The discount code will be auto-applied when you click any live feeds link on this site.
The Big Brother 12 Live Feeds early bird discount has arrived and its huge! Sign up now for the feeds to get 33% off the normal price and it’ll be like getting an entire month free along with $30 in free mp3s. This sale price will run out when the Big Brother season starts on July 8th so it’s a very limited time offer.
Here’s how it works: the 24/7 Live & Uncensored Big Brother Feed is usually $15 per month, but Real is offering up a limited time, quarterly discount so you can get 3 months for $29.99 instead of the $45 it’d normally cost to watch all season since Big Brother lasts until mid-September. With this deal you can be covered for 3 months, but only pay for 2 months to get your live feeds and see everything in the BB house uncensored 24/7. Miss the feeds and you’ll miss Big Brother!
If you’ve never watched the Big Brother live feeds before then you’re truly missing out. It’s like another entire show within Big Brother. What you see on CBS is rarely the whole story when it comes to the season’s biggest fights and most intimate moments. Look at it this way: two tickets to a 2-hour 3D movie for $28 or nearly two thousand hours of Big Brother fun for $29.99. Your choice.
Click Here for the Discounted BB12 Live Feeds!
Do you listen to music, buy mp3s online, or even still purchase CDs? With your Live Feeds subscription you receive $10 worth of mp3 downloads every month* which will often cover a full album if you want. 3 months of $10 worth of music you were going to buy already makes the live feeds cost you $0 in the end.
RealNetworks will only offer this deal until July 7th so I went ahead and signed up. I recommend you do the same and be ready when Big Brother 12 starts!
Update: Huge news! The website that refers the most Big Brother fans to sign up and take advantage of the preseason sale price on the live feeds will get to host a webchat with Big Brother’s Janelle and Chelsia! That’s awesome. Come on everyone, this is the only time of the season I’ll beg you to sign-up for the live feeds through us. Let’s work together to win this and then we can all share in it together!!
*The mp3 downloads are only for US customers.
I subscribed to the live feeds a couple years ago and it was HELL to unsubscribe. They kept offering me deals to stay. Is it still this bad? Thanks.
girl I JUST SPENT an hour and a half on the phone with them yesterday trying to claim my “free 3 months” they gave me last year because they CONTINUED to charge my card after I cancelled TWICE. Long story short they told me they could not honor my claim even tho I had a reference # they provided me last year & the reps name. bunch of scoundrels!! they told me “someone must have stolen your card & made unauthorized charges” then they said that all the charges had been refunded THEN they said that I never cancelled when I have TWO confirmation emails saying I did & a credit card showing charges MONTHS after that.!! I’m sooooooo mad!!!!!
@Alyssa: I’ve never had a problem unsubscribing. I’ve had the same thing where they start offering you really good deals to stay on the service, but you don’t have to accept the offer. If you say no then they’ll honor your request without issue.
@Matt: So it’s true that I have to call and plead my case to unsubscribe? I can’t do it online or anything?
@Alyssa: I’ve never had to plead my case to end my subscription. If you ask, then that’s what they’ll do. I’ve been able to do it over the phone and by email. Maybe you can do that online now.
Here’s a link to RealNetwork’s customer support where you can ask:
I’ve never had a problem unsubscribing. Last year they did offer me 3 more months free, which I took and asked for a reminder e-mail when the deal would be up so I could call back. They didn’t send the reminder e-mail so in April I called and told them my situation. They didn’t give me any hassle whatsoever, returned all the money I was charged, and were very apologetic and friendly. I’m more than happy to deal with them again!
Why have a tv show at all…why not just do this all online, it seems to me there are two shows going on here and they are making some huge bucks off both, does this show have any charitys they give too?
That sounds like a great deal, and I think this is the first year that I’ll sign up for the feeds. I have one question though – at the end of the three months do you have to call or go online to cancel? Or do you pay the 29.99 for three months, and then it just runs out. I don’t want to be charged for additional months when I won’t be needing them :)
Why cancel? I keep mine all year for the free downloads. There is a live reality show on Sunday and Wednesday. You will see the link on the tv tab. Live at the Studio. Niki’s show is informative and fun. You can watch the replays of Big Brother after the season is over. Too many reasons to keep it.Games, music downloads, live reality show and so on each tab and explore..
