Big Brother 13 Week 7: Shelly Works To Flip The Vote Again – Updated

Big Brother 13 Shelly

She did it once. Can she do it again? Shelly is up to her old tricks again in the Big Brother 13 house as she works to manipulate the votes and make the seemingly obvious decision suddenly become the impossible. She’s got two more days to work the house and see what she can come up with before Thursday’s eviction. Let’s see what she’s done so far and what are her chances are for success.

After Monday’s Power of Veto Ceremony where Jeff removed Porsche and set Daniele up for eviction it looked like a done deal. If JeJo wanted Daniele out, then Shelly would follow her marching orders and vote accordingly, right? Not this time!

Flashback to Monday (8/22) @ 2:16PM BBT and you’ll find Shelly starting to work her angles with Porsche and Adam to keep Daniele. Her reasoning? They (Newbies) won’t be able to split up Jeff and Jordan on their own. Shelly knows if they keep Daniele she’ll work as their tool to split up the remaining couple. It’s really not bad reasoning but it’s a dangerous move considering how sensitive Jeff is to betrayals and backstabbing.

Shelly flat out asks Porsche and Adam how they would vote if the eviction was right now. Porsche says she’d evict Kalia, and that’s to be expected since Daniele has already convinced Porsche that she needs to stay. Adam isn’t on the same page though. He says he wants to evict Daniele. Roadblock.

Shelly comes back to Adam later, Flashback to 2:36PM BBT, for a one on one conversation. Shelly does a good job of laying out her plan, but Adam insists that he does not trust Daniele. He remembers when Daniele told him she’d work to keep him while she actually worked to evict him. Adam hasn’t trusted her since then and wonders how long she’d stay good to him at this point.

While I’m enjoying Shelly’s game play for at least some action in the game I’m a little troubled by a comment she made to Adam. Shelly suggests that even *if* Adam decided to join her and Porsche to keep Daniele that she still doesn’t know where she could get the fourth vote. What?? Oh Shelly. Adam points out there are only five votes this week. They’d only need three to keep whoever they want. Shelly, why in the world would you put yourself out there like that, push to go against your ally (JeJo), and not even know how many votes you need, much less doing it when you think you don’t have enough. Now maybe, maybe that was just a ploy from Shelly, but I don’t think it was.

Many online viewers were anticipating Adam running to Jeff to tell about Shelly’s plan, but surprisingly, that hasn’t really happened. Shortly after Shelly’s second attempt with Adam Jeff came out to the pool and talked with Adam for awhile. Shelly had scattered, so Adam had the opportunity, but didn’t reveal any details. He did, however, discuss his distrust for Daniele. I think that solidifies how we can expect Adam to vote.

Jump to last night (10:42PM BBT) and you’ll find Shelly having a private talk with Jordan. Jordan flat out asks her if she’s still voting out Daniele. Shelly adamantly insists that’s the plan and she wouldn’t turn on JeJo by keeping Daniele. Hmm…

Shelly has two more days to figure that out before the eviction. Can she get Adam to put aside his distrust of Daniele and join her with Porsche, or will she decide to sit back down and ride it out with JeJo? What do you think Shelly should do?

This continues to be a great week on the Big Brother Live Feeds. If you’re not watching the online, in-house cameras then you’re missing the real game. Grab the Free Trial and see what other fans are watching right now.

Update: If you weren’t convinced that Adam has made up his mind then Flashback to this morning at 9:23AM BBT. Adam and Shelly are discussing their options. Shelly asks if he’s decided and Adam answers yes. It’s another good discussion to hear though.



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  1. Ther is no way that adam will keep Dani. hope Adam gose and tells Je&Jo what Shelly is doing , they need to get Dani &Shelly OUT thursday

    • Adam will always vote the way Jeff wants him
      to vote and knuckle under to Jeff’s brand of bullying. He has been afraid of Jeff since week two. He and Shelley are not smart enough
      nor strong-willed enough to make a difference
      in this game. They let others do their dirty
      work and then when it doesn’t work they skulk
      off to vote like JJ want them to vote.

      • Sherry…you are exactly’s like watching the JJ puppet show…lol….Adam is really stupid if he does not keep Dani….she is not afraid to “get blood on her hands”….so come voting time the Jury will give who ever is next to her a great chance….I am surprised Rachel does not want to help Dani….she is only gonna leave if JJ get down to final three with her….if she makes it to final 2 Dani is the only one she can sit next to and still possibly win..

      • Are u guys serious.. all dani’s stupid play has gotten her to this point & i really did like shelly but now i hope she goes with dani this week.. shes a major floater anyway! As for JJ they have been targeted whole season for what being honest game players!! Wow i see where moral compasses go!

      • My thought is different when it comes to JeJo making it to the final three. If Kalia, Porsche, or possibly even Shelly wins HoH Thursday, Jeff will be gone due to the double eviction. The other houseguests will not be affraid to nominate Jeff because he will leave right away. His only Chance of staying in the house next week depends on Jorda…maybe Rachel or Adam, but this is not guaranteed. He has a large target on his Back. Adam will be the only guy left…making him a target.

      • Adam went against Jeff with voting out Brendon. Adam will vote out Dani for the same reason he evicted Brendon. It will make it easier for Adam to make the final 2 with two of the best competitors in the.jury and not in the BB house.

      • Yeah Leo you are right. Adam is not as dumb as Judas wishes him to be. It is really something to watch Judas squirm! The crap that is coming out of her mouth is unreal. She wanted to backdoor Jeff to help ADAM! LOL.. She is nearly as delusional as Shelly. It is obvious that production made Judas into a “great” player. I wonder how much they helped her in BB8 also. I wish this week could go on forever! What a pathetic little whiner Judas turned out to be! OUST JUDAS!

      • Honest play… Really Jeff Lied directly to Dani’s face. He always planned on backdooring her. Not one once of honesty. I like Jeff and Jordon the best of all seasons but I didn’t want to watch the same old group play again. Its like watching a rerun. Rachel is the most disgusting of all. From day one everyone should have just left her and Brendon as final two since according to her that is only fair since they are a couple. If someone does not split up Jeff and Jordon they go to the end

      • Really? Because Adam didn’t want to vote with JeJo to keep Brendon. He’s trying to clear his path more than you think. And he’s obviously thinking about himself by not revealing Shelly’s flip plan. He’s looking out for what to do still.

    • I think Adam’s getting shortchanged. He’s playing a pretty smart game for someone who’s been on his own the whole game. I really think he’s not afraid of Jeff, it just so happens that what’s good for Jeff and Jordan is also good for him at this point. Plus he’s getting to see porsche and shell’s true colors before they turn on him. He needs to team up with Rachel for the final four.

      • yes he does…going aganist Rachel in the final two guarentees you a win. If Adam were smart, he would try to team up with her, get Dani out first, Shelly out second and then go after JeJo (although I love them) Kalia doesn’t have a shot at winning either.

      • @ kristy. Why do you believe that? Do you really think that shell adam jordan or porsche could beat rachel in the F2? I don’t think people will vote for someone who did nothing all summer to win. Also if jejo goes, rachel would only need 4 votes to win. I think she’ll definitely have jejo. And abviously brendon.

      • What I don’t understand is; Neither Jeff OR Jordan OR Rachel is up for eviction! The second Daniele is evicted, Jeff/Jordan or Rachel WILL realize what Shelley has been cooking up! She can kiss her ass goodbye, and quickly! Rachel will have a field day with her, from the time Shelley wakes up till she goes to sleep…..
        NOT Smart Shelley, in fact, STUPID!

      • Completely agree and hope he goes to Jeff and Jordan before the eviction and share what went down in case one of them get the HOH. If he doesn’t say anything – it could be too late.
        But I’m sure production will make sure they don’t get to talk to one another and keep them isolated or in the DR as they usually do trying to manipulate. Just saying.

      • Adam really needs to tell Jeff what’s going on. If he doesn’t and Dani gets voted out with a 3/2 vote (Jor/R/A for eviction) then J/J/R might think Adam voted to save her instead of Shelley because Shelley would probably lie and say she voted Dani out. Then Adam would be a target even though he’s innocent.

    • @Terri(couldn’t reply) I have to disagree with you. This show has been on quite a while. There has always has been a pattern for the most part. The jury tends to forget about their emotions and vote for the person that either made the biggest move or had to fight the hardest. I think they would hand it to Dani if she was in the final two.

    • Terrie…really? I think some of the dani lovers are so far into her game, they don’t even make realistic statements. Please tell us why Adam would be smart to keep Dani? Is it because Dani has stabbed in the back and threw under the bus, every single person who has alligned with her? Or because she was pushing so hard for Adams eviction week 3 and also nominated him last week? Or is it because Adams alliance has been true to him and honest with him the whole time? And let’s not forget, there are jeff jordan and rachel left in the house. Dani isn’t God people! She can’t just come through and take out everyone. Adam has not one single thing to gain in keeping her. The only that would happen is that he’d have a huge target on his back, from 3 strong players vs keeping Dani, and for what? Lol, most ridiculous thing ever.

      • This late in the game…Adam has to break up JJ it will do no good to make it to final 3 with them as he will be odd man out (but same goes for all of them)….he certainly will not be able to beat Jeff at any physical type competitions…and if Dani is in the game she can get break up J/J for him with the biggest target on her back…

    • I agree. Adam has a bond with Jeff where he doesn’t have one with Shelly. He already knows how Shelly is with the nasty stuff she has done to Rachel with the beanie dog among other things. Adam also knows that Dani can’t be trusted. Don’t you think Adam is wondering why suddenly Shelly is flipping and trying to keep Dani? That should show Adam that he had better not go against Jeff and run with Shelly. Because at least Jeff will reward loyalty but the minute you go against Jeff he will come after you and he showed that with Kalia. Adam doesn’t need to go with Shelly at this point and if he did and voted to keep Dani he wouldn’t be protected. I don’t think Adam will flip and not vote out Dani, I think this is more of production having Shelly do her Trojan Horse routine. Shelly makes me want to vomit. She should be out next after Dani. Shelly makes me like Kalia and Porsche more and more. By the way, I thought I had read that Adam told Jeff about Dani and what she said to him so it doesn’t make sense that Adam would not have told Jeff what Shelly has said.

      • Let’s hope this slaps Shelly as hard as it hopefully will to Dani! Go Adam.

        I have not been a fan of Adam’s but the more he plays the more he seems to be “playing” a good game of staying out of cat fights by not telling anyone much other than Jeff who will stand behind him completely. Adam may pull it off yet…stayed tuned. Get the smelly out soon!

        Wonder what production offered her to try to save Dani and if she is successful how much $$$$ they will give her sort of like “America’s player” if she succeeds, but this time America doesn’t know!

        I have a gut feeling something like that is going on behind the scenes for Shelly to change her plan all of a sudden now that Dani has been nominated.

  2. Are you for real ? Shelly what are you thinking ? Grow up stop letting your little girl see All your lies . That poor little 8 yr old has to face the town . Wow what A mom !!!!!!!!

    • With a junky mom like Shelly i really hope the dad is normal. That woman is as trashy as they come..

      • Yeah, like saying she would rather have a dick in her mouth – imagine how that will go over in school show and tell if they still have it!

    • Lying is part of the game, I guess you never watched BBAD last night as Jordon lied and could not look Shelly in the face either. So again it is part of a game Everyone Lies.

      • That’s a relief! I was disappointed when she said she’d ally with Satan, I mean Shelly, over Rachel.

      • but Jordan never cried on tv about having a little girl and saying mommy says never tell a lie you will get in trouble. I think thats why everybody has a problem when it comes to Shelly. Shelly should have never brought the subject up in the DR.

      • No your right she never did cry on TV, however this cute little southren air head is guilty like everone else for lying, but it’s ok it part of a game. people get so wrapped up on the players and start thinking this is how they are in real life. I can’t stand Rachel but maybe outside of the house she is cool, it don’t know. It’s all about the show, I’m in TV as well and beleive me, It’s all about the ratings and show.

