Ahh. Saturdays are back for Big Brother. No competitions. No ceremonies. Just lounging by the pool, relaxing, and verbally demolishing people you’ve known for six days. I heart you Big Brother 13.
Rachel’s nominees are not handling the pressure too well with one of them continuing to flip out at every turn. Read on to find out who lost support in the house on Saturday and who put the sun to good use.
Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights โ July 9, 2011:
10:15 AM BBT – Keith wastes no time finding Brendon as the HGs are waking up. He wants to apologize to Brenchel for his constant freaking out. Keith makes excuses for his lies in the house. Explains his paranoia over Evel leaving the game and thinking it was rigged to happen. This man was not built for the pressure cooker that is Big Brother if he’s like this after just one week. Keith blames all his misbehavior on conspirators looking to betray and mislead. Man on the grassy knoll! Man on the grassy knoll!
11:30 AM BBT – Porsche campaigning against Keith to Jeff and Jordan. Porsche is worried Rachel would use the Veto (even though that’d make Porsche safe…) because she wants Keith gone (and her own Golden Key).
1:00 PM BBT – Keith is working on Dominic and throws Adam under the bus (ahh, that phrase is baaaacck). Says Adam suggested getting rid of Dominic, but Keith has his back so Dominic should go tell Brenchel that Porsche can’t be trusted.
1:15 PM BBT – Keith and Porsche have a heart-to-heart and it ain’t pretty. Porsche flat out does not like this guy and isn’t afraid to say it to his face. She tells him he’s making things worse by running around like this.
1:30 PM BBT – Dominic gets his toes wet with a little game talk with Brendon and Jeff & Jordan. He’s trying to feel them out and see where they stand with each other. Not much is uncovered, but not for a lack of trying. DCA (Dream Crushers Alliance = Former HGs) looks like to have a pretty unified front against the newbies.
2:15 PM BBT – Keith tells Rachel if she keeps him he’d be loyal to Brenchel. His target had been Evel and Daniele but now Evel is gone and Daniele is protected (Golden Key). Keith agrees to 2 weeks protection for Brenchel in exchange for his safety.
3:00 PM BBT – Lawon tells Adam he still plans to vote to keep Keith because he keeps his word despite the turmoil. Adam seems less sure of keeping him around.
3:30 PM BBT – Keith and Kalia talking game in the Have-Not room. Keith is upset with Lawon (remember, Lawon is elsewhere campaigning in support of Keith while Keith is trashing him…).
4:30 PM BBT – Jeff suggests DCA try to bring over Shelly and Cassi to pad their numbers. He wants Rachel to keep the noms as they are and to get rid of Keith. Daniele wants to keep the newbies in the dark until the ceremony.
5:30 PM BBT – Drama in the backyard. Keith is hashing it out with Brenchel. They bring over Lawon to resolve some accusations. Keith is stuttering like it’s his job. He’s clearly worked up. It’s petty accusations from Keith and Lawon and Lawon is denying all of it. Keith believes Lawon is leaking information because others have heard Keith has an HR job, not a match maker. Lawon has had enough and walks away. Keith looks around proudly at all the hole digging he’s done today…
6:30 PM BBT – Brenchel have a fight in the HoH room. Brendon wants Rachel to stop picking fights and fueling the flames with the rest of the house. He wants to keep Porsche this week and is worried Rachel is disrupting their trust with her. He’s trying hard to control her behavior and Rachel isn’t happy about it. Don’t worry, Brenchel fans, they hug it out.
8:45 PM BBT – And the nighttime silliness begins. Brendon comes out in his superhero costume from the Veto competition. He’s dressed like Superman and running around the backyard. Cassi and Dominic start dancing in the hot tub. Keith relaxes amidst his Keith’s Angels. Wait, wait, everything but that last one happened.
9:00 PM BBT – Brendon takes his superhero status to the next level and has everyone in the backyard help put on a production. Dominic is the villain who steals Franklin (Brendon’s turtle toy) and then run around battling it out. It’s rather elaborate and choreographed. Pretty silly stuff and kinda funny.
11:30 PM BBT – Production brings out the win and there was much rejoicing. Just some casual chatting and drinking around the hot tub.
2:30 AM BBT – Once last bit for the night. Daniele and Lawon in the Lounge Room talking game. Lawon has given up his support for Keith and will vote him out now. Great work there, Keith. You had his support, throw a tantrum, and lost his support. Well done, jackass.
Unless Rachel really does use the Veto, which I don’t expect even though she’s telling newbies she will, Keith is done, done, done. His game play has been terrible and his people skills are even worse. HR manager? Really? Is he the only one who works in this magical company? Ah well. We’re still days away from Thursday’s live eviction so there’s plenty of time for the tides to change and Porsche to find herself staring down the grill of an oncoming bus.
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Keith is retarded he don’t know how to play the game lol.. GO DCA!! & Cassi, Dominic & Lawon
Keith is an idiot, I hope he goes home. I love Porsche and want her to go far, Jeff/Jordan, Brenchel, Daniele and Porsche are my favs, so if Porsche gets the golden key I will be very happy.
Also, I think the recaps you do are so great, very to-the-point and very insightful. Thanks!
I agree. Keith just has no clue on what to do in this game. I guess he thought he’d be worshiped and served at every step. Didn’t really turn out that way. At all.
I think that Keith is kinda goofy,but he’s playing and acting like he’s a little mad ,I think that this is part of his game plan,but his conceitedness is real.
Jeff is smart trying to bring one of the other pairs into the fold. If DCA wants retain control, Jeff and Jordan must win HOH next week, then Brenchal the next, etc., etc. Odds are not in DCA’s favor if that has to keep up. However, Cassi and Shelly would need to realize that they are the low man on the totem pole so to speak.
Keith seems to be this season’s Regan.
Reagan made it pretty far. And he was likable. I wouldn’t compare the two at all.
I concur, Laura.
I agree,Keith is dealing with a whole.different deck of cards, but I do Like his hot bod.
Usually it takes me a couple of weeks to form opinions of the houseguests, but Keith has been getting on my last nerve since the start of the show. I sure hope he goes. If he stays that guy is going to have a nervous breakdown. Talk about paranoid!!! Go DCA!!!
I am incredibly annoyed by PORCHE! I want her gone. Her cocky attitude is off-putting.
I don’t care for her either, but I think I can tolerate her a little more than Keith. I hope Jeff and Jordan are the final two this season!!!
Go DCA, but Keith is acting crazy you guys, don’t believe his crazyness.
The DCA are smart. They know that in order to retain control of the house, they need a newbie couple under their wing… However, the newbie couple that becomes their wingmen is completely stupid and doomed. I’ve always said, the girl that becomes part of an ALL MAN alliance will never win Big Brother. Then men will cast her off the first chance they get. It is better to have a variety. And this situation is the same. The newbies will be the first ones cast off, most likely. If I were a newbie, I would make sure all the newbies stick together and next week if one of us were to win HOH – make sure one of the DCA goes home. It’s not rocket science.
Somehow, though, I don’t think the newbies this season are very smart to do that. So, go Jordan and Jeff!! :)
I don’t care for her, but I think that she could actually give the old crew a run . I would like to see Porche and Daniel go head to head.
Can we have a secret avatar to start some trouble. 2. Let’s have a fan visit the house for one week w/voting privileges to stir up the house or their one vote could be a veto.
Let the house guest babysitt mechanical babies that mimic real babies for a week.