl. She tried to play a game with the 1 person who said he had her back and stabbed her in it time and again. Dan totally threw pt 3 HOH lastnight.

      • She is not a young girl, she is a grown woman who needs to take responsibility for her words and actions. What she did in that house was hideous. She insulted her entire family, her neighbors, and people with an assortment of diseases, and teachers world wide.

      • It comes with the territory. She signed up for it, and she happened to choose her words very poorly inside the house. I still don’t think by any stretch of the imagination that she’s a bad person and she’ll eventually realize her guilt.

      • She accused her mother and father of being alcoholics, which was completely false. She accused her father of beating her family when she was a child, another total lie. She even told her parents via email that she had been kidnapped when in fact she was in BB sequester during the preseason. What did her parents do to deserve that?

        If that doesn’t make her a bad person, nothing she could say ever would.

      • I don’t research every modicum of her personal life because I don’t care enough to, so I personally don’t know whether or not if half the things she’s said are true or false. But I still couldn’t care less.

      • I don’t research every modicum of her life either. However I do watch BBAD and have the feeds, and sometimes fact-check what she claims because the claims are so ludicrous and unbelievable. BBAD is really all you need to see to know Danielle is probably the most psychopathic player to ever enter the house.

      • Agreed, towards the end it was mental torture in Dan’s part. He’s slime. I don’t blame her for not going to after parties.

      • Well, the way I see it, is everyone has there opinion about Dani, and when you put yourself out there, on a Reality T.V. Show, you had better be ready to take the good, the bad, and the ugly, especially in our day and time, with fb, websites, live feeds,etc. She has to own it, and deal with it.

      • I know. It is just sad that she is getting reemed she signed up for thos but i have been seeing a lil girl with no self respect nd trying in her mind to play

      • Everyone is and has their own opinion but she will be horrified when she reads them and when she gets home it will prob be worse.I hope she has a support system to help her.

      • I believe she new exactly what she signed up for. The way she threw her family problems out there for everyone to see on bbad, and of course there are the live feeds, what else would she expect? I think she is the player that everyone loved to hate on bb. There is always one of those on a reality show. She will just have to own it. I believe she has some real issues, and if she is ever back on bb, maybe she will have learned something from this time.

      • Just a few days ago on the live feeds she admitted to having breast implants and told Dan and Ian not to tell anyone. It was supposed to be a secret. I don’t know how she was expecting that to be secret when you have umpteen cameras and microphones all around you and it’s being broadcast live on the internet.

      • I do hope she has a support system as well because she seems to have a very fragile personality…but that said she deserves everything that she gets online except the requests that she commit suicide. That’s too far. But, after the way she talked about her own beauty (eg saying all the other girls were jealous, including Janelle and Britney, who are both 20x as attractive) and compared herself to beautiful celebrities, I have no problem with the people who call her ugly or fat.

        She really needs a reality check and these posts might just provide that. This girl lied about having cancer to her friends INSIDE AND OUTSIDE OF THE HOUSE! How fcked up is that?

      • Does it make you any better than Dani by degrading her? She may have not been honest about everything but I never saw her bully anyone so why all the hate any bullying? What do you have to gain Texas lady?

      • Did you not see the live feed when she bullied Ian for over 20 min.? She was out right mean to Ian and said through other conversations with Dan that she “hated” Ian. Hated? She said she was not joking either and that she wanted to snap his neck. Thank goodness production pulled her into the DR and gave her some meds to calm down.

      • Agree. She bullied Ian for the sole purpose of getting him to throw the last HOH. She is a bully, manipulative and a liar. Danielle is disliked by most BB fans because of her actions and her inability to admit her lies. Danielle would lie when she didn’t have to. Dan lied to further his game. Big difference.

      • I would also like to reply about how
        sick she is at staring and posing in the mirror. Also looking at her backside
        and sticking it out in front of the mirror to see how it would look. Also
        positioning herself on the couch one night and staging her boobs to show and sneaking
        a peak to make sure they were showing, many times.(this was for the cameras
        because no one else was with her) Or the
        time she was upstairs in the HOH bathroom dancing and posing to the mirror,
        this was right before the Sushi Comp with the coaches. She has problems but knows what she is doing.