      • It is not the fact shelly lies, and I didn’t hear one lie from jordan to shelly by the way. But anyway it isn’t the fact that shelly lies its the fact that she has the nerve to mak Rachel out like she’s the peice of shit, even to go as far as crying in the DR, and calling rachel a bitch for lying…meanwhile she’s the one lying, I mean the woman goes above and beyond extreme desperate measures to make rachel look bad, when it is her. I am terrified to see what she’s like in real life. Someone on here last night said her company she works for has taken her picture down from their website..I. would too, she’s so emberassing. I don’t think she’s even though of her daughter and how much people are gonna talk about her mom being a delusional person and a pathalogical liar. She should be really ashamed, especially when she leaves she will probably watch back and want to hide from herself. And what’s with these dr sessions? Is she trying to convince us or herself?

    • I completely agree with you. Shelly has to go!!! She is a big liar and there is no way that she is thinking about her daughter. I dont see how she could back stab Jordan the way she is expecially after she gave her the opportunity to get a phone call home anyone else in the house would not of done that!!! Shelly needs to go she is a huge floater that switches sides worse than Rachel and Brenden did. I respected her untill now. Her family is probably putting their heads down shaking back and fourth at her deceitful ways!!! What a straight liar!!!!!

      • She is a liar, but everone and I mean everyone is a liar in that house. Don’t forget they are playing for 500.000 and will say and do anything to win. Wouldn’t you?

      • I agree Shelly needs to go. I know everbody lies but you need to stay true to your alliance. See how far Dani got by turning on her alliance week 3. And Jordan has not lied to Shelly or threw Shelly under the bus. She stuck up for Shelly and lied FOR Shelly to Dani. I can’t believe last night Shelly telling Jordan she never would throw them under the bus and she hasn’t talked game with Dani when all she did all day yesterday was try to get Adam to flip the votes all the while throwing J/J under the bus. And production needs to keep there nose out of it. Shelly even said that production asked her why she would stay with J/J.

      • No Geo, some people have morals and the game can be played with them as we have seen in the past ie: Dan and he came away a big winner!

        For someone to “play” that good of a liar reiterates they are that way in real life period. It takes practice to get really good and even great at something and as we are seeing first hand she has been practicing for 40 years now and is a master at deceit. I wouldn’t hire her to work for my company either.

  3. No, I don’t think Shelley will vote to keep Dani.
    She was doing too much damage to Dani’s case last
    night when talking to Jordan. It never ceases to a-
    maze me how people underestimate Jordan. Jeff thinks he is making all the decisions, but Jordan
    has her way of working him around to her way of
    thinking. She wants Dani gone and that is what will
    happen. Shelley talks people into believing her
    gabby game, but in the end she will always go with
    Jordan and Jeff and end up getting nothing in the
    end. She has not shown so far a very good ability
    to play this game honestly and with forethought to
    how SHE might be able to win. Just as Jordan and
    Jeff pretend to have no memory of any promises to
    Dani, they all tell so many lies that they can’t
    remember what the truth really is and trip up con-

      • Say what you want, but so far Jordan has been dead on when analyzing the other players’ behavior. I think she’s mostly there to support Jeff anyway because she’s been laying low and providing him some pretty good advice.

    • That’s what I’ve been saying all along. Come Thursday, shelly will not even vote to keep dani, I think she’s just trying to get adam to do it so she can drive a wedge in between him and jejo and have them for herself. Lastnight, the things she was saying to shelly were very scary…she seems obsessed with jordan.

      • I have said that from day one, Shelly has an obsession with Jeff and Jordan, especially Jordan, it’s a little scary. I think she is jealous of Rachel and Adam, she sees Rachel hanging out alot with Jordan, she sees Adam hanging out alot with Jeff, she doesn’t like, so she is trying to start crap. That is not the way a normal person thinks, I think Shelly has issues, maybe mental ones.

    • Rachel should win HOH & put up Jordan against Shelly and get rid of Shelly once and fof all

  4. I’d like to see the conversation between Adam and JeJo exposing Shelly. Then I’d like to see Jordan, as HOH, to explain to Shelly on Thursday’s double eviction, why she is nominated . . . and then voted out.

    I’d then like to see Shelly’s sobbing to Julie Chen as Julie restrains herself from laughing.

    • Shelly will proubly say i dont know what happened i was playing a honest game i didn’t lie at all .

      • I would love to see Adam tell Jeff about Shellys plan to keep Dani and pretend to go with it, then when Shelly and Porshe vote to evict Kahlia Shelly is exposed to tjr house as the liar she is!!

      • That’s a great idea, apparently Shelly forgot that if it weren’t for Jordan, she wouldn’t have been able to talk to her daughter. You would think something nice in return to Jordan and Jeff would be in order, but apparently Shelly doesn’t remember that. She should go next.

    • You probably wont see Adam telling JeJo about Shellys plan til the producers let him know its ok to, I think the producers are tryign to persuade Shelly either with money or some monetary value to get Dani to stay, because Dani makes good tv and she is the only one left that could give Jeff a run for the money.

      • I am so surprised that the producers are doing this. How can they step in like that, makes the show itself dishonest with them manipulating these things. Makes you not want to watch next time…

      • Kathy…I totally agree. Shelly is doing a complete turn around. Someone said that they overheard Jeff saying the producers were trying to encourage him to keep Dani, but he didn’t, so I’m wondering if producers are working on Shelly to try to keep Dani in the house.

      • Its been my thinking at on this season, to many strange things happening, like Lawon just wanting to leave the game thinking he has magic powers only to have to play Brenden? And Brenden coming back when polls I saw many had Cassi or Dom in the lead. And how was Kalia able to answer some of those questions before they were even asked all the way to win HOH. Strange for sure.

      • I said the exact same thing earlier and it is obvious too. Get off it already production because Dani said so many times she has “friends” in production and that some of the production crew members will actually leave (yeah right) if Dani leaves! Good move over and let your Dad come back then!

    • I thought Julie said THIS week was double eviction I was looking forward to Dani & Kalias dumb faces gone for good

      • Feather, I have trouble with all of the
        kudos and respect Dick is given by many
        this year. “He would have done such a
        better job than Dani”, etc. Yet who
        was the one who took off and deserted
        his partner? Who then came back on to
        trash his daughter’s gameplay? He also
        deserted Adam and Porche after making
        promises he couldn’t keep. I just think
        to give him credit for playing a better
        game or thinking things would have been
        better if he were still there is unfair
        to those who stayed and tried their
        best to play a game that always isn’t
        fair. Sorry, but I think it is time for him to try to be a father, if not
        a good father.

      • Who could be a good father to the demon seed. The word forgiveness is not in her vocabulary. She will NEVER forgive him for being a young father who left her with a loving grandmother to help him raise her. As a grammy myself I find this insulting.

  5. Even if Shelly did manage to get the votes for DANI to stay it would not benefit her..If she succeedes she will be out the door as fast as Dani’s conniving mind can make it so. Everybody knows that she has been J&J all the way…So to turn on em now?? That tells all the HG’s involved Shelly’s true colors..especially Adam.. whose face told it all yesterday when Shelly was hatching the plan..He did not like it at all..

    • No Dani’s target will have to be Jeff obviously….and Jordan or Adam as they are well liked by the Jury…

    • Even if come thursday Dani out of the house.

      She should tell all of Shelly’s secrets. That will put a big target on her back.
      This way she may be able to save Kaliah and Porshe from being evicted next

  6. I agree with Shirley — for all of Shelly’s talk about responsible and good parenting, she seems to neglect the fact that she has a very bright kid at home (who must take after her Dad) who is watching, critiquing and feeling every move her Mom makes.

    Furthermore, I’m absolutely flabbergasted that Adam isn’t telling Jeff & Jordan about Shelly — as much as I dislike Shelly’s gameplay (and I really, really do!), she and Kalia are the only newbies doing the game justice.

    I’m wondering what the rest of them could have possibly been thinking when they signed up for this — I’m talking to you, Adam and Porsche.

    • He’s not telling them because he is still considering his options….I think Porshe would be able to sway Adam better then Shelley…

      • My opinion..Again Adam’s face spoke volumes when Shelly was laying out her plan..He did not like what she was saying at all..She is supposed to be on the same side he is..As for Porsche who was also there and J&J had just took her off the block saving her ass..This did not go over well with Adam. I think Shelly in making a plan to keep Dani and Porsche giving her vote to Dani (her choice) and trying to get Adam to go along told him alot as to Shelly and Porsche being trustworthy..I think he will be leary of both from here on out…Adam is in th esafest spot in the house right now. Why blow it??

      • Well terrie at least you know what adam has been thinking, cause were all wondering. Maybe he wants to keep it to himself and let it all happen Thursday because he. KNOWS he is not swaying, so why have a blowout? Shelly will be exposed on Thursday and that’s all adam needs. He doesn’t like arguing, if we we couldn’t already. Tell.

      • He should not wait for Thursday.
        Expose Shelly now!!!
        She says all those nasty things about Rachel but she is way worse.
        Rachel never lied about what Shelly said.

        Rachel is playing with a leveler head now. Thank God… She will go great

    • Adam certainly seems to be in the safest spot, I can absolutely agree with that.

      And exactly how he got to that spot always makes me question how people reconcile within themselves the way they have played — or in this case — HAVEN’T played a game like ‘Big Brother’ and ‘Survivor’:

      Lying is certainly part of that, we can all agree — one does what they have to do to get to the final. I get it.

      Then you have Shelly with her righteous indignation, particularly against Rachel, when Shelly herself has been the biggest offender knowing she has a sharp as a tack little girl at home who, again, is watching and critiqing everything her Mom says and does.

      Again, how does one reconcile with that when they have behaved in a manner they’ve persecuted others for?

      Then, there’s Adam who vaguely reminds me of Sandra Diaz Twine who has TWICE won ‘Survivor’ solely on the tactic of ‘as long as it ain’t me’.

      She won not by playing hard nor winning competitions, but by solely riding coat-tails and giving her vote to wherever it was wanted by those truly playing the game.

      Adam seems to be following in those footsteps.

      We can argue all day whether or not it is truly strategy — or simply the easy way.

      • Adam may seem slow at times but remember he is a Big Brother wiz! If he rats Shelly out, and she by the grace of the Gods wins HoH she may put him on the block! Keep your mouth shut for now Adam, until it’s more beneficial for you!!

    • Shellys doing this game justice????How??? With all her lip service lying and crying to convince everybody that shes the good guy ?I hope Rachel wins the next HOH and cans Shelly for good!

      • At least she’s attempting to make moves — I don’t like them nor do I like her game play, but at least she’s shaking things up.

        Again, I didn’t say I liked it or HER, I don’t — but I have zero respect for Porsche who’s only claim to fame in the house, besides floating from power to power, is trying to count to three on one hand and choosing which color velour outfit to don that day.

  7. I want so bad for Adam to go to jeff and tell him what shelly is doing!! She is a snake and JeJo needs to finally see that. Wait until Rachel finds this out!! Shelly worked so hard to make Rachel look like a liar when in fact shelly was lying the entire time!! Now this flip on JeJo. If this comes out I think Shelly will be evictee #2 thursday night. No one can trust her!!

  8. In a minute shelly will not only be voted out of BB, her daughter may vote her out of their house too. She already said, quit lying Mom.

    • ROFTL

      CBS should do a little montage showing:

      * one lie of Shelly’s at a time;

      *followed by her being exposed;

      *followed by her daughter saying “she needs to quit lying”;

      * followed by one of her many statements declaring her honesty and that she’s not lying;

      *followed by Shelly crying;

      *followed by Shelly saying she needs to go write 100 sentences.


  9. Shelly should self-evict and admit herself to a psych ward because she is having psychotic delusions. Is no one else concerned for Rachel’s safety? That whole clique that daniele is running has been making threats of physical violence all week against that poor girl and now made a bendaroo scene with Rachel hanging from a noose. Aren’t there laws against this type of thing?

    • Thank you for being some rational and decent human being :-)
      Was thinking the same
      Can’t understand this hatred!! Had she killed someone she loves, maybe we would understand then but to create a clique to either beat her or trash her or I fon’t know with what they can still come up with really creates a concern
      Hope BB do something!

      • You two are overreacting – if Rachel drew pictures of Dani dead, would anyone care? No. Because America is madly in love Rachel, and god forbid anyone should stand up against her. It’s a joke, because obviously, they don’t like her. I doubt they would act out these feelings on live TV…

      • Did Shelly ever give back the dog to Rachael and why is it allowed for someone to go into another person’s private stuff???? Shelly should be thrown out for that…

      • @Zach, I’d feel the same no matter which one was doing it. I didn’t even like Rachel til now. Ragan was my fave last season. I replayed their argument several times because THAT’S good tv.

