Big Brother 10 Week 6 Power of Veto Ceremony Results – Spoilers

Power of Veto

This week’s Big Brother 10 Power of Veto ceremony is over and the results are in!

Dan, the winner of this week’s PoV, decided not to use the veto. Not a big surprise and a smart move if he wants to keep a low profile much longer.

So now it is official, either April or Jerry will head to the jury house on Thursday to join Libra in Evictionland. Who do you want to see go and why?

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  1. i def. want jerry to go. April brings a lot more drama to the house than jerry does. but this is unlikley because only Ollie and Michelle would vote jerry out, hopefully if they can sway Memphis and Dan (who do not like Jerry very much) april will be safe. but this is unlikely because Keesha seems to be calling the shots and she wants April out. i just don’t want all the people who cause drama to be evicted, and we have another BB9, which was the most boring season ever.

  2. i would really like to see jerry go home but i doubt thats going to happen i cant stand that evil old man

  3. Im soo sick of looking and April and her puppet Ollie. I think if she leaves he might actually grow a back bone and be the man hes claimed he is and start playing this game for real. IMAGINE THAT! Dont worry is April leaves there will still be drama, everyone in there except for Memphis and Renny are backstabbers. Although I do like Keesha. I think if April leaves it might just get a little more interesting. Ollies a flirt, and you know it will tick off april seeing him in there with those girls hahaha I LOVE IT!

  4. This house is spineless. Although season 9 may have been considered “boring” it was thrilling to see James be attacked and due to his POV winnings watch his side get picked off slowly. Why they let Keesha get her way is beyond me, they claim April is a tough competitor but it’s all Bull and pure emotional voting. April should stay, Jerry is quite disturbing to watch, Jerry may look weak, but apparently he keeps winning or a very close second to winning, POV’s. A much more harder target if you ask me.

    What’s with Dan and Memphis up Keesha’s ass anyways? Her alliance was successfully torn apart and they went and gave her more strength with numbers? They’re nuts.

  5. i REALLY want to see April go! You have to break up the couple when you have a chance. They are obviously gonna stick together if one of them wins hoh next week and that’s no good. If i was in the house i would break up a couple right away, otherwise they might make it to the end… but I equally want to see both leave, I want to see April leave first, then Jerry next week. Plus once Ollie leaves it would be interesting what Ollie would do… Cuz he’s always with April…

  6. April has got to go.I can’t stand her. I don’t like Jerry either,April needs to go first.

  7. Either one would be awesome- Can’t you have double eviction on Tuesday and get rid of them both???

  8. Although I hate Jerry tremendously, April needs to go this week for sure! Jerry needs to go after her though. He’s a sad excuse for a human being and does a horrible job of representing the Marines and even senior citizens! Vile old man!

  9. Please!! Let it be April. Although I cannot stand that evil man Jerry, she needs to go now. Then it should be interesting to see how Ollie does. He hasn’t played this game yet. He has been too interested in his little side show he has going on.

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