Tonight on Big Brother 11 the results of the season’s seventh eviction will be revealed along with the results of the next HoH competition.
It’s going to be a wild ride that might end up with an endurance comp that you can watch on the live feeds after tonight’s East Coast showtime. Sign-up now!
I’ll be updating this post here with the eviction and HoH comp results. Meanwhile, join us in the chat room as we tear apart tonight’s eviction episode!
Live Eviction voting:
- Jordan: Votes to evict Russell
- Kevin: Votes to evict Russell
- Michele: Votes to evict Russell
By a vote of 3 – 0, Russell has been evicted from Big Brother 11!
HoH Competition – ‘The Smore the Merrier’:
Yes! Endurance competition tonight a la BB8 with the race to fill up a giant bowl using a teacup! Get your live feeds ready right now! I’ll be updating the competition live all night until it’s over here in the HoH endurance results post.
Update: The HoH endurance comp is over and Kevin is the new HoH!
How will tonight’s results impact your Big Brother 11 predictions in the Amazon gift card giveaway? You can keep entering with new guesses each week.
Once the live show is over the live feeds turn back on and we’ll see get to see what’s been going on since this afternoon. You can get the 24/7 uncensored feeds with the Free Trial so why are you waiting?!.
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I could care less that Russell is gone. Just make Jordan or Michele win already! They are the only ones who have a CHANCE!
Now all that’s left in the house are the dumbest contestants in BB history. Can’t wait when they realize how dumb they really were. I actually have no one I want to win now.
he went out with class, love ya Russ.
I totally understand Summer. I feel the same way.
@blackgirl – Russel is a class act!
I agree. I stopped watchng Showtime when it became aoparent Russell was going. Boy Jeff sure showed his true colors these last two weeks. Very much like the section of Chicago he lives in. Oh well, I have a ton to do – it’s less than a month from Fall and this won’t be cluttering up my evenings.
Damn sucks that Russel left
I quit watching anything to do with BB
How long will this comp take????
I hope Michelle wins and sends Nat and Kevin home – if Jordan wins she is sending Michelle home
#6 – my money is on Michelle bc she is the fittest.
I can get back to watching the other programs I watch
Wow you peeps are so rude!!! What if it was you in there and people thought you were dumb and dumber!!! Did you not hear Russell say that it was the best thing that Jeff could have done??? HELLO!!!
I think Kev has a good shot at winning this!! Go Kev or Nat and send Jeff to the JH. What do yall think about the new twist?
Um, J/J are pretty much the biggest idiots I can remember seeing in BB history. They really had no clue how to handle the power once they got it. So stupid.
Go CASEY!!!!
Huh? what was that? REally? When did that happen?!? Get outta here!!
:( oh well…
Russell is a stand up guy. All you jeff haters need to hear what russell said …he said jeff made the right move! It was time to get rid of Russell. there probably wouldn’t be another chance for jeff to do it . The annoying gnat needs to go next. And I hope Kevin is the one to send her.
@blackgirl – it did that to me earlier too. I think it’s just certain words even if they are not bad.
russell all class tonight … your look and your words…. sorry to see ya go
@Cheri – you have to keep watching and pull against JJ. And they are having that twist which affects everyone. Maybe they are going to bring someone back!
@ pam
so she can say whatever she wants and its okay and bump him more than once ?
but since russ is a bro he cannot say anything at all, wake up that’s sexist.
Ashley, we know we know we know already that you hate J & J! Well a lot of us don’t. I did like Russell, but he showed a pretty bad side to him too when he got nominated. Jeff made a smart move – even though he was stupid to believe Nat. But that’s only cause Nat is a total idiot in my eyes, she never wins ANYTHING, rides on everyone’s coattails and insults everyone. If you like her and Kevin, great, but some of us can’t STAND them. So even though I’m not happy with most of the players, I’m still rooting for J & J for final 2.
HOH …. Kevin
Jeffs goodbye speech to russell was not the kind of speech you give to someone going to the jury house. Neither was Jordans.
Sometimes jury folks vote for personal as well as game reasons. While Jeff thinks he’s the best game player – the jury may put personal feelings into the vote.
Nat, Kevin and Michelle gave classy goodbye leaving room for russell to have fonder feelings for them over jeff and jordan.
******* Kevin is the new HOH *******
******* Go Team NBK aka Kevin & Natalie aka LML which was bigger for K/N than the CDT was for team Jeff because if saved both their buts and turned team Jeff against Russell and had Russell Backdoored *******
Good eveing BB fans….
@ Ashley…. Wuz UP? It looks like this comp is Kevin’s to lose folks…. He is going to nominate Kevin / Michelle and try to make a deal, so Michelle, Natalie and Kevin will be the final 3 with Jeff as the target this week…. Unless Jeff / Jordan win, Jeff will be going to the jury house next week…. L~O~L….. It will be an all girl final (including Kevin) which was Chima’s goals, but she was fired…. Who will the J/J fans be cheering for now after he gets evicted next week if he doesn’t win the POV? Go Team NBK aka Kevin / Natalie….. So much for evicting Lydia before Kevin!!!