      • @ Zach…really? Stand up to rachel? Incase were not watching the same show, dani started thise whole thing with brendon and rachel because they got Dom out. Also, Shelly decided to call rachel out in a group of people, when She was the one lying and everyoone has been treating rachel like shit ever since.

      • What is with you people. Does anyone remeber Jeff hitting Dominic in the head with something while he was sleeping. I don’t recall anyone saying he should have been thrown out for it. He most certainly should have been. So freaking out about people talking is ridiculous. As far as Adam is concerned, he should follow Shelley and vote to keep Danielle. It’s his best chance at winning. JJ did target Adam the second time he was nominated. It was only after they found out about Danielle’s plan to blindside Jeff that they then targeted Dominic. Jeff was lying to Adam when he said different. So as far as the virtue of JJ, it’s no better than anyone else in the house.

      • Trust in Adam.He knows exactly what is going on in the house. He was talking aloud to himself earlier & he knows what everyone is doing as said”Do they think I’m that stupid” referring to Keeping Dani in the house.

    • Judas and her minions are all cowards. Rachel has nothing to fear from them. It is so great to watch the real Judas come out. She is such a sad and pathetic little girl without her daddy to protect her. GOODBYE JUDAS!

  10. WTF shelly is doing?
    Everyone knows that if they vote dani out, kalia and porshe will be like a bat on a sunny day. They are just puppets for dani… without dani they don´t have any idea on how to play the game.
    Porshe got onto the bag of bredon and rachel… then she jumped to dani bag.
    Jeff was completely correct. In 49 days she ignored jeff and jordan. Right now she is without support. She doesn´t even get near Rachel… so getting dani out is even the best bet of shelly.
    Without dani, shelly has a great point to get to the 5 last… and rachel is correct: nobody would vote on jordan to get the prize.
    So the other one that gets there will win. That´s why dani wanted to kick jeff out. Without him jordan would be the perfect pawn.
    So i hope shelly wakes up and remembers that.

    • You all are just ignorant. Plain and simple.

      How long have we been watching BB?

      Check your own backyards before you begin to take other people’s inventory. Plus, taking personal inventory of others during a game such as BB is just absurd.

  11. Thank god people are starting to see the others how they really are and not just ficus on Rachel even though I am not a fan of hers or anyone in this game
    But truth be told, they are far worse than what they pretend Rachel is
    OMG can’t believe how low people can get!!!
    Disgusting really and all the young watching!!! wow what a good example to learn and grow new generation of disgusting and bullying people

  12. Even though I don’t agree with everything Shelly does, you have to agree with her about one thing. If JeJo go to the end no one elsa will have a chance.

  13. I think she is actually kinda right, even if I don’t like Dani, from a trying to win standpoint, if J/J stay in power the next two up likely include some variation of Shelley, if not this round because K/P are still there, then soon. I think the J/J side will get rid of S before P because they think she is a dingbat.

    If D stays she has a good chance of winning HOH and getting rid of Jeff or Rachel next. You can’t trust Dani but she will still have the vets ahead of Shelley as targets and you have Dani doing the dirty work.

    If Shelley made it to the end not only would Dani have the blood on her hands, but Shelley could say she was a player and made a big move.

    I know everyone loves J/J, and I like them better than Dani and Shelley but from a game place I don’t think it’s awful. BTW I don’t think lying in there is bad, what is she supposed to say to Jordan? “Hello, no I am not for sure voting Dani, I might want you out, please target me next”?

    • Shaynamouse: Not everyone loves JJ. I was a
      big fan their first season and will never be
      a fan again after watching the way they have
      played this game this season. They are not
      the sweet, cutsie couple I once thought. Jeff
      is all about money, monery, money. Maybe be-
      cause he really doesn’t have a permanent job.
      I am not sure he will ever be ready to settle
      down and marry. When he said he wanted to use
      the money to travel, travel, travel, it showed
      me how self-centered and unprepared to become
      an adult with a future he really is. Jordan
      has become more a shark this season with only
      one aim…to make sure Jeff wins. Yet she asked him,”Do you promise to take me on a trip? And will I not have to bring my own
      money?” Really??!!

      • I tottaly AGREE!!!!! Jeff has been nothing but a manipulating bully this season, and Jordan is not the dumb blonde she plays. They are disgusting! Jeff is a smart guy who would’nt be with a bumb girl. I hope they keep Dani this week cause I can’t stand K. Shes a fast talking snake in the grass. He affect of going high and low when she talks is sickining!!!!! Dani’s best move would be to make up with Rachel and take out JeJo.

    • @ Shaynamouse and Terrie. I agree with you except I do like Dani. That aside I would love to see Shelly convince Adam. He is making a huge mistake staying with J/J. They are already wondering about him.

      • This is what I do not get. Why can’t
        Adam and the rest of the newbies rea-
        lize they have the power now, if they
        want it? If they don’t grab it now,
        they will never make it to the end.

      • @ sherry…because the newbies vs vets alliance has been long gone. I. Don’t understand why people are still bringing it up.

      • @ amy- exactly, everyone says why haven’t the newbiess stuck together and gotten rid of all the vets? Ummm problem A: the vets have won all the HOHs besides kalia.

  14. Shelley is a manipulative, chain-smoking liar. I really hope Adam exposes her.

    Jeff was right to question her loyalty to Jordan – Jordan just doesn’t see how Shelley operates.

    • The best shelly gets sticking with j/j is 3rd place. It’s time she breaks off and tries to play on her own. Manipulating and lying is a bb prequisite. It’s in the rule book!

      • I gotcha!! It just pains me to see Jordan be so naive to her tricks. It’s more irritating that she hasn’t won a thing and claims to be such a great mother. I know it’s a game but win something – she’s a master floater!

      • That only goes for weak players. I know for damn sure the best rachel will get. Against. Those 2 is a chance…because she. Can compete and decide who she wants next to her in F2. If shelly cannot do that, then she doesn’t deserve to be in the finale anyway.

  15. Adam, Porsha and Kalia will sit on their ass and wait for Thursday’s HOH comp and “hope” they win. What Shelly is doing is dangerous but GREAT GAME!! She is trying to herd the lame, lifeless, boring sheep to a new game strategy. Keep up folks and quit the name calling. It’s big brother….not Walton’s mountain! Shelly is making a huge, impressive move! It’s the only time they will have the numbers! Rock on Shelly!

    • Rolo I just hope Shelly can convince Adam. He doesn’t trust Dani, but he would have a better shot if he went with Shelly’s plan.

      • I agree Gail…Shelly has a great plan and a bag of misfits to execute it with. I see Porsha and Adam hiding under the bed on Thursday.

      • He doesn’t trust dani and now we all know he doesn’t trust shell. Either. Dumb move on her part. This was about the time Matt was exposed last year and the same thing will happen with Shelly. She is wayyyy to messy.

  16. Good point Snarf. No matter who anybody monitoring this chatroom is rooting for, that houseguest needs to realize that Jordan needs to be in the Final Two with them. It is highly unlikely that anyone on the Jury will vote for her to win again – unless she makes some kind of legendary move in the game in the days to come that would be talked about for years.

  17. Please Jordan lovers get live feed so that you could see her for what she is she will not even be a good wife Rachel as crazy as she is will probably be a better wife .Jordan sits and let her man be her maid dah ok but not all man will take that lol only Jeff.

    • I agree. I don’t Jordan has cooked one thing
      this entire season. Jeff makes sure she is
      fed and is constantly running to get her
      things she wants or Shelley runs to do her
      bidding. I think she will probably be a good
      mother, but not so much on the wife end. But
      then Jeff will not find anyone better to take
      his moodiness and temper fits and still care
      more about him than herself.

      • Jeff is emotionally & verbally abusive. Next step? Physical abuse. He waits hand & foot on Jordan to make up for his abusive behavior. No girl in her right mind would stay with this psycho. If JeJo win, I hope Jordan is smart enough to stash some cash because, if she stays with Jeff, she will need big bucks to pay for psychological counseling to repair the damage he will do to her head; cosmetic surgery to repair the damage from his physical abuse; defense attorney for when she finally has had enough of his abuse and snips off his wee-wee in the middle of the night. Run, Jordan, run. Take the money & run. I hope Jordan’s hillbilly mama speaks some words of sense into her little pea-brain daughter.

      • Lol. To that I say to Jordan, “You go girl!” I’d start making Jeff bring me my food in bed minus his shirt.

      • Who cares if she cooks??? I hate to cook also. Maybe Jeff likes to do the cooking. That has nothing to do with her as a person. Get real!!!

      • Jeff vents to Jordan and she is there for him. My husband would come home from work yelling like crazy to vent but afterwards he was the fine, gentle man I married.

  18. Well, I think Shelly is looking for the 4th vote (even if only 3 are enough) because she doesn’t want to vote against JeJo’s wish. Like, evil enough, let other people vote for Dani to stay, but she will vote to evict Dani. If other people don’t see this, well, they deserve it.

      • Shelly needs Adam’s vote as 3 is needed. Kalia can’t vote as she is still on the block. It has to be Porche, Shelly and Adam against Rachel and Jordan. Jeff can’t vote. Another shot for the newbies to make a stand. After all the chances they have I hope this is one time they finally make a move. They have the numbers. Why can’t Adam see that? Will it be yet another time they miss there chance?

      • Gail this is a dumb move because by evicting Dani there.will be 4 newbies left not 3. If Dani will throw her closest ally Kalia under the bus, why wouldn’t she do that to A, S, or P?

      • @Leo. Just my opinion, but if Dani stays she will go after Jeff first and then Rachel. If Jeff stays and Dani leaves he will go after either S, A or P first and both J/J and Rachel will go to final 3. A, S, and P will have a better shot with Dani being able to win comps. At some point they have to win at comps to be able to stay in the game. Adam was thrown his veto win. P and S have not won a thing yet. That’s why I say they have a better shot at keeping Dani. Again, just my opinion.

      • ~gail. Then what? What. Happens the following week? After dani can’t compete in hoh? This whole saving dani theory is absolutely ridiculous. Adam knows it and knows iit and know he’d be the first one out in the dani/shelly/porrsche alliance. There too few people to go switching alliances now, he has been saf with jejo all along, why is gonna try and get. Tangled. In the cross hairs for no good reason? Just absurd.

      • i don’t think it’s how long dani stays, it’s the reason why shelly should not evict dani to have a better chance at breaking up the JJ alliance.. they won’t have another chance like adam believes

  19. Shelly is walking a thin line right now. She needs to back off Adam before her plays his cards against her and tell JJ what she has been doing all this time. Talk about a huge blow-up. Shelly will go after Adam samea s she did Rachel and put him on blast as a liar. Well, that can’t go over well for a second time so Shelly will be the LIAR and JJ will see the devil in the flesh! Dani goes home this week ~ boohoo!!

      • I don’t know as I agree that Shelley
        will go after Adam like she did Rachel.
        I think she will cry again and then
        maybe even leave the game on her own
        accord. Then do they do the double
        eviction? How would that mess up the
        game schedule? But then maybe they
        could talk her down again.

  20. Way to go Shelly. At least, someone is working this week. But things seem to go against her favor when Adam, Rachel and Jordan are very determined to evict Dani. Adam also said that there would be nothing Dani could say to change his mind.

    Nice work old lady, hope you can turn the house upside down again.

    • I agree that at least this has stirred some things up in the house. Every HG could turn on each other. Jeff is looking out for J/J. He will throw anyone under the bus to ensure that. Rachel knows she would not win if it were her and Jeff at the end or her and Jordan. They all would. They all want to win.

  21. Maybe Shelly is trying to get Adam to vote for Kalia to be evicted so then she can still vote to evict Dani and then JeJo will think Adam turned on them and he will be a new target.

    • Yes ashlee. This is what I’ve been saying since yesterday. But I think what will actually happen is adam will call shelly out or at least tell jejo. And shellys game blows up in her face.

      • I think Adam wants to stay out of the
        drams risks like he has all season. I
        can’t see him doing ANYTHING that might
        bring the drama back on him. That is his MO for this game.

  22. They have the chance to get Dani out now, so why not do it . cause ther might not be a next, ,

  23. this is a BB Reunion with the twist thrown in that there are some new players that the Oldies must figure out and get out before finishing up their Reunion game. Big Brother has played the audience kinda with an expect the unexpected twist.