Subscribing to this service isn’t in my budget for an entire year – I can do three months. But I take that as a yes you do have to cancel yourself?
@Melissa: Yes, you are correct. Consider this like a magazine subscription. If you don’t notify them they will continue your service. But like Jen noted above, it’s an easy process.
@Lorrie: You’re right, the $30 of free music downloads each quarter makes it an even break alone. It’s easy to keep using year-round.
I really wish there was an option to pay for the feeds during the show and when the show is over its done. It was a hassle last year to cancel. I don’t want the music downloads or anything else. Why not take my money and give me that choice? The feeds were fun when they were “on”. There was a LOT of down time.
@Barbiers: I think it’s because the Live Feeds are a subset of what SuperPass offers that it’s not set up the way you mention. People are signing up for the SuperPass service all through the year for the other things on it so it’s not set up to automatically be a temp service. I agree that’d be ideal to run for those months, but when I’ve ended my subscription in the past it was a very brief call to do so.
There’s definitely some downtime on the feeds, but I find it kinda nice to just have it on in the background when I’m working on my computer. It’s sorta like talk radio and there’s always someone in the house doing or saying something even if it’s not wild and crazy.
love the live feeds. I had no problem closing my account, I did use the three extra months
Are the HGs a secret until the first episode? Or will we know who they are before the 8th.
oooohhhh I can’t wait!!!
@bg: The new HGs will be revealed a few days before the show starts. CBS will break the news on The Early Show where Julie Chen also hosts. They sure know how to cross-promote!
Thanks Matt, that’s great.
Do the live feeds cover the challenges such as HOH and VETO? The TV episodes usually air after they normally occur right?
@SH: Live Feeds cover the HoH endurance competitions which are actually a lot of fun to watch as a group. I stay up through out the entire competition (and they’ve gone 8+ hours before) and live blog the whole thing. All of that can be watched on the live feeds.
The PoV competitions are not shown on the feeds as CBS saves those for the broadcast shows.
I have a question…If I subscribe through the early bird offer for the live feeds…When does my 3 moth date begin…When I sign up or when BB12 begins?…I do not want to have to pay again 2 weeks before it ends
Hey guys, I bought the feeds and put in my debit card number but the transaction is not listed. However, I am able to watch flashback and I think I have superpass, but the $30 was not taken out of my account.
@Liz: Your 3-month period would begin the day you sign-up. Three months from today would put you several weeks beyond the end of the Big Brother 12 season so you’ll covered for the whole time. It’s safe to sign-up now.
@Hunter: That’s probably just banks being slow. If you signed up and can access the Big Brother Feeds Flashback then you have SuperPass indeed.
Hey Littlethings, I feel your pain. I had similar problems last year. I loved the lives feed. I would have paid twice the price to just get the feeds, pay for it and be done with it. I don’t want the other stuff. Just Big Brother. The lines were down A LOT. this year I will just get the news on the sites that update everything.
I bought superpass. I can’t find any way to even watch the clips! Called the “tech”, no help. Used the “tech” chat. Nope! Installed the latest Flash. Tried using 3 computers. Nope. Tried using latest IE and Firefox, no good! Any ideas out there for me, PLEASE? I want everything working before the 8th, of course. THANK YOU in advance!!!
@Littlethings: From a consumerist perspective, if you’re having anything charged to your credit card that shouldn’t be then you need to call your card company. They’ll resolve that issue in an instant.
@Barbiers: Sorry to hear you had trouble. Year in, year out I’ve never had a problem in the least.
@bullavard: Once you’re signed up you just have to point your browser to and you’ll have immediate access to the Big Brother Live Feeds Flashback feature. This will also be where you’ll watch the live feeds when they turn on next week. Nothing else to it. I promise.
