Tonight On ‘Big Brother Over The Top’: Live Eviction Show & HoH Competition

Tonight on Big Brother Over The Top after plenty of contention between the two sides there’s time for some Friendship. BB18’s Paul Abrahamian returns to the Big Brother house to host tonight’s Head of Household competition and deliver his own style to the HGs.

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother Over The Top

The week has been building up to a Backdoor plan for Scott as the current HoH and he looks to be right on the edge of pulling it off. Just one more thing to do in the week’s list of events. But in case you missed anything there’s going to be plenty of details to catch you up with tonight’s show.

Things kick off at 7PM PT (10PM ET) but don’t forget that this season’s episodes are airing on All Access so you’ll need to sign-up now for the Free Trial then you can watch along either live as it airs on the Feeds or with the archives section for the Full Episodes.

Big Brother Over The Top Live Feeds Free Trial

There are seven votes tonight from the Houseguests plus America’s vote gives us eight and the chance for a tie which it just might end up being. Now that both sides know what’s really going on with Shane being the target they may still let this go to a tie and force Scott to make the decision live.

Who do you hope will be evicted tonight? Shane, Danielle, or Neeley? Be sure to cast your votes today in the official CBS poll to decide who gets America’s Eviction Vote.

Remember the BBOTT schedule has nominations on Saturday and Sunday night then Veto on Monday and the Veto Ceremony on Tuesday before the next Wednesday eviction. There is a short lull after the HoH comp for nearly two days but once things move again it goes quickly.

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  1. Have we had a physical comp yet? Can’t remember, but if we haven’t yet I’m hoping we do tonight.

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