Diary Room: Adam Poch’s Player Rankings: Big Brother 17 – Week 10

It’s day 77 in the Big Brother house, and we are less than 36 hours away from another Double Eviction to bring the house down to 6 people. Only 20 days will remain, and they will crown the winner of this season.

Adam Poch on Big Brother 13
Adam Poch on Big Brother 13 – Source: CBS

By comparison, my season (BB13 for those who forgot) was only 75 days, and by the end I was so ready to get back to “reality.” I can only imagine the boredom & stress is overwhelming at this point. But for the players still in the house, they can smell the money at this point, yet some of them still do not have a clue how to get that fat stack of cash in their bank account.

Everyone that’s voted out between now and then will not have a chance to come back so there are still plenty of dreams that will be crushed. I’ve said it the last few weeks, with the end of the season coming fast, there is still plenty of game to be played. BUT FIRST… let’s take a look back to see how your favorite (and least favorite) players stacked up this week.

Vanessa Rousso – 5 strips of Bacon (again) – for the 2nd week in a row Vanessa earns the top honors in the house. This week she won her 3rd HoH of the season, and add the 2 Veto wins, and controlling just about every eviction all season makes her the front runner to win it all. All the talk of her being public enemy number one in the house seems to have gone out the window, and unlike the Austwins, Vanessa has a side alliance with Steve & John who seem willing to do whatever she wants.

The next 2 days will be critical in her Big Brother life. She is vulnerable going into the Double Eviction tomorrow night as she cannot play for HoH and only 1 person will not play for Veto. If she is not voted out tomorrow night, then it’s really her game to lose. I (along with plenty of other fans/bloggers) just wish that she would own her game in the Diary Room or better yet – talk to the live feeders. A simple “I cant believe I am getting away with all of this” would turn her from Andy BB15** to Derrick BB16.

** – for the record, I think Andy played a brilliant game, but the public consensus is people do not respect how he won.

James Huling – 4 strips of Bacon – when the numbers get low, winning the Veto becomes even more important. If you are on the block, you can pull yourself off, if you are not on the block, you cannot be used as a renom. James stepped up and won his 2nd Veto of the season and kept himself safe another week. He will most likely lose his #1 ally in Meg, which could work to his advantage.

Being alone in the game, some of the HGs have talked about trying to pull him in to help get them further. I still see him as public enemy #1 for most of them however and he will need a string of wins or he will be voting for the winner on finale night.

John McGuire – 3 strips of Bacon – after being evicted last week by a unanimous vote, Johnny Mac played his way back into the house and somehow, someway, somewho, worked out a deal with Vanessa to keep him safe this week. Teaming up with his nemesis and Steve may be the only way he will be able to get to the final 2 chairs on finale night as both of them are bigger targets. The Austwins still want to target him, but he finds himself back in the middle of the house, where he spent most of the summer and could survive as the rest of the HGs start trying to take each other out.

Austin Matelson – 2 strips of Bacon – last week’s Tofurkey of the Week came back and had a relatively quiet week. One of his biggest allies won HoH, and instead of Vanessa targeting him for his role in trying to back door her last week, he reconnected with her and kept himself & his girlfriend safe. There has been talk of James & Meg trying to get Austin to flip his vote this week, but he sees it too risky. As a fan, I would REALLY love to see “Operation Trojan Horse” happen, but as an ex-player, I know he would never do it.



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  1. They gotta do something to get out the Austwins and to target Vanessa. It’s been ‘next week’ for the past 3/4 weeks. Vanessa is in a very good spot, she will pretty much have everyone targeting each other and only really James coming after her.

    If they could just turn on Julia this week, James, JMac or Steve win HoH during the DE and send home Liz/Austin or James maybe Vanessa, they’d be in a pretty good position going forward.

    They just can’t see past doing what Vanessa wants, and no one is willing to be the person to strike first so they are just taking out the easy targets each week.

    • And here lies where sending Meg out was right move now none can put Vanessa on block up against her and have that easy vote. Now it is not as simple. She can talk her way down against anyone else in house. For HER game was right move.