@ Steely Ross…. I ment to say that Kevin will put up Jeff / Michelle and the only way for Jeff to stay in the house is to win the POV and save himself or have Jordan win it….. Kevin won’t nominate Natalie because he know that J/J and even Michelle won’t bring him farther than Natalie because Natalie is on her own…. Michelle will turn on J/J and say she can’t trust Jeff after back dooring Russell… Does anyone doubt that will happen? She-rat aka Michelle will trow J/J under the bus…. I can’t wait until BBAD on Showtime 2….
@ Lisa…. Don’t be a poor sport ok? Speaking of liars….. Jeff lied to Russel and Michelle’s face…. Jordan lied about Michelle being sassy…. Jordan is only still in the game because of Jeff….. She only won her HOH because Jeff gave it to her…… Lisa…. Do you believe Michelle will allign herself with a weak Jordan over Kevin and Natalie? She will do what is best for herself (She-rat aka Michelle) and throw J/J under the bus starting tonight!!! Go team NBK aka Natalie / Kevin…..
@ Catherine…. Natalie should keep being a floater…. Why? Because by doing this even J/J want to bring her to the final 3 and would rather target K/M because they are better…. Anyone wo watches BB knows that anyone can get lucky and win in the final 3….. Lets not forget that Natalie didn’t have to worry about the first 4 weeks because she was always safe…. She is strong and athletic…. Name one person who is a Tae Kwon Doe champion that isn’t athletic….. You may not like her, but Natalie is in good position in the game even though she hasn’t won…. Who doesthat remind you of? Dr. Will from season 2!!! *** L~O~L ***
@ steely ross…. that will never happen… If Jeff wins, Kevin will put up Jordan and make a deal so Michelle, natalie will target Jeff the next week and get him evicted so N/K/M will all have a better chance of winning unlike if Jeff in the game they would be big underdogs!!!
@ Lisa…. Dr. Will is the bestBB player of all time…. He won $500,00 without winning a challenge and telling everyone he lied…. Natalie hasn’t wn anything and she is remembering dates and is an athlete…. Need proof…. Even Jordan talks about ho Natalie was the only person not sore afte te first endurance comp…… Do what you need to do to srvive…. Kevin / Michelle will be targets next week because they are winning and Kevin will nominate jeff….. Natalie won’t be a target next week…. tht is the point of the game… Survive and make it to the next week….
@ Justin…. If J/J are evicted this week and after Michelle throw J/J under the bus (which she will) then Jeff / Jordan (whoever survives) will target M/K and make a deal with Natalie…. natalie will be in the final 3 and she hasn’t even won… Brilliant!!!
@ Lisa…. What game are you watching? LML was Natalie’s idea and she even came up with the name…. She was the one who said even if it doesn’t save her or Lydia it would work the next week…. Natalie has everyone wanting to bring her to the final 3 where se can easily outlast Jordan / Michelle / Kevin in a physical endurance comp that relies on upper body strength ie HOH comp 1….. She still won’t be a target…. Don’t hate the player hate the game…. All the HOH and POV cmp mean nothing if yu don’t get to the finals!!!
@ Lisa…. Do you need me to all you a whambulance? L~O~L…. Michelle will join K/N to make to save herself…. Jordan will target M/K if Jeff is evicted (Kevin for nominating Jeff / Michelle because M will throw them under the bus… Jeff will for the same reason i Jordan is evicted… Natlie will be safe because everyone will think the can beat her with Jury votes because she hasn’t won anything…
@ Lisa… get a clue…. there has never been a BB winner that didn’t lie…. Jeff is a lier and he and Jordan have both been arrogant like Jessie / Natalie were…. I just know how to pick winners…
@ honu 9….. You might want t get your facts right ok? I have ben team NBK even when I was in the minority…. I wanted Ronnie to win the CDT…. I had to deal with Team Jeff fans watching Ronnie / Jessie / Chima / Lydia all go until Kevin / Natalie’s LML lie worked and left Jeff back dooring Russell….. I have been a Team NBK fan from day one when Ronie first apporached Jessie on day one to allign with them…. get your facts straigt ok bro?
Am I lying Ashley or anyone else?
******* Go team NBK *******
******* Kevin is the new HOH *******
@ F Team JJ…. Kevin will nominate Jeff/ Michelle….. Michelle will go back to her old ways and side with the person who has power and throw Team J/J under the bus and say “I can’t trust them after they backdoored Russell” & “They are just as bad as Ronnie & Jessie” / “I want to be in a final 3 with you Kevin & Natalie”…. Does anyone doubt this?
@ Everyone…. I may be wrong…. I think it will be either Cima / Rnni coming back…. Will you guys please remember me saying this, so I can say I told you so…. I know there will be people saying I didn’t say this if I am right…
Is that cool F team JJ & Ashley & other BB Fans & Bloggers?
Cheri- why are you on here then! GOODBYE!
Jeff . . . . . . its time.
click clack paddy wack, give this man a bone,
no jordan in the jury house u’ll be all alone
Kevin and Natalie’s attack u cant defend,
Now its offical America cant help u win.
@ Marcus… WUZ UP Bro?
