Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 18 – Week 10

Big Brother 18 will be remembered as the season of “Zombie Victor.” This kid has been through the wringer – evicted twice, battled his way back into the house twice – and for some reason comes back safer & in a better spot then when he left both times. While some HG’s & fans think this is unfair – I find it quite comedic.

Adam Poch during Big Brother 13

This is the perfect scenario for why I always laugh at players preseason interviews. They always say they will do this / that – but the twists and turns dictate the way to play each season. In a season of returning players, Victor joins Boogie & Janelle as the only 3 time players.

There are just a few weeks left in the game, and going forward everyone plays for the Veto each week, so there is no more true backdoor options left. If someone is going to win this game, they will have to win a few more comps along the way, BUT FIRST… let’s see how everyone did this week.

Nicole Franzel – 5 strips of Bacon – from the outhouse to the Penthouse – Nicole was last weeks Tofurkey winner, but she stepped up her game big time this week by winning HoH & Veto. First she convinced James to drop in a wall comp – which he has owned in his 2 seasons. Then she kept her word & did not nominate James & Natalie. By putting up Paul, who she is secretly working with, she is keeping some uncertainty among them. After veto, keeping the noms the same, keeps James & Natalie thinking Paul is the easier target.

Thursday night’s show should be interesting if Nicole does not tell Michelle she is leaving, and has to be the tie-break vote. With Paul & Victor hell bent on getting James & Natalie out, and Vice Versa – Nicole may have kept her & Corey safe for the next 2 weeks. BUT, if Nicole makes it to the end, will the jury respect her? She needs to get there first – but I still think they are pretty bitter towards her.

Victor Arroyo – 4 strips of Bacon – As mentioned in the opening, they just cant seem to get rid of this guy! As a preseason favorite of mine, the genuine personality of this guy comes through when talking to people and for some reason, people forget why they got rid of him in the first place and keep him around longer. Of all players left, he may have the hardest time convincing the jury to vote for him, but… it’s possible if he wins a few more comps along the way.

Corey Brooks – 2 strips of Bacon – yeah, Corey is still pretty dull in his game play, but Nicole has put him in a good spot this week. Most showmances the male is the target, but in this one, the female is. This bodes well for Corey down the stretch since he is still bros with the other 3 guys. He needs to perform better in comps once she is gone though – and we’ve seen glimpses of that. With 2 guaranteed votes in the jury (Nicole / Paulie) – this will put even more pressure on the rest of the house to target him.

Paul Abrahamian – 1 strip of Bacon – Paul has been on the block more than anyone so far this season – and he has usually been pretty good about it. Well, last week not so much, so lucky for him he won the Veto to keep him safe. This week he agreed to go back on the block, which is VERY risky at this point in the game – but it looks like it was a smart move to show loyalty to Nicole & Corey.

To me Paul is playing the best “Floater” game since Jun (BB4). They have all picked up on how he is playing all sides, but they still want to work with him. He has the best resume to bring to the jury if he’s there on Finale Night. if he does win, the rest of them will think about all the times they had a chance to get rid of him but didnt.

Rankings continue on the next page…



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  1. Yep, James screwed up royally and I think Gnat has been quietly seething about it every since realizing that he put their game at risk in doing so. She is distancing herself from him, imo, because of the mistakes he has made recently, she knows he is becoming a big target, and it has created a convenient opportunity for her to put an end to a shomance that never had any chance of becoming a romance. It’s really hard to call it a shomance. I still remember his face during the show when he found out there was a juror returning which he had absolutely dismissed as a possibility. The guy has became a liability to Gnat. Adam, I think your Tofurkey was probably hard to pick between James and Michelle, but I understand your thought process.

    • Yes, Gnat is definitely distancing herself from Jamesie who fell off the wall too soon. From what I read on Jokers it seems that James is seeing that things are cooled. It would be interesting if both started playing for themselves from here on in

    • Nat told James she doesn’t date good looking guys with good bodies. James is like wth? She said she dates guys who are sweet and considerate (something like that) – James lights up and says, “So I’m 2 for 2!?!”
      Nat told him he was on the cute “spectrum”. Smh.

      I agree she is so tired of this charade – she’s miserable. She harps on him for things and won’t let it go even after he apologizes.
      He told Meech he thinks she wants to “break up” but doesn’t want to tell him. Meech asks if she ever rubs his back or anything. “Never – nothing,” James replied.