      • I agree, it’s best for Vanessa, but not for James, JMac and Steve. She needs Meg gone so she can’t be up against her, and she needs the target to stay on the Austwins and this buys her probably another week or 2 down the road of not being the biggest threat.

        Good play for Vanessa, unless the others wise up(but lets not kid ourselves) and take out Julia.

      • Vanessa against Julia or LIz will be her demise. I don’t think it’s her best move. James should be the one to do this since the rest are her puppets.

      • Vanessa will win against anyone except maybe Austin. I meant that the only way for James to make sure Vanessa goes is putting her up next to Liz. Austin and Julia will vote her out and John and Steve may choose Vanessa, but James decides if there is a tie.

      • In no way shape or form is it in Steve’s best interest to vote out Julia!

        Steve has already guaranteed Julia his vote. He has also confirmed his vote to Vanessa before Vanessa nominated her (confirming Julia is safe to go up).

        By voting out Julia, Steve will alienate Austin, Liz and Vanessa. He gains no standing with JMac. He does gain favor with James and Meg. But what exactly does Meg’s favor gain Steve?

        So ultimately he gains two new allies (James and Meg) and alienates three allies that he has been working with all season.

        Yes, that sounds like a winning strategy for Steve!


      • Are you asking if Steve could win in final two against Austin, Liz or Julia?

        Steve may try to drag Julia to final two, at this point in the game he beats her hands down. He also currently wins against JMac.

        Steve is going to need to step up and make some moves to beat Austin or Liz at this point.

        I think for Steve to win, he needs to at least take out one of Austin, Liz or Vanessa.

      • julia or meg are possibly the only players he could beat – i’m not to sure about jmac – the girls already on the jury think steve is a creeper and most others like jmac better imo anyway

      • You don’t see it as more advantageous for the the F6 for Steve to be James, JMac Meg, Steve against (2 of if they could get one out dureing the DE) Liz, Vanessa and Austin, vs the Austwins, Vanessa, Steve and (1 of) James/JMac? Steve is the 5th in line after Austins Angels, or could be in the complete mix with James, Meg and JMac.

        I would expect Steve to be in a better spot with Vanessa and Julia out because the other 3 have there allegiances way more open than the Austwins and Vanessa do.

      • First, Steve has got to play the game as it stands today. If he votes out Julia, he has three people gunning for him from here on out. Currently he’s at the top of no one’s list.

        Let’s entertain the scenario that Steve and JMac DO vote out Julia AND one of JMac, James, Meg (LOL) or Steve takes out Vanessa or a second Austwin during the DE. Let’s say James wins (the scenario will work with any of the new team)

        The next HOH is played and it’s JMac, Steve and Meg against let’s say Austin and Liz (Vanessa was evicted).

        Are those odds better for Steve? Meg and James will stick together. And who knows how the rest house will shake out after the evictions. There are a lot of unknowns.

        For Steve to win, he needs the head of Vanessa (1) or Austin or Liz (2). Helping to evict Julia, does not help him in final two.

        Staying true to his word and not voting out Julia leaves him with fewer enemies. When (if) he makes his move, he will have the support of Vanessa (if it’s Liz, Van will steer him to Liz) or of Austin and Liz, if he takes out Vanessa.

        Steve is safer making the attack on Vanessa, Liz or Austin from INSIDE of the Scamper Squad alliance.

        Really for Steve’s game, he needs to win one of the next two HOH’s. Probably the second HOH on Thursday.

      • JR, one more point about Steve’s position in Scamper Squad. He’s not 5th behind everyone else.

        If Scamper Squad makes final five, it will eventually break into Vanessa vs the Austwins. Steve may be able to ride the middle, with each “side” trying to use him to help eliminate the other side.

        However I don’t think Scamper Squad will get to final five intact. It’s not in Steve or Vanessa’s best interest for that to happen.

        As I look for logical moves for all of the players, I suspect that over the next two HOHs everyone except the Austwins will target Liz.

