Big Brother 12 Premieres Tonight – Get Ready!

Here. We. Go! Big Brother 12 premieres tonight on CBS at 8PM (ET/PT). It’s only a few more hours until the show airs and live feeds start up in the house!

Tonight we’ll officially meet the BB12 HGs as they gather in front of the house, make their mad dash to claim their beds, and then they’ll even compete to be the first Big Brother 12 Head of Household. Who do you think will take the lead and be the first player to be calling the shots?

We won’t find out who is the Saboteur tonight, that’ll be next Thursday with the first live show (yep, that means tonight is pre-recorded), but there should be lots of opportunities to start scanning the crowd and looking for hints! Any guesses?

Be sure you’ve got your live & uncensored 24/7 feeds signed-up and ready too because they’ll be active at 9PM PT, immediately after the west coast premiere. You can still sign-up now and get the 13% discount off the monthly-price if you get the full season 3-month pass! You’ll also get the $30 of free mp3s with that (US only).

Update: Check out this clip from ET last night with a few seconds of Big Brother 12 competitions. There’s also a shot of Julie revealing to the HGs that Saboteur is in the house, BUT that overlay of Julie on the living room TV looks very fake to me.

Update 2: Oh that clip was very real! Here’s the full scene from CBS.

Meanwhile, be sure to grab the free Big Brother Toolbar so you can have all the latest Big Brother 12 news and most recent discussions right in front of you.

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  1. It should be a full hour long episode. From what I’ve heard of the schedule so far it’ll be hour episodes all season long each night (Sun/Wed/Thu).

  2. Regarding the Real Player chat room features, as of last night it is unfortunately not up to par this year. Talk bubbles emerge onto the viewing screen while chatting. Flying symbols (emoticons)are able to be directed at the screen also. Between the talk bubbles and symbols, viewing the live feeds will prove difficult to say the least especially when you have several people posting their thoughts. Chat rooms now consist of up to 20 people and viewing who is in each room proves difficult much less deciding upon which chat room you wish to fall into. The actual chat room area to type your thoughts in is quite small and only allows between 10-15 responses at at time. On top of that, Real Player has created a strong flagging system which cuts off words that contain any type of possible vulgarity when you are not even attempting to type a vulgar word. No longer do you have the ability to move your cursor up and down to view missed posts. Hopefully Real Player will remedy these isssues prior to the show tonight or I foresee many upset viewers.

  3. @Piper: This is good feedback for Real to hear. I know they were (and probably still are) developing and changing the chat rooms very recently. If enough people send them that kind of feedback then I wouldn’t be surprised to see them react accordingly.

    For starters, they should be able to have each viewer in the chat room be able to turn off the flying objects in their view only so others could still do it and you never notice it.

    Be sure to reach out to Real and send them your thoughts directly. Meanwhile, I’ll also pass these along.

  4. @Matt: Will we find out who the HOH is on the show tonight or will we find out on Live Feeds because I know I’m watching on Showtime to try and find out some info.

  5. Good Morning Matt. I did call Real Player last night to voice my concerns and I received an additional month for free. I was told their technical support team were in the process of working on said issues and all should be addressed by tonights show. Also, according to the gentleman I spoke with, RP has last years chat room features on reserve in the event the current issues are not fixed. Only time will tell.

  6. @Lance: We will know who is the current HoH by the time the premiere episode is over and I’ll have that news posted here on the site right away. We should also know the HoH’s nominations by the end of Friday via the live feeds.

    @Piper: That’s great to hear that they have a backup plan. Might be nice if they had both running in parallel and let people choose which they wanted to use.

  7. I live in Arizona USA . Are we able to see live feeds yet or will that start tonight after the premier show. Also can you use firefox to view it or do we need to use IE does anybody know??

  8. @Bill: As noted above, the live feeds will turn on at 9PM PT, but not before. You’ll need to sign-up in advance to be ready to watch the moment they come on. Right now it’s just the “we’ll be right back” type message until they turn on.

