Tonight On Big Brother 26: Special Time Veto Comp & Ceremony

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Tonight on CBS the final Wednesday episode of the Big Brother 26 season airs late, starting at 9:30/8:30c thanks to the extended Survivor episode and then upcoming arrival of The Summit starting next week at Big Brother’s timeslot.

Just when I thought our Veto-fun-streak was coming to an end this season came right along and delivered yet another surprise for us as these Houseguests just don’t know when to quit. Hey, it’s their chance at $750K to throw away, not mine!

At least we’re back inside the house this week after that backyard mess, but the messiness itself continues and this week it’s with Chelsie walking all over Makensy’s HOH. Makensy has been consistently bad at her moves in the game and this week is going to be no different, but maybe that’s what makes her fun?

We’ve got the Veto competition and ceremony on tonight’s show to run through and with a longer than usual episode we might be getting some post-Veto meeting fallout in the show. That all leads us up to Thursday’s Double Eviction which should be awesome. These HGs are all way too comfortable in their positions so we’re likely to get some good shakeups in the process this week. Fingers crossed for more Big Brother fun!

Can’t wait for tonight’s Veto show then check the spoilers on who won the POV this week and what happened at the Veto meeting to set us up for our final nominations of Week 10 on Big Brother 26.

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