Big Brother 13 Casting Event Dates Announced – Application Deadline and Callback Updates

Big Brother 13 is ready to get started! The initial BB13 auditions and casting events have been announced so you better get your application ready. I’ll be updating this post with the latest casting events so keep checking back here (& @BB13cast) for the latest audition and casting news for Big Brother 13.

Important: You MUST bring to casting events: 1) a completed application, 2) a photocopy of two forms of valid ID, 3) two recent photos.

If you haven’t completed your application and video submission then be sure to check out my interview with Robyn Kass, the casting director for Big Brother. Robyn offers up some great advice so be sure to read it if you’re serious about making the cut and getting in that house this season.

Get Big Brother 13 news with our free Big Brother updates. Click here to sign-up for the free email updates, & join us on Facebook & follow us on Twitter!

Update: Kassting Inc. says 4/29/11 is the deadline to receive applications! Get to the Post Office and overnight those things if you haven’t already!

Update 2: Kassting Inc. says they will call you by the end of May if, and only if, you are moving forward in the process. No call means no dice.

Update 3: That’s it, folks. All the casting events are now complete and no more applicants are being taken. Now we wait a few more weeks to hear confirmation that the finalists have been notified.

Casting events list last updated 4/7/11 @ 8:00PM

Big Brother 13 Audition and Casting dates and locations:

  • Los Angeles, CA – Saturday, April 2nd 1PM to 4PM, Spot 5750, 5750 Hollywood Boulevard, Los Angeles, CA 90028 – Map
  • New Orleans, LA – Friday, April 8th 5PM to 9PM, Gordon Biersch Brewery, 200 Poydras Street, New Orleans, LA 70130 – Map
  • Boston, MA – Saturday, April 9th 12PM to 3PM, Bell In Hand Tavern, 45 Union Street, Boston, MA 02108 – Map
  • Atlanta, GA – Saturday, April 9th 11AM – 3PM, Hard Rock Cafe, 215 Peachtree St. NE, Atlanta GA, 30303 – Map
  • Chicago, IL – Saturday, April 9th 6PM – 9PM, Manor, 642 North Clark St. Chicago, IL 60654 – Map
  • Denver, CO – Saturday, April 9th 11AM – 2PM, Rocky’s Autos, 6350 Federal Blvd. Denver, CO 80221 – Map
  • Lansing, MI – Thursday, April 14th 4PM – 7PM, Champion Chrysler Jeep Dodge, 6525 W. Saginaw Hwy. Lansing, MI 48917 – Map
  • Jacksonville, FL – Thursday, April 14th 5PM – 7PM, Beallโ€™s Department Store, 13500 Beach Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32246 – Map
  • Catoosa, OK – Thursday, April 14th 4PM – 7PM, Hard Rock Hotel & Casino Tulsa, 777 West Cherokee St. Catoosa, OK 74015 – Map
  • Philadelphia, PA – Friday, April 15th 12PM – 2PM, CBS3 Studios, 1555 Hamilton Street. Philadelphia, PA 19130 – Map
  • San Francisco, CA – Saturday, April 16th 3PM – 6PM, Sugar Cafe, 679 Sutter Street, San Francisco, CA 94102 – Map
  • Dallas, TX – Saturday, April 16th 2PM – 6PM, Frankie’s Sports Bar, 227 McKinney Avenue, Dallas, TX 75204 – Map
  • Scottsdale, AZ – Saturday, April 16th 12PM – 3PM, Firehouse Bar & Grill, 4312 North Brown Avenue, Scottsdale, AZ 85251 – Map
  • New York, NY – Saturday, April 16th 12PM – 6PM, Roy Arias Studios, 300 W 43rd St. 5th Floor room 508 New York, NY 10036 – Map
  • Washington, DC – Saturday, April 16th 12PM – 3PM, Madamโ€™s Organ Restaurant, 2461 18th Street NW. Washington, DC. 20009 – Map
  • Tampa, FL – Saturday, April 16th 12PM – 3PM, The Dubliner Irish Pub, 12836 Henderson Rd North Tampa, FL 33625 – Map
  • Cincinnati, OH – Saturday, April 16th 4PM – 7PM, Lunar, 435 Elm St. Cincinnati, OH 45202 – Map
  • Baton Rouge, LA – Saturday, April 16th 1PM – 3PM, Hollywood Casino, 1717 River Rd. North Baton Rouge, LA 70802 – Map
  • Shreveport, LA – Saturday, April 16th 9AM – 11AM, LaRue’s Furniture & Mattress Super Center, 814 Shreveport Barksdale Hwy Shreveport, LA 71105 – Map
  • Spartansburg, SC – Monday, April 18th 9AM – 12PM, Dave Edwards Toyota, 2450 Reidville Road, Spartanburg, SC 29301 – Map
  • Williamsburg, MI – Tuesday, April 19th 3PM – 8PM, Ballroom at Turtle Creek Casino & Hotel, 7741 M-72 East Williamsburg, MI 49690 – Map
  • Louisville, KY – Wednesday, May 4th 5PM – 8PM, Waterford Park – Great Lawn, 129 River Rd. Louisville, KY 40202 – Map
  • Nashville, TN – Friday, May 6th 5PM – 9PM, McFaddenโ€™s Restaurant and Saloon, 134 2nd Ave. N. Nashville, TN 37201 – Map
  • Charleston, SC – Saturday, May 7th 1PM – 4PM, Mad River Bar & Grille, 32 North Market St. Charleston, SC. 29401 – Map