      • Dan did nothing but hide behind the bible and was just so disrespectful to danielle that I find it hard to beleive his wife is happy being married to someone like him.

      • I call BS, Dan obviously did not throw part 3 HOH, Ian never missed even one question making it impossible for Dan to have thrown it even if he had tried.

      • To throw it, all Dan needed to do was deliberately get questions wrong while hoping Ian got them right. I’m not saying he did but he certainly didn’t look at all dismayed when he lost.

      • Dan never had a shot at beating Ian at that competition…kid’s got a great (not quite photographic, sorry Ian) memory and was perfectly suited for that type of competition. But I do think Dan threw it.

      • It wasn’t even a memory competition…it was a guessing one. It’s not like they had said those things to them, they had to guess their answer. It’s totally different.

  2. I bet not many people that were in this year’s BB house will be on buddy-buddy speaking terms with Dan.

    • or Daniell for that…Her reason for not going to the wrap parties/Vegas was bogus…Am sure she did not want to be confronted by JoJo Janell Britney (who now knows that Daniell helped get her evicted) …HMMMM that would be another season of BB….lol

    • I’m guessing just about everyone will. Sans maybe Frank and Shane. Maybe not the people that weren’t in the house long enough anyway (Jodi, Willie, JoJo). Danielle on the other hand… I’ll be surprised if she has even… three people talking to her now that the season is over.

    • She was asked about her lies last night on Superpass. She tried to jump away from the subject, made a funny face and rolled her eyes then and looked away like she had just been caught. It was priceless.

    • Exactly! That is how liars work, lie to cover a lie, and then another lie, to cover up the other two, and on,and on and on.

    • Makes me wonder if she will ever get out of her delusional state and get help. I shudder to think of the lives she can have a negative effect on if she doesn’t.

  3. Wow, just watched her interview for bb. She played totally opposite of what she said she would do. She did exactly what she said she “WOULDN’T DO!” She was catty, liar, cry baby, jealous of the other girls in the house, etc., she needs to go to the parties, face the music, and then take her ass back to Alabama, and stay there!

    • I agree. That’s something that should be taken seriously. Nobody no matter what should lie about that. It’s sick and wrong.

      • I agree as well. They only challenged her about her petty lies. I don’t care that she said Janelle screamed at her when she was talking calmly. I don’t care that Ian never cried.

        Now, claiming to have cancer to make people pay attention to you? Absolutely despicable. At the very least, if I was interviewing, I would have challenged her on some of her more blatant lies, such as the fact that her great grandfather invented laundry detergent. A quick Google makes any excuse she can offer about why she said that invalid. Cmon, you didn’t even ask her to speak some Chinese for us?

      • I’m sure that she will be asked specific questions relating to specific lies. If it hasn’t happened in an interview since last night, it’ll be happening soon. She was interviewed on Superpass last night after the show & asked about her lies in the house. She tried to avoid the question, rolled her eyes and looked away like she had been caught.

      • But it’s just a game right? Why is it okay for Dan to lie about his religion, wife, and parents, but the cancer is too much? That’s not a consistent approach to the game if you really believe it’s a game of anything goes.

      • It’s not just the cancer, it is the malicious lies about everyone in the house and people outside of the game. How would you feel if you lost someone in a car accident and heard she lied about it just for attention? I can assure you the relatives of the one who died didn’t think it was ‘anything goes.’

      • Dan’s lies were told to win a game that’s based around lying and deception. Dan also informed us, in the Diary Room, that they were lies, and he was honest the second the game ended. Danielle, on the other hand, did it for attention and she didn’t care if she was hurting friends or family, and she still claims what she said in the house was true, or at worst “exaggerated”.

        She’s accused her poor father of abusing her family, being an alcoholic, breaking her back, attempting to sell her to gypsies, and siring an illegitimate child with his babysitter. From all evidence, none of this is true.

      • Matt revealed to us, through the Diary Room, that his wife was fine. He also told the HouseGuests, once he was evicted, that it was a lie. Kathy, a cancer survivor, was very upset and he apologized to her.

