Most Awesome BBN Update Ever: Okay, faithful readers, I just got off the phone with Ross Mathews of “Inside Dish” and… wait for it… Julie Chen! My life is now complete.
I’ll post the recording and/or video as soon as I get it! Meanwhile, enjoy the latest “Inside Dish” video below. I need to go lay down now.
Another Fun Update: Ross Mathews and “Inside Dish” are hosting a special past HouseGuest tonight (Wednesday, July 8th) on the show and you can send in questions! I can’t tell you who it is, but this former HG is a classic whom you’ll definitely recognize.
Send your questions about life in the BB House to Ross here:
Ross Mathews and “Inside Dish” are keeping it coming with their preseason Big Brother coverage and today they’ve got a new video from their visit to the set of BB11. Ross is clearly living out a dream with this sort of access to Big Brother and I hate him for it. Okay, “hate” is a strong word but, I am terribly jealous. Sigh.
While we wait for another insider leak from within the walls of Big Brother 11 you can check out the video below of Ross and “Inside Dish” as they take over the front of the house. is rocking some extra BB11 videos if you’re hungry for more..
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He’s fun and all, but does he need to talk nonense all the time? This is BB11 NOT Ross Mathews’ show. Or is it?
It is actually Ross’ show. Ross is such a fan of Big Brother that when he heard House Calls was canceled he found a way to cover BB during his show, “Inside Dish.” So this is more of adding BB to Ross’ show than the other way around.
He grows on you, so give him a few more chances and I think you’ll enjoy it. Plus he let me talk to Julie Chen today, so he can’t be all that bad, right?
Good for you, Matt. I sat through all the interviews with the new HG and I still wanted to pull my hair out! I can talk him in small doses like the Leno Show, but more than that, not sure.
I just fast forward till i see a guest. He does talk alot,, almost as if he is talking to himself in a mirror. Maybe they should move the monitor away from him so he cant see himself while he is taping.
Ross’ interview with Julie Chen will be released on Friday so that’ll be a new one to check out then as we wait for our first post-eviction episode.
I cant stand him or his voice ,bring back Gretchen.
he is so funny,i will be a fan ross matthews!
HE does grow on you.
I Dont think someone like that can grow on anything unless it lives under the sea. I am all for each to there own.. but we get it. He is gay.. Duh , get on with the show and get to the point.
Gee people. Lets not be ungrateful towards Ross. If not for HIM and HIS show, NONE of us would be watching the evicted houseguests interviews less than 24 hours of leaving the house. Bless you gentle heart, mind and funny soul ROSS MATHEWS. You are a DARLING, my uber BB Fan Handsome Funny and Generous Savior.
(That last one was for Ross Only, cuz I love him so so much)
I would too if I were a gay male.
@Sonia: Agreed. Seems like there is a lot of misdirected frustration over House Calls. Like you said, if it wasn’t for Ross stepping in to provide a post-eviction BB show we would have nothing. Ross didn’t cause House Calls to be canceled, instead he tried to step in and do something for the fans of the show since he’s one too.
If folks are really having that much trouble over it then that’s too bad that they’ll miss out on some great insight we otherwise wouldn’t have the chance to get this season.
Big thanks to Ross Mathews and Inside Dish for doing this.
(sighs with a smile)
Dont get me wrong. I just have a problem with the rambling BS. He is not that bad just maybe a bit over the edge. Sorry Ross.. Just wish it were toned down a little bit. But who am i to judge really. Sorry if offended anyone.
:}@ Kelly. Just watch him in action Kelly. His bright eyes and smile will lure the juiciest gossip out of ANY person he interviews. Its his strongest talent. And you KNOW we ALL love gossip in the deapest of detail. Ross rocks this arena without even having to be a snarky ______! They melt like buttah…dripping the darkest whispers…stay tuned.
@kelly: I promise my response was definitely not directed at you.
I had just read a lot of upset comments over the past week since I started sharing the Ross videos so I wanted to remind people that we should be considering Ross’ efforts as valiant, even if he’s not someone’s favorite.
I’m guessing once BB things are in to full swing and Ross has a good arsenal of topics to discuss that you’ll see more focused installments of his BB-centric episodes. I’m sure he’ll keep having non-BB episodes in between though since his show was around before he got connected to Big Brother like this.
Alright, Ross fans (and Big Brother fans), here’s your chance to get your questions on the air. Ross has invited you to send him questions to ask a mysterious former HG of his own tonight on his show at 6pm (PST). So check the details above in the Update and send them in now!
I was wondering if Natalies loud chewing bothered anyone else, besides me?
Great post! I like the blog and love watching Supernatural on TV.