    The final three will be Jeff, Jordan and Rathole. Rathole will win and choose Jeff. Then it will be up to Brenda to get the Juror’s to vote for RatHole for the money.

    The next person (it really does not matter who at this point) who goes off to the Jury will already be worked on by Brenda. The fast forward only puts a small twist into this scenario in that Brenda will have to work on two at one time instead of one.

    • Why does everybody hate Rachel?I think shes a great player and she accidently hit the wrong button when Kalia won(even Julie pointed that one out) and Rachel admitted it was a mistake and not meant to throw the compition or Rachel would have wan HOH for the 3rd time.I wish she’d play as hard as she cries then she would win her way to final 2 & anybody with a backbone would have to vote her to win

      • Rachel also said she might throw the
        competion to be able to get the stress
        off of her. Didn’t exactly believe her
        when she said it, but with her anything
        is possible. If Rachel is as good as
        she thinks she is, then why hasn’t she
        winning anything since Brendon left? She has a lot of growing up to do and
        maybe some professional help with her
        many issues and she would turn out to
        be a good person one day.

      • I don’t hate Rachel I just think she needs to watch how she acts. I kind of feel bad for her because all Dani and Porche do is trash talk about her.

      • I have no clue why ‘everybody’ hates rathole. Like i said this has been a BB Reunion with a little twist thrown in ofr the audience. Three BB Vets will be standing at the end.

  24. Shelly has became everything she accuses Rachel of being
    If she think she can salvage any kind of relationship with JJ outside the house she better hope Adam doesn’t talk
    I hope this is production that put them up to this so it wont look like it’s a guarantee that Danielle leaves but she might stay

    • Shelly Makes Rachel look like a saint.
      America will be hating another HG this year.

      Poor Rachel is constantly harassed and backstabbed by the other HG’s.
      No those girls are really catty

      • I agree I cant listen to Porsha anymore of all the ways to make Rachel go crazy from spitting on her or provoke her into a fight
        I understand it’s a game were deception is involved but this 4 D P K S have crossed the line it is not amusing and it makes for bad tv
        Bullying it’s a big thing right now and letting this go on just justifies it

    • After Judas goes to jury on Thursday, I really don’t care who wins. I hope it is not Shelly in the final two, but as long as Judas is on the jury, I don’t really care. JUDAS< SAY HELLO TO BOOKIE!

      • I think Dani said Porshe could spit on her to make her mad enough to engage in a fight!

  25. dani is pulling everyones strings and bb wants the people in the house to start game playing, namely the newbies.thats why dani is telling porsch and shelly,kalia,adam if you want to win split the vets and show bb and america game play.i think even dani knows she is gone thur,no matter what.the game has changed and thur double evict will be interesting.shelly has exposed herself and is trying to plant seeds.if dani is abel to stay,give her the money.rach or jordon must win hoh or a vet will go home matter what adam always seems to be sitting pretty while the women go at each other in the house.adam will vote with jjr who cares what shelly does.

  26. its time for rachel to win hoh. i think Rachel is going to make to the final 3, i really hope rachel wins bb 13!!!!!!!

  27. Shelly is playing the game the way it should be played i would love to see the look on jj face when dani stays.If shelly gets this done she would go down as on of the greatest players.The only reason people are mad is because its jejo getting * they did not have a problem with shelly when she played kalia for a fool

    • That’s because Shelly is supposed to be in an alliance with J/J and Adam. Look what happened to Dani when she backstabbed and turned on her alliance. She’s going out the door on Thursday!

  28. I really don’t understand why everyone thinks that Jeff and Jordan are some kind of unstoppable combo. Yes, Jeff is a good player (though not as good as Dani and arguably Rachal), but his only true ally cannot win an HOH if her life depended on it. It’s only a matter of time before he’s picked off – really, unless Jordan wins HOH Thursday, he’s probably the next person out the door after Dani/Shamu.

  29. i love how all the JeJo fans are nothing more than “mindless Zombie”. the guy makes anti-gay and anti-women comments yet, you all still love the guy.

    Jeff could kill a bunch of kittens on the feeds and you guys would still cheer him.

    i can’t wait till Thursday when Rachel wins HOH and Fast Forwards his ass right to jury

    • Uuughhhhhhhh. You are so right!

      I. Would absolutely cheer him on, I hate cats. Love jeff, he leads my brain his abs warp me into a Zombie-Like state to the point that even if he slapped daniele across the face as she got evicted on Thursday id still love Him. Lmao geeeeez you dani fans. Are so dramatic.

      • YOU are sick! Cheer on murder?Animal rights activist here. Go give yourself aJeff orgasim all you want, maybe you like being ordered around by a bullie.turns ya on huh.Maybe we should keep to game talk sicko

    • Uuughhhhhhhh. You are so right!

      I. Would absolutely cheer him on, I hate cats. Love jeff, he leads my brain his abs warp me into a Zombie-Like state to the point that even if he slapped daniele across the face as she got evicted on Thursday id still love Him. Lmao geeeeez you dani fans. Are so dramatic. Do you hearr jejo fans Saying omg omg dani said She’d win a baby-eating Contest, she should be hanged! Get over it already!

      • At melony..if you couldn’t tell I was. Being sarcastic because some of the dani-cult member are crazy in the head! And act like people aren’t allowed to. Like. Anyone else!….ahhhh. I am. A zombie, I. Will follow jeff off the edge of a cliff if I have to…vote jeff vote jeff vote jeff! Jeff ftw ! Cat killer ftw! Lmao..get over yourself.

  30. If Dani stays she will wreck the house, she got lots of plan and can win comp. Say she won the HoH Thurs, she shortly surely will jump on the gentlemen Jeff and Adam, dangerous evicting one man and leaving the other man with a bunch of women. Safety will ensure everyone if Dani leaves, otherwise pressure on Jordan and or Rach to win HoH to secure the boys.

      • Anyone could have all these plans because they are not hers – they are what production is trying to produce.

  31. it’s time for Straight Shooter to get off her high horse I hope JJ will find out her true colours

  32. shelly is a man i cant stand watching her at all she even sit like one i hope adam tells jj show they can vote her out

  33. Moron nut-shell going to work in her flip flop act, sometime soon we need to get rid of her.

    Dani is a dangerous player because she can win comp. If she can stay this week, she will wreck the house and probably winning BB 13 big time.

    Adam found the rat and enemies in the house, it will be interesting to see how far he goes with his tail gaming. He is just squating and sticking around people’s behind.

    Porsche gas is still running after Jeff backstab plan. Beep beep…

    Jeff – Jo has a plan so they can be the final two, Jo have won money, haha, she might not get the vote with Dani and Brenchel and all those rats rewbies in the jury.

    Rachel has a 50/50 chance of winning if she laid back against Dani. As her Bren fiance work the vote in the jury house.

    Kalia is shaking this week. She knows she’s in big trouble.

  34. There’s one reason as to why the HG’s vote to keep nut shell around twice, well they might want to have her to the very end at final two so that they can have the vote to win. Becuz no final jury vote will be cast for nut Shell…

  35. Shelley is now the new Dani cuz she dare to try to play the game for herself and not JJ. A few days ago when she seemed like a JJ groupie I didnt see all this hate. Adam and Shelley are not as stupid as I thought.

  36. As of ab out. 30 mins ago. Shelly and adam were in the back yard(shelly still trying to convince him) adam. Tells shelly that if. It were anyone else Then he would do it, but its dani and she is a road block for. Him. He says, he knows they have to split jejo, but this week isn’t the time to go against them. Shelly says “so your mind is pretty much made up” Adam says yes and then goes on about how he thinks they can persuade porsche to evvict dani as well…sorry Dani fans buut her staying would be nothing short of a miracle.

  37. As of ab out. 30 mins ago. Shelly and adam were in the back yard(shelly still trying to convince him) adam. Tells shelly that if. It were anyone else Then he would do it, but its dani and she is a road block for. Him. He says, he knows they have to split jejo, but this week isn’t the time to go against them. Shelly says “so your mind is pretty much made up” Adam says yes and then goes on about how he thinks they can persuade porsche to evvict dani as well…sorry Dani fans buut her staying would be nothing short of a miracle. : )

  38. and a smart thing for Adam would be: yes, Shelly, let’t vot to keep Dani. ya!And still vot to evict her. That could help his game, as all the attention might go to Shelly.

    • Adam may be a sleeper and could yet win this game. I don’t think he really trusts Shelly. He’s playing close to the vest. I can see him making a move if he can get one of the two HOH’s this week. It is critical that he evict Judas. If he screws that up, he is gone. Judas will turn on him in a second. I’m pretty sure he sees the real JUDAS and wants no part of her.

  39. I dont understand why Shelly is doing this after Dani is on the block. Why didnt she work on jeff keeping the noms the same. If she really pulls this off, there is no way she will have the vote to win. With JJ and BR in the jury, they will decide who wins. JJ hates when they are double crossed and BR will never vote for her after her big fight with R. Bad Move!!!

    No one will beat Dani if she makes in to the end. She should have let dani go and get K or P get Jeff out.

    • I’m convinced that Shelly is just trying to get Adam to vote for Judas so that Shelly can go running to JJ and “out” him. Shelly is running a con. Why would she want Judas to stay? She has no real relationship with her. Shelly is just being Shelly. It’s a smoke screen. The vote will be 5-0 to evict Judas. Can’t wait to see Judas whine to Julie! SAY HI TO BOOKIE FOR US JUDAS!

      • Adam was talking to himself in bed a little while ago and was saying “she must think I’m stupid butI am onto her” He definitely will vote Dani out.

    • i think shelly realizes that if dani were to stay, there’s a better chance to break up the JJ alliance. since jeff can’t play for the next HOH and not being a great comp player herself, she could count on dani for a win to break up the JJ team. if dani were evicted, the newbies are basically dead because they suck at comps.

  40. While i like the revelation that shes not the JJ puppet she pretends to be, the conspiracy theorist in me is wondering if Shelly is a BB plant to protect the vets. Warned JJ. Saved Rachel. Now saving Dani?

  41. That was a ploy by Shelly. Shelly always pretends she isn’t playing the game by pretending she doesn’t know how many people are voting. Every single person knows how much people are voting each week, it isn’t complicate. I’ve seen her ask other people in casual conversation several times in OTHER weeks about how many people were voting. She knows very well there is 5, if she brings up to Adam in a reverse way by saying she doesn’t know where to get the 4th, Adam says himself all she needs is Adam and it’s like Adam is suggesting it himself for him to be the third vote. X_X

  42. Hope Adam votes for Dani to go, and Shelly votes for her to stay. That way everybody will know exactly where everyone stands.

    • if shelly votes to keep Dani and adam votes to get her out. THen Shelly will say Rachel must have voted to keep Dani not me .

      • Right Shelly is a pill, starts things then attacts Rachel. I hope Rachel shows Shelly what all her effert got her by winnig the half mil

  43. What I don’t inderstand is all the hatred towards dani. She has taken risks all the way through. What are these people supposed to do? Just lay down and let JJ and Rachel win! I cant stand whiny Rachel. People do not understand that there is no way if Jeff in in final two he will take anyone other than jordan. I like them but they have to be broken up. If Dani can somehow stay then Rachel or jeff could be gone on Thursday. And of course the bigget mistake in this game was when K was HOH she let Lawon go and had the perfect opportunity to get rid Of Rachel! But I think that whole week was staged and lawon was probably compensated!

  44. This has already been the worst season in BB history. If Dani gets voted out on Thursday, CBS knows that will solidfy that fact. Evenyone in the house LOVES JJ and will never vote them out… Give me a break, it is a game. yet Adam and Shelly and Rachel will go along with them until it is their time to go home. Even Kalia will come running back to JJ if they asked. She has been wanting to ever since she picked a side in the house. She wants to float back to the middle.

  45. I also don’t get how people can say that JJ have been targets ever single week. They have not been targeted by a single HOH yet! BR were the targets for Kalie and Dani for the past 3 weeks.

