Tonight On Big Brother 21: Live Eviction & Final 3 Reveal

Julie Chen hosts Big Brother

Tonight on Big Brother 21 (9/8c) we’ll have our final regular eviction episode where the Final Four will be cut to the season’s F3 with the last remaining HGs heading into a challenging three-part event to determine who will make it to the F2. But for now, all three remaining HGs will have reached finale night which is a mighty achievement.

We just watched Jackson snag the Power of Veto at F4, the most powerful one of the season, and now he’s set to finish what he started. Evict Cliff, keep Holly, and get rolling in that Final HOH comp against Holly and Nicole.

Who knows if we’ll get to watch the first round of the Final HOH. We could and I hope we do but that’s not always the case and recently we haven’t been watching this endurance battle. Of course with 2 of the 3 working together it’s less exciting than it could be, especially if Jackson still plans to throw it to Holly.

Last year the Feeds eventually came back after the live show then around almost 1AM ET the Feeds cut for the comp and we didn’t see anything in the comp but got the results three hours later. So yeah, it’s going to be a long, late-night even if the comp is short.

There’s no mystery over who is going out the door tonight but who would you like to see win this upcoming first round of the final HOH? Share your pick below!

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