Tonight on Big Brother 12 the results of the latest live eviction will be revealed along with the results of the next HoH competition. While we wait for the results be sure to Fan us on Facebook and join in the fun we’re having there!
I’ll be updating this post here with the live eviction and HoH results. Have your live feeds ready to go as soon as the broadcast is over and the live feeds are back!
Meanwhile, join us in the Big Brother chat room as we watch tonight’s live show!
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Sale price expires tonight!
Tonight we got our first look at the Jury House and yep, confirmed, Rachel is as annoying as ever if not more so. She still hasn’t learned that you can speak without YELLING. Hey HEY HEY! *Shudder*
Big Brother 12 Week 8 Live Eviction voting:
- Enzo: evict Ragan
- Britney: evict Ragan
By a vote of 2 – 0, Ragan has been evicted from Big Brother 12!
Our first glimpse at the upcoming HoH competition is very interesting. It looks like a Christmas theme with the three HGs in separate boxes. Very isolated. Endurance or quiz? I don’t see a buzzer anywhere…
Big Brother 12 Week 9 HoH Competition – ‘Big Brother Christmas’:
- It’s a mini-endurance comp! Get your live feeds! Free Trial & $5 discount!
- The HGs have to work tree ornaments up through chicken wire and put them “on” their tree in little buckets. The first one to finish wins the HoH! It should go awhile and you can watch it live online with your live feeds.
- I’ll be posting the results live over on this post.
Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll have a brand new HoH in the Big Brother house, unless it’s an endurance competition again this week and then we’ll be up all night! You won’t want to miss it and the only way to watch it uncut and unedited is with the Big Brother 24/7 uncensored feeds.
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Ragan evicted
Matt, you have Brit and Enzo voting for eviction before the live show airs. What’s up.
Who else would be voting tonight?
Matt just didn’t put a “S” on the end of evict. He is just getting ready to post it as soon as it happens.
???? He will fill in the blanks as it happens
My bad. I maybe thought you could see the future. Don’t forget I sleep with the fishes.
It’s like X-mas waiting to see if your going to get a new car, lol.
Jury house Jury house
Yaaaa we are going to get to see the Jury House, finally.
this sucks the sucky chiefs are on no big brother for me some one paint the picture i want to know whats goin down
Ragan is trying to get Britney and Lane, to vote off Hayden, telling them that neither of them could win in the finals against Hayden, but they could definitely beat Ragan.
You can watch the show live here:
Julie’s gone Gothic.
Lol! Yea, she did
Was looking forward to the live show tonight but…it is preempted by preseason football. And the CBS affiliate in our region is showing a re-run of Vampire Diaries. I love football but a preseason game could be shown on the affiliate or a cable channel. CBS in our region really dropped the ball on this one.
Check you listings, many stations will show it late tonight.
It comes on a 2:37 a.m. A little past the bedtime for me lol. Will DVR it.
yep its official this blows
Check for sister stations of local affiliate or late night showing… Don’t know if there will be one in your area, but its worth checking. Good luck! (Now you know how soap fans feel when they interrupt programs for car chases three counties away…)
Watch it here:
Yippy! Jury House. Let’s skip pass Ragan’s annoying voice and get to the good, good stuff. :)
Come on get Heyden out cut Enzo legs out from under him.
keep ragan!!! get hayden out. then enzo out. that way brit is for sure final 2. but ragan wont win the last HOH. hmm that alot of guessing on what would happen lol.
but nah, vote out hayden. he already has 5,000 and a trip. he needs to go
well actually if im talking about prizes, ragan should go because he has 20k, HOWEVER hayden didnt do anything for the prizes, he just pressed a button were as ragan had to work for it for 2 weeks.
so i been saying team brit, lane translates into team brane. if i add ragan in that its…
team bragane!
hmmm nahhh
how bout TEAM LAGNEY?
TEAM…… AWESOME hahaha. that works
has everyone forgot about someone bein related or life long friends,, or MORE???
I think that was a lie to cause trouble in the house.
Lol! It was a lie!!!! omg..smh..j/k
But seriously, it was made up by Annie (1st sab), it was not something from CBS. Julie only confirmed that Annie said it, she never said it was true.