  46. Can someone please explain something to me… why when Dani backdoored brendon was it so “bold” and daring”. And “risky”. And if. She were sitting in F2 she would win because of it. But when jeff turns around and does it to. Her, he is a peice of shit and he’s an idiot…get the ff outta here, he’s playing the game and THIS is the. Best move anyone has made. So far. Dani only targeted brendon and rachel to avenge. Dominic. A boy she knew for 3 weeks, dani threw her game away for a summer “showmance” because she focused so hard on brendon and rachel that she Forgot there were other people playing this game too. Dani put herself in this position, she did it to herself. For trying to turn on her alliance way to early in the game and on a week that she held absolutely no power. She not “bold” she’s dumb, she’s trying wayyyy to hard to prove herself.

    • i don’t think dani would be able to get into F2, but i think if she stayed it would give the newbies a better fight to the F2 because jeff and dani would compete to take out each other.. and the floaters can just keep to what they do best.. floating lol

  47. I honestly think Adam’s an idiot if he does vote out Dani. I think there is a strong possibility that Rachel and JeJo will just eat through the newbies until the end. With Dani in the house, there is a bigger chance that somebody will actually break JeJo up and even the odds a bit.

    If Shelly wasn’t so sanctimonious, I’d actually like her. She has lied and manipulated people the entire game and nobody seems to give a crap. It’s pretty hilarious at this point.

    • I think that’s just you trying to make up any case possible. In no way, shape , or form will Adam benefit from keeping Dani. Dani is one frickeen person. Then what will adam do if jordan or rachel wins hoh? He’s out instantly. Daniele will not protect him, adam is a gornw man and he will have to fend for himself soon, he knows that. He also said that this week is not the time to flip on jejo and he’s absolutely right. You guys. Are giving dani much more credit than. She deserves..she cannot single handedly ge rid of. Jejo and rachel its just not gonna happen. And. Adam will be last. In. Line of a dani/shelly/porsche alliance. The man is making. A smart move. And sticking to his guns.

      • Vet fan, you are right on. Adam is pulling away and is the smart one and should vote Dani out because that makes it one step closer to the prize. That’s the goal not for him to keep her to win it!

      • Seriously? Chill out, vet fan. We get it…you love JeJo! It’s my opinion that Adam has a better chance flipping because Dani is still a bigger target AND she’s a good player so she has a good chance of taking out the others. Plus, there is no circumstance that I see allying with a 3 person alliance (one of which is a couple) as a good idea.

      • If this isn’t the time to break up J/J when is?….final 3?…sorry…this is the best time to do it, as it may be one of their final opportunities to do it…

      • Sorry Mo but you don’t know what you are talking about. Jeff is still a big target so Adam has a better chance of moving up staying with JJ.

      • granny6 > exactly jeff is a big target.. but after dani, there’s no one in the game who can go after him.. does adam really think he can take out jeff lol

      • Grammy6, I don’t really appreciate your comment. All of this is based entirely on personal opinions, which all of us are entitled to.

        I just think without the opposing force that Dani brings, Adam’s at the bottom of the JeJo army.

      • I agree everyone has their opinion but if you think about Adam’s position in the Dani,Porsche, Shelly alliance where do you think he fits in?

  48. Hey guy I have an idea I know some of you live in LA we should all get together with matt and get a sine made and fly it over the back yard telling jeff what shelly is doing talk about good TV let’s see production handel that

    • And hope pthat you and the other incur a fine, that is not true game playing, let the dummies figure this out on their own. Jeff is the so call smart one.

      • Who the hell do u think is going to incur a fine u weirdo? Not any diff than production telling Dani what the twist was!

      • The banner flyby aren’t possible anymore. I remember a couple seasons ago. The houseguests were discussing how many times they were sent in the house and put on small lockdowns. As planes flew over the house.

    • Greg, that is too funny because it has happened! What production cannot control will not hurt them and yes, that is good TV!

    • Good idea Greg but I don’t live in L.A. But I thought the same thing I wish someone would fly a sign over house. You would have to know exactly when they would be outside.

    • Is anyone else having a problem getting the flashback? It started with Shelley and Adam, and screen went red, Adam disappeared, and Rachel was there! All in a split second… Someone NOT wanting us to see, Maybe???


      • After 6 tries, the flashback DID work. Now, Porsche is trying to talk to Adam, it’s NOT working at all.

        On one other note, not that I’m a fan of Kalia at all, but I can’t wait tohear HER reaction to what they’ve tried to do….


  49. Shelly’s a ticking time bomb……..she is the biggest floatingflip flopper in BB history!!! She plays the entire house!! The smartest move would be get Shelly out!!! She don’t need to talk smack on Rachel!!! Shelly is a huge back stabbing snake!!!

    • I agree! All she has done throughout the game is lie. Im not the biggest Rachel fan but at least she can win competitions.

      • BTW, I hate that argument. “At least she wins competitions”.

        Competitions are the sideshow of the game. The money at the end is this goal. Winning competitions is not only pretty meaningless (they are pretty odd as tests of merit), but the smarter strategists often intentionally don’t.

        The best player in the history of the game never won an HoH or Veto, and didn’t even try to.

    • Playing the entire house is awesome.

      What I didn’t like about Shelly was that she seemed stuck to one side (JJ) and the rest of the lying was more to advance them than her.

      This week it looks like she’s branching out.

      She’s still annoying due to the irony of her comments about liars, but that’s how she keeps Jordan on her side.

  50. First of all Shelly stinks and has been riding coattails the whole game. She is so manly, sitting with her legs open like man last week at the eviction is sickening. I wish Adam would tell but now after Danielle goes (we hope and pray) it is a double eviction week so I hope J and J know about Shelly and either Jordan or Adam wins HOH and votes Shelly out. She deserves to go…. Hate her.

    • But then Jordan would be lying about the f4 deal, see where this is going, Everyone is a Liar! It’s for 500.000!

  51. Jeff and Jordan are just as big of liars as the rest of them. They are also HUGE hypocrites. I just can not understand their loyal following.

    • You can’t stand me? But we’ve never even met!

      Jeff and Jordan are very likable individuals, and I like them.

      I also like others playing in the game – for different reasons. Hardly able to compare them for they are all unique.

      Having said that, there are individuals that I certainly do NOT want to win: Shelly, Kalia, Porche, and definitely NOT

      Yes, I would be fine with Rachel winning. o.O Shocker!

    • i think it’s because they’re a good looking couple. apparently we’re watching The Bachelor in disguise…

    • greg d…i so agree with you. him and jordumb as such hypocrites. jeff tries to intimidate everyone and jordumb talks about how worthless porsche is because she hasn’t done ****. what the hell has jordumb done? besides sit on her pios ass and look like she needs to be put out of her misery!

      • Duh what show are you watching??? Jordan has won 2 comps which is more than a lot of other people!!!

      • Before you start calling other people dumb you should probably check your spelling first LeannieP. It’s “are” not “as”.

      • Same complaints about Jordan as when she won. Handing her the HOH is a silly comment. Only Brendon and Jeff remained, and they were in a solid alliance. There was no reason to attempt a better score at that point. The competition had all taken there shots and did not do as well as Jordan…get over it. Same junk every year about how someone didn’t deserve what they got, yet you’re still watching. Interesting when someone’s favorite doesn’t get something, it has to be fixed, or it wasn’t fair. Sour grapes…

      • Jejo are hypocrites no way round that
        if they hadn’t given Dani their word and preaching about how good their word was then I probably wuldn’t be care even tho I am pro Dani. If you plan on lying cool it’s a game but don’t start throwing your word all over the place

      • I love Jeff and Jordan, but I also love Danielle, I would love to see any of them win! I cant stand Shelly I really do not like her she is a dumb liar, she doesn’t remember her own lies!!! As far as Jeff’s dick, I would happily put it in my mouth!!

      • Please don’t use my name karen unless you add a number or letter or something after your name. I have been on this site since day one and do not have the same beliefs as you. You cannot come on this site and use other users names. I’ve asked you before to please change your user name.

      • Jordan has the best social game and has won 2 comps. Dani is so good she’s going out the door!!!

    • DITTO!!! I can’t Tell who jerks Jeff off more America or Shelly. Jordan a nice girl but, the education system in the south must really suck. Shelly never heard of hummus or avocado. No wonder the south is so ass backwards.

    • The same reason that Jeff and Jordan have loyal followers. We choose who we feel that is playing the game. Jordan and Jeff gets on my nerve. Jordan is not trying she leave everything to Jeff, she only won last time because of who she was up against. She talks trash about how others are playing and she has done no better.

      • Once again what show are you watching??? She has won 2 comps which is more than a lot of other people in the house. She also has a good social game. She is not cruel or mean to other people like Dani. She isn’t going around like a 2yr old hiding things and stealing others things. And Dani saying Jordan is miserable when Jordan was on slop for two weeks straight. But Dani has been miserable since the first day she was on slop. Now turning on her BFF Kalia.

      • @Miss Ann I 100% agree with you
        Although I think both Jeff and Jordan are nice people probs nicer out of the house. From watching live feeds alone they’re not america’s sweethearts.
        Jordan’s game is non existent the 2 comp she won is 1 HOH that was thrown to her and a luxury comp which really doesn’t impact the game. Her “social game” is simply Jordan being herself which is all nice when it’s said and done but like this isn’t summer vacay for Jeff and Jordan Jeff has pulled his weight but Miss Jordan has really done close to nothing but talk about Porsche’s terrible game that oddly resembles hers from season 11

  52. I agree I don’t think adam will tell I still say let’s fly a banner over the back yard outing Shelly lol

    • HELL lets parachute in we can tell them alot more that way and then we can join in and win the money for ourselves Julie said expect the unexpected. LETS GO

      • Greg and Amy – You two should try out for big brother 14 because with your humor you two could be dangerous!

        I LOVE IT and you are doing it without calling names like some others are doing!! Good stuff!

      • Amy ..i want to fly in and tell Rachel ..Brenden did not come back because America loves him..its because they love to see how low you and him will sink…

    • @Greg, Adam was just talking to himself while laying in bed and saying what is Shelly up to, why does she want me to flip? Then he’s saying do you think I’m falling for that? Then he said he doesn’t trust Shelly and Dani is going. So maybe Adam will tell Jeff what Shelly is doing. Keeping my fingers crossed

  53. I am so glad that people are finally talking about someone other than Rachel. Shelly is just a nasty person. She is mean and decided to use Rachel as her scape goat for everything she does. This woman does not know what the word truth means. I too think Adam should let Shelly think he is voting to keep Dani and then tell Jeff his plan. That way they could acutually catch Shelly in her game.

      • That would Awesome!!I really don’t like Shelly.Ihope all her lies blow up in her face,along with Dani,kawoo and por.why do they feel that they could talk sh@# about rachel all the time and do bad things to her.I’d love to see JeJO face when they see the entire show lol they shoulda kept Brandon;isn’t it funny with Brandon’s comment before leaving Jeff is now ready ot play

    • Dorothy,
      Shelly is playing nasty by lying to everyone. Remember this is a game. But if you want to talk about a nasty person than what in the world do you call Rachel. She is one of the nastiest people to step in the big brother house. Shelley is playing the game. Rachel is a straight up B****!!!

      • Shelly is nasty because she believes her own lies and dosent even own up to it in the DR

  54. i’m a daniele fan so the up side for 2 vote with shelly is that daniele can help them get rid of jeff,jordan and rachel

    • i’m a dani fan too and at first i thought evicting dani would be the better idea since she’s a strong player but now that i think of it, if the newbies really want to get to the finals, they would need dani so that the target would stay on her.. i doubt that JJ or R would get rid of the others first before her

      • @brittany scott and essie. I am a Dani fan also. I see an upside to keep Dani as well. Dani is good at comps and Jeff can’t play in the next HOH. Plus, if S, P, D and A are together they have the numbers.

    • Shelly is on the right track. Keep Dani so that the chance of winning is greater. Dani could get rid of Jeff and Jordan but also may Rachel but don’t hold your breath.

      • Sorry JC, I went to high school in the South and college in the north, I know a little bit of what I say. Don’t take it personally,just my humble opinion.

    • Yeah and then who will get rid of Dani. Truth is Adam will not have any better chance of winning with Dani. In that case evicting the stronger player on the block is the smart move.

    • If they don’t save Dani they will be picked off one by one…she is the only one that can win any games and stand up to the bully Jeff……

  55. Dani was never going to honor her deal with J&J she only told Jeff he was safe because her target was brendan and she said she wanted Jeff out next so she is not so rightous. J&J have to keep an eye on that dude Shelly because he is dangerous.

