Big Brother 13 Week 8: Who Has The Votes – Updated

Big Brother 13 Shelly

This week’s installment of who has the votes to survive on Big Brother 13 is a short one. With only three votes on the table there isn’t much divvying up to do, especially when you’ve got a lightning rod out there like we do now. Let’s look at the votes.

Rachel and Jordan control the votes with a majority. Whoever they want out will be going home. This week, no surprise, they want Shelly gone and from the looks of it, they’re going to get what they want come Thursday’s eviction.

For the past several days Rachel and Jordan have been discussing and reviewing their situation. Neither trust Shelly and are afraid she’ll manipulate them again if they give her the chance to stay. The girls feel they have a better chance of working with Adam if he stays in the house. Looks like Adam will survive yet another nomination week. Adam has now been on the chopping block FOUR times.

Shelly has offered Rachel and Jordan everything under the sun. She’ll throw the HoH comp. She’ll vote however they want. She’ll build up their trust and then dash it for little gain! No wait, she didn’t mean to say that last one.

So where does that third vote of Kalia’s stand? Late last night Kalia visited Rachel and Jordan to tell them she wanted to vote in line with them. Kalia is ready to see Shelly go home just as much as Rachel and Jordan, but by “volunteering” them her vote makes her seem more amenable to the group.

Shelly will be evicted on Thursday by a vote of 3-0. Big Jeff will get a big smile.

What do you think of the HGs’ decision? Should they keep Shelly and take her deal or stick with Adam? Considering Shelly greatly outlasted Adam in that skiing endurance competition, and knowing the Final 3 HoH comp has an endurance, I’d definitely want to be facing Adam over Shelly. But then Adam has performed better in regular competitions and there are still several of those before the finish line. Quite the gamble.

Update: Shelly has been working Rachel for votes to stay for the past hour. Flashback to 10:55AM BBT for the full conversation. Shelly is offering her deal after deal, including holding on to her diamond jewelry. Could this be just more of Rachel listening to all options before making up her mind like she did last week with Daniele?

Big Brother Live Feed Flashback time:
August 30, 2011 @ 10:55 AM BBT Cam 1
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Big Brother 13 Shelly



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    • Now, Rachel or Jordan need to win HOH and send Kalia home next. Shelly is the snake in the grass but with Kalia admitting that she abused a defenseless little dog needs to go next. Something wrong with someone that does something that cruel. Shelly this week, Kalia the following week and then Porsche because of the hateful things she said about Rachel and hitting her in the stomach. These three are just undeserving of winning. Go Team Jordan and Rachel!!!

      • was this a real dog? i missed this. if this is true someone should throw her against a wall, provided someone could actually lift her!

      • She admitted this according to the live feeds. Apparently the dog bit her and that was her reaction. I was shocked she would admit this when she knew the cameras were rolling.

      • She said it nipped her on her hand, but to throw a defenseless dog up against a wall something is wrong with this woman. Shelly, Kalia and Porsche have some serious mental issues they need to deal with when they get out of BB. BB really scraped the bottom of the barrel this year in getting people to come on this show. The veterans are the only ones that seemed to have all of their mental capabilities intact. GO TEAM JORDAN and RACHEL!!!

      • Its a dog people its not a human. I guess you guys would be okay with being attacked or bit by a dog. I guess you would care more about a dog than yourself. Speaking for someone that has been attacked by a dog, a human life is more precious than a damn animal. She didnt abuse it, she reacted from what the dog did to her first. Stop putting animal lives before humans – UGH!

      • Kalia admitted again this morning during Big Brother Live After Dark on Showtime 2 throwing the dog against the wall.

      • To Teamnewbies: There is a huge difference between getting attacked by a dog, and your own personal small dog nipping you on the hand. You cannot be serious that you think her throwing a dog against a wall because it nipped her on the hand is acceptable. SHE COULD OF KILLED IT!! THAT IS ANIMAL ABUSE and no other word for it!!!

      • I am so excited. J & R for the final 2! All others have to go, not one deserves to make it to next week. So glad there was a twist-thanks BB.

      • @teamnewbies, So you’re ok abusing a defenseless animal??? She admitted that she teases it and it’s just a little yorkie. She could of killed it but that’s ok with you because it’s not a person. Shame on you.

      • Just curious? What does throwing a dog, because he bite her…. have to do with way she plays the game? Zero. Is it ok she threw the dog? Nope. But people you can’t judge gameplay on that . People on here gossip about the BB players and cast judgement as much or more than the people who are actually playing the game. At least they have met the people they are bashing and for a reason, the prize at the end of the
        game. Try to keep in perspective. Talk about their game play and not their personal lives which you have no idea about!

      • Again, you guys are all simple for defending a dog nipping/biting or attacking its owner. I’m sure her intention wasnt to actually throw the dog against a wall, I’m sure it was her reflex from the dog bitting her. I would love to see how you guys would react to a dog “nipping” you. IT WASN’T ANIMAL ABUSE, GET OVER IT. Again, it’s just a dog. Oh and by the way I was attacked by my own dog not a random dog.

      • Don’t own a dog if you’re not prepared for it to nip you sometimes. It could have been just playing with Kalia for all we know. If her dog was just a puppy like I’m hearing, then yes, it’s animal abuse. Puppies bite.

        @TeamNewbies An animal may just be an animal to you, but to others, it could be just as important as a human.

      • @ Ihb, Thank you so much for your comment, it is so true. So many people on here are judging the players game and not wanting them to win the money because of their personal life, which is so unfair. As well as calling them all kinds of ugly names, which is unnecessary I’m sure no one on here would like for anyone to judge them not would them appreciated being criticized for how they look, eat, dress, sleep, talk etc. Again, let’s keep the focus where it should be and that’s on everyone’s game play nottheir personal lives.

      • Once again Teamnewbie you are just sounding ridiculous. A Yorkie at the most usually weight about 4 lbs. and it was not ATTACKING her as you keep stating. It nipped her which is nothing on a dog that small and would bet that her abusing something that small it probably broke bones. THERE IS NO OTHER WORD FOR IT BUT ANIMAL ABUSE. Throwing an animal that small or any animal for that matter takes a sick and cruel mind to do something so sinister. Too many mental cases on BB this summer. Hope CBS does better casting next year. KALIA is definitely an animal abuser and hope someone calls PETA because she has no right to own a pet!!!!

      • Sorry but do not want anyone cruel to win big brother. People that are abusive to any living thing do not deserve to win and when you come on BB your personal lives become a part of your social game play and sorry but Kalia, Shelly and Porsche all have problems and are not deserving of winning period!!!

      • THat comment that Teamnewbies made it was only a dog makes me want to throw up. They are a living breathing animal that hurts and feels pain just like anyone else and also do not blame your dog for attacking you. It sounds like you deserved it. Understand now why he is Teamnewbies he apparently has the same sick mentality as someone that would suggest hitting a pregnant woman with a medicine ball to make her miscarry and save her fiancee $400 or throw a 4 lb animal who is defenseless against a wall. SICK, SICK, SICK!!!

      • I just can’t get passed the dog issue, i think it is horrible that kalia thought its ok to throw a dog against the wall. I know it has nothing to do with bb, but it really show’s her true colors about having compassion for her family, yes bentley is a family member. If you behave that way towards family, look at what she might do to others, including a potential child in the future. Shake a baby to death cause its crying maybe? To me its a huge indication of her personality, and I would rather have someone win that has compassion for life, any life. I again know it has nothing to do with gameplay, it just makes me root even harder for J&R

      • It just shows me that she does not value life be it human or animal, and my thought if a tiny yorkie nips her on the hand and she throws her up against a wall what would she do to a crying baby. Would she do the same thing to the baby. Makes me sick and cannot get past it. I hope Jordan or Rachel win because they do have compassion and good hearts. I mean Jordan bought her mom a house with the money for her mom and her and her disabled brother to live in. I mean that is compassion and loved how Rachel took care of Jordan after Shelly attacked her. Both of these young women are very deserving of winning.

    • My guess is that Big Brother will tell Jeff about the threats against Shelly and her family and solicit his help in diffusing it. There won’t be any fireworks between he and Shelly when she arrives at the jury house because Big Brother will ask him not to get into it with her. They want to anger to die down before she goes home.

      • Read that both local FBI and sheriff in her hometown both say not investigating any threats against her family.

      • There are no cameras in the Jury house so why would it matter what Jeff says. He can’t difuse anything. Shelley did all of this herself so she will have to figure out how to get out of it. I don’t believe for a nano second that there have been death threats against her family. BB would have told Shelley this and given her the chance to self evict and go protect’s all a LIE…just like everything Shelley has said since day one in the BB house!!!

    • Shelly is always concerned for her daughter’s well being. I’ll then assume she leaves the room whenever she smokes to protect her from second hand smoke. That being the case, the poor child probably couldn’t pick out her mother in a lineup. Shelly’s always saying Rachel has no class. Rachel has more class in one silicone boob than Shelly has in her entire body. To those who defend Shelly citing “game play”, I would suggest this has nothing to do with game play and everything to do with the face that she comes across as a despicable human being.

  1. All I can say is one word. Yes. The only thing better would be a great plan for all of them to tell Sheckle/Hyde that they are keeping her. They have thought about it and have decided to make it all girls and vote out Adam. Then she feels so safe thinking she is staying. Thursday night, Julie says by a vote of 3 to 0, Adam….. you are safe. Just a little payback would be awesome. Wish I could tell them my plan. What do you think?

    • i have said that all week……oh how i’d love to see the look on her face and would love to be a little bird when jeff see’s her come in the jury house!

    • like this plan shelly goes from the biggest grin to the biggest wah wah of the night but to make it seem real dont tell adam have him think that is the plan so when he heres by a vote of 3-0 he starts to congratulate shelly then heres the news shelly you have been evictred pacvk your bags meanwhile is jumping for joy

      • Actually I’m watching her sitting outside by herself right now. She looks miserable. I think not knowing is killing her more. I’m finally getting to enjoy her misery.

  2. Lot of folks complain about floaters. Everybody tries to get out the biggest competition and leave the floaters alone. Then one of those question and answer competitions comes up, a floater wins, and another big competitor goes out the door. Next thing you know you’re left with a bunch of floaters. The so called “players” ought to weed out the floaters first, then go mano on mano with each other and let the best man or woman win. Then maybe then we can get some integrity back in this game.

    • I know the floaters woke up here. Kalia, Porsche, Adam and Shelly. They have been riding on others’ back. Now Rachel and Jordan are left. They should pick these kids off. If these newbies weren’t so star struck, they could have had this game. Next time, just let newbies play, no vets. Maybe some one will be smart and pick floaters off in the beginning!

      • Kalia is not a floater. She’s been playing the game. Jordan’s more of a floater than she is. Love it, Jordan wins one comp and she a player, Kalia wins two and she’a floater. HUH? I don’t even like Kalia but the truth is the truth. Porshe is even less of a floater thatn Jordan now. Shelly played a great game, she had that house fooled and played a part in a few evictions. Adam, well we all know.

      • I agree Gene, Kalia has been playing the game, she wasn’t given the opportunity to get a “golden key”, she’s been playing and will continue to play, she could very well win the entire comp. Jordan has been riding Jeff’s back. Even Porshe said in the beginning when they decided to vote Keith out that she had wanted to p,ay not receive a key and sit around for 4 weeks to do nothing.