Are you excited for the new season to start? It won’t be long until July is here, the BB house is full, and the Big Brother live feed is rolling again!



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  1. please consider having only sseniors in the house,they won’t be boring and subject to seeing couples always doing the nasty and kissing, seniors are full of interesting lifes storys and through the years have developed the need to saying whats on their minds, remember golden girls,was a hit for have a big audience with that age group,as the young are out away from tv’s.

    • The 18-49 year old adult demographic is probably the most important target group for ratings. I’d expect them to continue to cater most to that age group.

      But keep in mind that all ages have been included in the seasons. I just don’t expect to ever see an entirely senior cast.

      When I went and observed a casting event, I don’t remember seeing a single senior aged person.

  2. Do you think Atlanta will be the closest location for Florida to go to auditions or do you think other locations may be announced?

    • There will be more audition/casting events announced as they are confirmed by the casting company and CBS. Last year the list grew quite long.

      • Thank you Matt…I was going to drive to Atlanta from orlando. Do you think they will announce audition locations before the April 9 Atlanta auditions?..One last question..I sent my packet with video to Los Angeles in January. Will I be responsible to bring another copy of my video along with everything else?

      • Danny, no second tape is necessary. I’m sure they received your tape and will review it.

        There’s no way to know when they’ll announce more audition events or if there will even be something closer. However, I think we will know more pretty soon.

  3. I agree with Lorraine…If not all Seniors at least half…we are interesting too ya know….we maybe old but we arent dead yet….
    think about it!!!!

    • I think they should have a college short series.. where only college students can go on and its only for the time that us college students are out of school. It is very difficult for college students to be involved because its during school time.

  4. The casting event is cool, but I would like to submit a video even though it would be late and it may or may not help my chances.

    Any advice?

  5. Man,I can’t wait for the new season…….It can’t come soon enough!!!!!! Sorry to say there will never be a old people’s BB season. I like old people but that would be so boring, the challenges would suck and they would just sleep all the time…..I hope they do a better job picking people this season than they did last season.

    • James, they did not have old people on last season and I know you are wrong one they have more experience, endurance the ability or power to bear prolonged exertion, pain, or hardship the survival or persistence of something despite the ravages of time. Challenges try harder and I seen young just quit floaters .

      • jeanette!! Waz up? Let us all face “reality” Senior citizens” will not bring in the ratings. However, BB could have a show ( a whole new show) on the plight of of “senior citizens” being on a reality show. Young people would not be interested. Face facts, young people have no concept of anything but “young people” !! The demographics would go sky high, if they commercialized it right. They do not have the balls to do so. It would be a very scary undertaking! (funny, and smiley face)

  6. Hey Matt,

    I’ve already sent in an application, dvd, and photos. Am I able to go to a casting event as well, and if so, should I bring a copy of everything I’ve already sent in?

