Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 17 – Week 5

As Yogi Berra once said – “It’s Deja Vu all over again” – this is the 4th week in a row that ‘Sixth Sense’ has run the house & have put a backdoor plan into effect. Yes, it was a little different this week as they actually wanted to get rid of the power and have the “other side” get rid of one of their own.

Adam Poch on Big Brother 13
Adam Poch on Big Brother 13 – Source: CBS

Well, just like so many other plans in the Big Brother house – the target was moved several times before landing on Jason. This got his allies to finally start thinking they need to do something about it. It only took 5 weeks, but now everyone is in game mode. Unless some sort of Special Power comes along Jason will be back in his parents basement by the weekend. But first… lets see who will get bacon and who will get tofu for how they played this week.

Liz Nolan /Julia – 5 strips of Bacon – this was the most crucial week for Liz & Julia. If they could survive this eviction, they would both be able to play as individuals instead of swapping out every couple of days. Even though she was not the number one target (which – duh, she should have been!) – she knew she had to do whatever it took to not go home this week. All she did was pull out a BoB win with very little help from her partner James. Yes – I know plenty of people out here (as well as a couple of people inside the house) are upset that Liz is playing along with Austin’s creepy advances – but before the season starts, fans say “I wanna see people do whatever it takes, lie, cheat, steal, to win” and she is doing just that.

Clay Honeycutt – 4 strips of Bacon – I say it just about every week, but winning the veto and taking yourself off the block is the best feeling in the Big Brother house. It’s taken a while, but Clay is starting to figure out how to play this game, and despite being in a showmance with one of the power players, he still makes his rounds talking to people not in his alliance. This will help him if/when he is on the block next to Shelli and will be able to rally the votes.

Vanessa Rousso – 3 strips of Bacon – despite being the biggest hypocrite in the house, Vanessa’s moves are very calculated & strategic. Yes, she will need someone else to get Austin out of the house. But her getting Austin out this week would have hurt her. As she finally realized keeping him in the house is someone that would both protect her, and be a target ahead of her. Her reasoning for doing these “big moves” is correct – but how she is playing it out is starting to rub some people the wrong way, but it’s still not moving her up on the target list like it should.

Austin Matelson – 2 strips of Bacon – yes Austin’s mouth got him in trouble again this week, and he was the target on Thursday into Friday – but once Jackie was dethroned as HoH, Vanessa realized she needed Austin in the house for many reasons. So why am I giving him Bacon? Once he was clued in on the backdoor plan – he came clean about most of his lies, threw out the Dr. Will strategy of ‘I dont want to win’ and basically helped keep himself safe this week. With Julia set to enter the house next week, he will have another number on his side fighting for him.

John McGuire – 1 strip of Bacon – was he even in the house this week? This was the first time all season he was not on the block – and has started to blend in with the wallpaper. At this point in the game when the line has been drawn in the sand, he is still in good shape straddling that line – and he is on no one’s radar. Normally I would give someone like this tofu – but this is Johnny Mac! I gave him tofu last week.

Jackie Ibarra – 1 strip of Bacon – as I predicted last week, with Jeff out of the house, Jackie will come alive. She ended up winning her first HoH this week and worked well with the other HoH Vanessa to put an elaborate plan to backdoor Austin into effect. Now if only her nominees lost the BoB – this week we would have finally seen the power shift we have been all waiting for. But, once it became clear that she got screwed over by Vanessa, she did not just sit there and say – ‘oh woe is me’ – she marched up to the HoH and went in for the kill. Trying to pull info out of Vanessa. She will not go down without a fight, which is a lot more than most of the other people still left in the house.

Now for the players who earned Tofu:



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  1. Three wishes: Wish John would make some moves and earn more bacon. Wish underdogs would unite. Wish Vanessa would take that hat off and put it in her mouth for a while.

    • Can I throw in a fourth wish. I wish Big Brother would institute a penalty anytime the phrases “blood on my hands” or “thrown under the bus” are used. Enough already!!