    • but th thing is….. u don’t kno who th floaters r at th beginin of th game… Porsha was a floater, but is now proving that she is a competator…. even tho I don’t like her….. Jordan has floated, that’s a given, but she is a sweetheart but she donnt deserve to win twice, especially when she ain’t done nuttin…. i’d like Adam to win, coz he is th only person who hasn’t lied or backstabbed… he’s th real straight shooter… nevr once has he committed to sumthin & back stabbed

      • Jordan is not a floater. She has been on the same side all season & DID win her HOH comp. Just b/c two members of her team chose to give it to her we don’t know if they could have won anyway. She beat all the previous competitors.She bought a home for her mom & brother with her winnings last time. If she won this time it would be a good start for her and Jeff.

      • Actually, Jordon is NOT a floater. A floater is a person (Adam) that goes from alliance to alliance with each shift in power. Jordon has stayed true to her alliance from the very beginning. With that said, I understood your point, and its well received.

      • Jordan may not be a true floater, but she sure hasn’t done anything but ride Jeff, Rachael and Brendens coat tails. She’s a nice girl, but has done nothing to deserve winning. The only reason she’s there is the star facter. Another reason this season sucks the worse.

      • Porshe is still a horrible competitor. She got lucky with the clown feet and the majority of the strong competitors are gone so she doesn’t have much to compete against. Her social game is pathetic and her main reason for being their is to try and get famous…she thinks she is the next Janell…NOT! She is going to be dissapointed when she watches the videos of the shows and see’s how bad she looks in her WAY TO SMALL bikini and her very wide bottom half!!!

    • Brian, I agree 100%. Everyone is complaining about “floaters”, but they created the floaters. The Vets got rid of Keith, Cassi and Dominic because they saw them as their biggest comp and allowed Porshe, Adam and Shelly to coast thru to the final 5 and now tha the Newbies are picking them off one by one, the Vets want to complain and say that they did nothing all summer long. Make up your mind either you want to compete with a competitor or you want to sit back and not have to work hard to get to the end. I really hope a Newbie wins so that all of the Vets will humble themselves.

      • Am I the only one who remembers that whole “gold key” thing?They werent floating, they just werent allowd to play. Once the keys were over Dani broke into the game like a mad dog.Too bad I never liked her,but she won 2 out of 3 HOH As soon as they let her play.

      • No Amy you’re not, but my point is that the same people the vets are complaining about not doing anything all summer long are the same individuals they cherry picked to not do anything. They could have kept Cassi, Keith and Dom over the other 3, but they chose not to because they thought the ones they kept would be easier to beat. But then turn around and say they did nothing all summer long – it’s just very hypocritical if you ask me

    • Brian I think that was the plan until Dani decided that she wanted Dom and started talking about backdooring Jeff.

    • @Nadine I agree with you regarding this game and newbies against the vets. Ridiculous concept from the beginning and truly not fair to the newbies from the beginning. Let the vets play in an All Star game and lets see how well they would do.

      @Gene I agree with you Kalia, Porche and Shelly have won comps and nobody gives them any credit for their wins. Even a little while ago Rachel when talking to Adam about Kalia’s HOH said she knew all the rest of the questions except for the PT one which knocked her out. Adam is like you said just Adam. Saying he has to win the next HOH – I think he has said that before every competition. He said he is always fighting hard. I agree with you the truth is the truth.

      • @Gail, Nadine and Gene – all good points! The vets should not have been allowed to come back and play. Stupid concept right from the start. The Duo Twist was also stupid and then they actually brought it back this week. Kalia, Porsche and Dani have all three been outstanding players this season. They each won comps when needed. They are all excellent clutch players. Adam is the all-time floater because he has not won ANYTHING and is still in the house. When Jordan talked of evicting floaters, he should have definitely been on her radar, along with Lawon. Jordan did win HOH and has done absolutely nothing since then. She has not won HOH nor has she won a POV comp. And Rachel either. Best two on the block, since Jordan and Rachel won POV are Adam and Shelly. Shameful part is that they will probably evict Shelly, who IMHO, is a better player than Adam. Adam, IMHO, has done nothing but brown-nose Jeff and Jordan the entire season! It would serve them right if Adam is not evicted and somehow makes it to the end and wins the money without winning anything until the very end of the game.

  3. In the words of Montgomery Gentry “Long gone, done me wrong, never coming back (Shelly’s) gone!” See ya Shelly!

  4. Good times in the jury house. First Dani sends Brendan out and then he gets to see Dani come in. Jeff sends Dani out and then she gets to see Jeff come in. Shelly betrays Jeff and now he will most likely get to see Shelly come in. Boy, talk about karma. :)

    • OH NO I hope that doesnt mean Rachels next.I was over her with all that crying but now that shes back Im rooting for her again.I just hope they get Kalia & Porsha out of there ,that way those who won the most will win Rach $500 thou & Jordan $50 thou, my hopes any way

    • @ mistrman-lol, yes karma is somethin else and that jury house will be a hot mess. funny how the tables turn

  5. Luv ya like a father Jordo. Paybacks a bitch Shelly. You made it personal. Jeff was cool like usual and she screwed or tried to screw them over. Now the bridge and the friendships are over.

    • So, I suppose you think Shelly should have given the game to Jeff? I used to like him, but he really whinned a lot this year.

      • He was frustrated that no one was really trying to play the game but him!!! Jeff will win America’s Favorite Player…hands down!!!

    • Lisa, what were the newbies supposed to do? They were forced to lay down. Cassie, Dom, Kieth wanted to play the game and the vets booted them because they got scared when they got called out. Jeff’s just mad because because when they saw thier chance, they wiped him out.

  6. Since Big Brother is full of twists, they should have another pandora’s box where, if the HOH accepts the gift, it would return Big Jeff to the game!!! What a blast that would be

  7. I have been all for Shelly going home this week because, face it…she deserves to go. I still have to wonder if it would be best to keep her this week though, because after they all sat down and compared notes yesterday everyone knows you can’t trust her stories. If she comes in and says, “Rachel said…blah, blah, blah!”, it’s not likely anyone would give it any credence. Adam, on the other hand, would most likely still go after Rachel with a nomination or a vote to send her home even though he pledged his alliance again. I want to see Rachel in the F2, so this is where my opinion is coming from. I still think Rachel or Jordan have to win HOH in order for Rachel to be safe next week.

  8. Porsche and Kalia just wake up, well Porsche anyways and she thinks she’s going to win? No Way
    Nice body, but conceded and greediness gets you nowhere. She’s 20 something an she get’s a Boob Job. Wait til she has kids, then do it.
    What about the others that have worked all season to win this game. One of them deserve it. Even if it’s…. well Rach.

    Freedom of Speech

    • FYI…Rachel, Cassi, and Jordan have boob jobs, and Kalia wanted to make sure she was on the show long enough to pay for one. LOL

      • @Jennifer and Amy – great minds talk about ideas and small minds talk about people. you two, along with others and their petty name-calling, must have minds the size of an ant! Get a grip and get a life and stop making this game so personal. Kalia is an intelligent woman and it seems to just rub you guys the wrong way. et ahold of yourselves and stop being so frickin’ jealous!!!

      • @Jennifer and Amy – great minds talk about ideas and small minds talk about people. You seem to have minds the size of an ant! Get a frickin’ grip, please!!!!!!!

      • Um, What? Guess what? YOU are talking about PEOPLE. Tsk tsk, are you inferring that you have a small mind? I just wondered.

    • Steve…have you seen the lower half of Porshe’s body? If that’s a good body, I hope to never ever have that…ewwwww!!!

      • Porsche is much, much smaller than the average woman in our country. What exactly is so gross about the way she looks?

      • Exactly right Kaylee regarding Porche. Jordan and Rachel already had boob jobs before their seasons. Jordan is 24 now and she played two years ago. Rachel is 25 now. So what’s the difference? Also, Kalia wanted a job that would fix her boobs as she says they hang to much. Not to make them bigger as the others have. Jordan told Adam she went to big and wants another one to make them smaller.

    • I have the same hope of the final two as Jeff when he was interviewed. I would like to see Adam and Jordan as the final two. Yes I know Adam has been a “floater” but I don’t really care, he made it to the finals. Also of all the people left, he and Jordan have shown themselves to be the least nasty of the remaining contestants.

  9. Yea Jen. They still have to control things cuz Adam’s a loose cannon and Kalia/Dumptruck butt are devious

      • I think maybe we will see Dani’s and Jeff’s arrivals at the house on Wednesday as they will have time to fill after the POV ceremony. On thursday they have the live vote and
        an HOH competition to play. I think it more likely we will see footage from the Jury house wednesday.

      • Porsche is far from “terribly out of shape.” I certainly haven’t seen “lots of dimples in her lower half,” but even if she does have them, cellulite is genetic and the vast majority of women have it, even the thinnest, most in shape ones.

  10. What I wanna see happen is Jordon or Rachel get HOH..Kalia and Porsche on the block..Adam will be a vote..Kalia and Porsche will turn on each other and rat each other out to Adam..Poor Adam..He just found out that Shelly has been playing him and then he gets the news that K/P have been using him too..What’s a man to do?? That entire week would be such good would be sooo funny to watch Kalia and Porsche scrambling for his vote…lol

    • THAT WOULD BE PERFECT!!! Cannot wait to see kalia and porsche turn on each other. That would make for a very interesting week both on the feeds and the live show. Lets hope it happens and either Jordan or Rachel win HOH!!!!!

    • I’d like to see that too if only to see Adam finally have to make a decision that might offend another player. He is so paranoid about losing jury votes that this scenario would be a bad predicament for him to be in. He can say what he wants about controlling his own fate but I think he’d be most comfortable if somebody else had to make the decision (albeit hopefully in his favour) and he escapes the situation without angering anyone.

      • Adam comes on screaming like a head banger all set to do whatever he had to to win, saw the vets walk threw the dood and whatever happenedto him I dont know he coasted through the rest of the show like he was on roller skates,”dont want to upset anybody” Sorry buy that dosent equal a win. Or is it just me?

      • If Jordan or Rachael win HOH and put Kalia and Porsche on the block and after veto noms are the same, even if one of them gets Adams vote there is also Rachael or Jordans vote so it’s not like he is voting on his own. It will be two votes.

  11. hope the final three are adam rachel and jordon with rachel winning it this time as annoying as she can be she dies come to play the came and after what porsche said to her about her baby porsche and kalia should hold hands walking the plank into the jury house pool

  12. But, what WILL the house do w/o Mr. Clean??? Oh well, Mr Clean will take care of the jury house. All is well.

  13. Rachel and Jordan should tell Kalia that they are voting Adam out, and that she should vote him out too, so when the results come back 2-1… Shelly will still be gone, but Adam will feel a bit more confident with Rachel and Jordan and be more against the other side.

    • kdawl, I agree with you 100% if i was in the house thats exactly what i would do. It would show Adam that Rachel and Jordan will be on his side. He would know who he can trust. I hope that really happens.

  14. I wish we had a feed or clips from the jury house like in Survivor, which starts soon by the way.

      • The facebook sight is NOT making threats.Just a bunch of people venting. No threats though & none of them agree with bringing her family into it.

    • ARE KIDDING ME??? All the HG’s have been given some kind of nickname and I mean all of them…What is ur deal???