      • Last night I saw her a bit close to him and rubbing his arm. She was talking to Paul and she knows James doesn’t like that so she got closer to him in bed.
        I think Natalie may actually like James, but I hope she dumps him the minute they go to jury.
        Victor should definitely keep her for final 2 though.

      • Have u not heard/read as of yesterday the “no romance” is coming to an end..?? Natalie and James had a honest talk yesterday and James realized that Natalie is not that into him..

      • I just read it on Jokers and according to him Natalie hasn’t told him anything, but he thinks she doesn’t want to hurt her feelings. He is still into her and will sacrifice his game for this girl. He is an idiot and should watch both seasons that he was on, so he could get down from that cloud.
        I am glad that that relationship is almost over. She could pair up with Victor and they could go to final 2 together.

      • I wouldn’t assume she could just team up with Victor, he’s already given her her walking papers. And just the other day was telling Corey he was glad she was James problem and NOT his, lol. He seems pretty content with his partnership with Paul, they are more loyal to each other than either of the showmances, I think anyway.

      • Answers my question too but lets see how many more people tell this answer LOL.

      • Must have missed that memo myself. I kind of knew she was trying to distance herself from him here of lately but didn’t know about the talk.

      • She started the “charade”.. She should be worried that America thinks she is a man hopping user ..James finally realized that he was #3 on her list. .too little too late for true love and the game…James seems at this point to have lost both

  2. Good point on Corey! Lots of good points but esp the part about his built in jury votes…for those considering taking him to the end over Nicole. And part of her strategy recently is to refer to how much everyone in JH hates her and would never vote for her to win….in case anyone wants to take her. Lol. Hey, even if true – $50K > stipend

  3. You asked which HG has done the best jury management? From the personal aspect, I think Victor. From the game aspect, I’ll have to say, surprisingly, Paul.

    • See KSJB, I think we kind of disagree on that one. From both a game and social aspect, I feel James has done the best. No mean and nasty message to the evictee, always telling them ahead of time that they were leaving so they wouldn’t be blinsided and overall always made them feel good about themselves. All of that won’t matter because he won’t go to the end but I feel he did way better at Jury control over the rest.

      • I think they all realize what he was doing, too. As a fan watching, that has annoyed me. As a HG playing, although they might appreciate the heads up, I can’t see them appreciating it enough to give him a vote. But I’ll have to say, WW, that I took that into consideration when I was trying to make a determination regarding this. Your opinion is ALWAYS important to me, although you are wrong most of the time. aha aha aha aha…lol

  4. I do not want to see Meech back – at least not for a few years and only if she becomes a real fan and can bring game to the table. She was something to see but let her take care of some personal things and then if she wants to return, she can come back better. :)

    • She has had some humorous moments this summer that make me laugh, if she comes back it should be as a villian because for 3/4 of the summer she has been a complete bully

  5. I’m split between Victor and Paul for the best jury management. I think that the jurors evicted to date will have respect for what Victor has done coming back twice and that will help him in the end along with his comp record. Paul can probably make a better case and would get their votes even if they don’t like him. I’m sure Dr. Will will guide them to see the value of either of the two. He has been able to get the jurors in the past to see who has played a good game and not just vote for who the like

  6. Tofurkey should have gone to James. It was dumb of him to trust anyone’s word on that wall with his history of honoring deals made on walls. I wish Nicole had nominated him. Even though she didn’t he missed a chance to weaken the other side of the house. I’ve never thought James was a good gamer. Keeping Meech is the only big move in either of his seasons.
    On to Jury management… Victor. Noone dislikes him to my knowledge. I’d say he has the best shot to win and I would love to see it. Him or Paul.

    • The thing I thought was the most interesting about the HOH competition was that Nicole said in the DR something like “James looks like he’s getting weak and about to fall. It’s time to try to make a deal with him.” Isn’t her logic a little backwards? If I saw the other person was about to fall, the last thing I’d want to do is cut a deal with him! You’re going to win anyway; why make a deal?

      • very true. Nicole isn’t the best player either. imo Paul and Victor are the best players… including those already evicted.

      • I agree and from what I saw, he was cold, but I did not see him about to fall. She was in pain and had to make a deal.

      • Because she knew he wouldn’t last so get him to drop now instead of hanging on any longer. If he was strong he would of never made a deal. Why stay up any longer when she could get him to drop.

      • Which is why he made a deal. He couldn’t last any longer. Otherwise he never would of made a deal. And she honored her deal more then what he does. He goes back on every deal.

      • Paul has been playing the best scheming game, but I don’t want him to even get final 2 at this point.