        I think Vanessa will even take her shot if she wins the second HOH on Thursday.

        I think Liz and James are in the most trouble over the next few evictions. If that plays out, we have a final five of Steve, JMac, Vanessa, Austin and Julia,

        ANY final five combo except all of Scamper Squad looks at least OK for Steve.

        IF Scamper Squad makes the final five it means that the Austwins and Vanessa have been winning HOHs. If Steve votes out Julia he is evicted (because of his vote against Julia) during one of the next two HOHs.

      • Negative. Assuming James goes out, she will throw HOH’s till F4. Everybody has F2 deals with her, and the rest of the house will target each other. Plays perfectly with her “clean hands and let everybody else do my dirty work” strategy. No way she ever puts the Austwins up with a real chance of one of them leaving until F4. Her side deal with JMac and Steve is worth as much as a $3 bill.

    • Vanessa should have followed Audrey out the door at the next eviction. Now – barring Armageddon from happening – it’s just too late.

  2. Looking back at last double eviction I see two reasons Steve HOH was not a waste. First if you are part of longest lasting alliances of season you want wipenout votes for the other side. Yes he could taken out Becky there but had he done that he risked making his one non alliance connection upset in John. So smart move take out the next threat you perceive in Jackie cause she is closest to Becky thuse breaing them up taking out vote for that side and keeping John happy at least one more week. May have seemed scatter brained. May have seemed easy way out. But I think Steve knew where he was going with that one.

    • Steve “thought” he was doing the right thing, but when he looks back on the season he will know he made the wrong move. Unless he wins, then there are no regrets.

      • He went after two of the weakest players in the house. Isn’t it possible he just wanted an HOH win for the resume and keep his own target profile as small as possible?

    • You make a good logical point for Steve’s move, but it seems a lot more likely(I thought he even said it) that Vanessa told him Jackie was coming after him, he panicked, and just did basically what Vanessa wanted just like everyone else has all season.

      • of course Vanessa planted that seed…pretty sure she planted it with every remaining HG (except the Goblins)…Jackie is out, because Vanessa wanted her out. Steve was just the messenger.

    • The best move for Steve to stay until the end will be evicting Vanessa or Austin. He keeps playing for them instead of his own game they will evict him. I want them all gone except for James or johnny if they get together.

  3. Meg leaving could help James a bit because now he doesn’t have a partner and the HGs could try to break up Austin and the twins. I do think though that unless James wins every veto from now on he may get evicted. An HOH or two will be great, but he seems to slack off a bit and if he does not win the next HOH or veto he may be out.

  4. I truly believe Vanessa is faking her sloppy, erratic behaviour. I have said all along, she is in charge of the house..every single move she makes is calculated…she throws all kinds of stuff out there, but that is just to confuse the already confused HGs…she knows which move she wants them to make and makes sure they make that move….and I agree, I just want her to own up to it in the Diary Room….confessing at F2 is not the way to do it.

  5. Adam,
    Did you throw in that qualifying statement about Andy’s game in order to avoid his “Beef List”? LoL!

    • No – I honestly think he played great. One of the best moves in BB history was voting out Amanda and blaming it on Elyssa. Then McCrae went after Elyssa during the DE. He was always scrambling to get info and be in the middle of conversations. It’s not a popular belief – but he did own it on his season.

      • I think this may be one of the best moves in history. The funny thing is Elyssa thought McCrae flipped. I’m in love with this moment in BB history.

      • Andy I think also thought we wouldn’t beat Spencer ( and I think he would have been right) in F2 instead of GM. GM ticked off a lot of HGs that season. Spencer really didn’t.

      • Not questioning that. I just think more jurors would have been likely to vote for Spencer than GM, and I think Andy knew it.

      • I give Andy props. He might not have had the most popular methods but he definitely won. He beat out people who “should” have won.