  15. Porsche needs to be the next one to go..My ideal is this: Jordan wins HOH and puts up Kalia and Porsche. Rachel wins POV and keeps them the same. Adam votes to keep Porsche, Rachel votes to keep Kalia and tie goes to Jordan who votes out Porsche because she knows Adam and her are tight. Then, the next HOH Rachel or Adam wins, puts up Kalia and Rachel, Rachel wins POV and takes herself off and the other goes up. Kalia goes home. Final 3 are Jordan Rachel and Adam….I think this makes it a Rachel win for BB13!!

    • It sounds good except I see Jordan winning. Look at all the Nudes she left you last time. lol

      • the way I see votes in scenarios:

        Rachel v Jordan:
        R: Brendon, Dani, Porsche, Kalia
        J: Jeff, Shelly and Adam

        Rachel v Adam:
        R: Brendon, Dani, Kalia, Jordan, Jeff
        A: Shelly, Porsche

        Adam v Jordan:
        A: Brendon, Rachel, Dani, Porsche
        J: Jeff, Shelly, Kalia

        and for giggles:

        Kalia v Jordan:
        K: Dani, Brendon, Rachel, Porsche
        J: Jeff, Adam, Shelly

        Kalia v Rachel:
        K: Dani, Porsche, Adam, Shelly
        R: Brendon, Jeff, Jordan

        Kalia v Adam:
        K: All of them

      • @doni, If Rachel and Jordan are not in final 2 together and only one of them is than all three of the others in jury will vote for the one in final 2. Jeff, Jordan, Brendon will vote for Rachel and same as Jeff, Brendon and Rachel vote for Jordan. They will only need one other vote.

  16. I think if jorchal was smart they’d tell kalia they’re voting out Adam…then really vote out Shelly, so adam can see that korsche is willing to sen him home at their say so.

  17. Not sorry to see you go Shelly, you played the newbies for a fool the first half of the season to help your special friend Jordon so good riddance.

    • It makes me sick to see how Shelly is acting around Rachel and especially Jordan. To try and keep her. I’ll be so happy when then say thay shelly is evicted from the BB house. She will probably get bood as she walks out the door.

    • OMG!!!!! Did you see how Sheldon went b4 Rachel and Jordan to plead her case?!! Telling them that she swears on God, her husband and her daughter that if they vote to keep her, she will take them to F3 and how she doesn’t want Kalia, Adam or Porsha to win….then going into DR and saying that there is no way that she’ll hand the money to Rachel or Jordan!!!!! SSSssss..SNAKE!!!!

  18. shelly will always vote with kalia and porsch and can’t be trusted what so ever. adam will vote whats best for him. he will sit back and watch the girls fight it out. he will not try and win hoh. kalia has to beat rach and jordon in next hoh or she will be gone.odds are kalia will follow shelly out the door.i hope that at least. if rach reaches the finals, she will win by a 4-3 vote. even if its against jordon. even dani would vote rach first if the others will not.

  19. In case Dani Or some other nightmare happens and someone gets back. It’s season of Twists remem

  20. If they would STOP and THINK they would keep Shelly- because everyone could beat her in the end. this is a game to win 500,000k why not put the odds in your conner. Rachel is already talking to Porcha about teaming up she (Rachel) should know she can’t beat Jordon. NO one can beat Jordon in thed end. But all season I’v yet to see good choice made everyones playing with emotions and their brains. Hate Shelly or not she’s got the house going and each and everyone was fooled by her. AND before you start yelling EVERYONE knew she couldn’t be trusted and yet they told her everything and got mad. She was playing everyone and they just went along with it. So she hurt Jordons feelings so what IT’S A GAME.

    • Shelley is so manipulative that they are concerned that her actions will be construed as good game play by the jury. And, don’t forget she was responsible for removing a huge threat (Jeff) from the game. If the jury members are not voting emotionally there is an outside chance she may be rewarded (God forbid)!

    • Playing a game is one thing but playing the “I am the most honest person in the game” and getting caught in most of the lies is another. That’s how some people play apparently but she took it one step further and became a THEIF and when confronted, she lied about it. That’s when she took it too far and she should have been repremanded by BB for stealing someone else’s property! Shelley is pathetic!!!

  21. Question Re: Adam: who else thinks he can win HOH but has not because he is waiting until the last 4 when he can better control who will go to final 3 or even wait until final 3 so he decides who goes with him to the jury room – I think he has been a sleeper – if he has he has played a great game.

    • I think Adam is hoping that one of the others will take him to the final two because they think they can beat him. That being said, I wouldn’t be surprised if he does win a HOH but only if he feels he needs to.

      • since he is a floater he will wait and see who wins HOH on thursday and then go to that side
        Unless either Jor or P gives it to him and then he might stay with which ever side as given it to him

      • I’ve always wondered if Adam was only faking not winning so he could pull out a physical or mental challenge when he absolutely had to.

  22. Is Shelly a transsy? I swear she has all the man moves down and I have yet to see a glimpse of female behavior Just sayin

  23. I guess this game is getting old to me.I havent even read the posts in two days.Im tried reading go Rachel ,go Jordan,why dont you say go Colts.That be so much better lol

  24. Am I the only one that thinks shelly was born male? and the way she just loves Jordan is getting creepy.

    • I don’t think that would be possible seeing as she has borne a child – LOL.

      I think one of the things that makes her seem more mannish is her deep, raspy voice which is the result of chain-smoking for several years.

      I agree with you somewhat about her fixation on Jordan but that could just be gameplay. As sweet as Jordan is she is a bit naive and Shelly may be trying to take advantage of that.

  25. Why is everyone so upset about Shelly…did you guys forget BIG Jeff gave his word to Dani and then backstabed her!! Jeff yelled and got upset everytime someone played their own game and not his! The only floater I see is Jordan, she won one thing and that was given to her. It’s a game people!!!

    • No, Dani wanted to back door Jeff way before he turned on her. That is why he turned on her. Dani made the first move!

    • Jay, they don’t care about what Jeff does because apparently he’s a saint and can do no wrong. I’m with you, he gave his word to Dani and then crossed her. He threw the veto comp so that he wasn’t forced to make a decision. But he’s the same person that says that he’s there fighting for his team yet he wasn’t even willing to try to save Brendon. And while Dani may have tried to get him out 1st afterwards she gave him her word twice that he would not be her target for the weeks she was HOH and she kept her word, him on the other hand backdoored her. Glad his gone, now hopefully he can get his head out his own a$*.

  26. kalia, throwing a dog against a wall.I’m glad I’m not your dog.I have two german shepherds and would never raise a hand to them.treat all animals with kindness. you may come back as a dog!!!

  27. In the end not only are Rachel and Jordan controlling what’s left of this game – they will be pivotal in the Jury house too (if they ever go there). Essentially, they can determine where 4 votes are going to go…they should make the remaining players understand that. I would cut the next HOH a deal that if that player does not nominate either of them, then (as long as they are not sitting next to them in the final two), they will make sure that person has 4 votes to win.

  28. Now more than likely ShellHE will be going to the Jury House who is going to clean the bathrooms in the BB House? ShellHE will now be cleaning everything in the Jury House. And Dani will finally have someone to talk to.

  29. Question- Does Kalia ever shut her mouth? Poor Jordan and ,well, everyone sits there and patiently listens to her incessant arrogant, self-absorbed rantings! She drives ne absolutely nuts and that whole puppy thing was just icing on the cake! I guarrantee that in her vapid ,self centered little mind she thinks she has a huge fan base and will definitely win the game.Right now she’s annoying me more than Shelly and I never thought that could be possible! UGH!!

    • VERY well said. So tired of yapper mouth talking with her mouth full of food..and you’re right…incessant yapping at that! LEAVE already. After Shelly.

  30. So tired of the guys in this game.
    Adam has been a dodo. Brendon and Jeff were bullies. Jordan already won the big money once. She only came this time to “spend the summer with Jeff” which was said multiple of times. How dare anyone ruin their “summer together”. And what has she done – 1 HOH in the beginning. She just sits around twirling her hair and looking in the mirror. Again, this really has been the worst BB in a while. There are usually a couple I would like to see win. But this time, I can’t stand any of them. And I just want this season to go away and hope for a better season next time. Too bad.

    • Agreed with Lisa and Karen! No one is forcing anyone else to watch.

      Additionally, only one person left (Rachel) has won more than 2 things, so it’s not as if Jordan is that far behind. I also keep reading the argument (not on this particular thread, but in other discussions on this site and elsewhere on the web) that Porsche is good at competitions because she has come in second several times. Jordan has also come in second quite a few times (i.e. the last two HOH comps).

    • Honestly, no one has been a bully more than Shelly. Shelly came after him screaming and he even said “look I’m not raising my voice!” I think Brengon and Jeff are just honest and direct and because they’re big guys they’re considered bullies. I think a true bully is the way Shelly, Kalia, and Porsche behave. They are the “Mean Girls” of high school! The way they talk about Rachel, hide her things, gossiped about whether she was pregnant leads me to believe that they are somehow jealous of her! Their behavior is beyond immature and I believe the way you act on the showcases your true personality because after awhile, I’m sure you forget the cameras are even there.

      • While I don’t condone anyone talking about someone else, you forgot to mention how Rachel was acting when she 1st came into the house. The main reason she got rid of Cassi was because she was jealous of her. Jeff and Brendon have both yelled in females faces so to me you are a bully when you’re yelling at someone smaller than you to intimidate them. Talking about someone behind their back is not bullying, it’s only bullying when it’s being done to someone’s face and making them feel bad. Shelly probably started yelling at Jeff 1st because she know how Jeff is so instead of allowing him to yell at her she yelled at him 1st – lol.

  31. So tired of the guys in this game.
    Adam has been a dodo. Brendon and Jeff were bullies. Jordan already won the big money once. She only came this time to “spend the summer with Jeff” which was said multiple of times. How dare anyone ruin their “summer together”. And what has she done – 1 HOH in the beginning. She just sits around twirling her hair and looking in the mirror. There are usually a couple I would like to see win. But this time, I can’t stand any of them. And I just want this season to go away and hope for a better season next time. Too bad.

  32. Oh, more bs is flying out of Shelley’s mouth to Rachel. Thank heaven Rachel is not buying her typical speech of how she looks out for everyone…you’ve made your own grave Shelly. No-one buys your rhetoric anymore. Shelly loves to ask questions…same old same old. They’re all on to you girlfriend…your dirty tricks are old and worn out. Enjoy yourself in the jury house. They’re on to you too. Of course, you’ll go lie to them too. And, shame on them if they believe you!

    • The thing is Shelly’s game is over because she doesn’t have a partner left it the house.
      Jeff’s game is still on as long as Jordan is still in the house, as is Brendan’s game as long as Rachael is in the house. They now have to start soliciting votes for there beloveds in case they make it to final 2. Not sure that he is going to fued with Shelly when she gets to the house. Makes more sense to smooze her and garner her vote.

    • For all you Shelley haters out there… Rachel just told Shelly that she, without a doubt had played the best game of anyone in the house. She says you have lied, you have manipulated, but we all have you have just done it the best. You are by far the player in this game.

      • I doubt it cause rachel’s definition of good gamer is someone who competes not lies. if she DID say it she was probably schmoozing her for her jury vote. Also she got caught big time she has to be one of the worst players she should’ve carried on till final 5 and do it then honestly if she wanted to flip. This was too soon.