Lifelong friends are Julie and Ashli Rae… (…slowly I turn…)
Lol @ SisterJ
Football is on! Where can I watch this online?
you can watch online at fastpasstv
Yeah the jury house this is so funny
Still a dumb move for Matt
yay!! jury house!!! And it’s official I’m crushing on Enzo!! How did I go from wanting him to go home to wanting him to come to my home! Smh
Have you thought of seeking professional help?
Seriously… there are some good meds out there. Might help…
Seriously? You definitely need medical help. I just cannot imagine under what circumstances would anyone want Enzo. I think it is not Matt’s wife who was sick, it was Enzo’s all along.
This is why I watch
I know people will attack me for saying this but I like Rachel and I don’t care who don’t like it. Lol!
Ftr u can’t be considered a “good player” if ur in the jury house!! Right now Britney has been playin the best game, week one she was on the block with Monet, and now she’s final 4!
I don’t think being a good player guarantees that you win the game. Its been plenty of losers to win BB. And at the end everybody is pissed but they were just lucky.
Britney wasn’t on the block week one, Brendon and Rachel were. And they played a much better game, they were just targeted for stupid reasons. If being a couple were reason enough, then after Kristen was evicted, Britney should have been next because of her so-called “friendship” with Lane!
The Brigade owe Matt, if he did not make that bonehead move in his first HoH and allowed the power couple to stay. Their alliance might have been exposed. Everyone was so focus on the power couple to notice the Brigade.
No Sam week one was Rachael and Annie…
Ur right, she was a target early on was my point, but I’m not saying she’s goin to win, I just think she’s played a good game, she’s still their, eh? but it’s just a show, and I could care less who wins,anyway looks like Hayden might be going home. He’s prolly my fave.jus wish he would cut his hair, he would def be alot hotter!!
It was Rachel and Brendon – Annie was the renom after Brendon won POV.
Luv the jury reaction to Matts lie. Guess who is gonna make allstar.
I think Matt got the comeuppance that America was yearning for… He still didn’t quite “get” it, but it looks like it may sink in over the next week or so. By the finale, am hoping he will man up and give America a real apology. He did at least come clean immediately, but I don’t think he would have had he realized how the other jurors would react… The boy has a lot to learn… Unfortunately he is not the only member of this cast who is “ethically” challenged… Ragan’s arrival should finally expose DUH BOR-GADE… Hope we get to see some of that!
How can any of the other houseguests judge Matt when they entered into a game that makes deception a necessity? How is his lie any worse than the other cases of blatant dishonesty? Kathy lied. Rachel definitely lied. Brendon lied. Deception is deception, and when you enter into a game that promotes and requires lying, you can’t judge one lie as more or less ethical than another.
People judge Matt’s lie solely on emotion. Ignoring the awareness that he has created for the disease, and his pledge to make a charitable donation to victims of the disease, his lie has no positive consequences.
Think, people. Think.
Well, Matt B, someone wiser than I once said: There are lies and there are damned lies… You say there’s no difference between them. I disagree…
so anyone who says brit would win if she is in final 2 either just got silenced or will be once they show tonight’s episode on the west coast.(im on the west coast so im an exception lol)
matt, rachel, brendon, and kathy all “hate” brit (jealousy) WHEN they talk game it will consensus “dont vote for her” theme which is pathetic.
WHEN enzo goes to jury, HE wont vote for her. do i need to continue?
and rachel, kathy, and brendon are so pathetic.
and brendon ur bald and hell doesnt exist. freakin UCLA guy
I guess Hayden is staying
Looks like it but you never know.
I thought a nice Rachel would come out in the jury house- NOT. Her expression to Brendon coming in was priceless. She was so in the relationship for the money.
i have no problem with matt’s lie. if i ever make it on the show, i will prolly do a sympathy angle as well. it works but u gotta play it strong on the right ppl.
in terms of BB there is nothing wrong with matt’s lie. ur trying to win a game that promotes fights, lying, and backstabbing. who is anyone to draw the line?
kathy wants to act like thats so bad. like bro ya motha smoked, got cancer, u smoked, got cancer, got semi-healthy again and U STILL SMOKE. so who are u to talk? C’MON YO
Ethically challenged much?
