Big Brother 13 Application – Apply To Be On Big Brother 13

Julie Chen

Big Brother 13 might not be until the summer of 2011 but if you’re outgoing enough to want to be on the next season then don’t wait! Apply now for Big Brother 13 to enter the BB13 house when its doors open again in July 2011.

Update: Kassting Inc. says 4/29/11 is the deadline to receive applications! Get to the Post Office and overnight those things if you haven’t already!

Check the Big Brother 13 eligibility requirements first. Then fill out the Big Brother 13 application.

Stay ahead of Big Brother 13 with the latest news and updates! Sign-up for the free Big Brother email updates, join us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, and grab the free Big Brother Toolbar. Can’t wait for next season!

Full application instructions for Big Brother 13 below the break:


Applications MUST be written clearly or typed and MUST be accompanied by a videotape. The videotape must meet the following restrictions:
1) Length: Maximum length is two (2) minutes. Anything over two minutes will not be considered.
2) Format: We will accept all formats with the exception of Hi-8, 8MM and Beta (VHS, mini DV, DVD are all welcome).
3) Content: Tell us who you are and why you would make the ultimate housemate on Big Brother. Be creative!
4) Deadline: March 19, 2011, subject to change without notice. April 29, 2011 is the new deadline.

All materials you send us (including videotape and photos) will be retained by Producers and become the property of the Producers and will not be returned to you whether or not you are selected as a participant. Any expenses you incur during the application process including postage, shipping and materials preparation (videotape, photos, etc.) are your sole responsibility. Producers will not reimburse you for these expenses. Only one entry per person is allowed. All decisions of the Producers are final and absolute and not subject to inquiry.

Applications will only be considered if they are complete. Complete applications consist of the following:
1) Completed Application Form
2) Two-minute videotape labeled clearly with your name and city/region number.
3) Two color photographs of yourself, each clearly labeled on the back with your name and city/region number. One must be a close-up of your face, the other must be a full-length photo of your entire (clothed) body. Polaroids are acceptable as long as we can clearly see you.
4) Identification – Attach a copy of your driver’s license, in addition to a social security card, passport or birth certificate.

Send your application and videotape submission to the following address:
Big Brother (Region #___)
P.O. Box 520
11271 Ventura Blvd
Studio City, CA 91604

In parenthesis after “Big Brother” on the mailing label, print the region number of the city located closest to your home:
1. Los Angeles, CA
2. Charleston, SC
3. New York, NY
4. Dallas, TX
5. Cincinnati, OH
6. Tampa, FL
7. San Francisco, CA
8. Nashville, TN
9. Chicago, IL
10. New Orleans, LA
11. Atlanta, GA
12. Denver, CO
13. Louisville, KY
14. Boston, MA
15. Phoenix, AZ

Unfortunately, we will not be able verify that we have received your application. If you like, you may wish to send your application package via an expedited courier (such as Fed Ex or UPS). They will provide a tracking number that you can use to verify the receipt of your package. Producers are not responsible for lost applications.

If you are selected for an interview, you will be advised so by the Producers shortly before the interview is scheduled. If you are selected to participate in the final selection process, you will be so advised by the Producers shortly before the final selection process is scheduled.

Producers reserve the right to change the terms of the application and the production schedule at anytime. Producers reserve the right to change the eligibility requirements and any other application rules in its sole discretion at any time with or without notice on a specific, case-by-case basis or across the entire applicant pool. Producers also reserve the right to not hold any participant applicant interviews, or to modify the manner in which it conducts participant applicant interviews, or to not produce the program Big Brother at all.

Couple of highlights to keep in mind: you must be 21 years of age at the time of application and you must be a US citizen living here in the States.

Best of luck to anyone who applies and let us know if you do!



Commenting Rules: Keep the conversation civil and on topic. If your comment does not add to the conversation, it will be removed. Debate intelligently. Insulting the author, Big Brother Network, or other commentators will result in comment removal and possible ban. Any comments with links or flagged words will go into moderation before approval. Anything we deem as spam will not be approved. Comments left in ALL-CAPS will be deleted regardless of content.


    • still not allowed eh? that sucks! likely b/c they can’t charge us taxes on the winnings!
      apprentice er i mean donald trump is allowing us though!

    • Matt(BBN) i a question for u about the application. See im an 18 year old, a be 19 in January, and im in the Military and wanted to apply to be on the next season of Big Brother, but u gotta be 21? :(

    • Yep, it was a typo and an obvious one since the article said the show would return for the next season in July 2011 and the article linked said Summer of 2011.

