There was no time to waste last night in the Big Brother 13 house. Rachel had just been crowned HoH for the 32nd time, Brendon fully supported her amid his belittling lectures, and they both had Lawon’s Word. His Word! So with all that in mind, Rachel’s wheels started spinning and plotting who would be the next pair of nominees. We’re still hours away from getting the official word later tonight, but after the past 18 hours on the Live Feeds (get your Free Trial) it’s safe to say who won’t see a key anytime soon.
Flashback to 8:30PM BBT last night and you’ll find Rachel consulting with Daniele in the Lounge Room. Rachel is ready to put Dominic and Adam back on the block, but of course that would be a problem for Daniele’s strategy. Rachel thinks that after Dominic was nominated last week he’ll always resent the Vets. Daniele pushes against that idea, but Rachel holds strong.
Jump to 9:30PM BBT and Daniele joins Brenchel to discuss nominations. Daniele is making up a story about Adam that he’s trying to recruit Dominic with Shelly to go against Brenchel. She’s working hard to get Dominic the last Golden Key. Daniele says she can get Dominic to throw the Veto comp so they can eliminate Adam. She even promises Brenchel that Dominic is definitely not coming after them.
Daniele is working really, really hard to sell Adam’s eviction. How is no one questioning her everlasting, die-hard support for Dominic?
Fast forward to today at 11AM BBT and you’ll find Rachel and Brendon talking privately in the HoH room. They don’t trust Adam, but they trust Dominic even less. I think we have our answer. Dominic and Adam are the most likely candidates for nomination tonight. Brenchel isn’t ready to turn on Jeff and Jordan and why would they waste their noms on Kalia and Lawon? There’s no other option here.
Want to find out for sure when the nominations are revealed tonight on the Live Feeds? Join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, grab those email updates, or even our free mobile apps! Lots of options to keep you connected to the latest Big Brother spoilers.
i would be happy with either adam or dominic going home. they annoy me.
I hope Adam and Dominic get nominated. Dominic needs to go. And everyone needs to watch out for Dani…knowone is even mentioning her name and she’s a little snake. She’s also going to be able to play in a week and she’s a strong player which we saw in her season. I really liked her in her season and was excited that she would be working with Jeff and Jordan but now she is throwing them under the bus. Now I want her gone!!!
They’re not too focused on her right now, because they can’t do anything about her. But I bet in a week, we will be hearing alot about her.
I agree with u karren I just hope jeff and jordan realize how sneaky dani is, she is playing jj and br she and dominic must be broken up.
Please please nominate Dominic and please please send him home.
The 2 dummies should put up kalia and lawson. I like dominic only one with balls of the newbies.
Danielle is “slithering” right through this game. What a devious little creature she is. As smart as Rachel claims to be, why is she not questioning Danielle’s determination to keep Dominic in the game.
Give them time, they will figure it out. Dominic is gonna follow his “girlfriend” Cassi right out the door. Oh, BTE I meant “girlfriend” the same way as Oprah would use it.
If dominic goes home, i will be pissed. Him and Dani have been by far my favorites with jeff and jordan coming after that. UGHHH I HATE BRENCHEL!
Me too! Rachel is so annoying. I want her GONE. The fact that she got HOH again makes me so mad!
She’s a good player. She has emotional issues, but that’s probably from early childhood which usually isn’t the fault of person who has them.
J&J should have put R&B up big mistake now Rachel has won HOH again . She should put Kalia and Lawson up those 2 have done nothing in this game there just floating big time .
Not putting them Brenchel saved JJ for another week. Did you notice that Brenchel were the last two in the HOH game? That means whichever one didn’t get evicted would have won HOH and who do you think they were going to put up?
J&J need to keep B&R in the game becauase they are the biggest targets in the game. Once duo’s are done the real couples will be targets because everyone knows they will stay loyal to each other. So once B&R are out J&J will become the big targets.
Um, no. The one who didn’t get evicted would have gotten a golden key and would not have been participating. Thanks for paying attention.
So does that mean that they wouldn’t have a key? I thought about that & no one has mentioned it yet. I see JJ&DD as the last four!
it is to early for j&j to put b&r they need them right now…go J&J
Dom is the strongest player of all the newbies. He called it right when Adam threw him under the bus, he won a Veto, and he’s playing the game. Out of him and Adam I think Adam should go. For all of his supposed game intellect he hasn’t played very well. A golden key would be wasted on Kalia or Lawson.
Golden keys don’t mean anything after this week.
Why is everyone so anxious to get Dominic out of the house?! K&L are absolutely useless in this game, why not put them up? They are somehow going completely unnoticed and if the others aren`t careful they`ll use that tactic all the way through to the end!
Dominic is a phony baloney. Even he dosen’t know who he really is.
Thats why…they are useless no competition. Don’t you think they should get the comp. out first?
Is it me or is the grammer horrible on this site? Anyways danielle is playing the best game so far, and kalia or lawon should go next. Why are they even in this house?
