Big Brother 10 Premieres Tonight On CBS 8pm ET/PT

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Okay, Big Brother fans, this is what we’ve be waiting months for, the premiere of Big Brother 10. Tonight on CBS at 8pm, for those of us east/west coasters at least, Julie Chen will walk us through those big, heavy, foreboding doors and introduce us to the new set of houseguests who we’ll accompany for the new few months.

Tonight’s episode will give us a feel for our favorites and least favorites, beyond what we’ve seen from clips already leaked. I’ve reserved judgment because it’s hard to really tell much about these people from those early snippets. Thank goodness for the live feeds though, huh?

We’ll also officially see the election of the very first Big Brother 10 HoH. That news was leaked days ago, so if you don’t want to wait you can jump over to that spoiler here. Very interesting how it was an election HoH instead of a competition HoH (allegedly). Will we see more of those this season? I’d hope not.

After tonight’s premiere the uncensored live feeds will be activated and you’ll be able to bask in the 24/7 glory of watching their every move! This will also be important because it should reveal to us who are the nominations and likely even the Power of Veto results. As soon as I have that information confirmed I’ll share it with you here. Sign up for the Big Brother updates and you’ll get those spoilers emailed to you directly when they happen.

Note: Today is the last day to get the discounted rate (13% off) on the live feeds. Sign-up now!

So what do you think? Excited to see this new group of houseguests take on the challenges and fight for the half million dollar prize? I am!



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