    • Yes, you can go to the audition events, as many as you’d like, but only submit one application by mail.

      Be sure to bring everything with you as noted above.

  7. Open casting coming to Dallas in April. YES!!
    Last year, I was #1 in line when they came to Ft. Worth. I’ll be doing the same this year. See ya soon BB!

    • Hey Randy,
      I just booked my flight and hotel to Dallas! I promise not to push you in line to get up there first. LOL. Good Luck!!!!

  8. Please do not bring back previous house guests back this year.
    I would be more interested if it is someones long lost sister or may be a mother who gave her baby up for adoption and is reunited and the now grown baby does not realize who she is and the requirement is if the mother is on the show she has to reveal who she is even if her child does not know they were adopted.

  9. I plan on going the audition events, but do I still need to submit my application and video by mail?

    • No, you do not have to do both in-person and by-mail applications/auditions, but you can if you want.

      You can do both, or either, but only submit one mail-in application.

  10. Tish ratings are done with old and young lets face it. I read that so many want more older people on the show reality check. The facts you dont know what rating are until the show starts Facts they dont know if it goes up and I know a lot of people who are older who watch the showhere are the facts Audience group Percentages of total
    35-54 29.2
    55+ 10.0
    Male 42.4
    Female 57.7

  11. hey matt..thanks for all your info..i noticed all the new dates for…i think im gonna stick with atlanta cuz its my birthday weekend..might be a good luck charm..who BB, are you pursuing any new ventures? you should…u r creative!u should have gone further on BB…. the wife illness may have been a stumble but u were more intelligent than the rest of the cast..

  12. last thing on the videos…when you go to these auditions, do they carry the packet you sent in before march 12 with them? and if you get chosen, is it a phone call or a personal visit?

    • No, the casting crew does not carry your application around with them. That’d be a massive stack to bring to every city just in case you show up there.

      Bring the items listed above in the article if you plan on attending a casting event.

      Should you be chosen for further review, they will call.

      • Hi, Matt I sent in a mail in app. Do you think they are going to do call backs all together after the casting calls. Or are they going to call the lucky people who’s videos they liked before the casting events?

  13. Hey Matt,

    Do you think casting will be wearing blue the day of the auditions?

    Some of these questions are beyond inane. I do hope they come to Florida though. It will save me the drive to Atlanta.

  14. I am a 36 year old wife and mother and I have sent in everything I need to in order to get a audition. Hopefully I can be in the house this season. Wish me luck.

    • Good Luck Kim! I am a 39 year old father of 2 boys and my entire family has watched BB since Season 1. I sent in my application, video, etc. Plus I am flying to Dallas for the open casting calls. I am so excited. Hopefully I will see you in the BB house!

  15. Have they ever in the history of the show done casting calls in either Alaska or Hawaii? Seems they always get the shaft. I for one don’t really care about diversity as far as age goes. More geographical diversity would be ideal – maybe even casting someone with dual citizenship that has a foreign accent and upbringing. Survivor’s done this a few times before (ie. Gillian Larson from South Africa), not sure why BB can’t get away from being so California-centric.

    • Last year they had one in Fairbanks, AK. That place is like a ghost town… doubt they had a good turn out.

  16. ok thanks again matt..whew ..what would i do without you? CUZ I got another question or advice if u wanna call casting has opened up now and I was set to go to Atlanta. Being that im in Orlando, the logical thing to do is to go to Tampa instead. Should I go to Tampa? I know it sounds stupid but from what Im thinking Tampa could be less competition but Atlanta is sooner…At the same time im confident with what im going to bring to the table wherever i go but I guess this is when I start questioning every step I take and JUST maybe you need to tell me to SHUT UP AND STOP SECOND GUESSING YOURSELF! :) Atlanta or Tampa? Put me out of my misery…

    • They won’t finalize anything until the end of May, so racing across the country to attend an audition a few days ahead of another will not make a difference.

