Tonight On Big Brother 20: Hacker Comp & Nominations

Big Brother 20 episode this Sunday

Update: Big Brother is delayed until 8:20/7:20 PM tonight in the ET/CT zones due to golf delays.

Tonight on Big Brother 20 starting at 8/7c on CBS and All Access the Houseguests will face the second and last chance at the Hacker Competition as Haleigh has taken over for the role of Head of Household. Setting nominations is great, but just not as much when someone else is poised to take half your power.

Bayleigh is off to Jury and she’ll soon have some company but Haleigh will have to decide who she wants to try and see walk out that door. Will she take another shot at Tyler with either an upfront nomination, a Backdoor attempt, or maybe it’s time for someone else to feel the heat of Haleigh’s target.

First up tonight we’ll get Haleigh’s nomination decisions before the HGs head back to their Hacker offices for another round in the comp. Even though Haleigh won last week she’s still eligible to win this week too. It won’t be the same challenge though as HGs discussed having to recognize jumbled images to score points.

Can’t wait to find out who went on the Block this week? We’ve got the nomination spoilers here for Big Brother 20. Things are way ahead of that already though so you can check out the Veto spoilers too and see how that could play out this week.

Join us back here on this post tonight at 8 PM ET (unless 60 Minutes runs long) to chat live with other fans about the show. Want more Big Brother? Get our Big Brother App, join us on Facebook & Twitter, and get our Email Updates!



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