Saturday in the Big Brother 11 house was extremely exciting. The Power of Veto competition went down with great results and house shifting impacts once again. Find out what happened yesterday and use the Flashback feature on your uncensored live feeds to jump back and what the action all over.
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Live Feed Highlights – July 18, 2009:
11:05AM BBT – Ronnie telling Russell, Lydia, and Kevin that Laura MUST NOT win the PoV
11:15AM BBT – Ronnie telling Jordan and Laura that Laura MUST win the PoV. Quite the little rat.
11:35AM BBT – Ronnie & Jordan discussing deals that Russell has made with everyone in the house and why he must go.
11:55AM BBT – Jordan announces her belated bowel movement. Because you just had to know.
6:30PM BBT – Power of Veto competition is over. Jeff has won!
7:10PM BBT – Jeff, Jessie, and Natalie talking alliance strategy (along with including Jordan).
7:55PM BBT – Jordan, Jeff, and Ronnie talking replacement noms for when Jeff uses the Veto.
8:30PM BBT – Ronnie convincing Lydia, Chima, and Kevin that it is time to evict Russell. They agree.
9:00PM BBT – Meanwhile, Russell trying to work against Ronnie. Talking to Casey and Michele for info, trying to sow seeds of doubt about Ronnie.
9:00PM BBT – Ronnie, Lydia, Kevin, Chima, and Jordan all talk strategy. They agree to keep Laura but not to let her know for a few days.
So it looks like Laura could be safe this week and Russell will be the evictee. Anything can happen between now and the votes on Thursday night, but I’m keeping my fingers crossed!
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I hope that Jeff is not serious when he talked with Jessie and Natalie about an alliance!!!!That is the worst thing he can do !!! Jeff needs to put Jessie and Chima on the block if he wins HOH. It’s about time that the good players takes over the house.
I agree Phyllis. Except let’s do that and backdoor Ronnie or Natalie. They are the worst two in the house. Ronnie is playing all sides and Natalie can manipulate like no other. Ronnie can’t seem to make up his mind about anything. Last night on AD, he had everyone on the block, but himself. And did Russell and Jessie get married on the show? Why was Jessie campaigning so hard to keep Russell? I would like to see Jeff and Russell form an alliance with Jordan, Laura, Michelle, and Casey. I think Lydia and Kevin would come over, because they seem to gravitate to what ever side is the strongest. Although, I cannot stand either one of them. I don’t care for the other people. The way they left it last night, was that Casey might be the pawn and get Laura out. Flipflopping the Russell backdoor deal with Jordan and Jeff. Do they not know that will p*** Jeff and Jordan off? Then they would come back with more thoughts of revenge than ever. It would also do away with the deal they made with Ronnie. Doesn’t he know they will come after him? Get rid of the “puppet-master”, Natalie.
I really want to get excited thinking that Ronnie is doing something good that I will enjoy, however, I just can’t get excited about it because I don’t trust him to do it. example; at the Brayden vrs. Chima eviction when Ronnie broke his word to get out Brayden. But I think Ronnie wants to get out the stronger players, which is why he did eliminate Brayden, he put up jeff because he is a strong player, but Jeff is taking himself off, so if he goes as he has been going, its looking good that Russle will leave the house.
Hopefully Jessie can convince Ronnie to put up Casey and Laura exits, Russell needs to stay a couple of weeks to take more enemies off Jessie’s back and to eliminate at least Jordan or Jeff.
This is cracking my up! as much as ronnie kinda makes me mad at the way he is playing the game. that’s the game right now he has out smarted them all and he is playing a damn good game so far. the people that are not talked about on blogs are not playing the game aka floaters need to go! period
You make a good point Katrina, I hate Ronnie, I realize that he is playing the game farely well, maybe that’s why I’m hating him…but then it occurs to me that maybe, say Michelle, is really the smart and good game player. Simply by laying low and not getting involved with gameplay or teams, she has never been targeted. So who is the better game player, Ronnie, or Michelle?
Jorden you tell that rat b*tch how it is and sorry will miss you but happy you had the balls to tell him the truth no one els did and jeff stope selling you soul
Just watched the Sunday show. I think Ronnie is losing it !!! He doesn’t even know what HE wants to do.I think the game is getting to him, it’s about time !!!! I can’t wait until he is out of his power. Than I hope who gets HOH puts him throught the stress that he has put everyone else on. Natalie needs to be taken down an inch or two.She thinks she rules the house.
I’d love to see ronnie an jessie go up and then chima (shes such a smarty azz)
ronnies to smart for his on good and looks like a big goober.
Can u believe Laurs BoobS! WOW! WTF! When she was in her green shirt on the couch, WTF? IVE NEVER SEEN ANYTHING AS DISTURBIBG AS THAT!
Jordan is smoke hot and, Ronnie will be with her at the end! Russell is out!!!!!