      Save yourself the trouble and go to the closer event. There’s a ton of competition to be on the show, so one audition site won’t be easier than another.

  17. Love to watch BB even though Im not into drama. would be cool to go on the show however I dont think I can handle the no beer days when i loose a challenge. lol.. Good luck to everyone looking fwd to an interesting season. (just no Rachel’s please she was so annying) ;-)

  18. Hey Matt,

    How early would you recommend getting to the casting (I plan on going to Tampa)? I see the casting is only 3 hours long, not much time at all…


    • No rush to get there terribly early. The event I observed got everyone through the line. Things move fast and they see every last person. As long as you’re in line before the cut off, they’ll see you.

      • Oh ok, so the times listed are the when you should arrive, it doesn’t necessarily mean they stop seeing people after 3

      • @James: If the time for your event of interest is 12-3PM, then you better be in line well before 3PM. When I said you didn’t have to get there terribly early I meant you don’t need to be standing outside the door at 6am for a noon start time.

        The event I observed got everyone through the line before time ran out, but towards the end they’ll start putting people in groups to meet the casting director.

        Every event is different. Some will just be a person with a camera recording you for your video. Others will have someone from Kassting Inc. there leading the interviews. I do not have details on which are which.

    • Sorry, but there’s no way to know. It’s certainly possible, but no guarantees.

      Just keep checking back. If a date in Minneapolis is announced, I’ll pass it along.

  19. if you submitted your application and tape is the casting call just to audition or is for callbacks as well if interested?

    • You do not need to both submit an application w/ video and attend a casting event. You are welcome to do both, but one or the other will cover it.

      Callbacks will take place at a later time unless they contact you ahead of time.

  20. How retarded are some of you, with all due respect. At least half the questions are already answered all over this website. And the other half are people asking questions that were already answered in the discussion!

    Save your time and dont even show up at a casting call – all of you have little chance.

  21. Big Brother has become so boring, it is always the same array of people, and I agree with Lorraine I’d like to see more variety in age. There should be at least two people from every age group from 20-70. Big Brother and Survivor have become so stale they need something new.

  22. Angel…Thats so funny! I have to Agree with you. Although I have been watching Big Brother from the jump and its my guilty pleasure for Summer! They will mix it up like they did with Survivor and Redemption Island this time around. I have Faith….

  23. me- me- pick me – for the fourth time i will be at casting in NEW ORLEANS– I HOPE ITS 1 ON 1 INSTEAD OF GROUP INTERVIEWS—–

    • The earlier you are in the audition time frame for that location, the better your chances of a 1 on 1. I saw the group interviews happen when time started to run out and there were still a lot of folks in line.

  24. welp, i still have BB12 finale on my DVR,(might not ever delete that, such a great season) but im starting to get that itch. new people, new house, new strategies, and more julie chen! haha. almost there.

  25. HI! If you are going to a casting do you have to bring in the application AND a video? Or just the application with your pictures? Just want to get it right? Thanks so much! Can not wait until this season!!!

      • Hi Matt,
        Awesome. Thank you. I read the article but was not sure if the “application” included the video. Thank you for taking the time!

  26. Help! I got a call back from a Katy Smith @ Big Brother from my application, but I missed her call, and the number she left me doesn’t work! Anyone know how I can get back in touch with them?

    • You could find Robyn Kass on twitter or facebook and email her a message. She is very good at replying if you have a legitimate question.

    • TaylorAnne is correct. Twitter is a great way to reach out. Robyn is very responsive.

      If nothing else, put a letter in the mail to them right away and let them know what happened. You’ve got time to get through to them.

  27. I am interested in attending one of the auditions. I am a single parent of a 7 year olg girl and she is very excited for me to enter the contest and a big motivation for me to enter. I normally would not bring a child to an interview, or audition, but she really wants to see the process. If I were chosem, I would think it would be special for her to have been a part of the process. any thoughts or conrns about that? I can certainly make other arrangements, if it is not alright with BBN.

