Diary Room: Judd Daugherty Says Farewell To BB16 Final Four

Judd Daugherty on Big Brother
Judd Daugherty on Big Brother – Source: CBS

What a great week of Big Brother this week! I keep thinking what would the outcome have been had the houseguests not hit that big wonderful golden button? But thank God they did! We saw Frankie’s eviction on Tuesday night but we actually got to see some more footage on Wednesdays live show and all I gotta say is, “yikes!”

The guys tell Frankie he is going to Jury and all of a sudden he turns into Castro telling them that they making a mistake because he will decide the winner of the game. I am very proud of how Caleb and Cody stood up for themselves and didn’t let him belittle them. No matter who is related to who, no matter where you are from, no matter what religion, sex, nationality, or etc. you are, we are ALL equals in this world and I’m glad they didn’t let the whole “status” intimidation factor effect their decisions.

And I am not leaving Derrick out because I’m saying he was intimidated I’m just leaving his name out because he kind of stayed out of the conversation but did tell Frankie he had respect for him as a player and kind of just left it at that which is a good route to take. BYE FRANKIE!!!

We see Derrick’s post HOH win and he gets some Hollas from some Jury members and gets to hear his little girl give him a Holla. I’m happy that he got to hear her because I am sure he is missing her. I guess that’s just an extra HOH bonus and I am happy that he got that. We get to see Derrick talk to the other three players and he has Caleb, Cody, and Victoria all fooled into believing they are his number ones in the house. He even convinced Caleb that he volunteered to go on the block which he did but Derrick completely manipulated him into volunteering.

I used to think that Derrick was just the best of the worse in the game and just getting very lucky but I was completely wrong about that. Derrick is a GREAT social and strategic player and that is the type of game that I like to watch as a fan of the show. I also like a good entertaining Houseguest though so he is lacking in that aspect to ME but who cares! If you have a flawless strategic and social game then that alone is entertainment.

We get to see BEASTMODE COWBOY’s home segment and I loved how his parents talked about how he is a one upper and we get to see all of his out of this world tales. Caleb’s tales remind me of that kid that everyone has in their class in elementary school that tells all these extremely unbelievable stories on a regular basis and nobody believes the stories but they are just so ridiculous you can’t help but want to hear what they will come up with next, and nobody really calls them out on it because it’s just an understood thing that they will never change their ways so you might as well sit back and listen.

I liked how Caleb’s dad said out of the eight or nine thousand stories that he has told since he has been in the house, that each story has a DEGREE of truth to them EXCEPT THE DOG THING hahaha his dad didn’t know what Caleb was talking about and I thought that was funny. Caleb’s family seems like great folks!

We watch the final POV competition of the season and it is a really cool set up showing clues along with photos of the houseguests that the clues make reference to. This is one competition that I would have loved to do but never had the chance to do! Derrick was smart by not wanting to win this competition because it could completely ruin his game plus he doesn’t need it.

Ultimately Cody wins the POV and earns his spot in the final three along with Derrick. Caleb still thinks that the final three deal he had with Cody and Derrick is still good so it is a little tough to watch them celebrate but I think that it would have been stupid for Cody and Derrick to stay loyal to that. I’m not sure if Derrick and Cody discussed Cody’s speech before he gave it to Caleb and Victoria during the live eviction but he completely exposed Derrick and himself as a duo alliance. Cody looked a bit nervous while Victoria and Caleb were giving their speeches so maybe it was his strategy and if that is the case that is a GREAT move by Cody.

I am excited to see who will win the final HOH competitions and also see who they bring to the final two! I know that Derrick is the best player and I would like to see him win the game but I have a strong feeling that Cody will win that final HOH and bring Victoria to the final two. I’m not saying that I HOPE this happens but I do think that this will happen. I can completely see Cody being the winner of Big Brother 16. I wish them all the best of luck in and outside of the game!

I am raising money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital by taking donations. Please donate anything that you can and if you are going to be in Knoxville on 11-22-2014 sign up to be on my team! Read the info and donate at this link http://bit.ly/st-Judd.

Y’all Herdat!


Be sure to keep up with Judd online:
INSTAGRAM @juddnationbb15
My website is juddnation.com (lots of videos with alumni – more to come)
Find me on Beamly
Ebay: juddnation

I am raising money for St. Jude Children’s Hospital by taking donations. Please donate anything that you can and if you are going to be in Knoxville on 11-22-2014 sign up to be on my team! Read the info and donate at this link http://bit.ly/st-Judd.



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  1. I know, right? The hubris that Frankie showed was just…well I can’t believe he left me speechless but he did. It was great watching Cody and Caleb not back down from him. Does Frankie really believe that the jurors will listen to him? I guess so. *smh* I loved how in his eviction speech Caleb was honest and spoke about how he didn’t regret getting out Frankie because he (Frankie) showed the person he really was and that he tooted his own horn the entire game, but no so much as in the last few days. Goes to show the boy wasn’t as clueless as I thought, just way to trusting and a bit naïve.
    Go Derrick take it home.