        Danielle, on the other hand, claims that she never lied and the live feeders just misunderstood her. She says she never said she had cancer, just complications with her implants. But, if you watched the feeds, you will hear her mention needing chemotherapy repeatedly. Her lies were not strategy-related, like Matt’s; she just wanted attention.

        What Matt did and Danielle did might both be morally wrong, but Danielle’s lies, and refusal to admit them, are certainly worse. BTW, lying about having cancer wasn’t the worst thing she’s lied about this year.

    • She didnt exactly say cancer, she bought up lumps on her chest and someome else said she should get it checked for cancer, so everyone should get the live feeds and not listen to what bias people have to say

  4. Dear Gawd this girl has been on an Emotional roller coaster and is being reemed all over the net because of a freaking game. Come on ppl so she may/maynot have lied who cares she got to final 3 nd she is a human with emotions that can get hurt by petty posts. Leave her alone she seems to suffer with Severe insecurities and bashes herself she don’t need strangers doing it also.

    • She doesn’t bash herself at all! She makes up lies to make herself seem extremely impressive. This girl has claimed to have been an ambassador to China as a teenager, have a photographic memory, belong to Mensa, have multiple degrees, be a nurse practitioner, a gymnast, a model…the list is really incredible. She’s the biggest liar in BB history…at least Dan did it for the game…Danielle just did it for the attention. I think she might have borderline personality disorder.

      • LeeArmie, I totally agree with you. I’d hate myself if I was jealous of mostly every other female that ever entered my life. I’d hate myself if I told everyone I had severe medical conditions that I didn’t. I’d hate myself if I had to lie to make friends. I’d hate myself if I was so insecure that I needed constant feedback about how I look, what celebrity I look like, etc, etc, etc.

      • I completely agree with you, she doesn’t deserve to be bashed as much as she is… As far as I am concerned she is human, lied when she needed to, who cares if she did it for a bit of attention. Every normal person has done it before. I think Danielle is a sweet person who is getting a bad rap!

      • She needed to lie about her father cheating on his wife with the babysitter and getting the girl pregnant? Or his trying to sell her to gypsies in Europe? Or his abusing her family in alcoholic rages?

        Yes, normal people lie, but normal people don’t lie about those things. Danielle doesn’t care about anyone but herself…not even her parents.

  5. Thank you for asking her about her lies. No one has asked her about her breast cancer or renal failure in interviews. I was told that CBS released a memo telling interviewers so to ask Danielle “difficult” questions. Is this true?

  6. She is so full of crap, everything she says is either naive, stupid or a lie, and she thinks she could have won? really?? LOL!!!!!!!!

      • She’s grown up to be a nurse. Takes some dedication to be one (if she really is). I would think after high school and during college is enough time to grow up.

      • She is not a young Girl, she is a young Woman! Based on your comments about her being a young girl, it is obvious to me, that you feel she is too old to have acted the way that she did.

  7. I wish someone would ask her if she now understands why her parents did not want her going on a reality show. Congrats, you just won a straight jacked and a global lynching on the internet.

  8. Coming from a person with security issues in my life. I see she is just a lil girl hoping to overcome. I hope she has a great support system. We who watch and those who were in the game with her don’t really know what’s going on in her life.

    • You are right Dani is a very insecure WOMAN! I understand that part, but the whole I got a non-cancerous cancerous mass that has been treated with radiation and needs to treat with chemo is ridiculous. It was stupid that she latched onto Dan the way that she did. However, It was her game play and I have no problem accepting that. I do have a problem with the habitual lying about serious things, though. I see her as a person who is very deceptive and dangerous. She needs help, not tomorrow, but today!

  9. very delicately put! without kissing her butt! to be nice: she should stick to looking at Mirrors, instead of the web/entire BB audience..
    She had plenty of DR time to explain herself throughout BB14, so if she wasn’t crazy or didn’t want to appear to be: she had her time. If i recall, it was mostly baby girl voice in the DR, which means she was not her most authentic self… whoever that is.?

    • I agree about her DR’s. The ones of hers that CBS showed us were mostly annoying. Best thing she said in there was her fool me once, twice, I’m a Dumbass comment!
      I wish there was a series of dvd’s that were strictly DR sessions. I think we could learn a lot more about the HG’s if we could see their true colors in there. I have a feeling a lot of stuff is discussed in there that they won’t talk about in the house with anyone. Watching the feeds or BBAD I feel like I have a good idea of everyone’s personality and who they really are, BUT my opinion might change if I could see all the DR footage.