    • As the parent, that’s your call. A lot of the audition events are held inside bars, but again that’s up to you on what’s appropriate.

      • Thanks Matt. I would never take her to an inappropriate location. I know there are some places that would be o.k. I was mainly concerned with had this ever been done before.


  28. Matt, I got an e-mail from a casting director from Big Brother notifing me that I will be receiving a call yesterday or today for me for my city but I haven’t heard anything. I was wondering what to do?

  29. Okay thanks Matt, I just replied to them checking to see if I missed there call. I got a restricted call yesterday but wasen’t sure who it was from I thought the guy asked for a jim but I could have heard it wrong and could have been Kim. So I thought that person had the wrong number. I wish i would have asked more on the phone. I hope to hear back!

  30. One week from today, I will be on a plane headed to Dallas for the open auditions/casting calls. So excited. Good Luck to everyone who has applied.

  31. Matt, can you still attend an open call in your city if you got an e-mail of interest and they cut you? Can u still reapply?

    • I can’t see why not unless they told you not to reapply. But if they already said “no” once this season, might want to wait until next season.

  32. Rules say producers can changes the rules at anytime…. Any chance the 21 year age limit would be waved to allow an 18 year old?

    • I’d say it’s very, very unlikely. They’ve made slight adjustments to that before, but unless you’re a critical part of a season’s theme they aren’t going to bend it by 3 years.

      Just keep a pen ready for the Big Brother 16 application!

  33. Thanks Matt. How do they decide to cut you without getting to meet you first? Just curious

    • Honestly, your story doesn’t make much sense when you say they cut you already. Getting cut indicates some sort of finalist phase and I don’t believe they’ve done that yet.

      As far as asking me to decipher someone else’s thoughts, I can’t do that. If someone really cut you from the process, then only they would know why.

      Decisions of initial interest are made from viewing audition tapes everyone season without meeting the individuals. If they’ve reviewed your tape and aren’t interested, then that’s just how it goes.

  34. Matt, they did mention I could get picked up again this season and still get a call? Is that likely to happen if anything changes?

  35. I’m having trouble getting on the forums and I need some help. Could it be something with my computer? Thanks again for your help.

  36. I’m heading to the Cincinnati audition tomorrow..nervous but so excited!! Have always been a HUGE fan of the show! Good luck everyone!

  37. I auditioned this week and was so excited of having the opportunity. I heard someone say that BBN doesn’t want anyone with any medical conditions. I understand they don’t want a group of sick people, but if it doesn’t interfere with you daily life or current or previous wo…then it’s sad if you wouldn’t be considered. It is reality t.v. after all and people do get sick. Do you think it’s a case by case thing? I had fun hearing some of the others and their reasons for wanting to ne on the show. You just never know who you will meet in the audition line.

  38. I auditioned yesterday in Tampa and I’m already stressing. I was in a group of 4 being interviewed by a man named John. He asked us 3-4 questions and I participated in all of them. He made some notes in my application but I have heard anything yet. By when can we def. know we are not getting a call back?

    • Patience, grasshopper. Decisions aren’t finalized until the end of May when we usually hear the announcement that the finalists have been selected.

      If it’s June and you haven’t heard anything, then I’d say you probably didn’t make it.

      It’s a long process. Deep breath. Remain calm.

      • Actually, the guy that did the interviews made it a point to mention that if they were interested you would receive a phone call by the end of the weekend. So if you didn’t get a call yesterday then you’re not going to get one. I interviewed with 2 other people so they heard the same thing.

      • @Michael: I wouldn’t be surprised if they quickly identify who they initially want, but as I’ve been told before, things stay in flux until they make the finalist announcement.

  39. My husband went to the open casting calls in Dallas on Saturday and was told that he would hear something by the end of the weekend also. The lady there only asked two questions and he said she didn’t have a piece of paper or anything in order to take notes or write down her opinions of each person. Is there still a chance that he might hear something back?

