If you can’t wait for Julie Chen to deliver the news then you can go ahead and take a peek at the HoH nomination spoilers. It gets better though because the Power of Veto competition has already taken place leaving things even more up in the air. We’ve got the PoV spoilers for you too if you really want to get ahead.
A lot can happen in the Big Brother house in just a short period so stay up on the latest events with our Big Brother Mobile apps and Facebook updates.
If you missed yesterday’s events then you can use the live feeds “Flashback” feature which works like Tivo for your feeds. Pick a day and time, then the feeds will time warp you back so you can watch the hottest events of the summer all season long. This is definitely one feature I’m getting a lot of use out of again this summer. Sign-up now for $13/month with the full season pass to join in the fun!
I am sure hoping that BB12 is not the beginning of what is now a pathetic “Real World”….all about sex…and who’s hooking up…I mean come on….less than a week and showmance and sex????…..really???….I want to see a game….I don’t give a toss who’s buggering who!!!!
Yeah, it also looks like the beginning of the season of the pig people! Clean the kitchen, folks, before the roaches start moving in!!!
Is this jersey shore? It’s big brother! I swear it’s jersey shore they got the itailions,bubes,young people,babes,and all that stuff
Anyone with feeds know what’s going on right now?
@Seattle: We must be watching different shows. No one is having sex on BB12.
There’s never anything exciting the first week. They have no reason to fight or be competitive. Give it a few more days. Things are already heating up right now.
@Kelly: The live feeds just came back and the PoV Ceremony results are in:
@Matt@seattlle- I agree there is no sex so that’s 1 point for Matt, but with Rachel and Brendan turning on there’s a point for Seattle