  10. Danielle blew out everything of proportion.
    If Janelle had a calm conversation with Danielle about the game, 1 hour later, she would be telling everybody that Jsnie was berating her and calling her fat.
    Ashley and Shane admitted themselves that they targeted Janelle after hearing the “horrible” comments she told Dani. comments that she never even said.

      • It’s one thing to lie about the game to get yourself further in it. It’s another thing to lie about serious medical conditions, family abuse, and so many other things that she lied about. It’s a problem that she has and her ex-friend has confirmed it on several internet interviews.

      • Oh, I see. I was just commenting about the Janelle lie. At this point, I don’t know what is true or false. I see your point about the rest.

    • Janelle DID go to Danielle FIRST when Jojo was on the block & tell Danielle that Jojo was talking bad about her. janelle was just trying to get a fight started, but Danielle wouldn’t confront Jojo. It hurt Danielle’s feelings, Jojo should be going after Janelle if anybody.

  11. I’ve read a lot of comments about Danielle, some not so nice. Some of the people that post comments on the web can’t seem to separate real life from this game, and that’s all it is, a game. Dan knows how to play it the way it’s meant to be played, did I agree with everything he did, of course not but he knows it’s all a game. Danielle told lies and exaggerated things, big deal, remember it’s just a game. She was also too honest and trusting and I guess that makes her human. I think she was very likeable and her and Dan did make a great team until things got screwy with Shane’s eviction. Hopefully she ignores the negativity and takes it for what it is, and she has a very successful future.

    • I really don’t think anyone on the web has a problem with Danielle lying when it came to game play. People are not really bashing her for that. People are bashing Dani for the lies that she told about her job, her life, and serious medical problems. The major lies that she told had nothing to do with game play. She lied because…..hell, I guess she just didn’t have anything better to do. Matt the moderator, was actually being nice when he interviewed Dani. I’m sure the lies he asked Dani about are not the lies that he really wanted to know about..

  12. Did anyone see Ian, Dan and Dumbielle on The Talk today? It was a fun interview but holy cow!! Dumbielle had to sit next to Dan & wouldn’t even look at him! She looked absolutely pissed any time he spoke or his name was mentioned. She is definitely a woman scorned…Dan better look out.

  13. JoJo tweeted that she told Dani this during commericals : “I saw the live feeds, I saw what you said about me. Dont even bother to say Hi”.
    Im so mad that didn’t air, lol.

  14. What I’m confused with is why everyone is saying Dan should’ve won and that it’s just a game? He freaking used crosses, his wife’s name, and other family necklaces/rings to get people to do what he wanted. Also, true–Danielle was a horrible game player, but Dan took his game playing w/her too far. It was almost like emotional abuse watching what he did to her. So all the people saying it’s just a game are saying anything goes in a game? You can emotionally abuse people, mentally abuse them, whatever, but once the game is over, oh, now I’m a “nice” person? I think a good game to compare Big Brother to is poker. Sure you’re supposed to try and manipulate, lie, and deceive to win at poker, but even w/poker, you’re expected to act as a gentleman/lady while winning. There’s a nice way to win while also being deceitful and manipulative and there’s taking things too far. Because while it might be just a game, that game is also still a part of your life and you are committing those acts in that game. Another example is in football or basketball. Sure you’ve gotta work hard to beat down your opponent, but you shouldn’t play dirty. Even Dan himself said he’ll probably need to give Danielle some time to decompress after what he did to her. Sorry, but I wouldn’t want anyone in my life that I feel I needed to compress from them after playing a game w/them. If anyone feels that way about people in their lives after playing games w/them, then maybe they should reconsider how healthy their relationships w/those people are.

    • If you enter the Big Brother house without expecting people to lie and manipulate you, then you’re an idiot. It’s to be expected and that’s why there’s a jury. The jury makes it a challenge to win the game by playing like that. You need to earn people’s respect while crushing their dream of winning half a million. It’s still a valid strategy to lie and manipulate people and say anything you can to get them to believe you. This is all happening within the context of competing for half a million dollars. That doesn’t mean the person doing it is anything remotely like that outside the house. It’s incredibly childish, imo, to continue holding a grudge outside of the context of the game.