  40. I’m so stressed. I got a personal invite to attend the San Franscisco auditions. We auditioned in groups of 4, but they didn’t ask us any questions besides our name, age, and occupation. I didn’t over sell myself because I assumed they would ask more questions, but they didn’t. I don’t know how they could cast anyone that way unless they specifically knew what they wanted. The casting director told me she invited me because she saw my video, but I still left feeling frazzled. They mentioned that they would contact us by monday, but I’m hoping that they are making decisions. Matt do you have any words of encouragement?

    • He’s not in charge of casting the show, so how could he possibly know what Big Brother is doing? It’s rather silly everybody scrambling around about callbacks. Your life will go on if you don’t get a call. Plus, if you have had any interaction with the people in charge of casting the show, from the little I’ve read, it’s sorta a big no-no to be talking about it. They have mentioned they check up on it.

      • @Amber, I don’t recall adressing you, so your opinion was not needed. I’m not asking Matt to tell me if I made it or not because he wouldn’t have access to that information. I was simply stating my experience and since Matt went through the process, I was hoping that what I experienced was normal. As far as you saying that it’s silly for people to be worried about callbacks, it shows that people actually care about making it on big brother. If you don’t wanna hear about casting why are you reading the article “Big Brother: reveals casting locations”. It sounds like you’re a little bitter because you didn’t have the guts to audition.

      • Relax, Pablo.

        I’ve only observed the process for reporting purposes. Auditions I observed lasted a few minutes and most were individual.

        I suspect they do know exactly what they want when they go in to these audition events.

        Keep in mind that thousands audition, but only a dozen are selected each year. If they’re interested, then they’ll call.

      • Matt can you share what cities you saw one on one auditions. I payed $300 to go to mine, got there saw a short line and they still put us in group of 4s. Though it was kinda rude.

      • LOL Kelly. You got taken. That was a scam. There are lots of those scams every year. Big Brother auditions are free- absolutely free. That sucks that you paid $300 for a fake audition.

      • Amber- I payed $300 for my plane ticket and taxi. I didnt get scamed- which one where you? The one with the short mini dress who obviously thought very big of herself but it was obvious to everyone she was trying to hard, or the blond with 5 layers of makeover who set by herself and didnt talk to anyone.

      • @Kelly: The auditions I observed were in DC last season. At the start of the event everyone went one at a time. When things started to get tight on time they sent people in for group interviews to speed up the process.

        Some events are staffed by Kassting Inc. while others are just a camera crew creating the audition tapes.

      • Oh Kelly, you must have felt so insecure with me there that you had to make up a false flaw in me to make yourself feel better. I was the blond with a normal amount of makeup on who sat at a table and chatted with the people that did sit down. I even was gracious enough to give information from what i’ve read on the internet to another BB hopeful. So you’re evaluation of a stuck-up beauty queen was incorrect. I have a video up on Team Coco’s youtube for the Haha I Found An Error with the same amount of makeup as that day if you would like to reevaluate. It’s right next to Will Farrells called Chlamydia.

    • Thanks Matt just trying to figure out where to go next year if they dont call me this year- seems like DC and New York are good options… if they come to Miami where I live it would be amazing. Don’t know why they dont come here? We are filled with wannabe actors.

  41. Hi Everybody!!

    I just want to say that I submitted my tape and it was received on April 8, 2011 at 11:06am. Now it’s in God’s hand. Best of luck to anyone who submitted a tape and I hope to see you in the BB house in July.
    Peace and Love Houseguests!!!

    • Good luck to you too La’Keisha. I’m also leaving this in God’s hand if it’s meant to be it will happen or else there is always next year. I’m not giving up until I’m in that house. It was might first time sending a video in and going to auditions this year. Hopefully I will have another opportunity to do that.

  42. Some people are beginning to get quite malicious and trivial on here. I hope the BB house if full of you guys.=]

  43. @Kelly, did they actually ask you questions other than your name, age, occupation, and if you were single?

    • Hey Pablo didnt get asked those questions- they asked us for
      favorite player-
      what our strategy should be in the house
      take 10 seconds to explain why we should get in the house-

  44. Can I still submit an audition tape that will be considered or is it too late? I can’t find a firm deadline, but I also see that live auditions have started. Thanks.