      • I find Paul extremely obnoxious. He makes up stories and snitches too much. Yes, he is a great player and deserves to win, but I just don’t like him. He will probably win it all.

      • @metgala Exactly. If Paul and Victor both go IDK who deserves to win because the rest of them are terrible. Corey is completely out of it. James mainly just flirts. Natalie doesn’t win comps. Michelle just whines. None of these guys really play the game well. Paul and Victor are the only players that actually deserve to win.

    • Agreed! James was the one who said that Natalie wanted Corey to go home last week. That is what brought the whole Nicole/James alliance down. That is 100% Tofurkey worthy!

      • As true as this statement is, James DID NOT vote out Corey now did he. That showed Nicole that he was willing to work with her and by not putting him or Natalie on the block, she left the door open to possibly working with James next week if for some reason he wins HOH. That was a smart move on her part and the biggest thing all the James hater’s seem to forget.

  7. Seems like the 3 (J/M/N) are just waiting for the game to happen?

    Nat sulks by the pool about how everyone has talked about her all summer, taking shots at James. James takes it and tries to cheer Nat up, and then tells Meech his Nat troubles.

    Later, they complain that the others are studying/together and wonder if Meech is a lock to stay. Meech complains that Nic is sitting up in the HOH room and thinks she’s too good to talk to us commoners. James promises to talk to Nicole “tomorrow”. Far be it from Meech to approach Nicole!
    Sprinkle in food scarfing and pity parties about their bodies, and then they go to bed.

    Where is the game? Paul not only studied (I was not a Paul fan at the beginning so that isn’t what this is about) but he continued to game them, telling them he isn’t going to talk to Nicole, he is just accepting whatever happens and blah blah blah.

    Highlight from them was Meech telling the GM froyo comp. Wasn’t a fan of GM at the time but she killed that comp. #nogagreflex

    Meech isn’t sure she’s a lock to stay and they’ve discussed VP hanging out with NiCorey and studying with them – but she doesn’t even try to get a read from HOH or concoct a plea/scheme or anything.
    I’m sure Julie will ask her why she just laid there all week when she was on the block.

  8. As much as I kvetch about them bringing on recruits, VP are certainly the exceptions. Though I do think Paul is more of a fanboy than he professes. ;)

    • I was under he impression that Paul is a fan. I thought he was pulling a page from Johnny Mac’s playbook.

      • I wonder if Paul was just playing dumb this whole time. If he has been, I’d be impressed.

      • Well I know he played dumb well the first time Victor was evicted and Victor asked him why he didn’t choose him to play in veto. Victor explained that Victor could have won and saved Paul so that they both remained safe and Paul acted oblivious to understading how veto worked.

    • I have definitely seen some moments of displays of knowledge about past BB seasons. I have no idea if it is from watching them while waiting to enter the house, but I have a feeling that he knows more than he pretends to know.

      • He’s a rat…but he’s my rat now. I’m rooting for him and Victor all the way. And yeah, I know—they’ve both been as a**hole-ish to the women as Paulie, but I can forgive them. Paul’s social game is great (and I think you’re both right about him knowing more than he professes); and Victor is a comp beast…and damn easy on the eyes. What I love most about him though, is that he said, “I don’t even know how this game is played!”—which is kind of how I feel sometimes.

      • Ha-Ha-Ha-Ha-! I should know better than to read your comments while I’m drinking anything. Now I have to clean up Crystal Light off of my keyboard and Lula, who happened to be walking across it while I was reading…thanks pal! You crack me the heck UP!

      • I will. I have to clean her off with some wet paper towels. She actually doesn’t mind my doing that…as long as they’re stretched out and I use them like I’m petting her. You know what I mean? Anyway, even if she didn’t like it, it was worth the laugh! I needed it. Thanks, K!

      • Did you just compare Paul and Victor to Paulie??? Please tell me I read that incorrectly. Very insulting to Vic and Paul.

      • Ummmm…nope, I actually wrote it. BUT only because, do you remember when Victor nominated Nat and Meech and threw Marde Gras beads at them at the end of the nomination speech? It was really rude and afterwards all the boys ran into one of the rooms and laughed hysterically while all the girls ran into another room and consoled an hysterically crying Meech. Now, after having written this, I realize that that was NOTHING compared to anything Paulie EVER did. So, I went back and edited my original post. :) You actually made me see the light, Lisa. Just one of the reasons I enjoy our friendship!