@Matt. Thanks Matt, but, it’s not that simple for ME for some reason! I get error code: FNF every try. FNF according to Tech Service (In India….) told me that means File Not Found. I have done everything the self-help tells me to do as well.
@Matt Sorry! I need to clarify, I think. I CAN access and view the previous years/episodes. I can NOT view any of the BBS clips or any of the other clips, e.g. Mythbusters, Big Brother clips….
@Matt Yes, I know I can contact my credit card company – I figured I’d give Real Networks a chance to fix what they made an error on (I gave them this chance twice). I just want to know why they can give out something to compensate for their messing up my subscription and then not honor their offer from the previous year? I will note that Real Networks did refund all the unauthorized charges they made, but they did not make good on their promise/comp to give me this year’s feeds for free. I did not ask them for this, they willingly handed it out to me when I called for the 3rd time to cancel my subscription…. and then, now, they will not honor it. I just don’t think this is fair :( But I did sign up again (thru BB Network I might add =) (hopefully BBnetwork wins!!) – and I paid for my subbie, the comp was not honored. I’m sorry I know this is the wrong place to be talking about this and this is the last I will say –
I just wanted to know if anyone else had this issue…. that’s all. I’m not saying they are terrible, cause they certainly are not – but their customer service is VERY poor. :(
@Bullavard – I did experience some difficulty playing SOME of the videos too, but I was using Chrome so that may have been the issue. I would say about 75% of them played
But the quality was very, very poor. It may have been a combination of the quality and the fact that we were watching it on a 42″ TV. I’m not sure why it was poor quality – but I would expect that a paid service offer a little better quality, even if you are watching on a large TV. Anyone else experience low quality?? Or am I doing something wrong here?? Lol
Sorry guys – I’m really not a negative nancy, but I just have run into so many snags this year and it hasn’t even begun yet!! :( lol
Anyways – I’m super psyched for this season!! I have my fingers crossed that it will be like BB4 “The X-Factor” (even though I know that is a slim, slim chance!! LOL)!! I LOOOOVED that season!! It is one of my favorite seasons!! Also – I really want to know what the casket & fortune teller are about this season!! I CANNOT WAIT to see the house & HGs!! WOOT!!!! :)
@Littlethings: Okay, I thought you were saying this happened awhile back and went on for months with mischarges. I guess every system can have failures, but for me the customer service has always been excellent. I just used it last week to resolve my mp3 downloads and it was fixed on the spot with the first contact.
@bullavard: Well that sounds frustrating. I haven’t seen those error msgs so I’m not sure what’s causing it. You’ll want to continue to contact Real’s tech support (give the online chat a try) as we can’t provide tech support for their service.
@Matt, I know this isn’t customer service. I am just grasping at straws now. hahahahaha I was in the chat with a rep and she ended up just pointing me to the self-fix site and dropped out of the chat. It’s rather amusing, really, when I look back on the happenings. Oh well. HOPEFULLY! The feeds will work just fine. I sincerely thank you for your attempts to solve my problem! You’re great!!!
So whats the deal with the after dark show then? Will this show whats going to happen after someone gets evicted and after the LIVE HoH Comp?
I always unsubscribe online and it has never been an issue at all!!!
Do you have AT&T U-verse?
I have the same problem. I have a new laptop and just switched from comcast to at&t. I can not watch video’s from my house,(from superpass)I can watch flash back and I can watch if I use my neighbor’s internet. I can even watch at my friend’s house who also has At&t. I have spent hours online and phone with techs from Real and AT&T, even the tech that came to my house had the same problem with his computer. So Monday morning an AT&T tech will be at my house and the tech from Real is going to call and work with the AT&T tech. I have to say the people at real have been super! One tech has called almost every day. I have given him accsess to my computer and he has spent HOURS trying to figure out and fix the problem. He even asked real to give me a free month for letting him keep trying. I am banking on the two techs together can figure it out. I will let you know what they find if you would like to know.
To bullavard and adeer1: I too have U-Verse and tried for 3 days to get some help. The folks at Real said that they had never heard of the problem and that it was probably due to my provider being outside the U.S. I even called AT&T and asked them if by chance they bounced a signal from outside the states. (no they don’t) After being on the phone for an hour with AT&T and then being cut off, I cancelled SuperPass. If you get a solution, please post so that I and others might be helped.