      • While I don’t respect Shelly in this game, I’ll admit that she’s played one of the best games in the house. The only problem was that she didn’t know when to make her best “big” move and that’s what screwed her over. If she had kept Jeff and THEN sided with Kalia/Porsche in secret, she could’ve used her manipulative social game to her advantage. Until she voted out Jeff, I would’ve compared her to Enzo from last year because he definitely had the best social game, hands down. He didn’t screw anyone over, it’s just wasn’t picked for the final 2. Shelly wouldn’t have been picked if it was Jejo in top 3, but she didn’t need to split them up THIS soon when she still could’ve kept manipulating everyone. Just too early of a move. (Btw, I like enzo better as a social player. He manipulated by being a great person and enjoyable, rather than sneaking around and making deals left and right)

      • Well she DID say it… I have no idea weather she was just schmoozing her or being genuine. But then neither do you. But it WAS said.the two of them outside by themselves just talking.

  33. I cannot believe everybody is hoping Rachel wins
    she is the most devious, cunning, vain and awful
    person, so far everyone is a bitch in her eyes.
    It takes on to know one I cannot stand her whining voice. Sorry everyone

    • I agree and she has the nerve to call other people evil and mean. That bs about no one come between her and her man. This is a game you can’t get mad at people because they are trying to win.

    • I still am hoping that she doesn’t win. She’s annoying and whiny. People are just on her side now because she’s putting on her sad face.
      Can you imagine if she actually won BB? She would make it known that she spent her winnings on her and her so called fiance’s sham of a wedding.

      • Am telling you they won’t get married if she wins-she’ll be back in vegas and her old way before Brendon knows what happens.

    • ITA Lilah. People seem to have just overlooked what she did to Dani just before Dani left and the nasty good-bye speech. Rachael hasn’t changed she just knows that she has to play it safe in order to make it to the end.

    • I think the way the other women (not including Jordan) have acted toward Rachel on the live feeds has gained her a lot of sympathy. Being cunning and devious in the game is one thing, but stealing someone’s things and saying you hope to have a challenge in which you can throw medicine balls at her so she will miscarry is quite another.

      Odd that you list cunning as one of her negative qualities, I think it’s a great quality to have as a gameplayer in BB.

    • So true. I’ve mentioned this in other people’s post who constantly talk about KSP. Rachel came in and immediately went on the attack, she got rid of Cassi because of jealousy (Cassi is a beautiful woman and Rachel couldn’t have that around “her man”-lol). She’s just as mean as the next, she’s just acting different so that she can get to the end and because Brendon told her to. If Brendon was still there or didn’t tell her to chill out she would still be acting the same way.

  34. I think it’s a better idea to keep Adam. Anyone who brings him to final 2 will win. He has no hope in hell in getting any votes from the jury. As of right now, all the people in the Jury House are ones who cote for game play – hating floaters. And Adam is the biggest floater of them all. Along with Shelly and Porsche. Atleast (and it huts me to say this because I don’t like them) Kalia and Rachel played, won, and stayed on one side. I want Jordan to win. She’s been playing and she’s a good person. So I hope she takes Adam to final two.

    The only problem with that is that Adam will win the 2nd place prize…which he SO doesn’t deserve.

    • If Jordan takes Rachel to the final 2 I think she will win also, if she takes Kalia she may not, just saying because you mentioned those two.

      • Yah, she may win against Rachel. And even though I don’t like Rachel, I’d rather her win 2nd place than Adam to be honest.

  35. Kalia never stops talking she is so rude when she talks with food in her mouth & cuts in the middle of other HG’s conversation’s. I was rooting for team Dani but now if P/A/J/R win it would be fine with me. On BBAD last night it was so funny how Shelly was upset with Kalia’s arrogents. Shelly comes off as a little bit racist. Kalia is very book & street smart she’s from Philly and lived in N.Y. and now L.A. My point is even after Shelly backstabbed J&J she really hates Kalia. Kalia is too uppity for Shelly’s southern style. Dani was able to convince her to vote for & get rid of Kalia that was easy(she hates k). Dani told her she could never compete with J&J (true). Shelly is a ignorant woman and Kalia has many issues as well about her race I found it funny how she voted to get rid of keith & allowed Lawon her own team mate(he was useless but he was a vote for team Dani) to be put on the block when she should have put Jordan up as a pawn to get rid of Rachel. K acts like she worship’s Jordon. Kalia is foolish unless she works for CBS and is doing what they want her to do.

  36. Why has this game become so personable. The object is to be one of the last two people there by any means necessary and get the jury votes. Jordon has won one HOH, Adam one POV, Shelly nothing, Porshe HOH, POV, Kalia 2 HOH Rachel nothing Who is real the floaters riding coat tails Rachel, Jordan, Shelly, Adam,Porshe and Kalia none of these people have really played the game. You might not like her but Shelly played the people in the house like a fiddler her game was to be a rat play both sides against the middle be in the final two and get some money If you relly are honest she has played a game to be where she is the only bad thing is she didn,t help herself by not winnig HOH or the POV when she really needed to.

    • If I am reading your post correctly you are suggesting Rachel has not won anything. Two HOH’s and a very important Power of veto this week. I am not a Rachel fan, but she is doing as well as anyone in comps she was allowed to play in.

    • Are my eyes playing tricks on me? Did you JUST type that Rachel has won nothing??? She won the first HOH, and JUST won the latest POV! (Note: Rachel is not my first pick to win. Just correcting the record.)

      • Sorry dont have a cow she still has been a liar, backstabber like the rest of the house except for Adam

      • I really don’t think Rachel has lied or backstabbed much. She has been aligned with Jordan and Jeff since the beginning. She talked to others about possibly changing her allegiance and entertained a few ideas with Brendon, but in the end, she has stayed loyal.

    • Wrong. Rachel has won 2 HOH’s and 1 POV. Are you sure you’re watching the same show?

    • Not sure what show you are watching but the difference with Shelly is that she will lie and then go into the Diary Room and deny being a liar. You can’t have it both ways. The woman is dispicable and it’s time for her to go. Rachel has always said she would do whatever it took to get to the end. At least she owns it. although Rachel isn’t my pick to win but right now we are scrapping the bottom of the BB barrell.

  37. I love it that Shelly is going to be OUT!!! She has lied and manipulated and shamed herself and her family for nothing in the end!!! I cannot beleive she took the phone call from Jordan and then back stabbed her within a few days. She is a horrible, disgusting, manipulative person and she is going to have alot of explaining to do with her daughter… poor kid.

  38. I’m curious, does anyone like Shelly???? I am so glad she’s outta here, bitch! OMG, everything about her is annoying!!! The show will be so much better to watch with her not there.

    • Honestly, I don’t even mind Shelly all that much. Sure she lies, and appears to be a bit crazy, but at least she takes the camera away from Kalia’s odd facial expressions.

    • yes I like her game play I don’t know her personally. Everyone wants to blame her for the other house guest stupity-they didn’t have to believe her even when they found out what she was doing. Yes lets blame her for everthing. This game would of been BORING without her playing each player.

  39. If Adam stays I’ll bet he’ll throw another HOH comp because he thinks he’s safe with both sides. Once again floating. Give this guy a life vest!

    • Off course think about it he is relatvily safe from both sides because he is not the main target
      If either R or J win the want K or P out and he will go on as the replacement if one wins veto
      Same scenario if K win HOH because P cannot ply Rand J are going up one wins vet he goes up as a pawn
      what ever majority is left there is were he will again float to

    • I do not think Adam will throw anything, he just won’t win. He atleast floats with class. He will shake his head to what ever you are saying, but he rarely verbalizes anything that could annoy anyone as much as Shelly. Shelly not only floated her way to this point, she drown in her own web lies without help from anyone else.

  40. Our local NC CBS affiliate just announced this Thursday’s live show will not air until Friday at 2 am. Another Pre-season Carolina Panther’s football game will be on. Why oh why??? We missed last week
    ‘s very exciting live show and for what? The Panther’s got whipped again. Not that this week’s vote will be all that “shocking”, but I would still like to see it Live.

  41. I like Rachel. She is just as good a person as Jordon and she actually has a brain. Jordon only won her year because Jeff carried her all the way. Jeff has a nasty temper. Rachel saved porche when the newbies were after her. She also warned Jeff about Dani. And her reward for all this is Brendon gets the boot and everyone treats her like crap. I’m glad Shellie will be going to jury house. Hopefully, the skank sisters P/K will follow her. Rachel is the most deserving of final 2 and win. No doubts on that.

      • she is to jordan he may say she will dothings against her but she has been nothing but loyal to jordan and jeff and their alliance\

      • Agreed (with rachelfan, cath, and bev). Sure, Rachel has thought about betraying JJ and has talked over different scenarios with Brendon (and now, with herself). But, ultimately she has remained true to her alliance and has kept her word.

    • Jeff didn’t carry Jordan all the way. Jeff left before Jordan. And Jordan won the important last two HOH’s. She chose who to take to final two with her, and she won.

      If I remember correctly, in the 2nd to last HOH, she got all of the answers correct. And in the last HOH, Julie asked a question where a number was the answer — Jordan was 1 off. She therefore came closest to that number and won a final 2 seat. Jordan isn’t stupid, and she does play the game. I believe she wins when she’s under extreme pressure.

      • Emma did you make a mistake? Jordan did not win the last two and most important HOH’s. Kalia won the question HOH and Porche won the next HOH and the veto. Jordan won the golf HOH which was way back in the beginning of the season. Giving her one and only one HOH. The reason she is where she is right now is because Rachel won the last veto which was played as couples and Rachel and Jordan played together.

    • Not a Rachel fan, but still she seems to have worked the hardest for the entire game. She has managed to change things about her game that make her more flexible going forward. At this moment she is the strongest physical performer in the house. She is determined and is starting to taste the “$” for the big wedding!!! Good Luck to Rachel.

    • I like her too. I really hated her last season and in the beginning of this season she was extremely annoying. Specially when she didn’t win everything. But since Brenden has been gone she’s a lot better. I can honestly say she has fought for her spot right now unlike Kalia, Porch, Shelly, and Adam. The newbies straight up let the vets fight and get rid of each other so they can get further.

      Rachel also has had a HUGE target on her back since day one and she’s still standing. Go Rach!

    • She did all that for her game not because she’s a good person!! She may be a good person but I haven’t seen it.

  42. Let me start off by saying, I was, still am, and always will be Team Daniele. But I still understood Jeff’s reason for voting Daniele out. This is a game, and he did exactly what he had to do in order to move on in the game. She was an obstacle for him, the same way Brendon was for Dani. I do find it very entertaining however that Dani took out Brendon, and then followed him to the Jury house. That Jeff took out Dani, and then followed her to the Jury house. And in many ways, Shelly was the one that took out Jeff (by turning on him… which was a game move, not a personal move) and she’s going to be following him to the Jury house.

    • Yea every single player that made a big move has gone the week after
      Maybe sleeping for 51 days is the way to go in this game at least this season

    • It kinda sucks that this is true. Shouldn’t these players who are actually playing the game still be standing? Floater just..agh aggravate me.

    • Very true Sara. Wow!!! If that is the case then which one follows Shelly to the jury house. Rachel or Jordan? ha!

      • Porcha, because SHE is the greedy one that opened Pandora’s box causing this wonderful turn of events! Even though Rach/Jord won POV, I say lets give Porcha credit for this excellent op to kick Shelly to Jury House! GO F2 Jordan & then WIN!!!