      • If you read what I said, I don’t think manipulating and lying is bad for this game. But to bring your religion and your wife and grandparents into it all is just very tack and going way too far in my opinion. The audience even laughed when it was discovered Dan had given Ian his grandfather’s cross necklace!

      • Ian returned the necklace to Dan after the final part of the HOH comp. It was even shown on the CBS show.

      • Well that’s good for Ian. Still doesn’t negate the fact Dan used religion, his wife, and family heirlooms to get people to do what he wanted which, in my opinion, goes too far.

      • Of course it’s a terrible thing to do and that’s why the jury didn’t vote for him to win. However, it’s a valid way to play the game and it’s a little ridiculous to take it personally when someone lies to you in the Big Brother house… even if they swore on their wife, Bible, or grandfather’s crucifix. Of course they’re going to do that. They’re trying to win a boatload of cash.

      • Guess we’ll just have to agree to disagree ’cause I don’t think mixing your family and religion with lies, manipulation, and deceit is ever good or valid–game or not.

      • Wow, finally someone else besides me who understands this game and that anything goes once you’re inside the house.

      • Don’t know if you saw it on the After Party, but Dan continued his lying ways and he was out of the house. His Renegade deal was not a true one. The After Party ended with Dan and Memphis. Dan said that Memphis at the live show said Ian would never be allowed to be a Renegade and Dan made some reference that he was lying to Ian about that and agreed with Memphis that only the two of them would ever be Renegades. The person with the real class was Boogie. The one that people complain about all the time. When Wil was doing an interview on Super Pass after being eliminated Wil said Boggie was the first one to call him. Wil was very impressed with Boogie.

    • It’s not fair to compare it to poker, since poker is a solo game only. No alliances to betray, no reason to tell the truth (which makes outright lying in poker worthless- you need to make the opponent think he can beat you, but you don’t say outright “your hand will beat mine”, that wouldn’t work). And how do you “take things too far” in poker?

      I would compare BB more to the card game Assassin, or the Korean movie Battle Royale (or the bastardized American version of the movie, the Hunger Games).

      • There are many ways you can take things too far in poker–not talking about your hand if you’ve folded, touching your chips if you’ve won before the dealer hands them to you, ever touching another player’s chips, how to treat the dealer, and on and on. There are tons of unspoken table etiquette “rules” w/poker that aren’t necessarily the official rules of the game. If you can’t think of any, then obviously you haven’t been around it very much.
        Also, you can say things like, “your hand will beat mine” to your opponent. There are many things you can say and/or do or not say and/or do in an effort to deceive your opponent, make them think you don’t have a hand when you do, make them think you have a hand when you don’t, etc.

  15. The jury made the right decision by punishing Dan at the end for the lying, backstabbing, and blindsides. That’s what makes BB difficult. Getting people evicted, while earning their respect.

    However, I find it EXTREMELY childish that these people would take things so personally that they would carry their grudges beyond the game. Even if you completely disagree with Dan’s strategy in the house, it was still a valid strategy. There are no rules against it and the purpose of the jury is to make it very difficult for people to do that. Nevertheless, that’s one way to approach the game. But for people like Frank, Shane, and Danielle to say that they’re never going to talk to Dan again…. SMH. Grow up people.

    • I think the wound is still too fresh for them to even consider talking to Dan again. They just need to chill out and get back to normal life and see what happens in time. I’ve got a feeling if Dumbielle was asked to do anything with Dan a year from now she’d jump at the opportunity.

      • I certainly hope so. Same with Frank and Shane. I just don’t know what they expected when they decided to play. I can almost excuse Shane since he wasn’t a fan of the show, but Frank’s reaction makes me sick. He knew what to expect, but still got all pissy at anyone that didn’t want to work with him and take him to the end. Mike Boogie showed a level of class after being evicted and at the finale that Frank could certainly learn a lot from.