@Laura In my case I know that it is not the fault of Real. The tech I have been working with is Michael (I think he is a level 2 tech) He has spent the better part of a month trying to help me.
In my case, I can watch from my friend’s house on my lap top (she lives in the same complex as me and also has at&t u-verse) We have been on several confence calls with Michael and At&t techs. The last 2 techs at At&t have really helped. One named Aaron and one named Justin.
Michael had me go to my friends house and he compared the settings on her uverse compared to mine. We think there may be an issue with My IP. Justin is sending a tech here tomorrow (Weds.)to change that. (I hope it works) Both the tech from At&t (Justin) and Real (Michael) have Weds.& Thurs. off and will call me on Friday.
I would really suggest Laura, that You call Real back and ask for Michael. It would be good for him to see if your issue is the same as mine so he and AT&T can fix this and not have other people go through a month and HOURS on the phone with techs. I think a lot of people are just giving up, the more of us that tell them our issues the faster they will be able to fix it. IMO.
@adeer1 and Laura: I don’t have Uverse. I am on Road Runner. I get an email from my Indian “tech” suggesting NOTHING really.
bullavard: I used to have RoadRunner and had no problems. I just switched over to UVerse last week. But it does sound like our problems are similar.
adeer1: thanks for all the info. After your meeting on Friday, please post the results. If you are successful I will follow in your footsteps. Otherwise, looks like I’m getting Showtime for three months. Thanks again.
ATT Uverse is my problem too. I spent 2 hours with Jack, a level 2 tech support guy from and we tried a conference call with two different Uverse techs. No one seems to understand the problem. The Uverse people tell me that it’s’s problem. They seem to think it is the IP address. I really don’t know what to do at this point. I may have to cancel and it will be a huge dissappointment to my summer!
Holly: I feel your pain! I’m really hoping that adeer1 gets to the bottom of this on Friday so that we don’t miss anything. (even though we should find better things to do) Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
I couldn’t watch flashback either so what I did was removed the real player program under control panel, then went back to and downloaded it again and it worked just fine you might want to try this!
Hey all again – I’m having a problem accessing the Superpass site now ugh!! I sign in and then it takes me back to the 14 day free movies trial page, Idk y!! it doesn’t show that I’m logged in either!! I checked my account details & it says my Superpass subscription is active, but I can’t get to the darn site!! Could someone pls post a link or an answer to my problems? lol Thanks guys!!!! 1 more day!!!! WOOT!!!!
I had to cancel my superpass today b/c AT&T cannot find the problem and neither can No point in paying for what I can’t get. I am very dissappointed. If anyone figures it out please email me!
There is no sound on Happy Hour with Missy and Chelsea and the picture is stopping and starting. Very annoying:(
Has anyone checked out the new live feeds yet. They are so small you will need a magnifying glass to see them. I hope they change that before the start tomorrow.
I agree with carol, the live feeds test screen is way to small. It needs to fill the screen like the real player did. and since I am not interested in the chat, I don’t want to look at that big Yellow button.
I’m so frustrated. I’ve been able to get the live feeds in previous years but not last year and cust. service was horrible. So this year I started early to get the kinks out. I still can’t get the live feeds. I see in Carol’s comment above, a link to the live feeds and it’s so tantalizing. I click on it and get the SuperPass free trial window. To the right it says: “New Customer? Create a Username”. So I click on that and it take me back to the SuperPass page and to the right is: “Already a customer? Sign in.” Round and round I go. If I click on the “play” arrow on my RealPlayer, I get this message: “Invalid socket error.” Customer service has not been able to help me which is maddening because, surely I’m not the only one with this problem. I’m on a MacBook Pro, use Safari and have Flash installed.
Also, Matt, in your comment to bullavard at #26, the link you cited,, isn’t a valid link. It’s like ANYTHING I try, for two weeks now, is a dead end. I’ll read something that gives me hope, but nothing works. I can’t figure out why this has to be so hard (for me anyway and why customer service can’t help.