    • I agree with you Sara and I too am Team Dani. The other funny thing is Brendon, Rachel, Jeff and Jordan were all against floaters and yet they forgot that. Of course they made sure to have what they deemed floaters in their alliance to do the dirty work (Shelly) and Adam (I guess for votes). They were still just using them for what suited them. IMO the vets were given all the advantages over the newbies and yet as of today 4 newbies remain. I would have much rather seen an All Star game to truly see just how good/bad these people are. This whole concept was wrong from the beginning for me.

      • I agree this season hasn’t been all that much fun and the fans are getting out of line with the name calling and talking about their families—- get a grip it’s a GAME. THEIR GAME NOT YOUR OR BB.

      • I agree with Gail, the whole concept was wrong. I believe that the game plan for most of the vets, but whan Dani tried to backdoor Jeff and he found out about the plan, everything got shifted and they all had to focus on getting out the stronger HG that could win HOH & POV and worry about floaters later. There are floaters, but there are also HG some people call floaters that are just playing a different kind of game, which is obvious if you have “live feed”.

      • I also think there’s a chance (however small it might be) that, if they (JR) keep Adam, they find themselves on the block next week and Adam wins POV, he would use it. A slim chance, but a chance. I think they also believe there’s a chance that if Adam wins HOH (I know it’s doubtful he’ll win, but still) that he’ll target Kalia whereas Shelly would definitely target Rachel. Keepin Adam is definitely the smart move for JR at this point in the game.

  43. I have a question….once ppl go to the jury house do they get to watch the show as it continues? Do they get to see whats happened since they left?

    • They don’t get to watch the show but as the housemates get into the jury they bring a DVD that updates them what has been going on. Kinda like a short summary.

      • Yep, this is correct. The DVD shows competitions and ceremonies (Veto, Nomination), but nothing else.

    • I think the get to watch the show were the last person has been evicted So lets say Shelly goes the will whtch that But im anot 100% sure
      Maybe they make a special tape with the highlites of the week
      Matt should know more

  44. Shelly is currently trying to win Rachel back on her side..but it’s obviously the damage is done. Honestly whether Shelly or Adam go home it won’t make a difference. Both are very weak players in the game and would be very easy to beat unless they pulled some competition out of their asses. Unlike Shelly, Adam has played a good game social wise. He’s shown the house he’s no threat and he’s been in the background since the beginning of the competition.

  45. Rachel is telling Shelly that she is on to her game and always has been…(Good girl Rachel)…I AM IMPRESSED …

    • Kudos to Rach. She’s been impressing me ever since Brenden left for the second time.

      • @Mintkiss…I agree…Rachel has actually put on a gameface, and played without as much emotion since Brendon exit #2. She is the best physical player left in the house. If she hadn’t been since a trainwreck initially, I think she might have won over some fans based on gameplay alone. Telling Shelley how it is, is classic…

      • She has definitely gained some fan base! I’ve been seeing a lot of people over the internet gain interest in her instead of hate her. She’s going to be extremely happy when she gets out of the house lol

      • Shelley has shown that she will say and do anything to place blame elsewhere. A blowup now would be laughable, since everyone left knows what she has been doing. I actually loved Adam’s reaction when she was caught. He just smiled and shook his head…

  46. What Rachel & Jordon should do is split the vote and let PORSCHE break the tie….Porsche would vote Shelly…

  47. Heres the thing about Shelly. Some people will do anything for money. It is obvious that S is this type of person. Yes this is a game and the argument can be made that she is not like this in real life. But is she? I think she is. There is a difference between “playing the game” and showing your real character. Lie cheat and steal are traits you bring with you; they are not learned in the house. It takes a lot practice to be like Shelly. It doesn’t come overnight. I personally think she’s not acting, this is who she is. I submit S would use the same tactics in the real world, if a half a million was up for grabs. I think she’s an embarrassment to her family and coworkers. As far as playing a smart game, if she was so intelligent, she would have stayed aligned with jjr and wouldn’t be going home this week.

    • You made very good points.. although I think she’s “just playing the game,” that statement can’t stray away from the fact that she’s done everything in the house she told America she doesn’t and won’t do.

      When the show started I was liking her because she did seem like a really nice person. But over time I couldn’t believe her actions and lies. I wish I could see the reaction on her face when she finds out her greedy and ugly hidden personality caused threats to her family and job. Not that I agree with it… She’s going to see how bad she presented herself to the world. Doesn’t she think that America likes her too?

      I’ve VERY curious how Cassi feels about Shelly now watching the show. Cassi said such good things about her, she couldn’t stop complementing her when she was evicted and talking to Julie Chen.

    • Very well said BillyG. I agree 100%. She CANNOT learn this bad behavior in the BB house, she must HAVE BEEN THAT WAY for some time! She is not acting, just doesn’t like getting caught & called on her deceit/lies. I’ll bet that Shelly’s little daughter takes more responsibility for herself when she does something wrong than her mother does. She can explain all she wants to that child when she gets out……….however, Shelly’s actions speaks volumes, even to a child! Do what I say, not what I do??????????

  48. Shelly said she will give her grandparents diamond ring to Rachel to hold and if Rachel is evicted, she can keep the ring….. Shelly is offering her 3 diamond ring to show she will not screw Rachel and Jordan!

    • Why would Rachel have any interest in her grandparents diamond ring? And why would Shelly give something like that away? What a dumbass..

    • Just goes to show how important people are to Shelly — such as her grandmother, who the ring is in remembrance of (if Shelly is telling the truth) and her daughter, who the diamond ring(s) should go to.

      Shelly is a sell out: she sells out her friends, her family mementos, and her family.

  49. Shelly’s lip service may be working on Rachel….

    It is very interesting on the live feeds!

      • i hope not, oh pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaase not now, they know all her lies and stuff to now fall for that
        OMG this woman s so low to try to do such a thing just to stay in the game
        Rachel should know that winning the game can buy her more than one diamond ring, so please don’t fall for it, pleaaaaaaaaaaaaaaase

  50. Shelly is doing her best to turn Rachel against Jordon. The way Shelly is wording her sentences gives her away.. Rachel knows what she is doing….Rachel just told her that she will not go against Jordon no matter what..

    • oh thanks God
      but did Shelly mention to rachel to turn her back on Jordan or u means she is trying by her actions to turn Rachel on Jordan?

  51. Rachel saying if they keep Shelly, they need Shelly to win the Final 4 HOH which could leave Rachel in the position to win the POV

  52. It sounds like the plan is to evict Kalia next week and take Porsha to the final 4… Dumb….dumb…. dumb! Porsha ia a bigger threat for the Final 4 and Final 3 than Kalia anyday!

      • Porsha will mess around and win the Final 4 HOH or POV… Porsha can win the Final 3 HOH as well…. Remember, Porsha was the last newbie in the first HOH comp because she is a competitor and could not compete the next 3 weeks after Keith was evicted….. Porsha has a ton of Final 2 finishes in comps…

  53. None of the vets will vote for Adam who has been the biggest floater in the game & hasn’t won one competition. Jordan never “floated”… she has been in the same alliance the entire game, won HOH and the luxury comp and I wouldn’t count her out yet now that it’s clutch time. Shelly was actually playing a good game but somewhere lost her grip on reality & started lying in the DR to America…maybe she forgot we were watching & listening? The best player at this point imo has been Rachel and I hope she & Jordan take each other for F2 bc it would suck if Adam won anything… unless he comes to life b4 game ends. Rachel would win over Jordan in F2 with JH votes.

    • Are you high? Jordan would win hands down.Do you really think anyone but Brendan will vote for her? Who would give Rach her vote, because the vote will not be based on gameplay.

      • No it is when they go to jury everybody calms down and vote usually for whom they think played the best game
        Brandon would be the only one voting on emotion
        Even Danny said she will vote for a competitor she will vote for R over J and her minions will follow
        Now if P was sitting beside R It might be another story

    • That would be their best bet, take Shelly to the final 3 than let her go.But I don’t trust Rachel sticking with Jordon – she’s already talking to Porcha. I don’t think Jordon has a clue as whats going around her.

  54. WATCH it RACHEL ..Shelly just suggested a final 3 deal J/R/S.. RACHEL CUT HER OFF…NO DEAL WAS MADE

    • They are getting drinks now then heading outside….. I hope Rachel doesn’t fall for it, but I can see how Shelly worked her way into upper management in a business company because she can work the lingo and sell her plan very well.

  55. Shelly is telling Rachel that her relationship, emotions and conversation with Brendon are genuine.

    Rachel and Shelly agree that Jeff had too many deals with the newbies….

    • That is what Rachel does not like..Shelly will turn on her in a minute and Rachel knows it…

  56. Shelly can’t be trusted. She is lying. She hates Rachel and would backstab her in a heartbeat.

  57. Rachel and Shelly saying Brendon and Rachel didn’t have as many deals with newbies which hurt their social game…. They say Jeff made deals with everyone….. Rachel says if she was evicted, Kalia would have won…

  58. Shelly is throwing Adam under the bus now….. Shelly is saying Shellly played a bettter game than Adam…. Really Shelly? You lied to everyone and got caught? That is playing a better game than Adam?

  59. Rachel says she would have loved to have beat either Jeff or Dani in the Final 3…. Because she loves to compete….

  60. Rachel says she isn’t good at the social game like Shelly…

    Rachel told Shelly that being a manipulator isn’t a bad thing. That is what Dr. Will did…. And Dr. Will is a great player!

  61. UH OH..Rachel may be saying to much..Shelly will turn everything she says into something it’s not…Time to end the conversation Rachel..Walk away..

    • Jordan must be taking a page out of Kalia and Porsha’s gameplan…. Jordan is still sleeping….

  62. Shelly is gtelling Rachel that she will throw up if Kalia or Porsha are in the final 2….

    Interesting huh?

    Shelly always told, Dani, Kalia and Porsha that she would throw up is Rachell made the Final 2….

    In both situations, she said it would be a disgrace to the Big Brother game…


    • just think if Shelly wasn’t here we could watch everyone else sleep or eat. I don’t blame her for tying to stay in the GAME Rachel dose the same thing when she’s on the block or have you forgotten?

  63. Don’t worry guys, Rach isn’t gonna keep her. She’s just letting her ramble on. Rach is Cold Steel now.She’s just being cool to her for a jury vote.

    • I hope you are right….. Let me tell you though…. Shelly has a mouthpiece on her…. IE, Kalia nominate your own alliance member!

      • Oh yeah, Rach learned a lot about the house when Brendan got booted again.Whatever was said to Brendan in sequester, it stuck. Whatever he passed on to her, it stuck.

  64. Are you kidding Shelly? You’re NOT a manipulator? What a joke. That’s all you’ve been. Pretty sure, outside of the house too.

  65. Awkward….. Adam came out to get his clothes out of the dryer… Shelly is in the backyard tealking game with Rachel on the couch….

    ******* Shocker *******

  66. I wonder if people have been watching the same season I have. I mean really, people rooting Rachel on? Really?

    Yes, I agree her emotions are more under control since the Brendon exit, however she is still a bitch. I mean look at her goodbye message to Danielle! She didn’t have to say all of those mean things.

    However, in terms of being a competitor, Rachel does deserve to be there…. but her horrible attitude towards others make me want her to lose. Look at Jordan, she has been hiding behind Jeff all season, and now that he’s gone, she actually has to fend for herself.

    Kalia did the same thing as Jordan, expect it was with Kalia. Yes, she did win 2 HOH’s… which is great, but she didn’t think for herself. Same goes with Porsche.

    Adam floats like a turd floats in a pool.

    Shelly, while she hasn’t won squat, has played the best social game this season. Not the best ever, but the best this season. She actually made people believe (even if for a short time) that going behind their backs was for their own good.