      • Shame claimed that he had never watched the show BUT on live feeds he talked a LOT about previous seasons players, competitions, strategies among other things. He had definitely seen the show MANY, MANY times, knew how to play it, and knew what to expect.

      • I think you might be referring to how the house guests are given DVD’s of past seasons to watch before they enter the house.

      • ThatGuyCy, I spelled your name wrong when I replied to your previous post, but I want to let you know, you’re my favorite poster. You come across as a true fan of the game and I appreciate your well thoughtout posts.

    • Couldn’t agree more. Dan doesn’t deserve to win over Ian- if you, as a Catholic school teacher, offer your hand on the Bible and your dead grandfather’s necklace as collateral in case you’re lying, it becomes infinitely easier to get to the Final 2. The lesson we learned from Dan is that, in the BB game, you can’t backstab EVERYONE. Gotta stab a few in the front, too.

      I still think Dan is the 2nd best player to ever play the game, behind Dr. Will, and I was rooting for him to win for most of the season. Glad Ian won it though- nobody else played a good game outside of him, Dan, and Britney…and to a lesser extent Boogie.

      • I’m a huge fan of Dan. I was really disappointed when he didn’t win, but I had to take a step back and reflect on what it means. NOBODY played a better strategic game than Dan, imo.

        However, I believe he failed in his final pitch. He took full responsibility for being “up to [his] elbows in blood,” but pleaded with them saying that he had no other choice because they were all such good players. This kind of backhanded compliment is what blew his chances, I believe.

        Here’s why: he looked like a suck up.

        While Dan likely believed he was flattering the jury, they probably just heard, “I was an a-hole and it’s all your fault for being so tough to beat.” Everyone shut out the compliments as shameless pandering for votes.

        The approach I believed Dan should have taken with his speech before the finale even aired was illustrated by Wil when he said, “Dan only got to where he is because you all let him.”

        His speech should have focused on that fact that he didn’t win HOHs and Vetos, that every move he made was only possible with the help of someone else sitting in the jury. Britney is gone because Jenn used the Veto. If she didn’t, Dan would have been out. Shane was gone because Danielle used the Veto. If she didn’t, Shane could have evicted Dan (even though he was going to take him). Frank was evicted because he lost fair and square to Dan in the Veto competition. He refused to throw it. That’s the only one that was directly by Dan’s doing, but Dan was the better player that day. His speech should have deflected the animosity people had for him and made them turn around and look at each other for what had happened. At several points during the game Dan was only saved because he was successfully able to convince others to do things for him. He was rarely able to do any of those things on his own and others rightfully ought to have taken part of the responsibility for everything they’re blaming Dan for.

      • Agreed, Dan’s speech was not any good (I was especially critical of what he said to Britney), which is surprising because Dan is the master of speeches, but I doubt it would have swung 3 votes in his favor. Ian had Britney, Shane, and Frank’s vote wrapped up.

        Your proposal for a speech is way better than what Dan delivered, but still couldn’t win it for Dan in the end. He just burned too many bridges.

      • I agree with you that nothing Dan would have said at that point would have changed the outcome. He backstabbed to many people and should have thought about that part which is a crucial part of the game. How to play and win votes in the end. That is where his game fell short. I don’t blame the jury for being wrong as it is their right to vote any way they see fit. Just take Jenn’s vote. She was not voting for Dan because he won before. Each jury member has that right to vote how they want. Even Wil who did not make jury said Ian deserved the win. I think if he had made jury he would have voted for Ian because Ian was a new player.

    • I’ve been waiting for them too. All I see is the big ad announcing that it’s gonna be on from 8pm-2am tonight. Please keep me posted if you have any luck with them. :-)

      • Looks pretty lame so far! I hope it gets better. I would love to see Janelle confront Dumbielle about her lies. I know people are saying that she’s not going but I don’t know reasoning behind that. Is she scared to face the truth?

      • Painfully lame at this point but there’s still time… here’s to Hoping!! :-) & is Danielle afraid of the truth??… well Jilith, we know she was afraid to TELL the truth so she sure as hell probably wouldn’t like to face it. LOL ; ) Scary actually…

  16. I really believe Superpass and the live feeds are run by a group of high school students from the AV department.

  17. Danielle lied about her height in the house. There is no way that could be construed as game play or that the live feeders misunderstood her. I hope she takes this experience and backlash as a life lesson, but I fear it won’t happen as long as everyone makes excuses for her behavior or allows her to do so.