    You can use any browser that supports Flash, so yes to using either IE, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, etc. (mobile versions probably won’t work, ie. iPhones)

  9. I am so excited for the show to start. I also am a founder of a forum and i would like to invite you to join and share some chats and stories about BB.

  10. Tonight, tonight won’t be just any night, cause tonight BB12 starts and i’m ready for the live feeds

  11. SO far I would have to say the new interface for watching BB12 totally SUCKS!
    Small viewing area, chat interface stinks and just all round horrid.
    Viewing through Real Player was much better. We had the option to enlarge the viewing area and actually see something.
    Very disappointed!

  12. Argh! It’s like being a kid on Christmas, but you can’t go downstairs yet! Come on, lets get this day over so BB 12 can start!!! :o)

  13. Agreed JoBob, Hopefully they’ll do something to fix it, otherwise I’ll be watching through a magnifying glass.

  14. Thank you Matt for the answer to my question. Looking foward to some sabotaging this summer.

  15. @ Kim I couldnt agree more I feel like the kid that cant go out side and Play with his friends.(should of went to school) I just know we are missing out on some good stuff

  16. I’d like to suggest that if anyone figures out quickly how to turn off the flyouts, bubbles, etc. on the live feeds, please post it in here ASAP so that everyone can do it too if they want right away.

  17. @ Matt its official bb12 will be on net flix instant streaming with shows being posted a day after their air date

  18. OK, just got back from the live feeds and message boards… It’s worse than I thought. What a nightmare, I hope they can fix some things.

  19. @Tommy: That’s awesome. Thanks for the update.

    @DaFerret: I just received an email from Real that says they’re actively working that “turning it off” issue and it’s a “high priority fix” right now.

    @Kimberly: I’d agree that’s a little rough right now, but at least the power hasn’t gone out and the T-Rex broken loose. They should get it fixed soon.

  20. Anyone know if there is a way to upload an avatar in the chat rooms? Everyone having the same real player icon is kinda boring.

  21. @ Matt Crap that was an old post from last year so im still not sure if it will be on net flix again Sorry

  22. @Kimberly: I haven’t heard, but hopefully there will be a Help section soon.

    @Tommy: Nuts. Well, I guess you’ll be able to try tomorrow or Saturday and see if it still works.

  23. Why tell the houseguests about the SABATEUR living amongst them??

    Thats gonna make it really tough to pull some of the pranks off and will make it easier for the houseguests that are playing to win…..

  24. Can someone tell me -im in Oregon and i don,t know what channel BIG BROTHER comes on and time. Thank you

  25. So we will see the reveal of the saboteur in the house tonight… not next thursday?

  26. @Snakebit Sal: That was pretty good singing…. A little pitchy, in spots ‘though….. (grin)

  27. okay so enzo isn’t the mole
    if you’ve seen The Mole, the person with the least amount of screentime in the diary room pondering about who the mole is IS THE MOLE

  28. Yea! Almost time for BB12!! Does this mean the naked pics of Jordumb on the side panels of this site will finally go away? We need new pics of BB12 peeps!! Thanks, Matt!!

  29. @Roxie: LOL. Yes, I promise! As soon as the live feeds turn on I plan on snapping all new pics and getting ready of those.

  30. 40 more minutes!!! Good lord this day has DRAGGED on forever!

    Let the game playing, back stabbing and psychological madness begin!

  31. Does anybody know if there is a site online that i can watch tonights big brother…my damn dish network went out right when it started… its 3/4 over….this totally sucks.

  32. I think it’s the sheriff, we have a pvr and we rewound to the part where the lights go off and then they use the infrared lights so we can see the houseguests a little bit and you can see that Andrew, Brendon and Kathy are missing. Well we already know that Andrew and Brendon were in the bedroom so where was Kathy…hmmmm I think it is her!!

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