      Thanks for catching that, just not sure if it was worthy of 4 exclamation points and 6 question marks.

      • yeah i saw that in the e-mail, they meant to say july 2011 but sent the wrong link! no worries, it’s not like we don’t know what ‘time’ it is! :P

  1. I will try again according to Allison the producer they take all sizes all types have not seen it so see what happens 2011. Do they stick to the word hmmmmm! I wonder if only knew what they what LOL hard to show all of my personality in only 2 minutes but I will try

  2. Please consider allowing participants from other Countries or how about Big
    Brother 1 – Canada? I know a lot of people who want to play BB but have
    yet been allowed to do so.

    • Ola BB Peeps, Poets & Nifty Crew! :)

      I agree! I’m sure we can find a host of that here, I mean Global said the ratings for BB are insane this summer so it behooves us to get a Cdn version goin’ I mean there are like 20 other countries that do so. I know or heard we had a French version called The Loft but that was ONLY for PQ provincial residents ONLY and was not for the rest of us so it does NOT count! :P. Let’s go BB Canada Season 1! :)

  3. i wish that big brother would allow us canadian’s to be apart of the show to or come up with a big brother in canada ..

  4. Well, it looks like you have a decision to make, Big Brother, the Canadians want “in”. But I want “IN” too living right in your own backyard of Los Angeles. Personally, I’ve made 6 audition attempts in a 10 year period with no positive result after hours of waiting on the boulevard with many others. Can I get lucky this time before I get too old to play? Those of you from the LA office must know me by face now…since I’ve auditioned so often. I’m a 45 year old woman now who made her first attempt when only 37. Since becoming a fan of the show I know of only two other women older than I who made it into the house…Reni Martyn (52) and Shelia Kennedy (47)…can I be the third…PLEASE?

      • Well I also in Los Angeles area had tried several times maybe both of us better competitions so maybe waiting for more in same age group lol . They like the young and once in while we see the older maybe this year oh ya!!!!!!!!! We show the young that we are just as good or better .

    • Go Canada??? You folks do not need our help? Ya all have, talent, money, hind sight? BBN, create your own, it is good!!

    • No. You must be 21 years old at the time of your application.

      Be sure to read the details above AND fully review the eligibility requirements document I have linked in the article. This will save you time from applying when you’re not eligible.

  5. Okay, BBn, you folks moderate, (kudos) at the same breathe, you do not?? Matt, Ashli, take a dork’s advice, Please, do not get caught up in the $$ , aw, ya will, it is okay!! Just do your job, K? O, take special attention to the poets, song writers and trouble makers!! ( these are the people ) I do not know ” Survivor”” folks. You may think you are in charge of the site! ( then ya all woke up!)

    • What are you talking about? I don’t sit here all day waiting for a comment, immediately read it when you hit Submit, and then decide whether to publish or moderate. That’s the filtering software automatically doing it’s thing.

      Don’t worry, we are fully in charge of the site. But you’re always welcome to visit.

      • Good Day Matt.

        Listen, I left my comment under BBA 2011 application audition. Check it out and get back to me.

      • @Neo: That doesn’t make sense to me. BBA?

        Please either provide a direct link to your question or retype your question as a new comment here if you’d like me to take a look.

    • tishe: what do you mean take special attention to the poets, song writers and trouble makers!! what’s up with ya?

      • wassup ctgr8! any limericks to pass the days by! until summer 2011 lol j/k! where are rico & q, clare ann & sister j? da night crew around?

      • HI my Best Friends! :) I don’t know why I was constantly put in Moderation in Survivor Fandom! :( I really haven’t been a Bad Girl on here, cause I’m savin all my BADNESS for you ALL to see if I can get in the BB House LOL!!! :)

    • ola tishe! how ya doin’? i agree girl! pay attention to the nifty gifty ones! :) we make your site special! :)

    • If you use the word “dick” in a comment it will automatically be put in a moderation queue. Your comments were deleted rather than published as their were inappropriate and irrelevant to the discussion of this post.

  6. Trishe!! Clare Annnnnn! where is a good ” 5th amend. when it counts??” Rachael, you are the worst role model for BBN! I do not care what the other folks say or think, you, my umm, headache, (very poor excuse) let him go. Please.. if you love him? let him go..

    • No. Be sure to read the application rules. You must be 21 years old at the time of application. If you are less than 21 now then you can not apply now. It’s seriously that simple. I promise.

