Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 17 – Week 12

The next time Liz was nominated it was alongside Austin, and after he won Veto, she was next to Liz, but that wasn’t until week 11. With 2 definite votes in the jury already, she is not someone the rest of the HGs would want to take to Final 2, but if Vanessa REALLY wants a woman to win this season, Liz will luck out on the vote, and could potentially get herself to the F2 where she could win it all.

John McGuire – 2 strips of Bacon – 0 HoH & 4 POV wins – Johnny Mac won the fans over early in the show by his hysterical DR sessions, but it was his willingness to be everyone’s pawn the first few weeks to throw the BoB leading to him being nominated 9 times this season. He also found himself in the eviction chairs 4 of those times and even got evicted once, only to win his way right back into the house. 3 of his POV wins came when he was on the block so he gets major points for that. But of all the Final 4 HG’s he is the only one not to win an HoH, but none of that matters if he gets saved this week and wins that final HoH.

John is the only one without any blood on his hands, heck – he probably gets more blood on his hands when pulling people’s teeth. That fact is what will prevent people from wanting to take him to the final 2. The rest of them think the jury will be bitter and wont want to take him with them. Only way he wins it all is if he gets himself there, but sadly I expect him to be the one evicted tonight (AGAIN!).

Well there you have it kids – only one week left and then 9 months of waiting for Big Brother 18 – which I am convinced will be BB All Stars 2. So my question of the week is who do you want to see come back to play again? Please only put players that have not played 2 or more times already. Yes, I know you all want to see Dan, Will, Boogie, Rachel, Jeff & Jordan, Dani again – but spread some love to some of the other alumni through the seasons. I would love to see Ronnie (BB11) come back!

Speaking of 9 months – if you have not heard already, my wife & I are expecting our first child in less than 4 weeks. So before Brenchel announce their pregnancy tonight on the live show, I will have the first BB Baby! Fara was on 3 episodes on my season & I gave her shoutouts every night on BBAD! She had more airtime than some of the other HGs over the years. OK technically Natalie from BB11 had the first BB Baby as her boyfriend proposed to her in the house (Pandora’s box) and she eventually married him & had a child with him 2 years ago. But in all seriousness – congrats to Rachel & Brendon!

Look for my year end rankings next week as we prepare for finale night! From outside the Big Brother House, I’m Adam Poch… have a great day!

Follow me on Twitter to get more updates as the season progresses twitter.com/heavymetalteddy.



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  1. I would really like for JMac to survive tonight.
    Enjoyed reading your rankings this season. I justwish BB would get more fans or alumni in. Tired of mosel

    • you need the recruits – they make the game more interesting (Devon BB16, Vanessa BB17, Jeremy BB15)

      • I heard Devin had to get off social media????
        Jeremy – I hated initially (the player, not the person – gaw!)
        But after he was cut, I think he took some life lessons with him. I think the experience was good for him in the long run and he’d play differently now. He was a comp beast.

      • I think that’s why she likes working with Steve. I heard her asking him something about season 5 and she said oh. & that she had only read Wikipedia summaries.

  2. I think it would be awesome to do a season with all the first people evicted from each season. Give them another chance. And congrats Adam!

  3. It’s crazy that Liz was on the block next to Liz when Austin won the veto. I had thought it was a twin twist, not a clone twist.

  4. I think it would be awesome to have all the people who were evicted first to come back, weve seen all the winners over and over…lets give the losers a chance…plus we never got to know them very good, cmon Matthew help push for this

  5. As painful as it is to watch Vanessa, I think I would love to see her come back and have to play against some real players. Her game was good this year but it wouldn’t have been if she had some real players. I don’t think she’s as good as she thinks she is and would love to see her knocked off the pedestal she has herself on.

    • I’d love to see her and Derrick in house with players like Dan or Will. I want all stars. and sorry @adampochbb13:disqus I cant mention Allstars without mentioning Dan or … Rachel ( I know you love that) simply bc i think she would annoy the hell out of them. and if she’s on they need Ragan! (Their fight in Season 12 was the best)

      • I would agree with you on that, however an allstars episode with some of the past super players would burst Vanessa’s bubble. She isn’t one of the greats, she just lucked out to have a cast of players that are really bad this year.

      • Stop hating. She is one of the greats. People try so hard to undermine her game play. Did you not just read what Adam wrote about her? She didn’t just get to the final 3 out of sheer luck. She fought hard and has gotten so much blood on her hands…yet she’s still there. Fantastic!

  6. Johnny Mac needs to campaign. I’m so scared right now. I want him to stay so badly. He needs to.tell Vanessa that if she’s in final two with Liz, then Liz is gonna have two people in Jury pushing for her win. Also, Johnny Mac should say that he’s won 0 HOH’s, therefor he’ll be easier to beat in the final comp.

  7. I would like to see Enzo, Hayden, Porsche, Shelly Moore, Vanessa, Nicole Franzel, Derrick, Ian, Andy, GM, Aaryn come back with some others. They were all good players in different ways.

  8. Congratulations, Adam & Fara! Best wishes and good luck for your family!
    Sweet of you to give a shout out to Brenchel and their bundle of joy coming, too! And yes, even Natalie’s new family! :)

    I’m mad at Steve so I can no longer pull for him. I say let the ladies take this the rest of the way home! They’ve pretty much dominated this season.

    As for “2nd Chancers”: I would like to see Donnie return. I think Jeremy learned some life lessons and is a comp beast. I would like to see James return for comic relief and Jmac. I think Jackie would be better the second time. Nicole or Hayden might be fun. I don’t know. Shoot, this group is the newest so they’re the main ones on my mind.

    Adam, would you consider returning? Or is it satisfying enough for you, to hand out bacon? :) Who would you like to see?

    • Rather hand out bacon – I cant be gone for 3 months again. Especially with the family growing

  9. I’d like to see Amanda and maybe Zach Rance back. I’m not interested in seeing Frankie Grande or him becoming a season staple. I believe Frank Eudy, Shane Meaney, Nicole Franzel and the trio of Judd, Donny, James have good chances to return.

  10. I would like to see Becky & Shelli of this season. Cody, Zach & Nicole from BB16. Nick and Kaitlin from BB15. Shane & Danielle from BB14. And Porsche from BB13.

  11. John is my fave player and i hope he survives eviction but if he doesn’t,may his game rest in peace …

  12. I like the concept that Survivor started for the next season, i.e. second chance. But for BB, I would bring back players that only played once, and didn’t make it to jury. Basically people we didn’t get to see much of them. Give them a second chance.

  13. Congrats on your baby! And for get bacon! Stand up and slow clap into a round of applause for Vanessa’s blindside of Austin. That was so satisfying! I wanted a cigarette afterwards and I’m not a smoker! Austin bitching to Julie Chen in bare feet was sooo good!

  14. Question: When new jurors enter the JH,
    The DVD they bring –
    Is that just the CBS show edit?
    Or is there more?

    The first juror (and DE jurors) –
    Do they bring DVDs, too?
    Wondering if subsequent jurors get to see each of their evictions and if it’s the CBS TV edit?


  15. amanda, Austin, Vanessa, Regan, Derrick, Beast Mode Cowboy, Nakomis, The black guy from season 1 and the one legged guy from season 1 and Ollie from Survivor

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