  6. iMac James and Steve have to get together to vote out Julia, the Angels become 3, then it’s 4 vs 2 in the hoh comp and if they win the have to get Vanessa out. This is possibility of big move

  7. best winners – Dr. Will and Derrick- followed by Ian-Dan and Evel – worst winners Rachel and Andy – with Maggie and Eddie – along with Vanessa if she wins this season – although she does seem to be the only one playing BB the rest seem to be summer campers…..

    • I don’t get this “Vanessa would be a bad winner” thing… Is it because she’s making deals with nearly everyone and somehow keeping them secret? Is it because she’s influencing nearly every eviction? Is it because she’s winning plenty of competitions?

      • She’s been ok the past 2 weeks, but before that the personal attacks and bullying and crying are what people don’t like. She keeps saying it’s hard for her to be gay person on BB(like she’s the first one, wasn’t even the only one this season, Jason anyone?), just bring up stuff that doesn’t matter to make it seem like she is a victim.

      • what personal attacks? Bullying?
        Seems this is the thing people fall back on when the player they don’t like or the player that evicted their favorite plays well. Everyone that has ever played big brother has talked smack. Does that mean there have been no good players ever?

        Am I a fan of Vanessa? Not really, I think she’s annoying. But I’m not about to deny her good gameplay because “she said being gay is hard”…

      • I’m not denying it either, but she had about a 2 week stretch where she was a nasty person, you can’t deny that. She can play tactical game, and manipulate people but it didn’t need to get personal and bully people to do what she wanted. Derrick played a good game last season but didn’t get personal or bully people into doing what he wanted, he convinced them, while Vanessa keeps making them feel bad and plays the victim. It’s working for her, it’s just a pretty shitty way to do it.

      • i don’t like the way she plays , i don’t like watching her and i don’t like listening to her – Adam asked our opinion and i gave mine – who are your best and worst Gellie?

      • Well it’s good that yur not playing BB. Didn’t like Derrick bcuz he acted too fake i saw through him. Zero personality didn’t play game let others carry him to end. Imo

      • and that is why we are all addicted to BB.. love them or hate them every player tries to win ..

    • I liked Boogie when he won. Derrick was nowhere near the worst. Evil Dick IMO was definitely the most manipulative, Andy the worst

  8. Basically at this point for James Steve and john its all about winning comps..sadly I think all the remaining hg’s have waited too long to make a move on austwins and van..its all about the numbers and that side has them in spades…barring someone else winning in the DE these 4 will be your final 4 and then it will be all about winning the comps.. As for the DE I am afraid ur will not yield the results we all are hoping for. I think it will be some combination of James Steve or John going to jury depending in who wins hoh and veto but my guess us 2 of those 3 will be gone Thursday. Even if one if them gets hoh I think they will take the easy route and will use it to make deals with the powers that be for safety in return for following their wishes..now my hopes would be much different but unless someone really surprises me u see this week being status quo and if this does happen I will have no choice but to say Vanessa should win and deservedly so if no one chooses to at least try to take out a couple of the power players this Thursday

    • Yup, I expect James or JMac to go home, the three of them(including Steve) will target each other in hopes of staying safe next week. I could See James or John putting up some form of Austins Angels, but I doubt any of them are sent out.

      • James will target Vanessa if he wins, especially if Meg goes home in the first Eviction tomorrow. Which I hope she doesn’t and Julia does, followed by Van or Liz. Time to start screwing with the AusTwits!

  9. Rachel is a bad winner because production blatantly influenced that season (pairs Pandora, Brendon returning). Jordan is a bad winner because she literally did nothing for the entirety of season 11.
    Obviously Derrick, Dan, and Will are good winners. I also think Maggie played a great game – she brainwashed the majority of the house into doing whatever she wanted.

    • I would not say Rachel was a bad winner – but agree with the Pandora save being a horrible “twist”

      • nope – I did not! She did not need my vote and I knew that (I saw Shelly’s key), so I voted for the person I wanted to win!

      • I’ve always wondered why you voted for Porsche. You couldn’t have possibly thought she “played” the game better than Rachel. I wouldn’t even say she played at all.