@Sandy: The link you cited was not the same as the one I gave. If you leave off the “www.” from the front of what I provided then I promise it will work. Here’s how it should look:
Give that a try and let me know if you still have problems.
I figured out how to get past the kick back to sign on issue – I switched from IE to Google Chrome and it works!!
@Littlethings: Good thinking! Glad to hear it worked for you.
I’ve been on the phone with superpass real plyer trying to get the video working. They continue to stop and start. Last night I clicked on live feeds and got the big brother screen and music playing and it continued to stop and start like the interviews with Chelsea and the Happy Hour show. This morning when I click on live feeds all I get is the word loading. The young man did not know how to help me after trying numerous things . I was on the phone over an hour with him; really FRUSTRATED. If this can’t be fixed I’m canceling too
I have tried everything people have suggested. I have tried uninstalling stuff and reinstalling it. I have tried using a different browser. I have redone settings. I have talked to Level 2 techs at Real and at Uverse. No one can figure it out. I would say FOR SURE that AT&T Uverse is the problem b/c too many people are having problems who use AT&T Uverse. All previous years I had Time Warner Cable. This year I switched and as a result of switching, I now cannot get feeds. Highly frustrating. I have resigned myself to defeat but should anyone with AT&T Uverse find a way around this mess please let me know!
I forgot to mention that I have had both level 2 techs from Real. com and level 2 techs from AT&T take control of my computer remotely. Total time spent over 2 hours!! Not even the highly knowledgeable techs can figure out what the deal is. AT&T Uverse…blast you!!!
Holly and adeer1: My Roadrunner supertech dete” rmined on the phone with “David” Rhapsody (real player!) the problem is with Real having a filter on some IPs. The problem has been escalated by David to the “server guys”. The techs WE are able to talk to have NO authority or access to their server problems. Hence, we can not get a solution. HOWEVER:JUST the clips etc. aren’t working for me now. I DO get the “live feeds” screen and the bubbles!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bottom line is: We should ALL have LIVE feeds when they become available!!!!!!! (I WAS able to watch the live Jordan/Janelle thing yesterday)
P>S> You might want to see if you can log into a wireless connection around you!!! I have NO problems (albeit a tad slow!) when I connect with my neighbor’s connection. I am Roadrunner, he is Embarq.
@Matt: Why didn’t you allow my post re: my issues experience today? Took me a LONG time to 2 finger type it!!!!!!!!
@Matt: errrrrr, never mind! (SORRY!) I see it NOW!
errr…. comment is awaiting moderation
David, your comment has posted. Sometimes the spam filter catches comments that are not actually spam and I have to manually approve/release them.
Matt, the link you gave me does work! YAY@ I’ve been on that page dozens of times in the past week and no go. But this time, clicking on Live Feeds at that page did bring them up.
But, it appears that I don’t need RealPlayer. Is that correct? RealPlayer just sits idle, in the “Stopped” mode no matter what I do. It does not recognize the live feed page and the live feed page does not recognize it.
If I click on the Play arrow, RP expands to the right and a white page tells that to “…view this content you must be a member of Real SuperPass.” For some reason it doesn’t know I am. Tech had me re-order once and that didn’t change anything.
To the right of said “view this content” message on the the white page, if I click on “already member?” and “sign in”, I hear a voice saying, “Please come back during broadcast hours.”
If I get rid of RP, will I still be able to access the Live Feeds with the link you gave me?
Thank you, Matt. You’re a sweetheart and trust me, I’ve communicated with A LOT of tech people!! :)
@Sandy: Great, I’m glad it worked. You’re very welcome.
Yes, this year you don’t need the RealPlayer to watch the live feeds. You can get rid of it and watch everything live with no problem.
I can’t figure out how to work the cams on the live feeds. When I first go to the site, it’s on one cam and everything’s fine. But if I want to view another cam and I click on the one I want at the top right, it displays all four at once. If I click on one of the numbers below the little cams on the top right, nothing happens. If I double click on one of the top right cams, I can get that cam in the main viewing area but I can hear all four cams at once.