    • Robyn the one in charge of casting just tweeted to day “If you can’t make it to one of our final BB open calls, this is your last week to get tape submission in, good luck! ” so looks like this is the last week.

    • Robyn Kass just announced that the deadline to receive the applications is COB 4/29/11. That’s this Friday. Don’t delay another minute if you’re still waiting. Fill out the forms, do your tape, etc. and then overnight it via USPS.


    I went to the Tampa auditions last weekend. I felt i did ok but I couldn’t tell. The casting director was sick and we were only asked a couple questions before we were released. All I could do was act myself and be honest to the director. Thank God I had also submitted an application and video before the March deadline too. I went to Tampa so I could also be seen in person and in hopes of maybe helping my chances and not be judged prior on application and video alone.The next day after the Tampa auditions, a female named Rebecca posted, “that she had heard that Big Brother would not consider anyone with a medical condition because they didn’t want them to have to quit during the show”. This comment brought back all the anxiety, self confidence/esteem issues I have dealt with all my life. On April 10, I turned 50. I am a 50 years old, gay male who also happens to be HIV positive. I have been HIV positive for 22 years. According to my doctor, only 5 percent of people who contracted HIV in 1989 are alive today. I made some bad decisions in my life because of my HIV status. It took me almost all of the first half century of my life to come full circle and to come full terms with myself. I am currently writing a book about my journey in hopes to share my experiences with many who have felt the same way. And there are many!! I chose to pursue “Big Brother” because It questions your morals and beliefs on what you would do to win the big prize. This was a challenge that plagued me for many years. I want that challenge so I can show many people who are afflicted with HIV and social issues that come along with it, that you too can overcome society’s stigma and discrimination against medical conditions and addictions. There is nothing that Big Brother can challenge me on their show in any competition that I haven’t experienced personally in my life. As a matter of fact, my challlenges were alot harder physically and mentally than anything you have ever presented on your show. I may have stumbled and failed a couple times before I got it. BUT I did get it. And I survived!Looking at me personally, one would never know what i have gone through. I waited almost a week to response because I went through a flood of emotions and insecurities and in the past, I always acted before I thought clearly. It usually meant a bad outcome for me. Today is Easter and I went to church this morning. I was once again reminded what today is all about. So I ask Big Brother and Robin Kass(Kassting Inc.), “Will you not consider me seriously as a castmate, someone who has a medical condition or any other handicap? Do you realize how many millions that represents and who can relate to me and what America is really made of? It is supposed to be the land of opportunity for all regardless…I say this because there are more peoply who are less than perfect than there are with what you are trying to represent. Why don’t you be the first show and network to represent millkions who can see they too count, matter and can change.” Read my application and watch my video and you will see what I am talking about. Keep an open mind and heart. My name is Daniel Vazquez and I am from Orlando, Florida. Happy Easter….

    • Hey Daniel,
      I loved reading what you had to say. I was also at the Tampa auditions and by the way they did things I highly doubt anyone got a call back. Like you I also sent a video before the March deadline and was hoping that would be enough. This year’s tampa audition was my first and I was shocked at how it was handled and became dissapointed at a show which I’ve been a dedicated watcher for many years now. They seem highly superficial.
      I also went to church today and was very encouraged. Let me encourage you to not give up. I know I’ll be making the audition rounds again next year. Good luck to you!

    • @Daniel,
      Don’t give up hope. I heard someone mention that they read it online…I also remember seeing that the producers can change the rules and for individuals I believe. I was also surprised at the auditions as I thought they would be more of a production, but I was HAPPY to have been a part of it and experienced it. Don’t give up or get your hopes down. I am still hoping to have a chance at it and I auditioned in Jacksonville Florida. A lot of people left because they didn’t have their stuff filled out completely. I think it left only 12 people to audition…maybe a few more showed up but not packed like I thought it would be. Maybe they will be open to medical conditions for this show. Who knows, they may have made exceptions before and the public didn’t know.