Ethically challenged? He used logic to draw a conclusion. Perhaps you could provide a more detailed response explaining why you think what you think.
Really doesn’t matter much… Our problem here is that (as Tennessee Williams put it) “Mendacity is a way of life”. Some people have no problem with that. Examples? Some look at signing off on critical inspections of equipment “business as usual… everybody does it”. The residents of the Gulf might disagree. Quite a few seagulls and turtles most certainly do, but then again, they didn’t get a vote. Soldiers are returning from a war that saw near 4400 killed, near 35,000 maimed or wounded, and there is no count of PTSD and TBI cases out there. Anyone remember how we got into that one? But I don’t want to get into politics… The problem is that we have kids growing up in this country that don’t realize that there are lines you don’t cross. We all get pretty close to those lines, it’s human nature. But when one fails to realize that one just can’t go across those lines without damaging us all, we’re in big trouble… I doubt you will see my response, since I’m posting so late for this thread, but you asked; I answered. There are lies and then there are damned lies… End of sermon… Apologies to any who may find my reasoning offensive.
Rachel couldn’t keep a straight face when she was laying into Matt.
What a fake slut.
Matt deserves all the scolding he received.
I agree
I agree and I a Matt fan. Can’t condone the lie but he will not be forgotten.
Keep it short
Short people keep it short
hayden should be evicted just based off that speech.
yay ragans gone!!!
Where did Enzo get the clothes, I thought all his clothes went to charity.
I was just thinking that
the coat is lane’s. and he had been borrowing clothes from hayden
If no one lent Enzo any clothes, would BB give him some? They can’t let him appear on live TV naked. That should be a good way to blackmail some new clothes from BB.
OOOOO BRIT! that will prolly come back to haunt u.
Yes it will, but if I had to guess I would say Lane told her to vote out Ragan or he would. So she did, b/c voting to keep him would have just made her target that much bigger.
Bye Bye Rags….woo hoo! :)
I really want to see his reaction to Matt’s lie.
As long as lane doesn’t win, idc who wins!
As long as Enzo doesn’t win, idc who wins!
as long as britney doesnt win idc who wins
bad move by brit. but i see why she did it, just dont agree with it.
she didnt want lane to have to choose between his alliance and ragan.
Brit didn’t vote to evict Hayden because Lane didn’t tell her to. Lane didn’t have the, uh, ‘kahunas’ to go against Enzo and Hayden, and he would have been forced to break the tie… which he was not willing to put himself in the position to do… Bad move “Brane”… Pack your bags, Brit… And by the way, you never did have an army…
Ragan the cry baby-bye bye. I want to comment on Matt’s lie. Remember folks, it’s a game! Only a freaking game!
Good one Enzo
Lol! I love Enzo’s goodbye speech.
What a stupid HOH competition.
oops, this went to the wrong thread.
Good point Sam she’s playing a good game
Hope Enzo wins HOH, that would be hilarious.
WOW, they were sure kissing Ragan rear, trying to get his vote in the finals
the piano they play during the goodbye speeches is a good speech.
HOW DARE ENZO!!! how dare we campaign like that?! thats caca bro!
HOH looks so effin tight. they truly outdo themselves every week.
its a quiz. brit needs this. another win in the belt. she cant put all the pressure on just the POV. she isnt THAT clutch.
this is gunna be good.
getcha popcorn ready
What happened to the ho-mance in the jury house. Maybe BB will show it next episode. NOT
I wonder if Ragan will still have such a great opinion of Matt once he learns about the lie.
Yeah, I want to see that conversation
I want to see Ragan kicking Matt to the curb or better yet murder him on the spot with a kitchen knife.
I hope Brit wins so it will create drama with the Brigade. I want my little hamster fighting
im so nervous. i love this show.
this can be a GAME CHANGER. hopefully it is.
okay here we go…… (deep breath)
Let’s go Enzo. Finish this.
Who thinks Matt & Ragan will hook up in the jury house?
