Vote On Third Team America Mission: Cause Some Chaos

Viewers, it’s time to vote on Big Brother 16’s Team America again! After last week’s dud of a mission we’re due for some real fun and this one has some good potential.

Team America's next mission
Team America’s next mission – Source: CBS

If you’ve been watching online through the Live Feeds then you know we won’t get to watch anything that happens at the nomination or veto ceremonies. That means let’s vote for Mission A! I wanna watch Team America cause some chaos and keep us entertained with a House Meeting!

So what will it be, America? You’ve got until 11:59AM ET (8:59AM PT) today to vote at

Big Brother 16 – Team America Vote #3:

MISSION A: Hide a Houseguest’s personal items and convince him or her to publicly blame someone for doing it.

MISSION B: Play the role of puppet master and get two Houseguests to have an argument at either the nomination ceremony or the veto meeting.

Once you’ve voted in the official poll, be sure to share your pick in our poll too and tell us who you hope gets targeted to go up on the block. We’ll get the official results soon on the Live Feeds.



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    • Entertaining? Puhleeze they might be able to pull off the “hiding hg’s stuff” one but the argument during a ceremony?? No way!! They’ll half ass that for sure if they don’t just ignore it outright.

  1. What would be better is allow the viewers to nominate on house guest to put on the block! We need to put paranoia in the house because most of them just go along to get along! Way too boring when the powers say, this house guest is getting evicted this week and everyone says okay.

    • So you just want everyone running around like headless chickens instead of actual gameplay like last year’s trainwreck. OK…

  2. Better tasks but if they blame anyone for hiding stuff, it’ll be a non alliance person/target. Same with the fight. It just cements the alliances stranglehold, because two of the three TA members are in the alliance. Has to wear on Donny to play nice with them when these tasks don’t benefit his game, only theirs.

    • But a positive effect is that Derrick and Frankie are protecting Donny (saving him, I mean) only because he’s TA. Otherwise, they’d have slaughtered him already.

      • It might actually be in Donny’s best long term benefit to blow the lid off TA for the reasons you’ve mentioned. Of course with this house of blockhead floaters, I doubt they’d appreciate the significance.

      • As a last resort,..Yes ! If he finds himself in a deep hole and there’s no way out, I think there are benefits of exposing TA.

      • He’s talked about Derrick is running the house. So he knows what’s going on. Donny is a smart guy. I wouldn’t be surprised if he didn’t put him up if he wins HOH.

      • i am not sure so please dont quote me. Didnt Frankie say in one of his Dr or live feeds that he didnt care if Donny was in TA he would go after him.

  3. The TA twist is already wearing thin with me. So is the two HOH twist. Hope they both end soon.

    • The 2 HOH twist would be better if they didn’t do it every week. They need to shake it up and just announce once they are getting ready to compete how many HOH’s their will be this week.

    • I think the two HOH twist would be better if the two HOH’s didn’t get together and decide which person was going home and then pick three other people to throw on the block. Hopefully this week non-Denator/BS members win so we can actually have some unpredictability.

  4. I’m voting B simply because it’ll be harder and they deserve it after wussing out on last week’s mission.

  5. Okay, is anyone else getting tired of these “missions”? This season would have been just fine without it IMO….

    • Some body play your azz off and shake up the house-people just want to hang in the HOH room-someone make a bold move and shift the power.

      • Donny said last night he’s going to get to the bottom of things. He almost has it figured out. He knows Frankie and Derrick are in an alliance, he just hasn’t figured out who all is in it. He already told Jocasta that Derrick was the brains of the bunch.

  6. The ONLY reason I like the TA is it’s keeping Donny safe. Especially now that Christine wants to target him. She can’t stand people getting more attention than her. I want her on the block this week.

    • Does she really think that she is beautiful or even attractive. Pretty soon she will be whipping her clothes off. remember she is a nudist.

      • yes? in her video for trying out for BB on the 1st show, she said she is a barista. She said also the hardest thing to do on bb will be to wear clothes. she never wears clothes. They showed her as if she didnt have clothes on top. Noticed how she said the hardest thing is being clothed. Well since she is wearing clothes, she planned on not doing anything. And she has succeded. I wish they had brought Britt into the alliance instead of Chris

      • Silly laugh -blow nose- silly laugh- blow nose- Kiss all the guys azz- What else has she done?

      • Why do you want to look her up? LOL. In her interview she said she doesn’t like to wear clothes.

  7. A would be a lot easier. Just hide something of Zach’s. You’ll know he’ll do anything in public to make a scene, lol.

  8. Does anyone know if they are allowed to be involved in the argument? Because that would make it more interesting, though I doubt Frankie or Derrick would volunteer to ruffle any feathers.

  9. Mission A is pretty easy. Hide Christine’s stuff and blame Amber, since everyone seems to hate her for reasons I don’t completely understand.

  10. hopethey put in there it can not be 2 TA players. if they didnt, Donny and Frankien could have the argument

  11. Other then just now to vote, where else can you vote? on live feeds it still has what props to pose with

  12. I don’t think team America should have gotten $5000 for last week’s mission, they didn’t get a physical threat on the block.

  13. I feel like whichever task is chosen Zach is going to be the house guest targeted seeing as he basically already started an argument at a ceremony and he loves to mess with people! Haha, I’m obsessed with him!

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