  56. As much as I now dislike Shelly for her bad behavior in the game and her outrageous behavior in the diary room,


    as much as I do NOT want to see her win,

    I WOULD like to see her play big brother again with her ridiculous antics, alongside the lovely young lady from last season (whose name is momentarily escaping me)who was bent on the various ways of killing herself in the BB house.

    Grr, what IS her name?

  57. Shelly is the biggest hypocrite in the house with all her “integrity” bs. Everyone is afraid of her for some reason. She’s soooooo sweet to everyone’s face, compliment here and compliment there. Purely a suck up so that she can keep her disguise of the rat she really is. But, when she is angry or upset, all Hell breaks loose and everyone involved gets her wrath. Good game play? Apparently many think so. Dani belittles and is condescending to everyone, even to her alliance shadows (Kalia and Porsche). I hope they’re all smart and dump Dani this week, and Shelly next week!

  58. Shellys a lying flat out loser, Jordan gave her that phone call from home. Shes a no good lying back stabbing piece of dirt. Brendon should have been kept in!!! Shelly you will get yours once JeJo finds out about your little scheme wow and she calls herself s straight shooter, go cry shelly!!!!

  59. I’m getting mighty tired of the JJ show!! They insist on loyalty and whine like punks when a person tries to make a move to make the game interesting. No soon does he have a chance to go back on his word, he does and puts up Dani on the block.
    It’s a matter of principle. Keep strong players in the game and do a favor for your viewers. I’d hate it if a floater like Adam or Porsche wins this season!!

    • Did you guys watch Showtime 2 After Darl last Night. Jeff was getting upset…saying that he got rid of Brandon…now Daniele and now the newbies want him to put up Rachel next…says the newbies need to win a comp and do something for themselves. Funny, I don’t remember him making the move to get rid of brendon….Daneile did that twice.. Jeff not a very good player when anyone makes a move that might go against him. He thinks that he is “King” His arrogance is nauseating…Can’t wait for someone( don’t care who) makes a move against him…what a crybaby.

      • Go Jeff and Jordan!!! Matt (moderator) can you please ban this jerk who is posting under my name.

      • @Bigbrofan I’m with you. I don’t remember Jeff making any move on getting rid of Brendon either. It was all Dani and yes she had to do it twice. I do not like Jeff’s attitude this season. He was not like that at all during his previous season. Now he thinks and acts like he is the King and has done everything in this game. If someone crosses the line in any way against him then they have to pay. Dani is the only one who made bold moves in this game and now he thinks because he replaced Dani with Porche he is the first ever to make a bold move. A lot of people have said that Dani is a backstabber, liar, cheat, etc. They all are. Another thing that annoys me is when Dani and Kalia were HOH people were saying how all they did was eat and talk about everyone else. Funny, I see J/J and Rachel doing the exact thing. Rachel eats every bit as much as they did. She was going to town on the pub cheese and then went right down stairs to make a sandwich. Point is they are all guilty of doing the very same thing.

  60. If Shelly cuts throats on her real job I can see how she got where3 she is in her work. Destroy all around her so she can get to top without working. Jordan gave her that call & she still cuts throats. GET HER OUT JEFF

    • As she destroys everyone along the way that leaves just her and what a lonely place that must be and for those boys she supposedly work for – they must be saints unless she owns the company by herself and runs it all by herself because no one in their right mind would show up for work if they were going there just to be “smacked” around verbally by her!

  61. bb needs to stop playing the game let the house guest play it like suckie up with dani its getting out that bb is doing these things in dr pp going to stop watching

  62. The only ones thinking this is a good move for the newbies r Dani fans, she is still a vet, and only cares if she gets to the end. She has Kalia and Porche under spell and now maybe Shelly. Adam knows that if he gets rid of Dani, then he can try to come up with a new alliance for the rest of the newbies. This is why he hasn’t told on Shelly.

      • I actually really like Dani, but I think move is bonkers. You have to go one step at a time in this game. Why focus on breaking up a threat who isn’t even up for eviction when a bigger threat can so easily be voted out? Shelly’s best move would have been voting out Dani, then rallying up the troops to to break up Jeff and Jordan. That way, she would be seen as making a big move, and all the majoy threats would potentially be out of the game. Dani has a HUGE chance of winning this game. The only person who benefits from staying in the house is Dani. Now, Shelly is going in the right direction, but she is doing it too early.

      • Eames > how is too early because if dani goes, then adam, shelly, porshe and kalia are basically goners because rachel is a better comp player. if she wins HOH i doubt she will put up jeff and jordan. then after rachel, jeff will probably the comps. unless there’s some miracle and A S P or K get it

      • You may be right on Adam’s thinking Sheila…but the problem is that none of the newbies are good at comp’s …the others will eat them alive without Danni…if the newbies were better at comps than I would think he has a good plan….it will be easier for them to get Danni out

      • bigbrofan, essie and Terrie I’m with you. If they don’t do it now it will be too late. Boy, I wish Adam would see the light.

    • @Eames rally up what troops Kalia (the chick that cowers whenever Jeff talks to her) or maybe Porsche (the chick who sleeps and cooks) or maybe Adam (the guy that has probably kissed everyones ass except for his own)

      There aren’t much troops to choose from if they want any chance of breaking up Jeff and Jordan they have to keep Dani if not it will no longer be the rachel show but the jeff and jordan show and they will literally skate their way to the end and maybe Jordan will win again

  63. Could someone pls explain what happens during a double eviction? What is the procedure?

    • The planned eviction takes place.

      Then, a HOH competition, nomination, veto competition, veto ceremony, and live eviction —

      all in one night.

      Simple. One week’s worth of game in one night.

  64. It sounds like Adam is figuring it all out…ha ha Shelly, he’s not going to side with you and Dani!!!!

  65. I’m wondering why viewers are getting so upset about players who lie in this game. This game is all about lies, backstabbing and throwing others under the bus. I dont’ know of any player that has not lied…It’s called BIGBROTHER for a reason. I want to see more lies and backstabbing. That’s the only thing that keeps it interesting. I hope the biggest liar wins…I guess that means Shelly at this point. I don’t particularly like her…but so far she best liar.

  66. As much as Rachel gets on my nerves, I would not be mad if she won. Dont get me wrong, I am cheeriing for Jeff and Jordan, but if Rachel makes it to the end, she deserves to win.

    • If she makes it to the end – you are absolutely correct and deserves to win and did it with out “her man!”

      • Rachel is being very nice this week but Dani & Porsche are talking about doing really terrible things to her to get her to hit them to get her out. Shelly being nasty to her when Rachel did nothing wrong. I’m not a Rachel fan but very proud of how she is acting thisweek.

      • Exactly!! Rachel has really surprised me this week. With everyone being down right mean to her, she has been really nice and in control for once. If she can just keep it up she might be able to get further in this game.

  67. Adam is another Lawon, a total sheep follower. For a metal head he is pretty soft more like a easy listening fan. He going to go home in a week then he can ask himself was I that sackless. Oh well I handed over 500.000 to a couple that has already won, loser.

      • I would not call it smart at all, he is “Star struck” and is playing Jeffs game 100%. He is very wishy washy, it’s a good thing in real life he is not responsible for peoples lifes(Cop, Soldier, Firefighter) With being unable to make a decision.

      • Adam is the biggest floater behind porsche, Hes only won 1 comp (which jeff threw) The only thing hes done smart, Which others like danielle, rachel, And Shelly havent is laid low and not tried to cross the vets.

        Dom, Cassi, And Keith all made the mistake of Crossing the vets ASAP, And trying to run things when they couldnt win.

        I dont think its fair that 3 teams of vets were brought back, I think J/J and D/D would have been fair.

  68. If the newbies had any brains between them, they would realize the smartest play this week would be to keep Dani. Why? The newbs haven’t managed a win (except for Kalia’s fluke)and I don’t expect them to. So next week Rachel wins a newb goes home. Then Jeff wins another newb goes home etcera … Can tell you I wont be watching how boring is that. I then know how it will go. AtLeast with Dani they thin the herd, she wins HOH JJ or Ratchel goes up, and newbs have better odds at winning following week. I know JJ fans disagree, but honestly I don’t want to watch when I can see how it ends. Course if the newbie (Adam) can’t figure it out they don’t deserve to win. May as well give em the money now screw the rest of season.

    • There is a lot more game to be played. Too many people figuring the end of game way to soon.

      • Just watch if Dani goes home, it will likely play out as predicted. Unless the newbs have been blowing comps on purpose.

      • Just watch if Dani is evicted Thurs. it will likely go as predicted. Unless all the newbs have been throwing their comps.

      • This and the last season have been very predictable, no real moves, everyone votes the same. The writing is on the wall for America’s sweet hearts to win. I can’t stand Rachel at all, but if Dani goes home which she will, Rachel should win but the cheque is already made out to J or the other J.

    • I agree with this, I think adam is so starstruck and really doesnt want to cross J/J/R since they are the leading power, What he doesn’t realize is that he cant beat them at ANYTHING, So how does he expect to win by just following them? Danielle Is their only hope to split up J/J, And even send rach home at this point.

      Dani sealed her grave by sending home brendon last week, If she would have sent home jeff she would have had B/R support for atleast 1 week, And Jordon wasnt going to win HoH.

      I also have no clue where shelly is actually going to vote this week, She is trying to flip the votes, but i wouldnt be surprised if she just did it to single out Porsche and adam so that they would get out next.

    • I agree with you NS. Of course, J/J and Rachel fans will never agree. If it were not for Shelly stirring the pot this week and Dani still fighting until the end it is boring all ready when they only show the rest of them.

    • The only problem with that is they then have to get Dani out which will be hard because she is good at comps

      • Yeah…but Danni can’t play after winning HOH….she has to rely on her alliance …they can vote her out on one of the comps that she will not be able to play in..they have enough votes on their side….by taking J/J’s side they have no power…

  69. I hope Dani goes. I cant stand her crying and talking about her friends in production. She shouldnt be able to play in the first place, knowing people that work there. I think Porsche is a mean girl and the biggest floater. Kalia is annoying but she is honest. Love Jordan she is a sweetie, but I dont think she should win another 500K. Jeff is hot, kinda chauvinistic, but I like him. Rachel is whiney, cant stand her laugh, but if she makes it to the end, she should win, since hated from day 1 by the rest of the cast. Adam is lovable, big time floater, though. Shelly is the worst player in BB history. I mean sure, its a game and you dont tell the truth all the time, but she is just nasty and she should be embarrassed by the way she played the game. With that said, I think Rachel or Jeff should win.

      • @ bryan not only is she crying she is being a bitch to everyone else including kalia and even though jeff said nothing to her this morning she came out and said people dont have respect she is so annoying whining and complaining like an entitled brat…

    • Bellarambo. Guess you didn’t see when it showed Jeff has friends in production as well. It that’s not fair for Dani why should it be fair for Jeff?

  70. I think Britney from BB12 is the devil spawn of the devil Shelly — and Danielle is the sister spawn. I hope once Danielle is gone that the bashing of Rachel settles down — good gawd, its just painful to watch these hens cluck such vile mean things just because she dates to: talk, play games, pee, work out, play the game (when Rachel talks its backstabbing lies but when they do it it is game) Mind you, Rachel is annoying but for my viewing, she has been really pretty good. Today her and Shelly talked for hours about college/sororities and no game — now Shelly will turn and talk trash about her the rest of the day to Dani (who immediately goes to the backyard and starts the trash talk-its her fav thing to do) If these biatches would play the damn game and quit with the Brenchel bashing it might be less boring!

  71. Everyone talks about how bad of a player Shelly is…please don’t get me wrong, there are definatley other players I like better in the competition, however I give credit where credit is due…and if you think about it, she may not be a great, outstanding, lie free, individual, but she IS a great game player. Everyone says she is riding the coat tails, but really…she is playing, and doing it well if everything thinks she is floating by. She cries when she needs to (but not over the top like Rachael), she knows whats going on with both sides of the house, and makes her decisions based on what will further her in the game. She flipped once, and it worked for her. If she flips again, it very may well work for her. If you are looking for true loyality or honesty you are looking in the wrong area. This is big brother. It’s all about getting YOURSELF further in the game. It’s not about being the most loyal or about being the most honest. A true floater would be Adam who doesn’t open his mouth unless spoken to. He doesn’t say or do a thing. What works for one may not work for others. So while I applaud Jeff, Jordan, Rachael and Dani for being the true “players” of this game, I also think Shelly can give them a run for their money.