    • I’m not a Caleb fan, but I legitimately felt bad for him as he was getting blindsided. Even though he’s got his own quirks, he seems like a legitimately good person.
      Frankie on the other hand… I couldn’t be happier about watching him get the boot. I really hope the jury doesn’t exactly welcome him with open arms when he arrives. Thanks for really showing your true colors. And thank you to CBS for actually putting it on the air!!!!

      • I had absolutely no respect for Caleb for the extremely misogynistic comments he spewed throughout the season but I gained an atom of respect for him when he called Frankie out! I applauded him!

      • I felt soooo bad for caleb which is surprising since I never rooted for him.You could tell he was begging them to keep him…poor guy

  2. Judd, thanks for the write ups you’ve been doing all season long. I loved watching you in the house and I really enjoy seeing your insight on what’s going on.

  3. I suspect that Caleb saw it on the wall when he did not win the final POV .. and, had already been talking about coming to a resolution that F3 would be where he would have been content with, as the rest of the guys had convinced him that he was a guarantee AFP winner … So, in the end, I think he would be more disappointed about not winning AFP then winning the game, for some reason ??

  4. A Cody/Victoria F2 would be horrid. I so hope that doesn’t happen.

    In the end, Caleb came across better than I expected. Glad he didn’t get booed, too. Although maybe the cheering gave him the impression that he actually has a real chance to win AFH. Sorry, no.

  5. You know, if Cody could sort his thoughts for a minute, he’d see that HE needs to win the 3rd comp and take Vic. Heartbreaker – HEARTBREAKER for Derrick but for Cody – that is the only way to go. He’s acquired quite the resume lately and like Derrick said: he took out Caleb-Frankie-Donny and then Derrick?? That would be quite the upset!

    • Derrick hasn’t given him permission to do that, though. Cody needs his blessing before he can do anything.

  6. Well, it’s time for Derrick to nut up or shut up and win the final 2 comps, if he is to secure his opportunity to win this season … especially, as he has been claiming to be throwing the majority of the comps … the remaining comps will be more or less mental-type challenges, and, it’s time for him to win something when it truly counts … Though, it would be fun to see Victoria kick his @$$ in Part 2 of the comp … and, then dominate Cody in Part 3, when it will shown live … Ha !!!

  7. Caleb really grew on me over the past several weeks. At first I really thought he was a little psycho, mixed with suffering from delusions of grandeur. Now I don’t think of him as a psycho. He still suffers from an inflated ego, though. Unlike Frankie’s sense of self-importance, however, Caleb does have the ability to laugh at himself. He really took the eviction well, and he earned my respect for standing up to Frankie and calling him out on his B.S. Probably outside of the house, Caleb is a really down-to-earth guy and would be cool to hang out with.

  8. Judd- Cody did discussed telling Caleb about the Hitmen with Derrick prior to making the speech. It happened sometime Tuesday night & Cody felt like he wanted to be as respectful to Caleb as possible, so he wanted to make it clear that it wasn’t a lack of loyalty to Caleb that got him evicted but rather that Cody had MORE loyalty to Derrick.

  9. Judd – really enjoyed your commentaries all season. Hope if you are not playing BB or Survivor or something that BBN has you back next year. I think you and Adam both having played the game gave good insight. Really would like to see Derrick win. Would love to see Derrick and Cody in the F2 but that’s not happening. I think they both know their best chance is with Victoria.

  10. Worried…if somehow Vic wins the second comp, afraid after all his hard work, Derrick will not be in the final two….Cody and Derrick both know that the only way to get the 500,000 is to take Vic with them….I have to hope that with Derrick’s police training, he is able to win both “mental comps” coming up…..

  11. It would be rather amusing to have Cody win the final HOH & take Victoria, calling Derrick a “froot loop dingus” on his way out the door.

    But that would mean Cody has a brain & can use it. And I think we all know thats not true.

    My guess is Derrick will win both final HOH comps. & Cody will be involuntarily hitting himself in the head both sleeping & while awake for the next several months or possibly even years.

    • I don’t think Cody cares to actually win as long as Derrick is beside him. He said that Derrick winning is just as good as him winning so I think he’ll be fine with second place.

      • If Cody really is THAT dumb, then he deserves to lose the whole thing.

        But Cody is about as sharp as a watermelon, so I don’t expect a big move coming from him outside of a toilet bowl.

  12. I too felt for caleb BUT I cant forget him ruining amber’s game by having such an inflated ego that every time she said NO, or when others told him she was not interested he just heard what he wanted to hear!!

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