Big Brother 10 Week 7 PoV Comp Spoilers

Power of Veto

The Power of Veto competition is taking place right now in the Big Brother 10 house. Everyone but Ollie was selected to play, so he’s the host. Dan has expressed interest in making sure the Veto is used so he can save Memphis and then go against his terrible deal with Ollie.

Update: The feeds are back. Dan and Memphis are celebrating. Could be good news. Sounds like Memphis won.

Winner of Week 7 PoV is: Memphis!

Watch the house explode! Michelle is furious and Ollie is scared.

Memphis and Dan are discussing how he can safely use it and not go against Ollie’s deal. Memphis doesn’t think there is a safe way and that he’ll just have to flat out break the deal. Dan says he has no intention of holding up the deal for part #3 (Ollie gets to pick the PoV replacement nominee). Dan says he did #1 and #2 to make Ollie feel safe. Woohoo! Excitement in the Big Brother 10 house!

D&M are already discussing the next HoH in terms of Jerry and Ollie still being there. Looks like Michelle should start packing her bags.

The Power of Veto ceremony will take place in the next few days so watch it all live and uncensored ($2 off & Free Trial) as the HGs struggle to dodge eviction.

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  1. Please more alcohol, Margarita parties something for the BIG BROTHER AFTER DARK. It is too slow.

  2. to totally protect himself he need to put Ollie…then remove him via vote and he’s set, though he’d totally lose the jury vote from Ollie and likely April.

    So actually, I take it back, that’s a tough one…it might be wiser to get rid of Manshelle and hope that Ollie doesn’t eliminate him next week (or during double elimination). This way you preserve some chance of getting April/Ollie Jury vote if you get that far.

  3. He didnt open the door for Ollie. I feel sorry for Ollie now, but he kissed the kiss of death.

  4. I just hope dan does the right thing & puts up ollie or michelle. who does ollie think he is to try and demand these things when his sorry ass hasn’t won a thing! if you want power, earn it!! trying to bully his way is disgusting. i’m not sure who i want gone more..ollie or manchelle. i guess manchelle is a stronger competitor..

  5. I really think Dan will replace Memphis with Michelle. Dan is assuring both Ollie and Michelle that he won’t, but when they’re gone he’s said that’s exactly what he will do. This is going to be awesome to watch!

  6. I hope you’re right, matt! and it will be awesome to watch. The look on Ollie & Manchelle’s faces should be priceless! Am I alone in thinking Ollie is worthless??

  7. Ollie just hasn’t brought anything to the game other than keeping April occupied, and for that I’m grateful. He’s trying to turn his game on now and I think he’s kidding himself to think he has any real control. I’d expect to see him go next week if he doesn’t win HoH (or maybe this week w/ the Double Eviction night!).

  8. According to my predictions, Memphis will use the Power Of Veto to remove himself from the chopping block tomorrow afternoon, forcing Dan to put his ally Ollie on the chopping block tomorrow afternoon.
    Ollie may very well be the nexy contestant to leave the Big Brother 10 house this coming Thursday night.
    Kevin Silvestris
    Worcester, Mass.

  9. Best case scenario with double eviction coming up. Jerry and Michelle gone this week. Then Ollie. After that may the best of the rest win.

  10. I’d be anxious to get rid of Ollie before Jerry just to make sure he’s gone before the next endurance comp. But yeah, I’d take any 2 of the 3 gone this week.

  11. there are no best of the rest ., are you kidding me . They are all a bunch of losers .

    Think they have studied this game and are playing it so fabulous , I wish they would all get booted and we could start over !!!!!!

  12. Lol, Im not about to disagree with you Momdrgfly but even in a group of losers. There is always going to be a best loser. I have no idea who that would be in this case though.

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  1. Big Brother 10 Week 7 Power of Veto Ceremony - Preview: There’s A Storm Brewin’! | Big Brother 10

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