    • Actually I tweeted this same question to Robyn Kass via her twitter a while back. She said you can audition still, but you MUST specify that “you will be 21 on…..[your birthday]” Specify this on the application where it asks for your age.

  7. Maybe season 14 will have AllStars. Next season on Big Brother 13..will be an unlucky number. I would not like to sign up to Big Brother because there are so many people that say things about me.

  8. I really want on big brother lol my name is jeff and I AM CANADIAN dont hate collaborate US call canada and make it happen

  9. How should I type the application? Questions and Answers or Answers only like 1)Answer here.. etc?

  10. Was rereading the rules and the deadline date. Is the deadline date to apply for BB13 MARCH 19, 2010, or is that a typo?

    • Great catch. I’m assuming that must have been a typo on CBS’ part (they probably just reuse parts of the same application form each season).

      I’ve updated the deadline to read 2011. But keep in mind that it’s a rolling deadline so they’ll keep reviewing them as they come in. Still be sure to get your application in soon and then be ready to attend audition events as they start up in the Spring.

  11. I applied guys! I hope I get in! I applied for season 10, 11, 12, and for season 11 I made it to the final stage of casting. For season 12 they said “maybe next year…”, hope I get it, the first thing I will do is go to the diary room and bash the brigade.

    • Good luck, I hope you get in! What would be your strategy going in? Of course, your strategy going in usually is different then your actual strategy…

    • alright i just finished my application and sent it in too! I was waiting to turn 21 and i did like two weeks ago. My story is different tho, this will be my first time auditioning and i hope the first time is the charm! As for strategy, i don’t think i have any yet cuz i sure don’t know the different personalities i’m going to meet. i personally think it doesn’t make any since having a strategy right now when it all going to change. It was interesting that you said the first thing you’d do is go to the diary room to bash the brigade because on my tape, i did a little bashing the brigade haha. I talked about how they were the dumbest alliance in BB history and how i can do a much better job than them. Hopefully the both of us get in and tear that house down haha. Keep watching for Michelle Swanson

  12. Hello does anyone have the link for the App For Big broter 13 It is for my dad We are all up in Big brother like in its Face big time lol i think they should have Big brother Kids Some where Well I have wacth All of the Big Brother Go Janell And Holly Rachel ! lol haha well it would be rell nice to have a big brother kids to see what kids would do one there own for 3 Mo/’s lol well thankss

  13. On the home page it says that Portland is one of the cities for an interview but when I clicked on eligibility requirements it says Sanfranciso (#7). Do you know which city the interview will take place in?

  14. Hey! I’m Josh and I just applied! My application should have been received yesterday! =] What does the application reviewing process look like and how long does it take? Do a different group of people examine each part? How many apps do you guys get/look at each day? When will BB start contacting people?

    Sorry for all of the questions, I’M JUST SO EXCITED!!!!

    • Congrats on applying.

      Kassting Inc. handles all application reviews. They don’t release many details (very hush hush) on the process. Casting really ramps up around March through May so it could be awhile before you hear anything even if they like your application.

  15. In the Big Brother Application Instructions it gives you a list of 15 cities

    In parenthesis after ā€œBig Brotherā€ on the mailing label, print the region number of the city located closest to your home:
    1. LA
    2. Charlotte
    3. NY
    4. Dallas
    5. Cincinnati
    6. Tampa
    7. Portland
    8. Nashville
    9. Chicago
    10. New Orleans
    11. Atlanta
    12. Vegas
    13. Kansas City
    14. Boston
    15. Phoenix

    Number 7 is Portland. But when you look in the eligibility requirements in the 2nd paragraph on the page

    Check the Big Brother 13 eligibility requirements first. Then fill out the Big Brother 13 application.

    #7 is Sanfrancisco. I was just wondering what city is correct.

    I hope this makes sense.
    thank you

    • It looks like CBS must have updated the eligibility reqs document. Thanks for catching that. I’ll update the article.

      Since CBS can change those docs at anytime they should always take priority in the reliability of information.

      • I was hoping that Portland was one of the cities… Thanks for letting me know. Maybe next time it will be closer.

      • Hi,Do you know when Big Brother typicaly calls for interviews?? I am a student and classes end at the begining of June. Thanks

  16. Hi,Does anyone know when Big Brother typicaly calls for second and third round interviews?? I am a student and classes end at the begining of June. Thanks

    • Callbacks should happen in the Spring. The final casting decisions are typically wrapped up by the end of May. From there the casting company, Grodner, and CBS downselect until they have their final list of HGs.

