Big Brother 12: Week 2 Eviction Predictions

The second eviction of the Big Brother 12 season is upon us so let’s get to our eviction prediction! This season I’m going to offer up not only my prediction but also the thoughts from a few of my other favorite Big Brother websites. So check out our Big Brother predictions and then share your own in the poll below.

Big Brother 12 Week 2 Eviction Predictions:

So there it is. 4 votes against Monet and 1 against Matt. Uh oh, watch out Monet! Now what do you think? Share your guess in the poll below!



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  1. I think Matt is going home tonight. I’d be surprised if they vote Monet out. I know the Brigade will have 3 votes to evict Monet, but Hayden is kind of wishy washy. When they called Matt out I think it may have helped Monet. I didn’t think last week was going to be all voting to evict Annie, so I’m probably wrong. I don’t like Matt’s lie about his wife. I’m hoping he goes tonight and Britney or Monet win HOH and split up Rachel and Brendon.

  2. Although I am really, really PO’d at Matt for telling that horrid Johnny Fairplay lie, I still want the hormonal cry-baby, Princess Monet, to take her $10,000 and hope the door doesn’t hit her in the ass when she leaves the BB house!

  3. #3 Manic inBloom – My anger over the Matt lie spilled over onto Monet. Please accept my apology for my rudeness and poor taste.

    • LOL it’s cool, I get it u don’t like Monet. = ) I’ve said mean things too. Sry for calling u gross your not ^_^

  4. Don’t apologize, Roxie, you hit it right on the head!! Its your opinion…and if some think otherwise, well that is their opinion as well…no matter how wrong it is. :)

  5. The more I see of Matt the more I dislike him. Just because he has a high IQ doesn’t make him “smart”. I’ve seen a lot of people who have high IQ’s not have any common sense & Matt seems to fit that slot (IMHO).

  6. #5 Christina – Thank you for your kind words, but I never want to be offensive in these forums. Today, my anger got the best of me.

    Hey, blackgirl! Don’t know yet if I’m 100% sold on the Brigade, but Enzo is almost always good for a laugh.

  7. It looks like Andrew is questioning Matt the weasels story about his wife, I heard Andrew say last night that the name Matt gave it doesn’t exist lets hope they put two and two together and get the weasel out.

  8. as much as I’m starting to dislike Matt, I still want Monet gone this week. Matt will go soon enough, others will start to see his lies soon.
    I loved the look on Andrews face when Matt was telling him about his wifes “disease”, I was just waiting on his response. And it was actually pretty smart that he said he has never heard of it instead of that doesn’t exsists. Shows that he knows he is not perfect. He is still kinda strange though.

  9. Its unfortunate because I really like Matt, I want to see him stay. He really overdid it when he acted all scared pretending to Brachel that he was worried that he might go up as soon as she won HOH (first mistake). Does he not realize that his lies are televised in the diary room? And that we do eventually have a say in who will be the winner?
    They all lied about professions too! That is not pure strategy according to me

    Looking forward to see how Kathy and Kristen are, they better show face eventually

    Glad Britney is safe, I kinda like her despite her drama! She makes things interesting. Curious to see who she will side with if/when Monet leaves..

  10. Its unfortunate because I really like Matt, I want to see him stay. He really overdid it when he acted all scared pretending to Brachel that he was worried that he might go up as soon as she won HOH (first mistake). Does he not realize that his lies are televised in the diary room? And that we do eventually have a say in who will be the winner?
    They all lied about professions too! That is not pure strategy according to me

    Looking forward to see how Kathy and Kristen are, they better show face eventually

    Glad Britney is safe, I kinda like her despite her drama! She makes things interesting. Curious to see who she will side with if/when Monet leaves..

  11. Rachel IS jealous of Monet. I don’t care what anyone on this board says. Monet looks way better than Rachel and she has more going for her. I can tell the way Rachel rolled her eyes at her. Monet’s going home unfortunately.

  12. Kathy says she wants to vote against matt to give him a warning. Andrew is wary of matt staying, because he thinks Matt will come after him if he isn’t voted out. Kathy, Andrew, and Britney are voting against matt. Rachel is having second thoughts about keeping matt around, so she might convince brendon to vote matt out. So there are at least 3 votes against Matt. I really hope monet can get the other two.