For all of u who dont get it.
Jessie acts the way he doesnt because he is trying to build up his profile for WWE.
He is being a jackazz so America can look at him as jock.
wazzzz happenin?
as russel says keep going,youve got lot to say dontcha. nasty nat needs to go now.
oh thats for dear leo.
Man Jeff is dumb. If it weren’t for Jordan he might have never put Russell up she just cost him the game and the money.
man did it ever annoy me to watch Big brother edit it to make it look like jeff is the good guy, Jeff told russel he’d cut his throat, like common….
Well it not over yet Jeff now gets to play POV so even he put on the block he might have a chance.Jeff has his own mind why does everybody blame other for his action.
Comment # 32, After reading your book about your team. How do you figure She-rat Gnataliar is so strong & fit? Look @ how good she did @ the hoh comp tonite. What was that, a so called Tae Kwon Do champion? I think not! Gnataliar needs to go!
Let’s not forget Jeff used his coup de ta to save russel and russ was very ungrateful. I think It was a bold move and really did even the game out. It will be interesting to see how this week pans out. Jeff is good at winning and if he wins the POV he will be safe. It seemed Julie chen was adding a surprise to the POV competition this week but I was falling asleep – anyone catch that and what up with that? As much as I like Jeff Im glad Kevin won HOH – this will make the game more interesting and the finale even better!
Catherine, you are a ditz. I did some checking on natilie’s so called olympic bronze medal. Why don’t you try googling “Female Olympic medalists in Tae Kwon Do” for the last 16 years like I did. Guess what? My list came up and there was no Natalie Martinez listed in any of them. You are very naive if you think she is an olympic medalist like she says. Because she is not. Get it? She is lying like with everything else.
Very much like the section of Chicago he lives in yea for jeff AND jordain act the way she came from is down south talking country im from the south and i dont act like jordan does she show her true colores that find to get BURN ANEYWAYS
im gona miss you russel u still my home boy
i still watch BB but not that much oh well now i can mark it of my list of things to watch close on sundays tuesdays and thursdays because the rest in the house that dont intrest me that much no more only people that keep it intrested was chima ronnie russel and jessie and casey
if ronnie was still in the game he would of won it now because he would just start telling his lies and jj would belive them but he went out the gate to early trying to play………the will and mike boogie card
You are crazy if you say that everyone wants to bring Gnat to the final two. That would be a very bad move, b/c Team Jessie is in the jury house, so who ever goes w/ Gnat will lose. What do you Leo?
J/J wins hands down for being the most DUMB players in BB history. Not only did they eat the LML hook/line/sinker, they just killed their chances for votes w/their goodby speech. JordoHIPO hates everyone who tells the truth about her being FAT. Boy she has to go on all the diets combined to lose those pounds. One can tell by her body, that she will hv a huge weight problem. Jeff is worse then Chima, she may hv been rude, however she called people out if she heard a lie. Dumb/Dumber chose to believe N/K, 2 peole who were against them from the start, over M/R. I also will stop watching BB/BBAD unless they come up w/a great twist. Maybe they will bring back Russel since he will only be gone 1 wk. One can dream. Russ, you are a man of CLASS, not BRASS like Jeff. You hv really gained my admiration. Will miss u greatly.
Since I can’t stand watching BB/BBAD, pls update this website, I WILL watch when Kevin puts up Jeff on the block, and tell him PEACE OUT. That will be worth watching..nothing else. Hope Kevin keeps his word. Then JordoHIPO can cry her eyes out once BRASS A.. Jeff leaves. Wish BB will show us when Russel tells him ‘I TOLD U SO…I wish I never voted for Jeff. His true colors has come to life, and I hope J/J can’t sleep once they lose all that $$$$$.
Here is how it should roll…….Jeff/Michele on the block/POV is won by Ms J. Kevin has no choice but to put Nat. J/J wise up and vote to evict Nat!
Just wishing. :)
Gnataliar needs to go! She is useless. Kevin be smart, if you take Gnataliar w/ you to final 2. Kevin, you will lose, Team Jessie will not vote for you! They will vote for the true She-ratalie. Be smart Kev, say bye bye to the Gnat/ratalie this week.
@LInda E……I so agree and pray this will happen
Kevin should put up J/J. That way, if one wins POV they can fight amongst themselves to see who they take off the block. Let’s see just how “chivalrous” Jeff is. I’m betting the $$$ is more important but either way they lose.
@leo they cant bring chima or ronnie back because chima was expelled from the show and they both have already been watching it so that wont happen they can only bring back someone that was sent to jury house but i do hope that twist behind the ? will be that they bring russel back
Stopped watching big brother when the stupid three girlies acted like loonies and I saw that the wheels for Natalie were turning. Jeff and Jordan are stupid because they will be out in the next two weeks and Kevin will take Natalie to the final 2…Last nights move was stupid on the J and J front, their gone next. Thank goodness for these feeds because I just read these now…can’t stand to watch the show.
Ohosazulas u cant call anyone names with a name like that buddy.
All ur comments are as real as Jordan’s chest.
Atleast know what ur talking about before u talk about stuff.