      • Thank you, Matt, You are very helpful. Do you know if they work with peoples schedule? I have the whole summer open it’s just a matter of being able to attend callbacks and casting calls lol.

      • If you’re lucky enough to get a callback then I’m guessing you’ll want to work with their schedule.

        Casting call events are going to be scheduled and they stick to those timelines on the events. The one I observed last season started right on time and finished when the time was up.

      • I agree, with you :) and I thank. I’m just planning ahead and hoping for the best. Thanks for taking the time to answer questions on here. This is a great site.

  17. MY FRIEND JUST GOT A CALL BACK FOR BIG BROTHER 13 i don’t believe her so i was wondering if cbs is already doing callbacks-please and thank you for reading this if you choose to;)

  18. so i guess it’s to late to apply since people are getting call-backs oh well better luck next time

    • no it’s not too late to apply-my friend was thinking whether to apply and i told her she can and she’s filling out the app as i’m typing right now. So i say to you hurry now and fill the app out sooner than later

  19. well I am finshing my application for the third time and my vedio I will be sending in this week.How can CBS do call backs if they have not did casting until march ?

  20. Miss spelled woops Well I am finishing my application for the third time and my video I will be sending in this week. How can CBS do call backs if they have not did casting until march?

  21. omg i got a callback and have a intrview next month yay
    good way to ring the new year RIGHT???
    :) :) :)

  22. i caught a drug charge in 07. i won my trial and im hearing big brother wont even consider people with those types of arrest.

  23. hey matt, just out of curiosity (and not to declare shenanigans against those making the claims),in november you said that callbacks wouldn’t happen until the spring, and now some people are claiming to be have gotten them already. does this mean that they make calls on a revolving basis, or will it indeed be spring when they start? thanks

    • It’s certainly possible to get callbacks whenever the casting company (Kassting Inc. only) would want, but with audition events and the bulk of applications being reviewed in the spring, it’s most likely to happen then.

  24. So I was contacted my a place called “HNEREALITY” today stating that they were offiliated with Big Brother as well as many other reality shows and they are asking me for a 315 dollar profile set up fee for producers… Is this a scam??? I dont know who or what site to trust anymore…..

    • You don’t need to pay anyone (nor should you) to apply to Big Brother.

      Fill out the application (use the links in the article above) and then submit it in. When the audition events come up, be sure to try and get to one. That’s all you have to do.

  25. I should add that I am trying to audition for Big Brother….. where is a “safe” site to apply???

  26. I usually wait til open casting calls in a city near me. I have had 2 call backs from doing this method and I will continue to do so until I go all the way!!! I think sending in a tape is okay I just prefer the face to face method. Good Luck!! P.S. Its Free to do so..NEVER pay!!!

  27. Hey! Trying to apply for BB, but the app won’t come up for me on the CBS site, says that it’s due to ‘recent upgrades’.

    Any help?!?!? Thanks!

    • Hey Jason, I just clicked the link from above and printed that one. The didn’t work for me either. I am just going to write down and mail in with my video. Good Luck! ~Chad

      • OOO, duhh, didn’t see the one at the top of this post. Thanks so much!

        Best of luck to you as well, Chad. Hope to see you in the house.

        Thanks again,


  28. Happy New Year BB fans! I just printed the application and will start to fill out soon. I have wanted to be on BB after the watching the 1st season! Maybe this will be my year. Good luck to everyone applying!!!

    • Hey, any chance you could tell me where you got the app/rules/instructions from? The CBS site doesn’t seem to be working for me… Thanks!

      • I must have been writing a message to you at the same time. Just scroll up to that link that says “application”

  29. Good Morning,
    I am in the military currently serving in Afghanistan; I will be separating by the 19th April 2011. Is there still time to apply and able to make the show? The casting wonā€™t start until summer 2011? I will be back to the US by end of March 2011. I am determined, fun and motivated to make this show! Please let me know if there’s still a chance.
    Thank You.

    • If you are back in March then that should be plenty of time. Go ahead and submit your application now though to have it in the system.

      Finalists are normally selected in late May.

      • no one said that it’s just usually something is said and nothing has been yet. So it has been confirmed there will be casting calls?

      • Yes, there will definitely be casting calls.

        Last year the casting events were not announced until mid-March. We’re still months away from hearing any specific dates/locations.