    Frankly, they all suck in some ways, and they excel in others. Personally, I wanted Danielle to win (she was the only one that had balls) but now she’s gone… it feels like last season… you didn’t think Hayden, Lane or Enzo deserved it, but you had to choose someone!

    • My bad, I meant to say Kalia is following Danielle, not herself.

      I think its also important to put out there that Porsche is smarter than she lets on…

      • I think people seem to forget that Jordan won her season, she won everything at the very end when it counted the most. I think you may be mistaken if you think Jordan doesnt deserve to be there. She is alot smarter than what she gets credit for. As far as Porsche goes, smart, really, she opened Pandoras Box knowing there would be a consequence to it and she did it anyway, all I can say to that is “shocker”

      • I agree that when Jordan needed to pull it out, she did in season 11… when Jeff left.

        Now that Jeff is gone again, can she do the same thing twice? I say no. She will latch on to Rachel, and try to pull her to the final two. Everyone in the jury (except Brendon) will vote for Jordan because everyone on the Jury loathes Rachel with a passion.

        As for Porsche and the P Box, can you honestly say that if given the opportunity you wouldn’t do the same thing? We haven’t seen the other half of the $5000 given away, which could be a good move if used correctly.

        Like I said in my last post, now that Dani isn’t there to stir up the pot, it’s going to be a boring end to the season (again.) Shelly will get evicted this week. Depending on who wins HOH next week will determine which duo that Adam will side with… he will continue to float until R and J and K and P evict each other and then either get evicted in the top three if one of the duo’s survive or go to the final two with whoever he likes best because he hasn’t done squat all season. If Adam gets to F2 everyone will vote for the “competitor” which is not Adam.

        Suffice to say, the end of this season was not a “shocker.”

    • I SUGGEST THAT AS MANY OF U GET FEEDS AS POOIBLY CAN…It is only with the feeds that u know for sure what is actually taking place..Otherwise comments are mute…TV does only show u what they want u to see..not the actual events..Get the feeds and then give me ur opinion on Rachel..

  67. Shelly said she will never vote for Kalia or Porsha to win…

    Rachel saying Kalia and Porsha are following Dani’s directions…. Shelly said that is dumb!

  68. During this conversation Shelly has thrown all the remaining HG’s under the bus (including Jordon). Rachel is well aware of this and that will not score Shelly any points…

  69. ahahahahahhahha listen to that

    Rachel says that she is doing this and fighting to get to the end for Brendon. Shelly tells her to use me .. if you want a pawn …use me.. why wouldn’t you use me to get to the end. Rachel says well why do you want to be here then. Shelly says that she loves the game and the experiment and wants to get to the final three. Shelly says that she has everything in life that she wants. Shelly says that she will tell everyone that she is in the game to help you and Jordan

    are u for real Shelly???

  70. Don’t forget guys, Rach was a cocktail waitress in Vegas. Her BS meter is fine tuned and she knows what to do to get what she needs from Shelly.

  71. Rachel thought the Brigade were 3 dummies just playing pool every night and not an alliance..

    Dr. Will played a great Social Game and was out 4th in the BB All-Stars Season… Janelle won almost every comp (9 comps), and finished 3rd and didn’t win any money during the BB All-Stars season!

  72. Desperate times for desperate shelly. Just give her the boot already! Soooo over her mouth full of sh*t!

  73. Jordan is finally awoke…

    Rachel, says she is more calm now because Brendon is in the jury and she would be able to see him if she gets voted out….

  74. Adam is telling Jordan about Rachel talking so much with Shelly…. Jordan tells Adam not to worry.

  75. I dunno but at this point in the game why woudlnt someone ~ anyone ~ be thinking about taking Shelly to the end becuz it is assured that the person who did would get every last vote. Slam dunk.

      • Shelly is gone next and hopefull Adam, Jordan and Rachel are smart enough to b=vote Porsha out before Kalia….

      • Rachel does. She stated that a few days ago. I think she would be happy to get anything, and she should be if she does.

    • some voters might give her all the votes because in their eyes they might see it as she lied and played all sides of the house and made it to the final i would hate to see shelly in the final 4 let alone the final 2 she needs to go home now i am team jordan and rachel

    • I don’t think it’s time yet to think about keeping someone just to take them to the end. I think that kind of thinking needs to happen with the final 4 (and of course, the final 3). At this point, if JR kept Shelly and for some bizarre reason she finally won HOH next week, she would almost certainly target Rachel. With Adam, there is at least a chance he would target Kalia. I think Kalia and Porsche are just not putting much thought into it because they know they don’t control who goes home this week.

      • Shelly would not target R She would be looking to take R to the end at this point. She believes none of the newbies would give R a vote to win. I think she would target J.

    • Absolutely not..just remember we all don’t wa.nt shelly to win and dislike doesn’t mean thehgs feel tthat way.

  76. Shelly says she will not win HOH and even if she did I would put up Kalia and Porsche. Rachel says that you played the newbies and the vets … and you have a great argument against the others who have not played the game. Rachel says be honest with me …you talking to me right now is game.. Rachel starts explaining her game, how she had to switch it up and work on her social game … to keep herself in the game longer. Rachel says that she has been considering keeping you …and even more now that Kalia and Porsche are so against you right now.

    please girl don’t take her BS
    OMG i’m afraid Rachel will change her mind!!!

  77. Jordan just threw Rachel under the bus to Adam…. WTF Jordan? Jordan telling Adam just because Rachel is in the final 3 with Adam, doesn;t mean Jordan will take Rachel….

    Rachel would take Jordan (I don’t believe it) which at least what she is telling Adam and Shelly…. W~O~W!!!

    • maybe just to reassure him?
      OMG what’s happening with the 2 girls, are they playing the game or will they turn on each other???
      i’m so worried at this point

    • I think Jeff told Jordan that he wants her to take Adam with her final two if she gets a chance. Jeff told Julie after he was evicted that he was hoping for Jordan and Adam final 2

    • I don’t see that as throwing Rachel under the bus in the least. She’s reassuring Adam that he has a shot at final two. I don’t believe she’s made a firm decision on who she would take the final if she were to win the last HOH, which is why she’s being noncommital. But, she doesn’t want the same thing to happen to her and Rachel that happened to her and Jeff. Everyone realized that they didn’t want a F3 deal with JJ because there wasn’t even a chance that either one would take anyone else to the F2. Jordan doesn’t want people to think that it’s the same with her and Rachel.

      • I agree kaylee…and jordan would take rachel to F2(in my opinion) jordan isn’t petty like the rest of them…and hey let’s just hope with the next dble eviction adam and porsche go..

    • I don’t believe that R will really take J to the final 2 if she has the choice between A & J. She probably will if it between J or K/P. It would not be a smart move. I don’t think A will take J to the final 2 either if between J and R. He will take R.
      I also don’t believe that K or P will take each other to the final 2.

      • I don’t think Shelly has a chance of having the choice of who to take to final two, that would mean her winning 2 parts of that final HOH when she’s proven she can’t win anything to save her life (There’s throwing competitions and then there’s throwing the beanbag right over the entire apparatus like in the cornhole competition). If she somehow gets through this week (which she won’t) and somehow wins that last HOH (which she won’t) I think she would probably take Adam if he was still there. She doesn’t want Kalia or Porsche to win, and while she’s said she doesn’t want Adam to win either, I’m sure she knows she won’t win against Jordan or Rachel. Maybe she takes Jordan to try to salvage a friendship with her and Jeff outside of the house.

      • @ faye…rachel will, her and brendon have been under the impression since the beginning that jordan is someone to sit against cause no one will hand her the money twice.

      • Jordon & Rachel are sticking together. They discuss everything. They are each doing what they have to do until Thurs. Just hope they don’t fall for Shellys BS.. I believe BB Shelly is who she really is because she lies when there is no reason to lie. It probably is second nature for her.

      • If they keep S it won’t be because they have fallen for her bull. It will be because they feel she has less of a chance to win comp then A. Also, she has less of a chance to win game over them

      • @, it will be them falling for her bull, at this point adam and shelly have proven they aren’t great contendor in the comps…so jorchal needs a person they can trust for the numbers aspect of the game. If shelly can convince them they can trust her, then that is them falling for her bs again.

  78. Rachel tells Shelly that she 100% thinks Shelly is playing the best game in the house ..she lied and manipulated people. Shelly says you just made me feel like a $100 bucks .. Rachel Reilly says I am playing the best game.

    ahahahaha Shelly

  79. Shelly tells Rachel that she will give Rachel her diamond ring that her parents gave her …and if Rachel goes up …she will not go out that door. Shelly tells her she can hold it ..keep it …I will not let you walk out that door without getting it back. Shelly tells her it will give you piece of mind.. that is how freaking serious I am. Shelly says as god is my witness Jordan and Rachel will not go on the block. Rachel tells Shelly not to throw the competition.. if she can win it ..she should. Shelly says that the only physical thing she can give her is the ring .. take it …I am not letting you walk out that door. Rachel says that she is not matter what voting out Jordan.

  80. Shelly asks if Rachel will take her to the final three and Rachel says yes. Rachel says that she just doesn’t want Shelly to make a fool of her. Rachel says that taking me to the finals is not signing me a pay cheque

      • I think even A would beat S in final 2 JJ will not vote for her over A I don’t think BR would either. Say what you want about A but he had a plan and stuck to it He thought he had and allience of 4 (JJAS) that he could trust. He stuck with them till S torn it apart. His goal was get to the final 4 then you win HOH etc or you lose. If you lose you don’t deserve win. I actually think there were alot of comps that he threw on purpose. He has played the game about as honest as possible

      • yes for sure, but if the girls are on the same page, then they should be ok knowing that they’ve agreed to play along with the rest UNLESS the rest got to them
        i’m getting nervous here

  81. I am ss ..but in the pic above SHELLY does look like Alliene Wurtrous.. that lady serial killer in FLORIDA..SHE WAS EXCUTED

  82. Even when Jeff was evicted, he refused to believe Shelly turned on him… He told Julie CHen that Shelly was a good personn and JC said really? Jeff then sasid, I don’t know, you tell me! LMAO!!!

    Jeff and Brendon genuinely believed Shelly cared about them…. THey may vote for Shelly to win over Adam….. May I said ok? L~O~L!!!

    • They are all going to be in the jury house talking about the game. When they start comparing notes they will know the truth. Heck that is even happening with the players still in BB house

  83. What I’m confused about is Pandora’s box. When Porsche opened it, there were two glasses of champagne so that means that there is someone else. I think that Shelly may not be leaving on Thursday night. I think that she will return and get the other 5G’s and the other glass of champagne.

  84. This game sucks! Adam is a flip floper and doesn’t deserve a dime. Jordan just followed Jeff’s lead and Rachel should of been gone a long time ago. This is just like when Evil Dick and Dani were at the finale. I can’t decide who is most deserving of the money. Jordan has won already so I don’t know if she would win again? Confused in Wisconsin??

    • I really wish people would start looking at this game and this game alone. Pretend for a second this is Jordan’s first time on Big Brother, and if you still don’t think she deserves to win the prize, then fine. Season 11 and Season 13 are two separate entities, if she actually makes it all the way to the end this year (and she will have had to win more competitions to do so) then it seems to me she’s a deserving candidate to win as she must be doing something right.