    • Shelly cant win comps, Otherwise she might be the best plaer this season. Shes a total liar, And even believes her own lies, and shes also a mother, Which makes her seem more innocent/Harder to put up. Everyone calls her scum but thats how things are supposed to be played. If she could just win an HoH she would have a good shot at winning

  72. Jeff a big sooner saying he hates Porsche for being a floater n not playing the game..but your going to save her off the block..don’t dish out what you can’t handle in being returned!!!!!

    • Totally agree. He said he was going after the floaters? Guess Jeff lied? Oh, I forget only Dani does that or Shelly. lol

  73. I want Adam out of the house. A floater, doesn’t do anything interesting, has no alliance, doesn’t deserve to win.

  74. hey adam wake up dummy, even if you were final 3 eith jejo, u aint winning buddy!!! keep dani!!! and i never thought i would see the day when i actually like shelly, now that shes trying to keep my baby i like her. shelly ur ok in my book now. #teamkeepdani

  75. Like I said yesterday before all the drama with production went down. There is no way Dani is going home. I would be willing to bet anything on it. Why would Shelly all of a sudden be campaigning to keep Dani in the house after being behind J/J for so long. Production has probably promised her something like a return to BB All Stars or $$$ to get the house to keep Dani. It’s super unfair that Dani has friends on the production staff. She shouldn’t have been allowed on the show in the first place. That being said, I think Dani will stay and then win HOH, and get Jordan out with the second elimination that night sending Jeff into a rage. Kalia and Jordan will be heading into the Jury House with Brendon this week.

    • I will be upset if that happens. I may decide to not watch this “Reality” show anymore.

    • I 100% disagree. The show will have much more drama. Once rachel jeff jordan and the rest start turning. On eachother..danis alliance and jejo alliance going back. And forth picking eachother off will.get boring. We can. Bet a virtual. 20$ kay? Lol sorry about all the periods…also, if brendon wentt, then she will go, what makes her so special?

      • @ Lord Farquar 111…I sure LOVE the way you see things going down in the house !!! That would be the best ever !! We need some great moves so that we all do not know what’s coming.We need more excitment than what we’ve had so far.GO DANIELLE !!!

  76. Well guys I think we can officialy say. Shelly screwed up. She is trying to work on flipping rachel now, lol…we KNOW rachel will tell. She’s also trying. To set up a meeting with Dani and Adam and adam said “no, what does she think I’m effin stupid? I’m. Not eiffn doing that”(to himself) also talking to himself earlier saying “why in the hell. Would she. Want to flip?” See adam ain’t no. Fool folks…sorry about all the periods.

  77. Not meant to insult Shelley, but everytime I see a picture of her, I get a mental image of her crawling out of an alley, brown paperbag (cheap cooking wine), then pushing her shopping cart full of worldly treasures,……….

  78. Jeff and Jordan think they are entitled to win !!!!!!! No one else should want to win. They are suppose to support them in their Kingdom.

    I think Shelly is campaigning for Danielle to hurt her .. That is doing more damage to Danielle then helping her. I think Shelly came up with a plan to keep Danielle from coming up with one.
    I have heard Danielle talk about production at night and it is not the way it is being portrayed. Of course when you go in the dr as much as they do they are friendly with them. I think she has a crush on one of the guys which is typical of a 25 yr. old in her situation.
    I do not think she has ever had a very good support system at home. She seems lonely and I will hate to see her go!!!!!!!

  79. I can’t watch live feeds right now…do Jeff, Jordan, and Rachel still not know about what Shelly is up to? If not, HOW?

    • good question….wish adam would say something….if adam and rachel started talking they could be the “other” couple and try and go F2….adam was a brenchal fan last year and sadly he lets the biatches hate fest affect his thinking a bit – tho he tries to defend her a bit by thinking her self esteem is just low (duh) — but if they made a pact knowing JJ needs to be broken up at the end or they walk with the money they could do it.

    • About the name game, is there a rule I don’t see on the site about using “someones” name?

      • or what if someone has the same name as you and didn’t realize they are ‘using’ it.. karen is pretty common…

      • Jerk is pretty harsh, could be what essie said, Karen is vey common, but if you want I am a internet cop.

      • Just so you know when they are doing it just to go against you and pretending to be you they will be banned. Read the rules and also read my comments and you’ll see the person commenting under my name makes a comment right after me. This same person has been doing it with other people and they just keep changing there email. I suppose you agree with identity theft also. And it’s really none of your business because it doesn’t concern you.

    • WHO CARES!? Karen IS a very common name. Do you get angry at everyone in your real life whose name is Karen? I don’t think so. At least I hope so. It’s not a big deal so please stop making it seem like it. Let’s just keep this website about Big Brother and not about how people have the same name….

      • The issue was someone posing as her, not that they just had the same name. The offending user was posing as someone else and leaving vulgar messages.

      • @Rhonda, Like I said before why are you butting in when it doesn’t concern you??? How would you like someone posing as you and talking trash on this site. It’s not about the NAME!!!

      • Oh, I see. I’m sorry about that Karen. That was my bad. But I think the best thing for you to do now, is to ignore them. You’ve already done everything you can. And when it comes down to it, what the false Karen wants is a reaction from you. And by posting a bunch of comments and yelling at them to stop, you are basically giving it to them. Once again, sorry about the accusation earlier.

  80. About the name game, is there a rule I don’t see on the site about using “someones” name?

    • There’s no rule against two people having the same name. The issue arises when someone intentionally poses as someone else to cause problems and becomes disruptive.

  81. shelly needs to go a.s.p she is a two face and a big liar u could see it all over her ugly face

    • @Matt(BBN): Do you think Dani has a chance? Will Shelley convince Adam?? Do you think there will be another twist?

    • Matt(BBN): Do you think Dani has a chance? Will Shelley convince Adam?? Do you think there will be another twist?

    • Matt(BBN): Do you think Dani has a chance? Will Shelley convince Adam?? Do you think there will be another twist? Lika a Pandora’s Box or something?? I think Jeff would open it for more money. Any thoughts?

    • Matt: Do you think Dani has a chance? Do you think Shelley will convince Adam?? Do you think there will be another twist? Lika a Pandora’s Box or something?? I think Jeff would open it for more money. Any thoughts?

    • Do you think Dani has a chance? Do you think Shelley will convince Adam?? Do you think there will be another twist? Lika a Pandora’s Box or something?? I think Jeff would open it for more money. Any thoughts?

  82. I’m about tired of Shelly playing both sides of the house. The worst part is that it’s working! I really hope everyone sees what Shelly is doing and FAST!

  83. You not serious shelly isn’t really trying to flip Rachel is she talk about the dumbest move in BB history I think they would have to retire shelly’s picture for that mistake

  84. Shelly’s BEST PLAY is to continue to try and convince Adam and Porshe to vote to keep Danielle, convincing them of Danielle’s value and their numbers to win her freedom – and then vote against Danielle… further alienating those two (Adam and Porshe) from the HG majority and extending her game life.

  85. It would be hilarious and fitting if Adam agrees with the deal (Shelly wanting Dani to stay)to Shelly’s face, then in a sense, backdoors her by siding with JJ and R when he votes. That could leave Shelly and Porsche solely voting to save Dani, while the others vote her out. 3 to 2 Correct? Bye bye babycakes.

  86. Thank God for all the good people on here keeping us posted for those of us who don’t subscribe to the live feeds — you all keep us well informed with plenty of updated facts and opinions, which I appreciate in spite of the differences of said opinions; who we want to see succeed, who we don’t, etc.

    With that said, can someone please elaborate on exactly what these ‘threats’ are against Rachel?

    It’s my understanding — from what I’ve read from a few concerned posters — that a drawing or voo-doo doll or SOMETHING was made to emulate Rachel hanging with a noose around her neck…?



    And if so, doesn’t that constitute a serious threat and does CBS/Big Brother not have a moral and legal obligation to protect the housemate who is being threatened?

    Am I correct in what I’ve read or has it all simply been blown out of proportion?

    My food for thought on this is that game play can and does turn ugly and personal — it comes with the territory of this show — but when one wants to see physical harm to another player I would think that changes things…

    • @Jo, Rachel made some figures of her and Brendon last night with some bendables that BB gave them to play with. After Rachel went to bed Porche and Dani made a noose and put them around the stick figures neck. Acting like 2yr olds again.

      • Indeed. Pretty infantile. See, to me, that act is pretty threatening — I’m really curious to know if BB producers addressed this at all…

        I wrote earlier, and will repeat it here, that I don’t think this game or that house has room for something so despicable.

        You can dislike each other, certainly, but to me that clay doll with the noose around it’s neck/s represents malice and ill intentions…

      • I agree I say it now and I said it before in the real world lets say a work enviroment this would constitute a threat and again u dont have to like everybody but this 2 heve taken it to another level and it is very disturbing If either one of them was my daughter or sister I would be embaressed and mortify

  87. Why would Shelly be so stupid to do this? Really you want to stab JJ in the back? Fake. It makes for good tv though, have fun explaining this to Josie!

    • lol maybe to try and beat the JJ team? jeff is a powerhouse how else would she. altho i doubt dani will stay this week, it’s a good reason

      • That is so true essie. I just hope Dani gets to stay somehow. It will be so boring without her. I just don’t care for J/J this season. Nothing like they were in their season when I was completely for them. Both of them have changed my mind completely. I was even rooting for them during Amazing Race, but they didn’t get very far.

      • gail i think adam is just too scared of jeff… does he honestly think jeff will take him to the end.. jeff will probably go after him next since adam seems to be the ‘likeable’ one from both sides and win

  88. GET RID OF DENNYRAY – foul mouth

    ■dennyray says:
    August 23, 2011 at 4:43 pm
    I love Jeff and Jordan, but I also love Danielle, I would love to see any of them win! I cant stand Shelly I really do not like her she is a dumb liar, she doesn’t remember her own lies!!! As far as Jeff’s dick, I would happily put it in my mouth!!

      • This is the second comment I’ve seen from this poster using disgusting language.

        Believe me, I’m no prude by any means and am not above using a dirty word, but there’s a place for such things and a public forum such as this for a TV show is not it, in my humble opinion.

    • @Dennyray, why don’t you go to another site, where people appreciate you? @Matt, I’m sure someone has already said something about this.

      • Read the very last line of ‘Dennyray’s’ comment…

        If you still stand by your initial stance, so be it. I said before I’m not a prude by any means but there is a time and place for ‘locker room’ smut talk and in my humble opinion, this isn’t it.

    • Barring a miracle, yes, he is evicting her.

      It seems like his plan is to let others get rid of the people he can’t win in challenges, win the last few challenges, and say “see, I AM a competitor”.

    • Yes, Adam is voting Dani out this wk. After Dani is gone, I’m done with this show once & for all! This season has been a Jeff & Jordan show. He is a foul mouth bully & as_ and Jordan is soooo dumb, it’s amazing she won in her season, “uhh, uhh, uhh”, she can’t complete a sentence without forgetting what she was going to say. CBS brought Brendon back, he wasn’t voted back, this was to only help Jeff & Jordan & annoy the crap out of us viewers. Dani is the only one actually playing the game. So, got rid of the feeds & showtime and next wk I will most likely say goodbye to Big Brother once & for all! Such a sad season. Also, does anyone find it ironic that there was not a Have/Have Not comp this wk, that Jeff just got to pick……3, which was only 3 people that were against him….see what I mean! And, when the twist came in to play, it was Dani’s team…..See what I mean….it’s the Jeff & Jordan show!

      • Really T? you are going to quick watching just because your favorite player gets kicked out? you take this way to seriously

      • T……thank you so much ..i am sick of all the Barbie and Ken lovers acting like they are the perfect couple..Jeff is a Big mouth calling everyone that doesn’t vote the way he says a floater,when he is dragging the biggest floater along with him…he says he wants to get rid of the people that aren’t really playing the game ..Really Jeff??? then you need to get rid of ADAM,SHELLY and Jordon…Dani is the only one that is playing the game….but wait she won’t vote the way you want….T. everything you said is right on…..