        Robyn Kass (Kassting Inc) has confirmed that dates will be announced in March with events occurring in and around April.

  30. So you think it’s not too late to apply? I figured they would stop accepting audition tapes pretty early, so I gave up on it.

    But my 13 page application is ready to be filled out! Maybe I won’t give up on it just yet…

  31. I have to say Matt you are pretty clean with your comments. I have filled out the app every year and never sent it in. I can’t get past the cameras. The cameras in the house I know I could get use to, but it’s the 2 minute video. I am so not creative but very funny naturally….. Working on getting the 2 minute video. Hopefully before I need a walker to go on the show! Don’t worry I will still be physically fit Matt :D

    • @Ginger
      You just had a creative idea! Your comment about getting on the show before having to use a walker is funny! Made me laugh anyway! go with that, good luck!

    • You could considering attending casting call events in lieu of making the 2-minute tape. Having observed an audition event I’ve seen that some people don’t last a full 2-minutes (when you know, you know). So there’s a trade off, but another option to consider.

  32. Bigbrother is one of the relity shows in Africa that can draw attentions in other continent of the world is really nice because people from other continents will love to see people from different countries in africa coming together and also staying in the same house to compete for a fixed amount of money.

  33. sent in my tape and application today.want to make on Big Brother 13 mabe this time oh Ya!!!!!!!

    • What is the minimal age requirment?
      I am 19, i graduated High School when i was 16 and graduated military training at the top of my class. Im very intelectual and very compassionate and competative and strategical Do you think i would be good for BB13?

      • As noted in the eligibility requirements, you must be 21 years old at the time of application to qualify.

        A couple more years and you’ll be ready to try out.

  34. Sent in my video tape and application today. I hope I make it on Big Brother 13 maybe this time oh Ya!!!!!!! Third time the charm.

  35. OK..I am 62..articulate..handsome..funny..I have been diagnosed as bi-polar and have had it under control for 32 years..Would BB13 really take a look at my application or do you think it is a waste of my time..I have loved every BB since its inception…

  36. Nothing is a waste of time! If you don’t try, you will always wonder! You most certainly have a great attitude!

  37. i’m crazy wild and son of the soil of africa if i would be picked thn only i can show what aluta continua means,i’ve got nothing to lose but more to gain

    • Hey Jeannette, not sure, but I read somewhere that auditions start in March?? Do not quote me. There should be a link somewhere in the application or something? I don’t know! Hang in there! Ask Matt!!!

      • If I will be 21 before the end of casting can I still submit my application now? When does the casting processes typically end? My birthday isn’t until April, 17th. Please let me know! I’m so tired of waiting to apply. Thanks!

  38. I’m just a nice person, one how enjoys to be around others. but if need be i will speak my mind. other than that i’m mister nice guy.

  39. This contest should be open to Canadians! We’re just as interesting and provocative to watch!

    • Candi, I have been saying, hoping and praying the same for the past years…There is one close to big brother which Quebec produced but it was nothing as good as the American version. I agree they should let Canadians on there…all hell would break lose and would make for great viewing! :-)

  40. I can’t get enough of BB ! I’m 48 but look 32 and would love to get on BB but couldnt leave my job for that long. . . I would lie about my age and tell everyone that my 28 yr old daughter is my sister. LOL

  41. Well last year I went to the casting call on March 8 in Los Angles California hoping to be a houseguest on July 8 my anniversary. Well this time I think I need to be more aggressive maybe. It is hard to show all your personality in 2 minutes because people react different with people depending on their behavior.

  42. Has anybody seen casting call from the other housegust? If you have plaese let me know I like to see them

    • Hi Jeannette! If I’m not mistaken, I’ve seen a few but it was during the airing of the show. Not sure if there is a link to see past casting calls?
      Good question for Matt! Good luck!! Happy early anniversary! That would be a cool gift!!

  43. I sent my application in but still want to fly to Chicago for the casting calls. Has anyone see a schedule out there?

  44. Definitely want to experience it to really know about it and make it the best TV show to watch this 2011 and make a difference

  45. am not that crazy, friends say am funny. Raised in an african way. am an african 9ja gal. i can be my self and pple love me for me. the pple that say they hate are just scared of facing the real truth they are in love with me.l0l

  46. okay so Im like only 13 and umm I wanna be on BB so insted of me Im sending my mother and like idk if she is gonna make it on but like i really hope she does

  47. Big Brother just call me I be their just say when
    is it too much to ask of you, To just call me and tell me you’re the new houseguse on Big brother 13 is that much for I not asking for much
    Just call me and tell meI am right one. I have what it takes just give me a chance.