  85. Rachel and Jordan are crazy if they keep Shelly.And the next to go needs to be Porche,then Kalia.Because chances are slim that Adam can win anything,then the last HOH can put him out in the final 3.Meaning Rachel and Jordan are final 2,Votes come in,Rachel wins,and Jeff gets AC and all is well.Now if it just works out that way.

    • Ugh why do people root for Jeff, Jordan, and Rachel? They don’t exhibit any redeeming qualities. I mean, seriously! Dani, Kalia, and Porsche were complete underdogs! Kalia deserves to win more than anyone else there

      • Because of their behaviour towards the other HG
        Porsha stealing belonging spiking drinks and throwing balls to Rachel so she can save money for an abortion and goes on and on and we have talked about this forever the 3 of them are more unplasent then anybody in the house.
        Thats why!

      • I want Rachel to win, Jordon 2nd, And Shelly GONE! I am a J&J fan, but Rachel deserves to win,Jordon deserves 2nd place,

      • Rachel,JordonBrendon and Jeff play the game!!!! They dont sit and spend their time with constant personal attacks and shit talking. Or playing childish games. As Shelly,Dani,kalia and Porsche do.

    • D was not an under dog until she choose to make herself one. That for me was a dumb move. Prior to that she was a player I was rooting for Along with JJ

      Jordan had me hook line and sinker on their 1st season because obviously her and Jeff were falling for each other and she showed great moral strength. She behaved with class would not even kiss the guy. No wonder Jeff fell in love. She is a rare bread in todays day. He is a fool if he doesn’t marry the girl. Even on this season you don’t see them making out. Impressive!!!

  86. Dani, Lawon and Dominic were the pajama jam and then Kalia decided to join that bandwagon….

    • Rachel and Jordon are playing the game..In THIS GAME YOU PROMISE THEM ANYTHING BUT GIVE EM NOTHING

      • Didn’t Rachel and jordan agree to take care of each other…But, if one of them was voted out the other would take Adam with them to F2 if possible…Jordan isnt throwing anyone anywhere…

        Most of you are crying about Jordan not playing the game…get over it…

  87. Rachel and shelly talking right now, shelly telling rachel she will. Give her her mothers diamond ring to prove to her she can trust her if they keep her…shelly saying she won’t put jordan or rachel up, if she wins HOH lol…well shelly we won’t have to worry about that lol…man this woman is pathetic..however rachel is laying it to her straight about all of hers lies and manipulation.

      • oh yeaaaaaaaaaaaah
        she wold say cos Dani told her i stole her dog now she stole my ring
        OMG let’s hope they boot her today not thursday

  88. Shelly ain’t gonna give Adam no alone time with Rachel if she can help it…This is kinda’s watch and see u corners who..

    • ya i’d be happy with Rachel winning, but i think Kalia, Porsche and Even Jordan are deserving. i really hope they are final 4.

      Adam abd Shelly need to go to jury

  89. It is amazing how karma comes back in this game. Shelly votes out Jeff and now she is on the block. She will be the next to go.. What about Adam he gets under my skin, but might be a good person to take to the finals because he is such a dumb a## who can’t win anything. BB should have only one winner and not a runnner up who wins $50,000 they should make it more difficult and only give out one prize.

    • I think Adam is playing dumb and can’t win competions. He then is lying low and go on either side. I think he really realized the comp. that he could have won, and Kalia won he should have played. He kept cussing at to himself He was upset Jeff left. It would have saved Jeff.
      If not he just can not win but neither has Shelly. I think she may try now only if she could save herself. Just because jordan won 2 yrs. ago is no reason she should not win again. Daniel was determined to win no matter how dirty she played, she said you can take anything from anyone destroy it whatever. She also put P up to alot of no good sitting back no blood on her hands watching. Surprised BB did not punish both of them. I can not get over P starting to tear pages out of the Bible. That was how those three played. K went along with anything D said. I was really surprised how K let D talk to her she was down right rude many nights. K would just look at her because if she rattled D she feared she would be gone.

  90. rachel better win hoh or she is next on the block jordan will vote her out she is not very strong without jeff i mean i love her but com e on backstabbing racheal left and right

  91. Rachel says that she has been considering keeping you (Shelly) …and even more now that Kalia and Porsche are so against you right now.

      • Naw, Shelly’s gone. She’s burned everyone. Rach would only vote for her to make a statement, but she knows Shelly’s going bye-bye.

      • shelly 2 fingers, just might not be leavinf afterall….all it takes is 4 R 2 talk 2 J to rethink her vote
        (J might just go with it, she is not the brightest light bulb)…

      • @ Gene
        hope u’re right
        ca’t we sit and enjoy it til thursday, do we have to be fryig out here???

      • It is possible they could deside to keep S. Esp R because of all the people left in the house R is the least likely candidate for S to go after. S is so dellusional she is probably positive she will win against R in a final 2

        S has said herself she is all about getting the players out that stand in her way of the money. I don’t think she puts R in that category. She thinks that she has made R look so bad that no one would vote for R

  92. unfornately, it looks like “Shelly 2 fingers” might b stayn n the house 4 another week, if R falls for another one of her schemes….(terrible, 2 fingers just might b the best schemer/player so far)…

    • oh yes she’s good as this, OMG she is good
      i’m so nervous now that she might flaot anoother week in the house

      • Rachel and Jordan have both played this game before. They will never believe a word Shelly says -plus- they have each other’s support.

      • I hate saying this but if Shelly convinces R and J to keep her after everything she has done, then she will deserve to win the game.

      • U are all missing the point of these players starting to think about who you would want to sit next to to win 500 g’s. If you are RJKA or P Shelly has to be looking pretty good to you.

        If it were me I wouldn’t care who was getting the 50 g’s if it ment me getting 500

      • If u are R or J sitting with S at end the math no way S gets JJBR votes but of course either R or J would still be in. Thats 3. A is so in love with Jeff I see Jeff having a great infuence over him. Also A was really pissed that S went against the final 4 deal they all had together. I just don’t see him voting for S to win.

    • I don’t think she’ll be staying. Last week Rachel acted like she might vote for Dani to stay and I don’t think she ever intended to. Rachel knows that Shelly will be a jury vote and I’m sure she’s hoping Shelly will feed her information about the others in the house. Remember, Rachel has been onto Shelly for quite some time; I doubt she’ll suddenly fall for one of Shelly’s schemes.

      I don’t fault Shelly for trying, though! It’s nice to see people fight to stay.

      • Keeping D in was different. It would have been keeping the strongest player in the allience of the other side. Who is gunning for the strongest players on your side (Jeff and R) I don’t think R is that stupid

  93. Looks like old Shelly might just win this BB, if she can convince R/J. is it true what i been reading Shelly is like Dr Will??..what…well we will c if her plan works come thurs!

    • i’d NEVER compare her to Dr Will, Dr Will owned his lies and was proud of them, a true villain and Shelly just believes hers.

      Will was more a Snake, Shelly is like a Rat

  94. I just read that, that evil bitch kalia threw her dog against a wall!!! I knew my feelings were right in not liking her!!!!

    • What’s almost as bad as doing that is why would you talk about it? She mentioned it to the other HG like it was something to be proud of. What kind of reaction was she expecting? “Right on!”..? I’d say what is she thinking but it’s clear that thinking gets in the way of eating and sleeping, so she doesn’t do it

  95. i really want Shelly to go, but Adam needs to go first, what if next HOH is designed for a guy to win, he is the only guy left, so he will probably finally win an HOH. i see Adam going on a power trip and either targeting the Vets or putting up Rachel and either Porsche or Kalia. he’ll try to get out Rachel no matter what.

    Plain and simple, it benefit all the girls to drop him now. besides he didn’t even deserve final 6, he can’t be allowed to get to 5 or even final 4. it’s not good for either side.

    in a perfect world it should of been Daniele and Jeff still there, with Adam and Shelly in the Jury.

    • Think about end game. I don’t think A would get R out. Remember all the newbies and D can’t stand her. If you can have KPD in jury and sit with R he just might win. Even JJ just might vote for him. Remember they had a final 4 with him and it wasn’t him that broke it

  96. Even after the long chat session between Rachel and Shelly, it looks like the Vet duo will keep Adam and toss-er-oo Shelly out the door on Thursday.

    • are u sure? this conversation killed me really
      this Shelly is one heck of a talker!!!

      • depends whether they decide to go with who they trust the most or think they can beat in the end

        bottom line is that at this point in the game you need to win next hoh truth be told none of them are safe without it

  97. Many people are saying Jordan is not very bright. Let’s see…..she won last season even after Jeff was voted out with 5 people left in the game. Now again she is in the final 5 with no chance of going home this week. She is not a competition champion for sure but that is only one of three sides to this game…the other two being strategy and social game. Jordan has the best social game ever in BB and she is very good at figuring the odds and choosing a strategy. She may win again!

      • ya i have a feeling someone is gonna take Jordan to the f2 thinking that she already won no1 would vote for her again to win, an boom she wins!!!

    • There’s nothing dumb about Jordan at all. She’s a kind person who doesn’t make it her thing to talk crap about others (generally speaking). Her accent might make people think that she’s a country bumpkin. She’s smarter than most people think, but is probably easy to get along with. To my way of viewing her and Jeff, they work well together. She is the stable one in that relationship when he goes off the deep end.

      • Jordan is just a good hearted person with good morals and was raised good. She may not talk as people not from the South consider correct. She is a truly good person and I wish her the best of everything.

    • I agree with the others Jordan is my favorate player in this game but I did want Jeff to win this time. Because she is a sweet spirit. With a good moral character. I would be so proud if she were my daughter.

    • Thank you Darlene!! Finally someone with a valid point. Which i have been saying all along. Most people just dont like winners and even good people. Its sad.

  98. People….Rachel is just working Shelly like how Shelly worked others. She’s just giving her a taste of her own medicine. Please don’t fret….Shelly will be out Thursday. Remember, Rachel is working on jury votes…she has to be nice. So stop scratching your hair and biting your nails people! lol

    • ahahahahaha u made me laugh cos u are 100% right
      WE WERE scratching our hair and biting our nails loooooooool

    • Right on Andy. The best part she’s doing it with class. That’s really gonna burn Shelly up when she leaves.

  99. I’ve said it before, Shelly showed her TRUE colors! You can only say it’s a game so much, you are who you are in a game OR in REAL life!!! She’s Really teaching her daughter well huh? How to lie, backstab and be an all around scumbag!! Eat Sh–t Shelly!!!

    • Whoa little bear, they all lie and back stab. Does it really matter to what extent? A lie is a lie and deciet is deciet no matter how you slice it.

    • Bd those who always say they are straight shooters and honest are always the biggest liars. I learned that lesson when I was 8.She just showed how dumb that entire house was. Kieth saw her BS and if ED would have stayed, he would have caought it quick also.

      • jordan has never lied to my knowledge gene….best social player ever,all natural. She will cash again.

      • When She pawned herself to get rid of Brendan? You’re right that wasn’t lie, that was a betrayl. She didn’t have to lie because she hid behind Jeff’s skirt. Now she’s hiding behing Rachel’s skirt. Pretty easy to be friendly with everyone when you have other people do your dirty work for you.

      • perfect example of that was DANI…LMAO..THE ENTIRE BUNCH has been hiding behind somebody..except RACHEL

      • Bd yeah he was smart He called out Kalia and Shelly in the beginning for the back and forth and he was right. He told the newbies to stick together and he was right. He got booted because he was there to play the game.

