Tonight On Big Brother 17: Live Eviction & HoH Competition

Get ready for another eviction tonight on Big Brother 17 starting at 9/8c on CBS when Vanessa Rousso looks to lock in her target for eviction. Well, not her target, but at least it’s someone’s target.

Big Brother 17 - Live Eviction tonight
Big Brother 17 – Live Eviction tonight – Source: CBS

Vanessa will be satisfied to see Jeff Weldon evicted tonight, but she was doing the dirty work for Austin Matelson who really wanted him out over Vanessa’s original target of James Huling. Oops.

Despite Jeff’s best efforts to make it through the upcoming vote things do not look good for the former Amazing Race’r who’s about to head home. He’ll leave behind his duo partner Jackie Ibarra, who may or may not realize she’s on Big Brother, and just a small handful of allies.

With James surviving the eviction he’ll have an opportunity to win one of the next two HoH competitions and if this year continues to follow the former season’s pattern then we could have a paired competition with contestants working together. In that case the paired players would become the paired HoHs and soon be making their nominations official.

It’s a high stakes night of Big Brother and we’ll be covering it live right here on the site through the whole show. You can also watch along all day as the Houseguests prepare and then be ready to watch what happens on the Live Feeds. Grab your Free Trial now and start watching the action!



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  1. Bad move on Vanessa’s part she is being played and she has no clue! She could sink her game on this move…

      • Given that she chose her own target of James and seemed to be headstrong about it, she SHOULD have just kept with her own plan & pushed the James eviction! Nothing against James, but if Vanessa was going to be the HoH that did her “own thing,” then pushing to take James out & telling Austin to be patient would have been the natural move. She got HoHitis in a BIG way, though, and started looking WAY too far down the road.

      • Gotcha. Her misleading Austin about the twins’ feelings for him and fabricating info to him regarding Steve’s interest in the twins threw me initially.

      • Seems to me like she’s trying to sabotage Austin because she’s seen his crazy & is exposing it to everyone. But, who knows with that chick?!? She hopped on the Express train to Crazytown this week & that thing isn’t pulling into the station anytime soon! Hahahahahaha

      • So true…crazytown for sure….it’s funny how every HOH says not to get too much blood on their hands…Van kept saying it but actually didn’t follow her own advise…she literally screwed up alliances and started rumors and lies that will put a target on her bigger than Audrey has right now…Audrey is playing it smart and laying low and letting the others blow up their own games.

      • I found it hilarious that Austin said Steve couldnt compete with him when in reality Steve is the one Liz is falling for.

      • You don’t seriously believe she is falling for Steve, do you? No possible way of that happening.

      • HoHitis is a great point. So often they play as if their power extended beyond the week. She is also playing as if being HoH made her queen for a day. It doesnt. Being HoH doesnt mean you get to tell everyone how they have to vote.

      • Exactly…the way she handled that Jeff set-up just shows she thinks she’s going to be HOH the rest of the season…incidents like those will come back to haunt her as the other HG have now seen her true colours and vengeance.

      • Gosh, I’m telling you – As long as everyone considers Audrey a lone wolf, I don’t know who ever will put her up. She seems to be on Easy Street as long as the reigning HoH has a perceived bigger threat and she’s seen as an “easy out” for “later”. Smh.

      • Yes and that’s how she’s going to keep cruising…until she’s opens her big mouth and starts some more trouble.

      • It wont matter. She is a transgender person and the others don’t want backlash from the LGBTQ once they leave the house or win.

    • I’m not sure who”s being played here. She called out Austin after the Veto comp. She knows he ‘s full of s**t. I didn’t like the way she handled her HOH though. She is over-gaming, but she’s not clueless

      • Jeff should be the one going home because he lied stright to Vanessa’s face when he said he dudnt like sheli

  2. They should have put Audrey up to vote her out but of course since she is the transgender contestant no one will do it otherwise LGBTQ would come after them with pitch forks and torches. Don’t get me wrong, I have no issues with any LGBTQ people as it is their choice but some of my friends who are gay and lesbian agree with me on this.

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