Big Brother 10 Week 6 Eviction Approaches – Bye Bye Bleachie

Tomorrow is eviction day in the Big Brother 10 house and things, once again, look pretty settled in what to expect. Renny had nominated April and Jerry and after Dan secured the Power of Veto things were a near-lock to get the plan on track to evict April. Last night we saw Dan toy with the idea of using his Veto, but as I said before, I think it was mostly for show. Rocking the boat doesn’t mix well with laying low.

Now that the PoV ceremony is over and the original nominations stand we’ll see either April or Jerry leave tomorrow night. However, I’m not expecting any surprises. The entire house, including April, especially April, has resolved itself to the eviction of Bleachie. Everything is offended her and as we all know, this game is really about her, right? Ugh.

Before April leaves to join Libra she’s trying her best to set up Ollie for the win. Unfortunately for him, he’s acting like he’s an abandoned puppy by pouting as much as she is. I doubt he’ll be in much danger for a few weeks because the man just isn’t a threat, but he isn’t much of an alliance supporter either so watch for his eviction at the HG’s convenience.

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