  9. I agree with all. I think Michelle could have asked Victor for his vote and thrown Paul under the bus. Victor likes to keep his conversations with people to himself most of the time, so it would have been a good move on her part. She was there for him last week and he could have returned the favor.
    Michelle could have also went up to Corey and told him that she put him up because she knew he wasn’t going home.
    Corey has been sitting pretty all season under both Paulie and Nicole.

    • Unfair to say Vic could have returned the favor of being there for Michelle this week IMO. Michelle has been going off on Vic this week, insulting him almost as much as she does Nic. Vic has stayed positive about Michelle when N/C/P criticize her saying that he likes her. Michelle is her own worst enemy and when she goes has no one to blame but herself

      • I didn’t hear her talking bad about Victor. I just thought he was spending too much time with Corey and that’s why Michelle didn’t want to hang out with him.
        Victor did say that he doesn’t like butter kissing, but it is exactly what he has been doing this whole week, with his fake laughter. In order for Vic to win this game he needs to take a floater with him at the end. If not Michelle, then it should be Natalie. I am hoping he doesn’t choose Corey at all.

      • She has called him a ‘leech; a ‘butt kisser’ numerous times and after Paul is evicted Thursday (in her mind) she wants to turn her a** to him and tell him to kiss it. That’s not talking nice in my books

  10. At this point Paul and Vic are pretty much running the house. And for once I don’t mind it because they’ve earned it. They’re pretty much the underdogs and Paul was able to change his game after Jozea left.

    • I think not yet. We need to wait for the next HOH to see who is actually running the house. James is still up NIc’s behind and constantly defending her even though he suspects that she is playing with Paul and Vic.
      There is still a possibility that James will convince Nicole to play with him and Natalie rather than the boys.

      • She may play with James once Natalie is gone but she doesn’t trust Natalie, and Natalie doesn’t like or trust Nicole.

    • They earned it because of a stupid production twist that put Victor back in the house YET AGAIN.

      If not for that unnecessary interference designed to prolong the vets in the house, then Paul would be on the chopping block and Jatalie/Nicorey would be trying to come up with their F4 alliance nickname.

      • Then again if Paul and Vic weren’t here, people would still complain how boring the 5 are.

  11. Michelle should have realized that 3rd place was the best she could do and stayed loyal to Paul and Victor. She turned on them for no good reason just like she did to Tiffany and also Frank and aligned with players who have absolutely no respect for her. If she hadn’t sabotaged her own game so many times she could have easily finished in top 3 or even been a dark horse winner. Her stategyless, illogical gameplay has finally caught up to her.

    • Her personality and behavior are pretty self-destructive. She sabotages her small amount of self-esteem, as well as her relationships. Michelle got in as some kind of superfan, has some sharp insights. But mostly she’s been an immature, depressed trainwreck. Some would observe that she was never psychologically equipped to even be cast on the show.

  12. Michelle, Natalie and James have been notable all week for only one thing, and that is their retreat from gaming. James has been the fool who urged Michelle and Natalie to just sit tight, not make waves, essentially to stagnate. None of the 3 other men in the house are buddies with James any longer. Particularly Victor, who is itching to get James out of the house. Corey has always at best, merely tolerated James while cultivating bromances with the other men. He can barely stomach Natalie and has dropped Michelle. Dumb or not so dumb, this guy is playing like a snake, slipping through the cracks. Will he set his fangs into Nicole, down the road?

    There are so many tactics that Michelle could have used this week to shift the target over to Paul. Instead she has slept for record-breaking hours and arisen mainly to stuff her face, bitch about her suspicions and to swallow her gut instinct that she’s being evicted. Paul has appropriately assumed the guise of someone who “knows his time is up” and has kept himself more or less quietly waiting. With his extroverted nature, this in itself has been quite a disciplined feat!

    Nicole has made herself rather unavailable to Michelle, helping Michelle to feel that it’s futile to approach her. At the same time, Nicole mentions to Corey, Paul and Victor that “Michelle hasn’t even bothered” to talk to her.

  13. Great article, Adam! I absolutely agree with the rankings this week.

    Not sure who is doing the best jury management right now, especially since there’s really no way to tell what the jury is thinking. All we’ve seen so far from them is hoping so and so’s gonna walk in and the Paulie confrontation. If I had to guess, I’d say Paul (gag) probably has the best chance, seeing as he’s so well liked and hasn’t really made any enemies.

    • As far as jury management I think Natalie could win the girls votes if she makes it to the end.
      The rest of them have made a lot of enemies along the way so it will be interesting watching the jury decide.
      Day and Michelle are still upset that Nicole outplayed them so I don’t see them voting for Nicole at all.

