Big Brother 11 Preseason Popularity Poll – Vote Up Your Early Favorite

The Big Brother 11 houseguests have finally entered the Big Brother house and the game is already underway. While we won’t see our new little hamsters until Thursday evening’s premiere and when the live feeds turn on that night it won’t stop us from judging and ranking them all along the way while we wait.

It’s time to cast your vote in the poll below on who is your favorite preseason BB11 HG. Armed with nothing more than what we’ve read and what we’ve seen you get to pick who you think will be your favorite to watch this season.

Only 2 days left to lock-in the preseason discount on the Big Brother live feeds and get the whole season for $30 plus your $30 in free mp3 downloads!

Update: Last season the first HoH results were leaked out by the first morning, so if you’re signed up for the email updates or have the Big Brother Toolbar installed you’ll get the information as soon as I have it to pass on.

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  1. why do people like jordan she is a slut in three out of three interview’s that i have seen with her she talks about her new boobs

  2. @Littlethings: Same here. Those would be my guy/gal top picks, though my Jeff impression may change quickly. I just haven’t seen much from the guys yet to sway me.

  3. I’m in for Lydia or even maybe Ronnie~ He’s going to prove gamers have strategy~ and Lydia will prove a dyke tattoo’d from head to toe can win the BB game~ GL to all the HG’s

  4. Laura and Russell are my faves! They both seem fairly intelligent and driven.

  5. Just watched the houseguest… I am sooo for Lydia right!! shes super cute and sexy.. liove her tat’s!.. I am so anxious to see how she plays :) … for the guys… I’m liking Kevin! I must say.. this group of people was totally unexpected for me… but i think this is going to be an awesome season! Can already tell that laura’s going to be the trouble maker

  6. Houseguest all appear cool, none make me want to hurl, am excited to see who the mystery person…from the silouhette it look like last year’s Dan but we shall see!

  7. Mystery houseguests will be HOH. my daughter thinks whicever clique wins that undisclosed houseguest will be the first HOH..a straight a student and a polular girl! enjoy all

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