Big Brother 13 Casting Begins In March, Audition Events Soon To Follow

Big Brother 13 is beginning to breath life again after a winter of calm and quiet with the news that BB13 casting is about to start. Robyn Kass of Kassting Inc has just announced the casting events everyone has been awaiting will be here soon:

BB casting starts up beginning of March. It will be a few weeks after that before we know when/where open calls will be held. Stay tuned!

Last year the casting events were first announced the second week of March, so this would keep things close on that previous schedule. As soon as CBS and Kassting Inc start sharing those dates you can rest assured that we’ll have all those Big Brother 13 audition times and locations listed here on the site.

If you haven’t done it yet, then be sure to grab your Big Brother 13 application, check the eligibility rules, and then keep checking back here for the latest news.

If you joined Big Brother Network on Facebook or followed us on Twitter then you’d already know all this! We even send out free, daily BB email updates.

Update: Big Brother 13 will NOT be an All-Stars season, says Robyn Kass, Casting Director for Big Brother. Get those applications submitted!



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  1. Okay ya all, I know there is more than just one out there!! Bring on a fresh comment board!! I am not alone! Okay,( I am) oh well, poo happens!

    • all dont what you be the only one . I am just waiting for casting call. who knows what they are looking for I notice it almost the same look over the years.

      • jeanette, hang in there!! Nah, if they were looking for the same look “Evil” would have never made it. Rachael was far from the same. They are looking for a few folks to throw a wrench in the works? ( smiley face) hang in there!!

  2. Does Casting mean they will call who they find interesting (I sent in a complete application mid-Feb)… I’m stressing out because I’m going on vacation to Argentina last week of March and first week of April and dont want to miss BB’s call… I have to believe I stand a chance of getting a call back.

      • I LOVE BB, but I would pick Argentina any day!! Couldn’t answer your question tho. (sorry) ask Matt or Ashli.

      • O, sorry Kelly, I do know that casting begins in March and then auditions are supposed follow after that. Doesn’t help your ? tho.

    • The casting process doesn’t complete until mid to late May. If you’re gone for a week in March and early April then I’d say you have plenty of time to get back in touch with them.

  3. Casting calls are done then they call for interviews. During the casting call you give them your application 2 pictures. They take one picture with your number. Only have 2 minutes when they call you up to talk.Also casting calls are down different times depending on the State you are from.

  4. Well be yourself guys and try out I cant wait March is here it going to start this month oh yes this is my year. It is my turn the house up side down all around around the cornor good luck all

  5. I am from California but donโ€™t have 10 look but I can spark up conversation and manipulate people. The problem during the questions you need a chance to show it is not like they can see if you donโ€™t have the opportunity to react. Maybe do a competition during casting call. I have ways taking advantage of others only when I am a houseguest you will find out how

    • It’s tough when spell check doesn’t pick up misspelled words that are actual words. In this instant “breath” should be “breathe”.

      • Take a breathe and relax so do we have a teacher? well when is the date for casting call I can’t wait Big Brother fan

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