      • Maybe that’s what’s needed to have close veto votes. One or two pity or “let’s see then try to figure out who cast this” votes or voting with “the house” or “I don’t want to piss off the HOH” is really freakin’ boring.

      • I don’t get the I don’t want to piss off the HOH thing, they are irrelevant at this point and can’t play in the next HOH, so grow a pair and just say I’m not voting for you done finished or if your too scared go along with them, they’ll be gone 2 minutes after votes are cast anyway.

      • Can I just wish Big Brother would actually issue penalties past breaking the Have-Not rule? Like penalize people for telling anyone they’re going up (beyond the Veto rule) because I’m tired of HOHs covering their bases when they put people up. It’s boring! We need some punishment to show these houseguests they need to follow the rules.

    • They should change the rules of Big Brother that anyone put on the block this week cannot be put on the block the following two weeks. That would make for a more interesting dynamic because what would happen if the HOH has to put up one or two of his own allies on the block? Also, this change would encourage everyone to play a more social game because they will wind up on the block at some point whether they want to or not! That would discourage alliances from just floating from one week to the next, picking off the stragglers and nothing else. If you are part of a huge alliance, all you have to do is float and vote off everyone else not part of the alliance. That removes game play because they do not have to think or strategize but, just evict the stragglers, one by one. It also, makes it a very boring, predictable game like last season. Change the rules and make everyone play the game!

  2. Waiting for a literal light bulb to go off over your head when you realize Vanessa is the reincarnation of Leonard Bernstein

    • To mix metaphors Steve is Tom Hayden, not a wartime consigliere but he can get things done

  3. Vanessa really should be higher ranked than Clay. After the Jason blindside Vanessa honestly told the whole house that Clay and Shelli were part of the decision to blindside Jason. Meanwhile Clay was downstairs lying about knowing about it. So Clay got called out and Clay and Shelli are the main targets for the other side of the house now because of the lie. Clay got caught playing both sides of the house and is now in serious danger if the other side wins next week. Vanessa went down on the target list thank to this blindside, she even gained an ally or two from it. She is no ones main target right now and she has surrounded herself by a bunch of meat-shields (Clay,Shelli,Liz,Julia,Austin) that will be targeted before her.

    • thanks for the feedback. Shelli is definitely a bigger target than Clay – and I think he will come out of this in better shape than she did. Vanessa’s lies will catch up with her – while Clay can fake his way out of it because he is young & good looking

  4. Even though Shelli and Clay are in a bad spot, they still have a great chance of one of their allies winning HOH. Basically it’s Shelli, Clay, Austin, the twins, John, Steve, and Becky vs Meg, James, and Jackie in the next HOH. And Meg and James have been pretty awful in the comps so far. I know John and Becky are wild cards, but they haven’t indicated that they’re gunning for Shay if they get into power.
    Also one last thing, if I were Shelli and Clay, I’d be upset that Vanessa made it seem like THEY were behind Jason getting put up. If I recall correctly, they really didn’t want him to be nominated, but also didn’t want to push against it because then Vanessa would’ve known something was up between the three of them.

    • Shelli and Clay were the instigators of changing the back door Austin plan. That put Vanessa in the difficult position of having to break her deal with the rest of the house. When Shelli was HOH she was so concerned about getting “blood on her hands”. She had no problem with Vanessa making the biggest move of the season and putting a huge target on herself while exposing their alliance to the rest of the house.

      Why? Because she thought the rest of the house didn;t cheer loud enough when Clay one veto? Because Liz lied to her and told her the rest of the house was really planning to vote out Clay? (which any idiot knew was a lie because Liz wasn’t in the house then, her sister was).

  5. Vanessa needs to go very soon. She is a really strong player. Keeping her in much longer will keep her at the top of the game to the end. My guess is Austin will go when double eviction happen along with Steve.

    • Uh, yeah… Odd was voted off last week. She’s not coming back… but keep up the Odd work.

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