      • out of curiosity what was your audition like Rebecca? Ours in tampa had 50 people and we were interviewed for about 4 minutes in groups of 4. Was it a video, interview, individual interview?

  46. On twitter Robin said this is the last week to get in videos if you can’t make it to the open castings. I wonder if she literally meant this current week or the upcoming week since she posted it on Saturday. That would be really dumb to tell people on the day before the week ends that it is their last opportunity to submit videos especially when there was no set deadline on the application.

    • Applications are due in to Kassting Inc by COB 4/29/11.

      Waiting until the very last minute when applications have been available since last season would be “really dumb.”

      • @Matt, I guess your as condescending in real life as you were in the big brother house.

      • I’ve never been in the Big Brother house.

        As much as I’ve enjoyed your cantankerous presence here on the site, perhaps it’s time you moved on. Snapping at other commentators for answering your questions, calling the casting “really dumb” for its standard practices, and just being an all-around joy has worn out your welcome.

      • I went to a casting right after I found out about the locations. I decided to mail in an application too and just sent it today, when I found out about deadline. I guess I am one of the Ddumb Ones” since the guy told me it still won’t make it until Saturday…due to Pick ups. If I go to another casting…can I take a video with my application? I really liked how my video turned out…Bummed it may not be seen.

    • Probably 50 people showed up but they didn’t have all of their stuff with them or apps filled out. The line went down to about 10 people. When I left they only had 15 people total to have signed up. There was only 45 min left and nobody in line so I doubt there were more than 20 applicants. I was surprised it was so small. We were pulled in in groups of four and did individual videos. They were going to overnight our tapes to Tampa for producer to view.

      • That is crazy does not make sense why would people show not filling out aaplication and making a video so late. they could still see the tapes. When I went to casting there were over 200 people but I did not like it because they only asked questions to group of 4 people during the interview. Sometimes I think they know who they want before the casting dates. who knows

  47. Matt,
    I submitted my application via UPS today. The guy said it couldn’t go out until tomorrow due to pick ups. So it won’t arrive til Saturday. Bummed that it will get there one day late. I know there has been time and I didn’t realize deadline was tomorrow. I was going to go to another casting call, then decided to just go ahead and mail in application and video. I can’t believe it won’t get there to be viewed. I sent it anyway in the hopes that it would get there…

    • @ Jeanette, They may have an idea before they cast. I think that after years of shows that they probably know what works best, but you never know and they may see someone or talk to someone that everything. I am really excited about the show and would love to actually be on it. I am trying not to over think it as we don’t really know what their thoughts are on selection.

  48. Matt,
    I sent in my application today via uPS, but they told me it can’t get there til Saturday. I can’t believe that it may be one day late. I had planned on going to another casting call, but then decided to mail it in. Bummed that it might not get there especially with the storms in GA and the Southern States.

  49. @Matt, Sorry about the duplicate messages…It said they weren’t going through, so I tried to shorten them. Then I saw that they all in fact posted. I need another Computer…soon! :)

  50. I am not the โ€œModel Typeโ€. I from California but donโ€™t have 10 look but I can spark up conversation and manipulate people. well no call so no dice, another year I tried well have to see who houseguest for this year will it be the same โ€œBarbie and Ken โ€œGood luck to the rest who tried out .

  51. The end of the month is comming Upon us and Have Not recived a call yet im on edge. Pick me………

  52. So is the cast pick for Big Brother 13??? I tried but no phone call awe Big Brother pick all kinds of people not Barbie doll and Ken look.

  53. Hello everybody!!!my name is antriana and I am from beautiful Greece!my English are not perfect but I want to tell you that you must make a casting here in Greece!!!I love to come there and be a member of your show!!!but I think it is a little late,isn’t it?kisses

4 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. American Idol 2011 Top 11 Weekend Update | American Idol 2011
  2. Big Brother 13 Premiere Date Announced | Big Brother 13
  3. Big Brother 2011 Premiere Date Announced! | Big Brother 2011
  4. Big Brother 13 Audition & Casting Date In Baton Rouge & Shreveport - HOT 107.9

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