  18. Sounds like Danielle is a bit of a sore loser. And now she has to back up her game play….which can’t be done. She’s better off going home, kicking back and enjoying a cold one….and forgetting all the interviews and parties. The more she speaks…the more her nose grows….Pinocchio needs to clam up.

  19. “If she had won Round 3, she would have taken Shane over Dan.

    On that last one, Dan said he doesn’t believe her and thinks she’s
    trying to save face. Hard to be sure, but I think he could be right.”

    Yes, Dan did. That’s why he evicted Shane. Ian and Dani were taking Dan either way. He wanted to break up the couple, because Shane wasn’t taking him. Not sure why people are still lying when the game is over.

  20. I am so glad that she won nothing. So glad. Dan’s speech at the end did not win him any jury votes…yet Danielle wasted hers on him. And she has to live with that. Why would she be loyal to him after what had just happened to her (she found out about Ian & Dan having an F2 deal) PLUS the fact that Dan evicted Shane. Should she not have been loyal to Shane and NOT voted for Dan to win? She did not even know what it meant to backdoor someone. Her lies were worse than Dan’s in my opinion. He was trying to win the game, and she was just trying to get attention.

  21. This just in… Danielle & shane on the scene but not on the tv screen… yet!! Confirmed by Jeff Schroeder….

  22. I think everyone should lay off Dani. She obviously has had something happen in her childhood that has made her this way. She could have either been abused in some way or just never felt loved by either her mom or dad. My girl was abused by her dad and never felt loved by him. So now she always seeks approval, attention, admiration, love, etc from others. She wants everyone to love her and will often make up lies just to get sympathy and attention. She is always seeking a mans affection. And her feelings can get hurt very easily to the point of being suicidal. Danielle is exactly like that and that is why I really hope she doesn’t read the terrible things that people written and I hope that back home people leave her alone, because she can very easily become suicidal. So anyone that comes in contact with her I would ask that you have compassion and be nice to her.

  23. I wanted to like her at first. The more she shed those fake tears, & ridiculous baby voice, and then the stories started sounding like traits of a habitual liar. The things she said about her own family pushed it too far. imo. Being a teacher & not a nurse really pissed me off also. It’s sad that women like that are on tv, and young people could ever possibly be influenced by her. (a girl who says she’s real and truthful). More like delusional. I don’t hate. And she seemed to hate whoever she was mad at. Being so smart and pretty is a dangerous combo. Esp when she’s not mentally stable. She needs help asap. Not a boyfriend/husband, and not people trying to rationalize to protect her. They are only keeping her from facing reality to get the help she obviously needs. And she should NOT be on a tv show.

  24. Danielle made the dumbest move of all time by taking Dan off the block cuz she was guaranteed final 2 if she let Shane vote Ian off. You deserve what you got … donuts.

  25. I think the girl is just delusional, she also talked about how most of the girls in the house were jealous of her. She has a very high opinion of herself but pretends to have low self esteem so she can get people to constantly tell her what she likes to hear. Narcissus personality, sort of smacks of Casey Anthony in the way she thinks of herself

  26. It’s pretty obvious the Dani defenders only watched the show on CBS and none of the live feeds, BBAD, or any of the live feed updates. She told game lies (fine), exagerrated (fine), but also told many many lies of a more pathological, slanderous, and non-game-advantage variety. Before you defend her, check things out and you’ll see what everyone else (and Janelle) is talking about.
    I had sympathy for Shane because no matter what he was coming out of this game with a stalker (Dani), but now I see he can’t get over that he got “played” in a game and had no spine to defend himself during the game. He’s getting what he deserves.

  27. So why is she mad at Dan for not taking her when she says she planned on taking Shane? Sorry Danielle, confusing!

  28. The Big Brother Nomination Episodes will be on Friday night starting on July 5, the Big Brother Veto Episodes will be on Sunday night starting on July 7 and the Live Eviction and Head Of Household Episodes of Big Brother will be on Wednesday night starting on July 10, aren’t my predictions right?

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