  48. I my name is victor I am from Angola and I want to participate in this year big brother I really have what it takes to be the winner i hope please peak me I will be waiting for your response.

      • MATT, in the eligibility it says US citizen.

        I am permanent US resident.
        Robyn Kass stated in her twitter than it has to do with prize money and CBS can’t pay us without a social security card.

        But US residents do have social security card?
        And I am a permanent US resident!
        Can I apply?

      • Jamie, That’s a gray area that I can’t answer. Robyn Kass has been very responsive on Twitter, so you can always try asking her directly.

        Now you can always apply, I just don’t know if you’re eligible or will be accepted.

        It seems that if the issue is paying you and you have a SSN then you’d be covered, but again, I’m not involved in the process and I don’t make those decisions.

  49. I would love to know when you are going to allow or be notified When Canadian’s can apply to be on BIG BROTHER?..I would LOVE THE CHANCE to be on..

  50. Just wondering if you get contacted to come to a casting call, if you need to bring anything with you?? Or if they have have the application that you’ve submitted?

  51. Hi there i’m going to an open casting call tomorrow and i have the app filled out and 2 photos do i still need to bring the 2 min dvd???
    thanks Meghan

    • Meghan, here is the list of items you MUST bring with you to an audition event:

      1) a completed application, 2) a photocopy of two forms of valid ID, 3) two recent photos.

      You do not need to bring a DVD, but be sure you bring a copy of your ID.

  52. I went to a casting call. (Am not sure what happens next?)How long does it usually take the producers to go through all of the applications & start doing call-backs? I see there are still a few more Open Castings as well. Any & all information that you can provide would be greatly appreciated.
    Thanks in Advance!

    • We usually hear a message that all finalist were notified around the end of May. It could be another 4-6 weeks before the potential finalists are notified.

      They get a LOT of applications and they review them all so it takes a long time.

  53. Hi

    Just went to my first casting on April 16. I was wondering the general time frame for call backs on an open call. Never done this before. I’m still waiting 2 days later, but want to know if I would have already heard something if I was chosen for the semifinals. Thank you!!!

  54. I sent in my application package via UPS yesterday, and I never received a tracking code. I just realized that I totally forgot to write the P.O. Box in the Address!!! Will UPS still know where to deliver this? I really hope so! Who can we contact to make sure it was received??

    • According to UPS’ website they do not ship to PO Boxes.

      If you kept a copy of what you submitted then I would do it again via USPS mail.

      • Hi Matt, thanks for your reply. I just contacted UPS, and they said it went out through USPS First Class mail, and should take about 4-5 business days to arrive. However, I don’t think I wrote down the actual P.O. Box on the address! Do you think it will still arrive to the right PO Box? I wrote the following on the To label:

        Big Brother (Region #9)
        11271 Ventura Blvd
        Studio City, CA 91604

        I’m nervous!

  55. Any idea on a confirmation of our application being received? I just sent out my package again but saw that the deadline is now April 29th, which is now past. Is there anyone we can contact to find out if our package was received? I really hope so!!!

  56. i would really appreciate it if i can get the application form sent to my email address pls bigie

  57. Why won’t you allow Canadian’s to enter…this is somewhat discriminating..don’t you think

    • Sandra, be sure to read through the comments here on this very post. The answer you seek has already been given.

      Canadians can not enter because they do not have a US SSN. It’s all about taxes. If a Canadian wins they don’t have things in place to collect the taxes. That’s all it is.

  58. Remember my name :D …YOU WILL see me in the “Big Brother House” Season 14! ;* #detemination

8 Trackbacks / Pingbacks

  1. Brendon and Rachel to Appear on CBS with Bold and the Beautiful | Big Brother 12
  2. Big Brother 2011 – Apply Now To Audition | Big Brother 2011
  3. Casting Events Planned For Big Brother 13 | Big Brother 13 Spoilers
  4. Big Brother 13 Casting Begins In March, Audition Events Soon To Follow | Big Brother 13
  5. Big Brother 13 Interview: Robyn Kass, Big Brother Casting Director | Big Brother 13
  6. Big Brother 13 Casting Event Dates Announced | Big Brother 13
  7. Big Brother 13 Premiere Date Announced | Big Brother 13
  8. BIG BROTHER 13 CASTING BEGINS! : Celebrity Smack: Gossip and Entertainment Blog

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