      • Remember Porsche did win the Veto to seal Jeff’s fate – and she won the Veto to get herself to the F3. Sure she slept the first 4 weeks – but had a golden key, so that forced her to lay low. Rachel was always battling – and won when she had to. If I won the final HoH – I was taking Porsche 100000%

    • I would have loved to see Dan win again over Ian. Ian played a good game, but at least at times IMO, Dan played a better one.

      • But… Dan tried to be too cute and never owned up to his moves. Ian made no bones about what he did, why he did it, and how he did it. Dan lost when he scumbagged Shane at F4. He pissed off too many people as they were leaving. Even Boogie admitted to Ian’s moves were great!

      • True. Overall Ian definitely deserved to win. More than Andy did, IMO, though there was no way in hell GM was gonna win over him, Spencer or even McCrae.

      • And yeah, Dan was really dumb to blindside Shane at F4. I’m shocked Danielle didn’t make it unanimous and vote Ian to win after that.

  10. I don’t think there is such a thing as a bad winner. Have I liked all the winners no..but IMO every winner has deserved thier win. If you can outlast everyone and get them to vote for you then you deserve to win. As a viewer and someone who has not played the game we don’t see everything and have no idea what its like to be in there. I may not like all the winners or may not like all thier game play but hey if you win you win and deserve it. IMO

  11. This season is honestly just so frustrating to watch. It’s gotten to the point that like I don’t even want to watch it! But I obviously still do. But this season is so just frustrating. They have all had chances to get big players out but yet they got weak players like shelli and Jeff out. But when they lose it will be their fault for not growing some.

  12. I think john has played the best game and I think Vanessa should be disqualified for cheating and bribing the house guest with money which is against the rules.

  13. Problem with Van is that she plays too much with her emotions. She needs to stop worrying about getting her hands dirty

    While John hasn’t won HOH yet, atleast he’s willing to go after the bigger targets.

  14. OH Adam. How I look forward to your weekly rankings. Job well done. I could not agreee more.

    & for the record… I think Andy deserved his win. I will argue that with anyone…. Great Minds : )

    The worst winner has to come from season 6…. Maggie! ugh

    The best winner has to be Will or Dan but let’s be different and have some fun and say Rachel. That girl worked her butt off for the win.

  15. I agree, if Vanessa owned her moves, she would be considered one of the best players ever. But she talks to the audience like we are idiots who can’t see what’s going on. I really do think she believes her own nonsense.

  16. I’m glad someone is sick of Steve’s game. During the 1st week I had high hopes for him but when I saw his lame game and irrational hatred of Becky and love of Van I can barely stand to watch him. He’s a superfan only in his mind…has the facts but not the game.

  17. Steve has zero chance winning. He’s just there to help Vanessa win since he has no mind of his own. He is the dumbest BB player in history! He has no idea what’s going on, completely clueless just happy to think he’s actually part of the van/aus/twin group. He’s not, they are just patronizing him.

    • imo, it is hard to believe that he has seen every season since bb started. his mother should have been on instead of him, since it seems like she is the true super fan.

  18. It’s nice to see Meg with tofu. I was beginning to question this guy’s sanity the week he had her receiving bacon. She’s a wonderful young woman, but she’s also been terrible at the game from day 1 through now.

  19. When James was scheming like crazy to help Meg stay in the game, she was laying back as though she wanted to go to sleep. Is she on some kind of medication? She justly deserves the ultimate tofu. Adam, why the unattractive photo of yourself – the Adam I remember from BB13 wasn’t a bad-looking guy, but that photo makes you look like Humpty Dumpty after the fall. Please, please give us a better one! I know you’re not a vain guy, and you do look pretty chill on that sofa, but, as a granny, I want to go over there and make you sit up straight! OK, I’m just giving you a hard time! LOL

    • I actually think the photo is funny. I was trying to be like Hugh Hefner with the robe & pipe when I won HoH on my season. Thank you for the kind words. Next season I will have a new picture.

  20. if everyone is as stupid as vanessa in the house then you now know the winner unless someone steps up and really start thinking and playing the game the way it should be played

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