No they won’t. Why would they?
some think Matt is gay… he’s not and Ragan said that to Julie saying “he on a different bus”… they just connected as friends.
like Ragan said he never connected with his 3 bro’s and he felt that close to Matt and he wasn’t going to blow it this time. sorry, couldn’t think of a different word other than ‘blow’.
can’t wait to see how Ragan reacts to the wife-lie; as the 3 Matt told did not react well.
Ragan probably will not talk to Matt ever again.
soooo…the last 3 seasons have been my fave bu that’s just my opinion. hope Enzo wins lol!! Or Hayden!! or Britney!!
brit has the advantage… small hands
Long fingers would be a better advantage
Hayden is ahead so far…
Okay Brit is not going to win this one. My money is on Hayden
Ok, so we know Britany on this… Little ass fingers…lol!
brit has the disadvantage, she has short fingers.
she needs to calm the eff down.
she is one more ball break away from losing.
Ok, so we know Britany won this… Little ass fingers…lol!
She doesn’t look like she is doing well. She keeps dropping and Hayden seems to be having an easier time.
Your right, I guess I wasn’t paying attention to the comp too good…lol.
Well we might be saying bye bye to Brit if she doesn’t pull it off this week. I hope Enzo wins.
Britney is such a sheep!!
This is the worst season ever. So predictable! None of these houseguests have the balls to make a power move. If I were in the jury house and it was up to me to determine who wins, it surely would not be Enzo or Lane. Neither one of them has won competitions (when it counted). The best final four should have been Rachel, Brendon, Matt and Brittany. The only 4 real competitors in the house.
I would give them props for using Matt to get them this far.
I actually agree with this. Even though I don’t like Britney, I think the 4 you named were the best competitors. Of course I wish Brendon was back in the house the most!
I agree. I think the final four should of been Brendon, Matt, Brit, and Ragan.
This season is predictable. And it really sucks how the slackers who didn’t really play are this far. They don’t deserve the money. Specially Lane who already has money.
I agree, they should be final four, but then again Lane, Enzo, and Brittney must be doing something right to still be in the game. I dont care who wins, well I take that back, I don’t want Brittney to win. She is so shallow. Game wise she maybe should win, but personality, no way, such a mean girl.
Strange that Britney has broken several bulbs and the others have not broken even one…..
Fingernails? Just squeezing too hard because of small fingers?
umm if it’s true that Kathy smokes, then she is an idiot!!! and matts lie didn’t bother me, but im not sure I’d stoop that low…but I like Matt too. So I don’t know, so I guess this was a pretty good season, cuz I kinda actually like all of em, minus ragan.
Didn’t Kathy have some type of cancer, but yet she is still smoking? I liked Kathy, but she probably should not be smoking. Matt should have thought of another strategy to try and win, using his wife and saying she was ill was not cool.
I once saw a woman light up three days after heart bypass surgery… An addiction is an addiction… As a former smoker who quit cold turkey thirty years ago, I know how hard it is to quit. Than heaven I wasn’t in a BB situation at the time…
ThanK, not than… (dumb keyboard…)
hopefully it doesnt take like 10 min. for feeds to be back on.
and i guess now we can britney is a ball breaker….ZING!!!!
Zing, zing, zing, zing, zing! Good one, Marcus!
Still hate Rachel with a passion. And of course she’s going to be mad at Brenden the first time she sees him again for two weeks. God bless Brenden for dealing with her.
I LOVE Regan. He was one of the best players this season. He would of won if he stayed imo. He’s a great player. Lane was too scared to ruin his friendship with the other men in the house which was a bad idea on his part. Britney just wants to save her own.
What was the big deal with Matt lying? It was a game to win 500,000 dollars. I would lie too to get a pity vote. Cathy needs to relax and go smoke a cig because it’s a game.
This HOH maybe a game changer, but I doubt it. If one of the men win, Brit+Brigade member=Brit gets sent home.
I mean really. This whole season has been boring with no game changing at all. Dang do I miss Matt and his cleverness.
I was with Matt until he messed up and got rid of Kathy instead of Enzo. Or worse throw the HoH comp
Yes Myles, definitely right about that. Katy was such a.. random person to put up!