    • S forgot a big detail. Yes it is a game but you are playing with real people who have real feeling and emotions. When you make someone believe you 100% that you have their back and then stab it. That hurts more the cut is deep takes time to get over. Not so when you know the person you are dealing with is bullsh** you and you know you are bullsh** them. Sure it stings if they get you 1st but that is hurt pride. Not hurt heart. S doesn’t get it

      Think about alot of the players that are now sitting at home feeling like idiots for believing in S like Dom,Cassie both thought they could really trust her

  100. Just imagin the jury house. Brendan and Jeff there along comes the sexiest, intellegent and totally gorgeous Dani. Rachel I would be super worried. Jordan not so much. Brendan is in heaven right now. Too, bad Rachel.

  101. Floater is a person without a permanent residents. In this case its someone who has not picked or stuck to an alliance. Adam, Shellhe are the only 2 real floaters.

  102. Oh dear me, please Rachel do not be fooled by the lying snake SHMELLY I hope Rachel is smarter than to be fooled again by this woman, if she is then she deserves to be evicted by the snake R/J/A to the end

    • Rachel will have to side with Jordan’s views or get her to change her mind. Pretty sure Jordan will stick with Adam, so they all will as they vote out Mr. Clean.

  103. Rachel tells Jordan she thinks they need to talk about who they are voting for again. Jordan says that she will not vote to keep Shelly. Rachel says that she is just really concerned with moving ahead in the game. Jordan says you see what she is going? Rachel says oh yeah I see it… I am just concerned with Adam’s game .. he is always saying that he is going to do what is best for his game .. and that is getting rid of me. Jordan says that if we don’t win HOH .. we cant trust her for her vote. Rachel says I agree 100%. Rachel says I think that this week we are good with Adam …but not next week. Rachel says we need to think 100% about the game.. Jordan says that we can’t trust her … it was so easy for her to stab Jeff in the back .. and just think about how she treated us before we won the veto. Rachel says that she wants to talk to Adam one more time. Rachel tells Jordan that she is 100% looking out for her too and that she wants her in the finals with her. Rachel says that everything can change in the next week..

    OMG i knew she might get to her, she is rethinking her options, oh nooooooooooooo
    please Jordan keep her on the right track
    urkh that Shelly

    • Yeah, but Rachel’s 100% right. Her worries are on the money. Remember, Rachel’s partnered up with the person who pawned herself to get rid of Brendan. She knows what she’s up against. It’s really the whole house against her and she know it.

  104. Rachel tells Jordan she thinks they need to talk about who they are voting for again. Jordan says that she will not vote to keep Shelly. Rachel says that she is just really concerned with moving ahead in the game. Jordan says you see what she is going? Rachel says oh yeah I see it… I am just concerned with Adam’s game .. he is always saying that he is going to do what is best for his game .. and that is getting rid of me. Jordan says that if we don’t win HOH .. we cant trust her for her vote. Rachel says I agree 100%. Rachel says I think that this week we are good with Adam …but not next week. Rachel says we need to think 100% about the game.. Jordan says that we can’t trust her … it was so easy for her to stab Jeff in the back .. and just think about how she treated us before we won the veto. Rachel says that she wants to talk to Adam one more time. Rachel tells Jordan that she is 100% looking out for her too and that she wants her in the finals with her. Rachel says that everything can change in the next week..

    i knew it that she might get to her, please Jordan don’t let her change her mind and convince you into keeping shelly, eurkh

  105. I think BB will have a twist where they bring back keith and he ends up playing better than any other BB guest has ever played and wins BB… just watch, people…

  106. Jordan says just don’t leave me alone with Shelly because she will talk. Jordan knows how hard it is being on the block. Jordan says that she will tell Adam if they weren’t going to vote to keep him …because she would want to know. Jordan says that she is just so bothered by what Shelly did and that this is her revenge. Jordan tells Adam that he is good…

    Jordan heads out into the backyard to lay out. Shelly asks her if its okay if she lays out with her if she doesn’t talk game. Jordan says oh I don’t care. Shelly goes to change to go out and suntan.

    good girl Jordan, just ignore her

  107. I am fan Rachel! I think it is interesting though that she only does her “laugh” when men are around. I noticed it today when she was talking with Adam and then realized I hadn’t heard it since the other guys were gone. Note for Rachel: You don’t need to act cutesy to be a person who guys will like.

  108. If Rachel has any sense she will keep Shelly.Have a Rachel Shelly final 2.Rachel win it hands down.

    • Rachel might not be able to beat Shelly in final 2. if there are 1 vet 1 newbie in final 2, then there will be 4 newbies in jury and non of them will give it to Rachel

      • You might be surprised. I doubt that Shelly has many fans in the jury house, including her own newbee group.

      • If you dont think Rachel can beat Shelly then your saying .Just give it to newbie.She will never win againest Jordan.The rest of the people in the house is newbies.Like your saying about Shelly the rest of newbies in the house have have the same votes.

  109. Shelly just removed Rachel’s stuffed dog from the kleenex box and placed in on Rachel’s bed….

    Good job straight shooter

    • Whow she didnt give it back when Rachel asked her srtaight up and nicely
      Well it just shows you what she would do for a vote

  110. I will be Happy to see that dude Shelly go finally. I can’t believe I’m saying this “GULP” I like Rachel this season. I would like to see Jordan,Rachel and Adam in the end.

  111. There is one thing that Shelly does not consider or know..Rachel is in her element when she is in power and right now RACHEL IS IN POWER and that is why she is playing the game sooo well…When RACHEL IS ON TOP IT IS EXCEPTIONALLY HARD TO GET HER BACK DOWN…Yall need to think about that..

    • It is hillaro=ious watching Shelly remove the Stuffed Dog from the kleenex box then placing it on Rachel’s bed and then going outside casually and being Rachel’s friend….

  112. Shelly and Dani had the stuffed dog hidden inside the kleenex box right next to the bed in the candy room Rachel was sleeping in.

  113. FYI for some of the people talking how heavy Kalia is and Porche gaining weight you must be forgetting how much Jordan and Rachel gained during their first seasons. Jordan even said to Jeff at least I haven’t gotten fat like my previous season. What has that got to do with the game?

    I just saw what I think is Shelly putting back Rachel’s stuffed animal under her pillow. She removed it from the tissue box.

  114. trying to figure out something here…

    The next HoH is a must win for Rachel and Jordon. But, I think the PoV is also a must for them, too.
    Say Rachel wins HoH and puts up Porsche and Kalia. Adam wins PoV and removes P or K Automatically Rach would have to put up Jordon. and Jordy would go to JH…

    • Every competition from here on out is important because there are very few options left of who to put up.

      • @Kerry, I know that.. What I am saying is if they dont win BOTH, J or R will go out. No matter which two they put up, I think if the above scenario happens, the newbs will do this.

      • well, in your explanation you said if “Rachel wins HOH” this week…i agree in the next weeks comp one of them need to win.

    • adam would be asked by Rachel and Jordan not to use the POV and if he did he would be giving himself away…so its all about trusting him…she HAS to put them both up…if she put up Adam & Kalia and Porsche won POV and took off Kalia, then Rachel would have to put up Jordan and then it would only be Kalia & Porsche voting and they would take out Jordan. So both K & P must go up as if one of them goes down Rach can put up Adam and tell him he is a pawn ….but even if Adam won pov and turned on R & J he could still redeem himself by not voting out Jordan.

      • Adam will not win POV no matter what side wins HOH or he will burn jury votes he will throw it

      • Adam has a golden opportunity at Final 3 if he plays his card right. His best chance is to stick with Jordan and Rachel. When Shelly goes home this week, that will leave just Porsche and Kalia on the other side with Porsche not able to play for HOH! It is in Adam’s interest to side with Jordan and Rachel because Kalia and Porsche will throw him under the bus at the earliest chance they get if he is fool enough to trust them! By sticking with Rachel and Jordan, he has a chance at a Final 2 because he is best house guest to put in the number 2 slot. That gives him an easy $50,000. Sticking with Porsche or Kalia who both can win competitions will guarantee Adam is sent home!

    • well Porsha would vote to keep Kalia Adam would vote for Jordan R would decides who goes

    • But that’s only if Adam wins. If J or R win then they stay the same. If P or K win they take themselves off and Adam goes up.

    • I disagree that both are a must-win. First, I don’t think Adam would use the POV. Second. Either Kalia or Porsche could win the POV and take herself down, meaning Adam would go up.No matter which side wins HOH (KP or JR), one person from the other side will definitely go home (barring any twist) unless Adam wins POV.nce

    • @ becky…no because adam is on their side and its a split vote…assuming he does not flop, they do not NEED too win the veto too. As long as porsche OR kalia is on the block they will go…say it she puts up kali and porsche(which she will and needs to, cause then if one wins the veto they can’t save themselves and the other)then kali wins veto takes herself down, she replaces with adam…the only 2 votes are kalia and jordan. Jordan votes to keep adam kalia votes to keep porsche rachel breaks the tie, send porsche home. Say she nominatesporsche and kalia and adam wins veto, he will keep noms the same and one will go…it is unlikely she’ll have to replace with jordan. And if she did, adam and whoever else is there will vote, and tie breaker again. Adam has been “dealing” with them all day long, and I believe everything he’s saying to them. However the fllowing hoh(after this thuursday) althoough is important…the veto is MUCH more important..if they don’t win the veto they’re screwed..that’s why kalia and porsche aren’t that smart…cause they’re thinking they don’t need to win this one but they need to win the next HOH..but that’s not true at all, its just the opposite.

      • I am just not sure they can fully trust Adam. They just need to win both and not risk it.

    • If adam won the pov he wouldn’t use it but if k or p win it adam would go up but either p or k would go home because kp would vote to keep each other and jordon would vote to keep adam and rachel would have the desiding vote

    • Please don’t think I am stupid, but if Adam wins the POV (not likely, I know), can’t he be nominated for eviction?

    • If you use the POV on someone else, you are still eligible to be nominated. It has happened in the past. The POV only saves one person (or a group in this case). Think, by your logic, had Shelly or Adam won POV, they would be automatically safe and then if they used it on Rachael or Jordan, then they would be safe and there would be no one to nominate.

      • Not neccessarilly, when it gets to the final 4, if the POV holder is not on the block and uses it, then they are the only option to go up, which did happen in one season, otherwise the Pov holder is safe

    • what is wrong with everybody did they not enter to win bb .they are giving the game away . i tell you they are all stupid ! stupid! stupid ! people,.. in all the years bb has been on I have never seen a bunch of dumb idiots.they deserve to lose

      • I totally agree. I believe the producers want a vet to win. It has been very obvious the last couple of weeks.

  115. There is gonna be one more twist (at least one) Cause there is an extra HG in the house…Count em folks..there are 6.. there should be only 5.. final show is 15/16 of Sept..Do the math..

    • Yeah I was thinking that too. I’m thinking there might be something with that fortune teller thing. Or they’ll just do another fast forward. I can’t imagine anything else too drastic happening. I was surprised they’d even have a twist week w/e this is…can’t remember lol.

    • that fortune teller is going to do something for sure!! there is one extra HG — I am wondering if we will have 2 evictions next week. You never know…they could evict out 3rd and 4th in one night too….they like to change things up!

      • no there isn’t an extra hg the last show is september 23 which mean they have the right about of hg and we already had a double eviction they don’t usually have more then one

    • If ED hadn’t left there would have been 7 HGs left. How do you thing they would have overcome that?