Grammar? Do you know what capital letters are, Tim?
Kalia and Lawon should go up. They are both useless!
@Tim: Did you mean grammar? “Grammer” isn’t a word. Do you have any examples of what’s bothering you?
Seriously?? Why aren’t you hosting your own site, typing paragraphs of crap while people are talking, and see how much you spell correctly? I’m so tired of the spelling and english teachers on here. Come on.
And obviously it is just you. Seeing as nobody else here is complaining about the grammar.
I think they should all pack up and go home! This is the worst cast ever!! They are soooo boring. I couldn’t stand Rachel and Brendon last year and they are worse this year! She thinks she is the ONLY one who knows how to play Big Brother. Please stop bringing back old players.
I agree! Bringing back old players is boring and unfair to the new players.
Agree with both of you.
Could not disagree more. This may be the best season ever. They don’t like Rachel? Beat her fair and square! She is a beast.
Bringing back the old players has turned me off the show. If they want to have the old players reunion let them but let the newbies have their shot at winning. Not sure I will continue to watch it.
Touche matt. Swype.
If you’re going to say our writers have “horrible” grammar, then I’d like examples rather than straw man complaints.
Wikipedia just posted that Adam and Dominic are the offical nominees for this week. Are they accurate, just guessing, or jumping the gun completely? It is now 6:25PM Central Daylight Savings Time, 4:25PM on West Coast. Matt, can you confirm or deny?
I can definitely deny that. Right now on the Live Feeds, Brenchel is still discussing what they plan to do for nominations. Definitely didn’t happen yet. BUT, as mentioned above, that is who they’ve indicated they plan to nom.
Thanks, again you da man!
Ill advised comment,. I do love the site, and the comments.
I too am so tired of these people they chose to be on the show! I wish one day they will pick me to be on there, that would be one of my dreams, but u never know I might end up being a disappointment to the viewers also, which I would hope not! I have watch about every season and along with the after dark shows with only getting 3hrs of sleep a night because have getting kids and husband up to get ready for school and work! But I am a die hard BB fan like most of you on here! It is my dream to one day to make it in the BB house, I have been trying to lose weight, get in shape, so I don’t look like an over size cow if that day was to ever come knocking! So far I have dropped almost 30lbs! Thank the good lord and all my hard work!! But as far as this season I hope it gets better bc I really would hate to stop watching but it is really boring and it looks like they have it fixed for Rachel to win everything she competes in! That’s gets old fast
Tracy – I agree with you about not caring to watch the Brenchel team win anything but we are stuck with them for the time being. Hand in the maybe we will get our wishes sooner than later.
Hey Tracy maybe me and you can be on big brother at the same time. That is my dream also. Have you tried to get on big brother before?
I have but no luck yet!! What about you
I have not tried. I am 50 so next year maybe. My family is really dependent on me. I have a mom with Alzheimers that I care for and a 17-year old son who is autistic so I do not know. Plus I am a teacher and I do not know what would happen if I could not start a new school year. Keep trying Tracy surely they will notice some time. I have to loose some weight also.
Who “needs” to go home all depends on the HoH. ( Where they’re at in the game, how they feel about the other houseguests, etc. ) If that dumb-o wants to put up “an ultimate floater” just because they have “horrible gameplay” than that’s her own stupidity. If I was in that situation I would kick that “wannabe” Dom right out the door face first. He is the bigger competition obviously so why not get rid of him while you have the chance? It would be stupid not to. If she does endup being stupid and put up kalia and lawon, and Dom and Adam are chosen to play, that gives Dom the opportunity to win veto keeping him and Adam safe of backdoorig, take kalia and lawon off the block, and then Rachel would have to endup nominating Jeff and Jordan. Unless that is what Rachel is planning, but I don’t see her to be so smart. So in conclusion, the only OBVIOUS nominees would have to be Dom and Adam. (Rachel would still have kalia and lawon as te replacements).
Does anyone know yet who was nominated??? I watch BB after dark but don’t want to wait til midnight to find out and I don’t have the live feeds.
Has Kalia ever washed a dish or did anything other than eat and sit?
No…all she does is eat food that everyone else cooks and talk, talk, talk!!!
I hope Rachel finds out that Danielle is playing her and Brendon against JJ. Please send Dominic home and watch Danielle kiss you know what.
Agree 100%
NOMINATE ADAM AND DOMINIC. give dominic the golden key. swag.
Rachel… I like. (So far) she’s only ever lost 1 HOH in both of her seasons combined. She’s a strong player. She has many emotional moments, but she plays hard, which I respect, unlike Kalia or Lawon. Just putting that out there.
However, Danielle is who I predict to win the whole game, and want to win. She has an amazing social gameplay, and while a treacherous snake, that’s part of the game. She’s also tied to Janelle for most veto’s won in a season, so I imagine that once she’s allowed to compete in competitions, we’ll be seeing some wins from her. Dani Donato all the way! And if not, then Rachel. *Prepares for flaming*