Hindsight is twenty twenty…
yes brit + brigade = brit to jury. but what if she wins veto? like she has been known to do.
Good point, there’s always the veto (even if it’s 3 against 1). Maybe they would do a good back door. Then again, Lane doesn’t want her to go anywhere.
If Hayden or Enzo win HOH, then they nee to put up lane or Hayden or Enzo to backdoor Brittney, they can’t chance her winning veto, I dont know thought, that would be tough decision for the hoh, if its not Brittney.HMMMMMM???
I agree, if Matt had just put up Enzo instead of Kathy, he would still be in the house. Didn’t any of these houseguest watch previous seasons…trust no one and play for yourself.
Matt could have manipulated Hayden and Lane, it was Enzo in everyones ears.
Crappy season!!!!
Wow so britneys gone unless she wins pov, cuz hayden is about to win and he’s going to put up lame and Brit, and chances are Enzo will vote to evict Britney.
It’s all about the Veto comp….
Whoever wins POV this week has all the power. They are the sole vote for eviction.
Hayden is about to win? Yeah, I don’t get live feeds, please post it if he wins, thank you,
damn brit is gunna run outta balls! LOL
she drops/break a ornament every 5 seconds. she better have a endless supply
hayden has the technique down…though wonder how hard the star is gonna be in the end
Britney doesn’t know how to handle balls
Bye bye Reagan Yesssss!
at this stage, Hayden or Enzo wins HOH, puts up Brit and Lane, Brit goes home and then Lane soon follows. Enzo is something else, but gotta give him credit, he is still there
Enzo has been un shunned. Going to be funny watching Britney complaing. I can see it now “LIKE WHAT THE HELL, I’M THE BEST COMPETETOR IN THIS HOUSE, I SHOULD HAVE WON AUTOMATICALLY.” Then she complains about finger being to small and having Enzo do better.
So happy she’s losing. Hope Hayden wins this and he pulls off a veto win. Best player IN BB 12 if he pulls this win off.
ur crazy. best game in BB history if he win hoh and veto in the same week?
are chu crazy ese? aha
oh my bad u said this season.
excuse me
i think ur comment is still questionable but its not as bad as i first thought.
my mistake
Yeah, Hayden is looking better and better. He won money and got everyone to think it was Matt which probably lead to his eviction and now he seems to be on a winning streak. He might just win this thing
I hope Hayden wins over Brittney, she is the devils child. Lane thinks he has a chance with her, but he doesn’t she just used him to get his vote for anything. In fact afterdark she told Hayden, Lane doesn’t need the money, come on his family has a lot of money. She has trashed talked everyone in the house except for herself and that is the one person who needs to be talked about or smacked down off her high horse. Sorry I do not like Brittneys ways, she is mean.
Lol I’m happy to, she is so fake! She trash talk people in their back just to boost her ego…
Did anyone else catch Rachel’s nasty mustache?
Got me a little sick to be honest.
Well, Britney won’t win HOH….so, I guess we’re going to be left with the Three Stooges!
I miss Matt-he’s my favorite! I hate Enzo-can’t stand him. I was rootin for Brit and Lane in the final 2 but Lane didn’t push for Regan to stay-stupid move! That was the power move America was waiting for! Not digging the show sine Matt left. And c’mon Kathy…its a game and a strategy-Stop being so emotional! Geeeze! Drama drama drama…poor Matt stuck with all them!
^ Yeah I can’t help but to feel really bad for Matt being stuck in that house with all of them. I would probably ask CBS to take me home.
he had it coming who says something like that for money. karma can bite you in the ass and it looks like it has for matt. hope the isolate him from the other jg
Come on Any one but Britney This Ditzy Blonde needs to go Big time.So glad So Sad Ragan is gone so tired of his voice and and crying He needed to go and now that he is gone there won’t be such a pity party.Kathy was so right Matt is a sorry piece of work using his wife as he did He should ask forgiveness for that transgression.Kathy may not have achieved a lot in the house but she has class and integrity. Matt should ask Kathy and company to forgive him Having Cancer myself I thik it was disgusting what he did he did not deserve the money based on what he did.
cause ur so perfect.