      • I agree with T. Although I will not stop watching. JeJo has to go!!!! I can’t stand K and Jordan. The way Jo keep pulling on her hair and the way K talks with her up and down affect is so retarded. Jeff is a bully and the real Jeff has stepped forward. JeJo are allready counting their money. They will go bankrupt!!!! Common people can’t you see that? I will vote P as favorit player, she is so sweet and deserving. Rachel is a manipulater and Adam is just a dummy and Shelly is a rich woman and doesnt need the money. Kalia will never win so she should go NOW!!!!! I can’t wait to see their faces when the double evection it reveiled. And I agree, how did Jeff after saying in the hoh room the night befor to Jordan, “how cool would it be if I got to pick the have nots for the week”? BB stop manipulating the game and let them play!!!!!! Something is just not right. I hope that Dani stays and wins to make her Daddy proud.

  89. I actually think Adam is playing a great social game, every week everyone wonders what move Adam’s going to play.He never seems to show his cards until he has to. I think he will stay with JJ as far as he can get and by not saying anything to JJ about Shelly he is letting her dig her on ditch keeps him out of the spotlight. He is not that great at competitions so he has to step up the social game. As for Shelly, she is on the right track as far as JJ goes however the HG are learning ever so slowly that she cannot be trusted and that is going to bite her in the end. I really liked Shelly but I am dissapointed with how she has been playing lately. She is becoming more like rachel everyday.

  90. Shelly a little while ago was trying to work on Rachel to keep Dani. Boy Shelly keep it up and you’ll be out the door right behind Dani.

    • Why would Rachel keep Dani… it would be a dumb move, Dani will put up Jeff and rachel for sure!

  91. ::A repeat of my question I posted earlier::

    Can someone please elaborate on exactly what these ‘threats’ are against Rachel?

    It’s my understanding — from what I’ve read from a few concerned posters — that a drawing or voo-doo doll or SOMETHING was made to emulate Rachel hanging with a noose around her neck…?



    And if so, doesn’t that constitute a serious threat and does CBS/Big Brother not have a moral and legal obligation to protect the housemate who is being threatened?

    Am I correct in what I’ve read or has it all simply been blown out of proportion?

    • I hope it is not true But if it is who ever is doing this kinda of stuff in the bb house should be made to leave the house.

      • Wow! And they have the nerve to constantly trash Rachel? How low can they possibly fall? So glad Dani is going home! Never thought she was so vindictive and mean spirited.

      • Way lower than you can even imagine. She hates everyone in the house & is being a bitch in every sense of the word. She’s been moping since she got put up,making up lies, voodoo dolls, Porsche wants to spit on RACHEL so Rachel will hit her & get evicted. Porsche is encouraging all the bad behavior too. They are making Natalie BB11 look not so bad.

      • To lie, dislike another player and to play with different motives, ethics and alliances is one thing and definitely part of gameplay, but a ‘voo-doo doll’ with a noose around it’s neck, to me anyway, seems to be a viable threat that I would hope CBS and/or BB producers take seriously.

        I don’t think there’s room in that house or this game that justifies an despicable act like that…

      • Yeah, I’m really not liking the whole noose thing. I have been a little bit on guard, because there have been several accusations of racist behavior on this site. I don’t care what nationality Rachel is, it’s not right. But, I think with how many accusations have been flying around, it would have been a real issue had it been another player. Just saying. But, overall, not cool.

    • Porsha was trying to figure out ways to have Rachel self evict herself like throwing water on her head or Danielle suggested spitting on her so that Rachel would hit her and she would have to leave They are pathetic their family Im sure R proud

      • I know…wow…what has she done so personally bad to them? They really need to grow up. I know this sounds corny, but I would absolutely ashamed to say I know them. Especially Shelly, I feel bad for her daughter.

      • The only reason Porsha is still in the house is because of Rachel she would have been the first evicted but R gave her the chance to the gold key that kept her safe

      • @vet fan, I feel bad for her daughter, as well. And it’s not that I have a different set of standards for people that aren’t parents vs. people who are. But, I feel so bad for her little girl. I couldn’t imagine doing that in front of anyone, let alone in front of America. Tsk tsk.

      • it was actually evil dick that made porcshe the 1st gold key choice ,he bullied rachel into it…..

    • Absolutely no excuse…Action should be taken immediately. These girls say Rachel has issues?! They are just down right evil with no conscience. Shelly and Dani both need to be evicted and then they need to seek therapy quickly!!!

      • I agree lol. Dani should at least receive a penalty vote for tying that noose around that doll pretending it was rachel.

      • And didn’t Shelly cut something off of the stuff animal Rachel sleeps with? WOW, and Porcshe with putting benefiber in their slop or muscle milk? Hiding vitamins? Chess pieces? Uptop of the many other childish and immoral behaviors a Noose around the neck of Rachels doll she made last night???? Anyone with half a brain knows that is a threat…all those mean girls need is an alter some candles and they could sit around chanting hoping/praying/wishing something bad befall Rachel.

        If the goal is to self evict Rachel won’t do that. I’m not a Rachel fan, but when she is being smearky it’s to their faces. Same when she is trying to annoy them, she does it to their face.

        Porsche last night outside while making those dolls/designs she kept giving Rachel death glares, was short, hateful and annoyed at and to Rachel. Rachel having been drinking ( Amazing) kept quit

    • Considering the words that Rachel was screamed at by Reagen in past BB show face to face i’d say big brother not going to do anything about little drawings.

      • Rachel. Was never threatened by reagan…that in America. Is considered a threat and not o.nly that, but grow up already ladies…you. are all grown and on. National television. How emberassing.

  92. So dani is officialy campaining to adam right now…doesn’t seem that he’s stupid enough to fall for it. Let’s hope not.

    • Thanks for the update…I sure hope he doesn’t give into Must Go Shelly, who’s a menace to society!!

  93. Shelly can try to get Adam &Rachel to vote to keep Dani but it is not going to work. hope JE &Jo she shelly for who she really is .

    • She (dani) is so pathetic. She is telling Adam her dad will hate him if her votes her out lol. Why the hell would he care?

      • i think she was joking, even you laughed.. i think she just threw that in because she knew her arguments with adam were getting nowhere

      • Essie I did laugh, but she wasn’t, they plotted that yesterday, that’s why porsche was saying that stuff about janelle today. They said they would tell him all that cause he’s a “super fan”

  94. if dani stays that would be super shocking and super awesome!!! jeff jordan and rachel will have to pick up their jaws!! please production affect the outcome!!!lol bribe adam!!!!

      • No kidding. The only thing she talks about is Rachel. She must have a secret crush on her.

      • I know right…everyone is like oh the house would be so boring without dani…wait what? The last time I checked, she’s. Been on bbad about 15 mins total so far this week. She’s a lame and if she was that damn good like everyone says, she would have won the veto and not been in this situation, period.

    • I agree 100%. king(in his mind&Jordan’s)Jeff needs to be dethroned…fast.Until this week, him and her were the biggest floaters in the house…he hates floaters does that mean himself & stupid included? I haven’t liked Shelly until this point in the game. I hope she works her magic that keeps Dani in the house. Yes, cbs control the votes, in Dani’s favor to stay of course. I think this will be the biggest and most interesting twist to the game thus far. We need some excitement.

      • Ann you are so rite…I can’t imagine how blind JJ fans can be. He is a serial backstabber and lair against Russell 2 seasons ago and again Brendon and Dani. He was a reputation worse than Dani and these blind ppl can’t seem to see it.SMDH

  95. JJ are on borrowed time. When they sent Brendan packing, they signed thier death warrant. Rachel’s gonna flip on JJ when Dani leaves.The house is pretty much ready to flip on JJ, Adam is too, but he lacks the testicualar fortitude. Don’t think she didn’t forget that last convo with Jeff about keeping Brendan.

    • I hope Dani gets evicted.I don’t like her or her stupid puppets.Isn’t Shelly a grown woman with a child watching,all that she is saying and doing to Rachel,what goes around Shelly will come back to you Dani and her twopuppets.When everyone sees who you all really Rachel will look like and angel.Yeah I hope Dani goes!!!!!Yeah

      • Mandy…If you so hate puppets and their masters, why do you love jeff and his band of puppets. You are very hypocritical and bias. It’s sad

  96. They are pushing him..and more than likely if they push too hard he will get fed up with it and go to Jeff..and when he does Rachel will hopefully back him up since Shelly approcached her as well….

    • but Shelly didn’t try to convince Rachel to keep Dani like with Adam.. she just wanted her opinion on how they would beat Jeff

    • I agree…he is saying yeah he’s thinking about it he’s just weighing the numbers…he doesn’t seem to be telling the truth just more aggrivated with the whole thing. Them throwing janelle and evel dick in his face, I think he’s going to get even more irritated with that.

      • No…they’re around but they’re not even paying attention lol. Dani was. Even campaining to adam on the couches with other people in the backyard and nobody caught on….but mark my words…they’re pushing wayyyyyy too hard. This will blow up in their faces and I think it will be sooner than later, Shelly pushed herself this time…its like a theif or a gambler, she is absolutely so addicted to lying and scheming, that she’s gonna keep doing it till she’s in jail or broke and homeless(get my analogy. Lol?) And. Then kalia will be mad at dani, cause kalia actually hasn’t really said much, because she feels bad for dani. But. Dani is treating her like crap and throwing. Her under the bus.

      • After watching BBAD last night Jordan and Shelly up in the HOH room. Shelly saying third place doesn’t win anything. Trying to convince Jordan her personal feelings are real…but making a final 3 deal with JJ is not good for her, and all the questions she will have to face from family and friends when she gets out saying “Are you nuts? Why would you go final 3 with JJ? You will never beat them!
        To me it felt like Shelly was laying out the ground work for her voting to keep Dani…I took it as business is business, personal is personal.

        Jordan told Shelly Jeff knew Dani would start spreading lies and thats why he told EVERYONE if they hear anything to go to him and he will squash it face to face so it doesn’t get out of hand.

        If Rachel knows what Shelly is doing WHY hasn’t she went and told JJ??? She doesn’t like Shelly, you’d think she would be the first to beeline to Jeff

  97. @ vet fan and Karen..I hate to disagree with you both, but Jordan has lied to Shelly. On B.B.A.D. Jordan told Shelly that Rachel was not going to the final tell me how she knows that ??? Also she told Shelly she would be her choice for 2 place if Jeff is gone (maybe). Her biggest lie is when she told Shelly that she is the only person she trust 100% !!!! LIE LIE LIE…way to go Jordan.

    • @ phyl…who. gives a crap if jordan. Lied, that is the game…are we really complaining about jordan lying to shelly!??!??! Lol..the. point about shelly is that she. Is completely delusional. She goes in her dr sessions and cries, when she is the one lying! She goes around the house talking crap about. Rachel 24/7 because rachel “lied”. On her. She even called her a bitch lmao…she is grade. A classix nut case! That is the problem. When she goes to. Dr and says all. That, what do you think production is thinking? Lol. Sorry about all the peridos.

      • Shelly…Delusional, that is the perfect word for her! I enjoy your commentary that have her “lieing” on a couch-literally! Her poor daughter.

      • @vetfan, Once again I totally agree with you. Everytime Shelly is in the DR she is crying and talking about she shoots straight and can’t take people lying to her. OMG everytime I see her in the DR I almost throw up in my mouth.

      • If I were one of HER bosses, I would definatly be wondering how much she has lied to him…or upped her Per diem, wasn’t at work, etc etc..She is a Coyote.

    • What Jordan told Shelly was the truth. Jordan does want Shelly in final 2 with her if Jeff gets sent to jury. Jordan has not lied to Shelly!

  98. Is it a red flag that Shelly seems to be throwing ADAM under the bus ??? She did it last nite when talking to Jordon and evidently again today when talking to Rachel…Is her intent really to save Dani or backstabb Adam..??

    • I been saying it fly…it is to get adam to flip but she won’t flip lol…well that’s what I thought, but if she’s trying to get rachel to flop too, then I think her intent is actually to keep dani.

      • It’s looking to me like Shelly has no loyalty to ANYONE but herself. Dont like her kind of gameplay or the three nutjobs she is trying to get close to. What is she thinking????

  99. Dani, Shelley and Porsche are working hard trying to convince Adam to flip and they just might manage to do it. I can’t believe Jeff, Jordan and Kalia are totally oblivious to what is going on. One of them better wake up pretty quick and do something or they might be in for an unpleasant shock Thursday night.

    • Not much chance of that. Adam is smarter than we all thought he was & has really been playing this game well.