Tonight On Big Brother 26: BBAI Arena & Live Eviction

Big Brother 26 with host Julie Chen Moonves - CBS

We’ve got a big episode ahead with this week’s live eviction and arena battle show on Big Brother 26 starting at 8/7c. Last night’s wild ride for the Veto set us up with a shocker ending where Tucker found himself on the opposite side of a deal the thought he had made but the plan had changed. Now the Veto Upgrade power has been played and the Viewers have voted. What will happen next on Big Brother?

There will be a lot to get through in tonight’s episode and it starts with all the recaps and refreshers from production on everything that happened after the Veto Meeting with the fallout and confusion from Tucker’s choice to save Angela and Cedric renom’ing Makensy but there’s more. Once Makensy’s power was outed we also heard all about Quinn’s power while the group was right there having the ceremony. Once the ceremony wraps up there is a lot left to do.

Be sure to join us back here at 8PM ET for our live recap coverage.

America’s Vote:

Viewers started voting last night and were able to cast up to ten votes to decide who should be in the third set on the Noms couch. Our reader poll has put Quinn as the top most likely renom for America with over 50% of the vote here on our site. Joseph came in second and Leah in third, but both are so far behind I do expect it to be Quinn.

That would mean Quinn, Tucker, and Kenney are heading into the Arena battle and this could be do-or-go-home for Tucker.

BBAI Arena Battle:

Kenney and Tucker will both be returning to the Arena for a second visit while, if it’s Quinn, would be Quinn’s first visit. And if it’s not Quinn but rather Joseph or Leah then it’d also be their first visit to the battlegrounds as well.

First week we saw a brain teaser. Second week was a puzzle to work. This week it could be anything, but if it’s a culinary task then I think we know which way production is leaning!

The winner here will leave the Block and the other two will go back inside to plead their case for votes.

Eviction Vote – Week 3:

Tucker thinks, or at least thought, he is in a pretty good spot with the numbers in the house, but it might not be as great as he hoped. Overnight the HGs were talking and in a lot of discussions it sounds like if Tucker remains on the Block after the Arena that he just might be the one to go.

If we’re speculating that Quinn goes up and it’s him versus Tucker then the Collective could hold strong and keep him in the game. And even if it’s Tucker versus Kenney we could see the house rally to keep Kenney given his deflated attitude towards the game.

Tucker is in a tough spot here!

New HOH – Week 4:

This will be another overnight cliffhanger, I’m sure. There’s too much going on in tonight’s Big Brother episode to see the HOH comp playout, but if it’s an endurance battle then maybe they’ll give us a little teaser preview of the setup.

Either way, Quinn has declared he’ll use his Deepfake HOH so whoever wins HOH will lose their reign but I’d imagine they keep their safety. That also lets Quinn play for HOH again next week even after using his power. Lots to consider for this HGs.

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