It’s working!! I have no idea what happened but my live feeds are working. I actually gave up and cancelled yesterday b/c AT&T Uverse was making it unable for us to view anything. I decided to try one last time just to see and they are up!! Hallelujah!! Now I cancelled my subscription but it already went thorugh the bank account and my feeds are up. Hopefully my cancellation did not go through or I’ll be starting from scratch. If you have AT&T Uverse just check back. They must have fixed it!
@Sandy: Maybe try a different browser. I’m using Mozilla Firefox and it works great, no issues. I can click on any of the little cam views on the right and after a moment that’s the view I’m watching in the main window.
I not getting any sound on the live feed.
I am not having a problem with the video or audio in live feeds, but when I went to use Flashback, I have video, but no audio. I have gone through several hours of Flashback, from July 8th through early hours of July 9th, and still no audio. Just wondering if anyone else has also found that they have no audio for Flashback. Thanks!!
I’m trying to watch live feeds from last night and there is no sound. I was going to watch live feed this afternoon but they must be doing POV or something. I do have sound (even though it’s quiz) today, just not from last night after midnight.
@Holly & Laura
From what the techs can figure out it seems that with U-Verse there is a problem with the IP addresses that bigin with 99. My IP 99x.x.x doesn’t work at real. My neighbor has a 76.x.x.x IP adress and it works fine.
The bad news: The higher we went up in the U-Verse command the harder it was to get it fixed. They just want to charge me $179.00, won’t give back the money if it doesn’t work.
The other option was to cancel Our AT&T and start again under my name (it’s in hubby’s name) and rebuild for a new IP adress. I would loose phone for 3 days and may loose the phone number that we have had for 24 years.
The good news: Although I can’t watch Movies at Real. The Big Brother live feeds are working for me! Which is why I was going through all this. (I really didn’t think I would be able to get the feeds)
So before you cancel try the Feed first, if you already did maybe you could call them back and ask if you can check out the feeds for free and if they work get reinstated.
Bottom line I discoverd going through this that AT&T didn’t to help because I was the only customer in my area having the problem so no big deal to them.(the higher ups) Most of the techs were great. The Tech at Real was AWESOME. He never gave up and worked with me everyday. And is still trying to get AT&T to see this problem.
Hey I have been reading somewhere else that the feeds are horrible this year. Is that true? People are saying that they are having issues and that you can’t rewind, ect…. the screen is small and the feeds are on a website. I would like to get the feeds. What is your opinion on this.
adeer1: thanks so much for your follow up. Although I’m sorry you don’t have full service, I’m sure happy you can get the BB live feeds. I will try signing up for the Superpass again and see what happens. Did the ATT guy or Real Tech do anything at all in order for the live feeds to work or did they just start? Thanks again, Laura
The feeds just worked when they were supposed to/allowed to. The problem with some getting ALL content via is: REAL has a block on certain IP’s that they are working on now to rectify. Remember, the IP you think is your IP isn’t the ultimate IP. e.g. this computer’s IP starts with 192. My connection to the net is routed TO an IP in another state and it starts with 184. Real (Rhapsody) has a filter on SOME IP’s. Go to and have a look. You ca also do a tracert -d and see every jump you’re making.
well, well, well, I re-subscribed (at the higher price) to superpass and the Big Brother feeds are working now. I haven’t tried to view anything else yet. thanks to all of you for your info and support….now I can waste my summer watching these goof-balls in the Big Brother House.
would it work if i signed up for the month by month thing and then watched the 3 days free and unsubscribed?
@rhhs2011…yes that works. You will have to chat with the Real customer service guy but as long as you cancel before the trial is up, they won’t (or shouldn’t ) charge your credit card.
@ Laura & David and Holly
I am so glad we can all see the live feeds.
I hope that our obessesion with Big Brother
helped Real and AT&T fix the issue with the ip address. ENJOY The Feeds, perhaps we’ll catch each other in a chat room. Cheers to you all!