Big Brother 13: Week 1 Friday Live Feed Highlights

Here we go again. Just like the past few seasons we’ll be bringing you daily Live Feed highlights of what happened the day before. Since a lot can happen in 24 hours, especially in the Big Brother 13 house, we pick out the highlights and save you some time. Some days are more exciting than others, but we’ll have these Feed highlights for you every single morning to cover the past day. Enjoy!

The big news from Friday was the realization that Evel Dick, winner of Big Brother 8, had left the game leaving a void in the houseguest list and Daniele without a partner. Bookending the day was the Veto competition where three couples battled it out for the power to change Rachel’s nominations. Read on to find out how it all went down.

Big Brother 13 Live Feed Highlights โ€“ July 8, 2011:

4:30 AM BBT – Brenchel lounging around the HoH room discussing the upcoming Veto comp. Brendon confirms Evel Dick has left the game and Daniele has been awarded a Golden Key as a result. Daniele mentions later that Evel is back on a plane to Colorado.

4:45 AM BBT – Dominic tells Cassi he wants Porsche to be evicted, but Cassi is leaning toward Keith leaving. Dominic and Cassi have been tied at the hip. Definitely some coupling going on.

5:00 AM BBT – Rachel and Jordan in HoH discussing their new alliance between the returning Dynamic Duos. They are calling themselves DCA = Dream Crushers Alliance.

6:00 AM BBT – Dominic and Cassi discussing Keith. They both know he isn’t a Matchmaker in real life. Keith has apparently been busy showing of his junk to at Porsche.

11:30 AM BBT – HGs waking up after a little sleep and staying up all night. BB really let them sleep late today.

12:00 PM BBT – Keith campaigning against Porsche to Dominic and Lawon. Keith says Porsche has turned on them and needs to go. He thinks she’s aligned herself with DCA. Meanwhile, Porsche complaining to Shelly and Lawon that Keith was hitting on her and then starting rubbing Cassi’s shoulders.

12:15 PM BBT – Rachel tells Brendon that she won’t be emotional anymore in the game. Jordan walks in and passes between them. Rachel roars, throws her arms in to the air, and screams, “nobody comes between me and…” Just kidding. But Rachel really did say she’s not going to play emotional anymore…

1:15 PM BBT – Shelly and Rachel have a heart-to-heart in the Storage Room. Shelly encourages Rachel to stay in the game. Rachel threw a fit the other night and threatened to quit after ED left, probably not related. Shelly says she’s rooting for the returning HGs. Sounds like she’s buttering up Rachel for an alliance.

2:30 PM BBTLive Feeds are back from Trivia and PoV players have been picked. Jeff & Jordan will join Rachel, Brendon, Keith, and Porsche in the Veto comp. Adam will host.

3:00 PM BBT – Rachel discussing with Jeff and Jordan the next HoH. If DCA doesn’t win the new HGs will definitely nominate one of them. DCA wants to recruit Adam to their side. Shelly has been discussed as another potential recruit.

3:30 PM BBT – Keith is whining to Daniele about Porsche. He is looking for her to side with him in the situation and Daniele keeps saying, “I don’t know what to tell you.” Keith moves on to talk with Porsche and tries to mend the fence. Doesn’t seem to be working. Porsche tells Keith that she doesn’t trust him and doesn’t want to see him when they get out of the house. And here come the tears (Porsche, not Keith, for a change). This argument goes on for quite awhile. Keith trying to reconcile and Porsche flat out saying she wants nothing to do with him and won’t be his friend.

5:00 PM BBT – Porsche tells DCA that she’ll throw the next HoH comp as an incentive to keep her. But if she stays on the block and Keith goes home she can’t even compete, so…

8:15 PM BBTLive Feeds are back from Trivia and the PoV comp. Rachel (effectively Brenchel) has won the Veto. At this point I’m expecting her to keep her noms in place.

10:45 PM BBT – Rachel talks with Porsche. Tells her Keith still hasn’t approached them yet. Earlier Dominic and Cassi were encouraging Keith to go talk with Brenchel.

11:00 PM BBT – HGs finally have delicious, delicious alcohol. Everyone is having a good time at the big table playing games. Let’s end on that happy note…

It was a big, big day in the Big Brother house. Evel Dick vanished. Daniele got the first Golden Key and will sit out for the next 3 weeks. Keith and Porsche clashed. And Rachel continued her winning streak with the Veto comp. Tomorrow’s another day and another chance for back stabbing and campaigning. Rest up!

You can catch all of these Big Brother 13 events using the DVR-like feature of this year’s and past seasons’ Live Feeds which means it’s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored!

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  1. Pretty boring night in the bb house. I just don’t see Rachel making it the entire season playing with no emotions.

  2. Once ED learned about the golden key rule he bowed out to further his daughter’s game.Best way to win over his daughter..She can fart around for three weeks? not too bad.

  3. Great Highlights list Matt….good job….
    last nite was basically the HG’s all playing games, i’ve never seen hg’s invent so many games before….loved the Big Booty game, they had a wild time playing it, it even woke up Jordo, lol…so she had to join them, lol…. :-)

  4. Cassi Dominic and Shelly would be an interesting 3some alliance if they all make it to the final 10โ€ฆ I think Porsche survives this week then get ready for fireworks because she will become complacent and get on Rachelโ€™s nerves and Rachel will regret keeping her. If I were to pick a final 10 right now it would be Daniele, Brendon, Jeff, Jordon, Porsche, Dominic, Cassi, Shelly, Lawon and Adam?? I donโ€™t really see Adam in the top ten but donโ€™t see who to replace him with. You could swap Jeff for Rachel as well but I sure as heck hope not. None the less I think this will be a lady dominated season with at least 3 ladies in the top 5!

  5. That spoon pic of Danielle isn’t very flattering. :| I preferred her as a blonde.

  6. I just hope the veterans stick with each other
    and not nominate each other. The other house
    guests will not nothing better than to get rid of
    all the veterans to make it easier on them. With
    the fiasco of last season where 4 people (brigade)
    stuck together and voted everyone off—-hopefully,
    that does not happen again. If the veterans can
    remain in the game long enough then, there will
    probably be more twists and spins and make the
    big brother house more interesting for the fans
    and more challenging for the players!

  7. I love these! I always look forward to them. Since the strategy talking is so far and scarce at the beginning, I much more prefer to read it on here.

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