Tonight On Big Brother 16: Week 2 Power of Veto Episode

Tonight on CBS Big Brother Season 16 returns with the Power of Veto episode starting at 8PM ET/PT and after all that’s gone on in the house this should be a great show coming up.

Big Brother 16 on CBS
Big Brother 16 episodes – Source: CBS

Devin Shepherd, the current Head of Household, made a deal with Paola Shea to throw the Battle of the Block in Sunday’s episode and he’d secure her safety. Now that she’s done that it’s time for him to live up to his side of the deal. Uh oh, Pao, Devin might have new plans for that.

HGs have said that this week’s Power of Veto Ceremony was the craziest one they’ve ever seen and that’s coming from some serious fans inside the house. Allegedly five HGs exploded in to a verbal battle that involved revealing some major news through the game. This should be awesome to watch with even more spilling over to Thursday’s show.

Along with all that craziness we’ll also see the rest of Team America revealed, but if you can’t wait we have the Team America spoilers for you now.

Join us tonight at 8PM ET to chat with other fans as we enjoy the latest Big Brother episode.

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Big Brother 16 Episode 7 preview:



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  1. I’ interested to see how many minutes is shown of the veto ceremony. It’s usually just a couple minutes but it sounds like half of Wednesday’s show should be dedicated to the veto ceremony.

      • Thats what I’m thinking too. They’ll probably end with Zach being put on the block and maybe a few of the comments he made and then we’ll see all the aftermath on Thursday

  2. Devin sucks!!This season seems to be on the upswing as compared to the last one tho.

  3. Im Glad Devin did out the bomb squad… The game is boring when one group runs the house too early and the individuals(most of them have never watched a live feed in their life) get picked off one by one….. Let the game begin now, everybody choose a side

  4. While waiting for BB16 to start: This Bob’s Furniture commercial reminds me a lot of that Frugal Fanny ads back in the day.

  5. I’m liking this new arrangement of the recap more and more from David Vanacore. :D

  6. Why won’t anyone listen to me! I have been trying for days to get in touch with someone from big brother production. When Devin was playing in the HOH competition, his foot also hit the ground before he pushed the button, just like Cody did. I want someone to rerun this and look. I may be wrong, but that is what I saw. Am I the only one questioning this?

  7. When they played back Cody’s foot hitting the ground during the HOH competition, then showed Devin as the winner, they replayed Devin’s win and during that time, his foot his the ground. Pls someone look

  8. If I am correct, what would production do? Devin’s HOH would have been a mistake

    • Production doesn’t make mistakes…haha They just “help” so the show is more dramatic.

  9. The back yard needed a mud pit for Devin and Caleb too wrestle it out in. LOL

  10. They played that fight down. Didn’t show him dragging Christine out there or Jocasta asking what was that about.

    • I know…plus Jocasta came back from the beer run or hibernation. She still looked dazed and confused.

  11. Devin stop saying bro!!! Did anyone catch him flip the script about the floaters.

  12. Sorry Devin, you can’t even keep your word on the Crazy 8’s. What gives you an idea that another half-house alliance will be in jury intact?

  13. Any one notice the door is ALWAYS locked even when he’s not there. Has any other HOH done that? None I can remember.

    • He actually said DR told him to always lock his doors. Don’t know if he was BSing or telling the true.

      • Just remembered it wasn’t locked all the time when Frankie and Caleb had it. Go back to week 1 and look at some.

    • I said the same thing! I don’t remember an HOH locking their door everytime they left the room. It’s that control thing. Wonder what he is going to do tomorrow when he has to leave that room and come downstairs with the common folk..where do you think he will sleep? I sure as heck wouldn’t want him sleeping next to me!!! Brittney better sleep (not that she ever does) with one eye open!

  14. Awww…The TA tasks this week seem very harmless. I’d like to see how these 3 try this out. :D

  15. Devtopia…excuse me while I the memes are of more than one person..

  16. We better quit talking about him the longer we talked about McRanda the longer the 2 stayed. I think they are spying on us. He does make good live feeds though.

    • It’s clothes they leave for the cleaners. BB has them cleaned and delivered back to them.

  17. Looks like they didn’t show Brittany teasing about her expose on Paola pre-Veto.

      • I watch the Derreck-Caleb talk from last night. Haven’t been able to watch the Devin blow uo yet.

      • Watched him talk to Donny and part of Brittanty. Told them everything, names and that he brought in Christine and Amber

      • Oh wow you need to watch when Frankie tells Devin they’re keeping Zach. And then from that time on. Devin goes and wakes up Donny to tell him everything. Then he tells Brittany, Jacosta, and today Nicole. It’s the first night I couldn’t turn the feeds off. Watched until 6 am. Lol

      • Devin crawled in bed with Donny to chat…like 4am? Donny said can we talk later? Devin says yeah bro…then go goes on talking to a sleepy Donny.

    • But people who don’t have feeds or spoilers don’t know what we do.

  18. Hm thoughts on episode:
    Devin is a nutjob, duh
    He is right tho, that why should they take out a complete floater in paulo and leave a threat in brittany?
    Zach is dumb for saying get out devin
    Smart gameplay is brittany by playing parent card.
    Well looks like bombsquad went boom.
    Can’t wait for next episode

    • Pretty close, but Devin has her mad at Derrick and that could get one of them evicted (Derrick or Brittany).

    • Because if they don’t get the floaters out now as more of the strong players leave eventually the floaters will win a comp then all of a sudden you have two floaters sitting at the end that don’t know crap about the game and just got recruited.

      • chance of paulo winning at the end or any comp really tho is pretty low. Imo better to get out some1 that can win something like brittany.

      • Okay let’s get a statistics count on who was a recruit and who was not just so we get it out there.

        Applied: Jocasta, Zach, Donny, Frankie, Christine, Amber, Derrick, Nicole.

        Recruit: Devin, Joey, Victoria, Hayden, Caleb, Cody, Paola, Brittany.

        Some of the recruits are casual viewers of the show, and we already seen few game standouts and a few idle ones among that group. Those who applied also have good players among them but also have no idea about how the game works based on their pre-show interviews.

        It won’t be fair that just because you’re a recruit, it doesn’t mean you suck at not knowing the game. Cody seem to beat that image at the moment.

  19. The choices for TA are just stupid. I don’t really like this twist. How many things can production come up with for a whole season? Two HG’s kissing, spread a rumor…3 HG’s related, been there, done that (BB12) I hope this twist doesn’t stick around too long.

    • At this point, I have a hard time figuring where they will find the time to show us what happen with these tasks.

    • No, they need to do things like move stuff around. Put stuff in fridge, like hairbrushes or shoes. Or even move someones clothes when they are showering. There’s stuff they could do that would be dangerous (like getting caught doing it) with the way people are ALWAYS up this year.

    • I agree. I said from the beginning it’s stupid. I didn’t even vote on this twist and I always vote on everything. Unless it gets better I’m not going to bother voting. Right now I don’t care If someone’s kissing.

    • I don’t really mind this kind of twist as long as it doesn’t backfire on the guys.

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