Dude, it’s a game. Matt lied to get a pity vote if he ever made it to final two. Kathy is complaining about how he lied and she used to have cancer blah blah, she smokes cigs! What is that about? I sure as hell wouldn’t be smoking cigs if I just fought cancer.
Have you watched previous seasons? It’s about playing the game. The game is lying, backstabbing, etc. It’s the only way to progress yourself unless you have the luck of winning comps when it counts.
Adam (BB 9) won $500Gs with the comment that he worked with autistic children….Oops! He was actually a major drug dealer on the east coast who now sits in jail, having spent the money on drugs and not autistic children.
Maybe the question shouldn’t be: What are you going to do with the money? Instead ask who played the BB game better!!!
No one deserves money from a moral standpoint. Get off your high horse. Kathy was as bad if not worse than everyone else with the talking behind peoples backs. Just because she repeats over and over: “I have my class and integrity.” doesn’t make it so.
Unfortunately, Big Brother is not a charity. It is not about who deserving. You have a bunch of people in the house trying to chase the all mighty dollar. If they were good people they would not go on this show, but Matt got what he deserve. A dollar for his effort.
Karma comes back at him !
I think if she dont win hoh she has a good chance for pov! hoh isnt to important this week!
you know, i just don’t see anybody really tryin to compete for next weeks hoh since he/she wouldnt be able to compete in the last one.
Wrong! They can all compete in the last one. It wouldn’t be fair otherwise. Even Julie said they would all be in the last HoH competition.
Britney needs to follow her BEST friend to the JH, so they can share those GOOEY Cookies together! :) They are still BASHING Rachel. I hope she gets their act in the JH & rips them apart! Ragen is gonna see his wonderful human being friend MATT! LMAO :)
there is a god after all hurray ragan went to the jury house, and bitchney is next.hope enzo wins hoh and pits lane and the bitch up. karma is looking like a christmas gift for hayden and enzo. luv it and as for matt he is feeling the wrath of someone who had to deal with cancer, hope he learns a big lessen. he is so gonna be sorry when ragan finds out the truth about his buddy who lied about his wife. bet rachel will look like a better friend to him then lmao
Julie Chen is such a LIAR… “You can see how the HOH competition ends by logging onto the ‘live feeds’…..”
Uh…. No, Julie, you can’t. They won’t show us anything but trivia…
Uh.. she’s just the host that reads the teleprompter.
Uh… the comment was a little “tongue-in-cheek”.
Rico,YOU can’t see that comp? WoW what a rip-off! :(
Ragan might not take that Matt LIE so well, after all Ragan saying he lost his DAD! We need to put the feeds in JURY HOUSE, more action there, than with the BRO-GADE !
The jury house is more exciting the the BB house right now xD
To sam perhaps if you had a problem or health issue you may not be so quick Britney is very attract perhaps that is what you see or perhaps you are a Ragan fan.Remember this is a game one need not be bitter because there favorite did not win.So lighten up Francis
Oh shut up. Seeing as u had cancer, u should be alot nicer and appreciative of life…but ur bashing hg, and being mean, :( …I c why u had cancer, ftr I don’t like regen, only hg I didn’t like.
and who’s bitter lol, I like them all, except regen…ahhhhh go smoke a cigarette.
tonight should be a little nicer wont have to see the drunk talk about drugs, and rachel. the sissy got sent to the jh. guess we will have to sit and watch the mean girl cry all week now. hope rachel makes the jh a living hell for ragen when he walks through the door and she puts a roach in his ooey gooey cookie and thinks she put raisins in it hahahahahaha now I wonjt have to fast forward sho time tonight hopefully mean girl will not say anything about hg that are all ready evicted.
Hey sis, LMAO
Good for you I AGREE !!!!! Robert Singleton
Thanks robert hope you enjoy it to
Hayden won
i see him puttin up brit and lane. but kinda hopin she gets the pov…just to piss off the meow meow
I think if he does put up Brit and Lane and either of them wins POV, Enzo will go home.
The Meow Meow Is OK He beat the Ragan in the comp.So perhaps you under estimate the Jersey Boy!!!!