  13. Wow, this season has been great so far! The whole “lifelong friends” is a great twist to make this show even better. Just when will America find out who they really are? I feel strongly that Kathy is Britney’s mom. I mean, put the clues together! The look so much alike, and there both from Arkansas. During the very first competition when Britney got hurt, Kathy was right there by her. Even the tape that was marked on both there pictures by the saboteur. I just know it! They even have the same southern accent. Anyways, this whole “Matt voulunteering hiself up for eviction” was a stupid idea. Brendon and Rachel are so dumb for not wanting to put up Hayden. He was the one trying to get both of you out and there you go and put up two weak girls who don’t even care about you?! I’m sorry but Rachel is so naiive and soo easily swayed. All I know is that I hope Matt gets out, weakening the brigade and causing caos within the house with Monet.

  14. I really hope Monet goes. I don’t mind sneaky underhanded game play or lieing to further yourself in the game that is Big brother. But to call someone a whore over and over is just not any kind of game play. It is just ugly and mean.

  15. I never thought about Kathy and Britney- could be!

    I thought it was lifelong ‘friends’ though…
    Thought it could be monet and britney.

    I guess we will see!

  16. Matt will have the votes of hayden, lane, enzo, and brendan. ragan will probably vote to keep him too because he didnt want him to put himself up as a pawn to begin with. and andrew will vote for him to stay because even though he knows matt lied about his wifes condition, he wants to be in the good books with everyone especially brendan and rachel and he knows they want monet gone as she said right to everyone matt was a pawn.

  17. My friend chilled with Steve Daigle who is a cousin of Lanes and Steve is coming back to BB

  18. Although Matt told the wrong person about his wife’s “illness” and Andrew will most likely share that with BRachel, they should still focus on getting Monet out to break up Brit and her. They can focus on Matt and his group later (given the chance). Monet is the known avenger whereas Matt still thinks he has everyone’s support. Even though I do not like the kind of lie Matt told, this is a game and we have seen others do the same.

  19. I really can’t see any logical reason to evict Monet. She has done less bad-mouthing of other HGs than any of the others with the possible exception of Kristen. She does not have the garbage mouth that is usually a basic requirement of an HG. So why are they so afraid of the young lady? I know she will probably leave the house because she was fortunate enough to win 5K, but would any one of the HGs have turned down the money?

  20. I really hope that Monet stays but she will probably get voted out. I wish that Lane would vote for Monet but, he has been suckered in by Matt. I can’t find the link that I was on but Monet has a lot going for her. She was 1st runner up in the Miss Il. And she is a model in real life I read her whole bio and she is a sweet girl. Rachel is just jelous of her I also found out that all of them are models except for Britney and Rachel and I think that is where the catty comes in. Monet also has appeared on the Young and the Restless she is a cool girl and I just don’t understand why everyone hates her. But I guess everyone has their opinion. I know I would not last in that house I would loose it and call them all out. Pleas let anyone win but Brendon I cannot take him and Rachel anymore. They are really going to feel stupid when the guys start to knock them out and I hope that it is week 3 and 4 back to back. Rachel should have put up who put her up.

  21. I want to see Matt go home any one who says that his wife has a bone infection has to be sick who in there right mind say something like that what would he do if something like that really did Happen?

  22. The only reason I want Monet to stay in the house is to see the drama and the cattyness and the crying! This years cast is boring so far!

  23. Monet should leave, this is a game and everybody lies.. her and Brittany lied to Rachel and said we will not put u up-then turned around and said hell ya we will put Rachel on the block…so please stop with hating Matt’s lie, u r right stating some illness is not cool but lying is part of the game

  24. I would like to know what the rules of the game are concerning threats made on the other housemates. Monet has threatened to punch Rachel in the face so many times. I believe that she should be eliminated from the game because of her threats.

  25. I wish Monet would have stayed. However, I am not suprised due to the fact that very few people of color make it to the end. Maybe they would have a better chance if more were allowed on.

  26. I wished Monet had the votes to stay, but unfortunately she did not. I honestly believe she was targeted and sent home by Rachel because of jealousy and, she was a fierce competitor. However, even-though Matt told that sickening lie about his wife’s condition, I still want him in the game because he will wreak havoc for Rachel and Brendon. Rachel is way too fake and full of herself for me.

  27. I don’t think Money was a ‘fierce’ competitor at all. She hardly proved herself or had any strategy! Neither did Britney- now she will have no choice but to start playing the game..

  28. 1. Matt volunteering was stupid. Now he became the next HoH ?? eek..
    2. I voted to evict Monet. And damn was right in the majority.
    3. Yet, I hate Rachel, that girl got to go soon.

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