  14. Agree with the rankings this week. Only thing I disagree with is James could of never won that HOH. He was ready to fall and that’s the only reason he made a deal. Otherwise he would of stayed to have bragging rights. Nicole could of went another hour up there.

    • She probably could have…it just makes me so mad that James even made a ‘thing’ about it. It sure looked like he ‘threw’ it to her.
      I know he was struggling. I saw him shaking. It just makes me furious when someone—anyone—makes it look like they throw someone a comp…especially an HoH comp. Know what I mean? I’m just mad at James. Not at Nic. At HIM. UGH! Can’t stand him.

      • James would have gotten some brownie points from me if he didn’t throw the HOH to Nicole at this stage of the game. He could have stayed up longer.

  15. I love reading your rankings, Adam. You’re always so entertaining and insightful. The only thing I disagree with, is not giving James the “Tofurky of the Week.” While Meech does indeed deserve it—I HATE to see people not earn HoH comps…OMG, I can’t stand that. “I just want a letter from my Mom-uuh!” So effing what? Then stay on the wall the longest! OK, so he may not get the “Tofurky of the Week”, but after GIVING Nicole HoH, he should get “P***y of the Week.”
    Again, Love your rankings. Now, gimmee some bacon.

    • He didn’t give it to Nicole; he was gassed out and wanted to save his ego. I think Natalie would’ve understood him losing better if he had just told the truth.

      • That’s why I said to LG that I’m not mad at Nic, I’m pissed at James. I should have worded it differently.

      • Oh ok, but I can kinda see why he lied about it to Natalie since he’s in love and all that.
        I wonder how much longer natalie can keep up her act? Not that James would ever figure out he’s being used.

      • Oh man…talk about another non-showmance. I hate to say it, but I’m guessing maybe a couple of weeks after the show is over, then she’ll cut him loose. She won’t get rid of him immediately…she doesn’t want to be perceived as too mean (UGH).

      • Hmmm, maybe Corey and Natalie do deserve each other :D
        He has money so it’ll be easier for her to pretend to like him lol.

      • Mad at both of them. If Nic couldn’t hold on she didn’t deserve HOH and James shouldn’t have given it to her.

  16. If you’re counting Victor as playing the game 3 times, then why aren’t you counting Nicole as playing the game 3 times? She played twice her first time and once this time.

    I usually agree with your rankings, but I think that Nicole only deserves 4.5 strips of bacon. She is in the rare position of being able to get anyone in the house out that she wants. She targeted the weakest player, leaving 3 duos in the house. Although Michelle is coming after her, she’s weak on comps and doesn’t have a solid alliance. Breaking up one of the other duos would have put her at 5 bacon strips, imho.

    • She gave herself the absolute best scenario for next 2 weeks. Vic and Paul vs. Nat & James while her & Corey are out of harms way. She can spin it to James and Natalie saying Paul fooled her.

  17. So great to see Nicole getting all the bacon this week Adam; keep up the good work :D

  18. If Victor or Paul win HOH, It will be so interesting to see if they will continue with Nic and Corey. They might make an alliance with Nat N James. That would be fun to see!!!

    • I think James would go if Paul or Victor won HOH. Natalie could definitely be a second option since she was the one who nominated Paul and Victor

  19. I feel like Nicole could only win against Corey in a final two scenario… Michelle would’ve probably been the only one besides Corey she could potentially beat. I think Paul, Victor, Natalie and James would easily beat her.

    • I think Nicole has played a not great, but good game.
      She won’t beat Victor or Paul, but she could win against everyone else who is left in the house.
      She played a better game than Natalie since she was snitching to Paulie the whole time he was there and convinced James to drop while teeming up with Vic and Paul. James has played a terrible game compared to her and the jurors know this. That’s why I’m hoping Victor or Paul choose to put her up next week.

      • I think Natalie has played better than Nicole in my opinion. She was part of the movement against Paulie and she’s got Bridgette, Michelle, and James’s votes locked for her if she gets to the F2 wihout James… many people dislike Nicole for snitching information and I think many people would rather see Natalie win over Nicole. Nicole could possibly beat James, but again he would have Natalie, Michelle and Bridgette’s votes

  20. Paul was not a floater. I think hes a big Jerk, as evidenced by the beginning of the season (but he is fun/funny), and that jerkiness got his alliance decimated (though Vic keeps returning!), and he floated along a few weeks after that because Paulie was “using” him. BUT, after that, Paul got a hang of the game and has done anything BUT float — he’s running the show. Still a jerk, though.

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