The “meow meow” will be sent packing by whoever wins POV because they are all afraid he’ll get more jury votes. His only chance is to win POV himself (or Hayden win it and keep noms the same – assuming he nominates Brit and Lane, of course).
The meow-meow is one crazy cat, and I do mean certifiable.
Remaining HGs, watch your backs…
did Hayden win?
Good bye Britney
he will put up Enzo and Brit
hope not lane needs to go up with her
Thanks Rico, I didn’t want B*TCHNEY to win :)
if hes smart he will put up lane and brit and send her home cant wait is she crying yet lol
Hayden? Jeez, Lane made the wrong move by sending Ragan home. Boring season.
but if puts Lane up and he wins veto then Enzo will go because theres only 1 vote
Lane & Haydon will be the Final 2, I think! They are tighter Friends!
hurray sissy went home
I want brit 2 win & put up hayden & enzo. I want lane 2 win.
clare did u call mom to see if she got to watch the show or if football was on. oh yea hayden won
Football on different channel, she saw BB !
great thanks
hayden needs to send lame home on one of his daddy’s planes so he can go back to perping like an oil rig woking biker lol
yep it serves him right for turning on hayden and enzo thats why matt was sent to the jh
I agree Lane needs to go he really blew this one
is lane nervous and is the mean girl complaining whats happening on live feed got an up date anyone
oh good, now cross eyes can go home
lmao so funny I peed
course maybe if she wins the money she can get her eyes fixed, poor thing
just remember there will only be 1 vote so if either Lane or Brit are up Enzo will go I like Enzo and Hayden and I know Hayden would win by far,he played a great game not to much bashing and did stay the truest I think to himself
hayden will win the pov and send brit home keeping my fingers crossed
me too
sweet dreams everyone have to get up early
good night I’m next
how are u seeing this i keep getting an unavailible sign on my live feed. what is brit and lanes reaction
whats happening in the house and what are they talking about. does any one know getting ready for bed and really need a fix before I go to sleep lol please tell me drunk eyes, is crying
Everyone is forgetting this is a game. Everyone came into the game with a different stradegy and Matt’s was to lie, which is part of BB. Get over it people in the JH. Kathy stop smoking, bad for your health. You have already been there did you forget??? Your not perfect and either is Matt. Brendan or Rachael. Get stronger players next year. Ones that lie stab and cheat.
its ok to lie in the game but certainly not about bone cancer. especially when people watching have lost a family member from cancer. its just so disgusting . wonder if ragans father died of cancer and how he will react to matts lie, he wont like his integritity then
It wasn’t bone cancer — thanks for paying attention.
I’ve lost three family members to cancer, and one of them actually had bone cancer. My reaction to Matt’s lie? It’s just a game. I can separate a TV show from reality — a skill that some people apparently lack. When I play poker, I don’t expect people to be honest about the cards that they have. In fact, often times I play with people who come up with some creative and questionable lies; someone I played with said that he recently got in a car accident and needed money to pay for it. I was mad at being duped, but I respected the play. But I digress.
Big Brother is a game that not only promotes but requires deception. To judge Matt’s lie separate from the numerous other lies in the game is just hypocritical.
OMG,Lane, You need to go home now! We just had another OIL WELL explosion in the Ocean! :( We need you to help save the enviorment! You are a nice guy!
lmao is he nervous yet, he should be the backstabber just lost his girl friend shes going home thank you very much
Sadly to say there is truely another Explosion! Breakin NEWS :(
goodnight clare luv you, leave me a post on my facebook on what happened tonight ok sisters 4 ever
OK joanne, I will be chatted late with the COOL GUYS & COOL GALS :) LUV U & Good nite!
heyyyy are u saying I’m not cool, remember I’m older then u and I forgot more then u will ever know lmao hey do u have any depends I can borrow i just peed myself laughing
has anyone won HOH yet?
Clare Ann, there ya are!! How are you doin?? I’ve been catching up, again,,, great posts tonight by everyone!!
go brittneyyy
i know she is the best. she should win!
right shes played the game farily i think she deservers to win
brittney is a disgrace backstabbing little bitch eff her