Devin Shepherd Hosts ‘Let’s Make A Deal’ On Big Brother 16

A lot of Big Brother 16 fans were anxious over Devin Shepherd winning Head of Household on Thursday, but just think of all the drama we would have missed without that! Best part is, Devin keeps putting Devin in a bad spot & it looks like things could get worse.

Devin Shepherd wants to make you a deal
Devin Shepherd wants to make you a deal – Source: CBS

Overnight Thursday in to Friday morning Devin and Amber announced their nominations in a rushed ceremony and prepared for the upcoming Battle of the Block competition. Part of Devin’s plan was to not only control his noms and Amber’s but to also make sure he knew which pair would win and help prepare for the final nominations of the week.

Devin made Paola an offer: throw the Battle of the Block and he would use the Veto on her if he won. Considering Paola’s past performances this didn’t seem like too much of a stretch and so she accepted the deal. Sure enough, Paola sank Brittany’s chances at getting off the block for a second week in a row. From what we’ve heard, she didn’t even put on the requisite comp gear.

As the sole HoH this week, Devin was one step closer to securing Brittany’s eviction. Then the Veto happened. No, she didn’t win it. He did and that brings us to his next deal.

While it seemed inevitable for Devin to go ahead and use the Veto on Paola as promised with Victoria as the renom, things have changed. Despite his mission to play with integrity Devin is about to go back on his promise to Paola with a surprising alternative.

After a painfully long 80-minute debate with Brittany, Devin has now decided he’ll use it on her. His rationale? Devin told Frankie that using the Veto on a friend could only lead to problems, but using it on an enemy (Britt) would make that player more loyal to him. I feel like this is something out of “Zoolander.” How does that make sense to anyone but Devin? That won’t really change Britt, Devin.

Later when Paola asked Devin to confirm he was still going to save her, he would only promise her she would be safe. But honestly, unless he uses the Veto on her he has no control. There is no tiebreaker this week and his power ends with the Veto Ceremony. Reverse that. 12 votes this week so a tie is possible.

Oh but somehow this gets better. While most of the house is still learning about this deal between Paola and Devin, Zach is preparing to drop that bomb and reveal the truth. Frankie has pushed for Zach to wait until after the Veto Ceremony (to avoid a renom himself), but we’ll have to see how long the fuse is on this Squad member.



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  1. Zach is running on no sleep. Frankie has riled him up and now Devin tells him that he wants to talk with him. Zach said in a minute. Now Devin is talking to Frankie about putting up Zach or Cody. All hell could break loose any minute.

    • …and I think it willl! Christine knows about Victoria’s deal with Devin now. Who do you think she will run to first…Cody!

      • Frankie threw both Zach and Cody under the bus so its hard to say where Christine will go.

  2. OMG! Frankie just threw Zach under the bus and told Devin it would be okay to put him up and the others would understand. If Devin does Zach will go crazy.

  3. Frankie told Victoria to go to HOH and repair it with Devin. Devin just made a deal with Victoria that she won’t put him up and he’s going to put Zach up. Frankie also threw Cody under the bus with Devin. I think/hope this whole thing backfires on Frankie.

    • I am wondering if production will let Brittney decline the veto if Devin offers it to her..I think she is wanting to make sure he can’t reuse it if she doesn’t accept it. Frankie is such a little snake..I don’t think it is a good idea for Britt to decline the veto..that may backfire on her. I really think that Devin is going to give it to her and then put up Zach. If he does, I think he will have the votes to stay over Pao. If Cody finds out that Frankie threw him under the bus..he will go ballistic. That would be awesome to watch!

  4. Thanks Matthew for the updates. Trying to catch up on last night with dvr. You have to be up 24/7 to keep up with these HG not sleeping. It’s a good year. Started slow by it is flying now.

    • I don’t know how these HG’s function..I have never seen a season where they are all up the whole night like some of these HG’s are.

      • But this season they aren’t allowed to sleep all day like last season. And I think its taking its toll.

      • Also probably has something to do with the Have-Not Room… you’ll notice that people like Zach and Victoria aren’t sleeping and are keeping others up – probably because it’s freezing in that room and they’re not physically able to sleep…

  5. Grab your popcorn, live feeders..Victoria just told Christine that Devin just made a deal with her and that he is probably going to put Zach or Cody up. Christine will run right to Cody. This should be good!

      • I am thinking that her and Frankie may have a F2 deal. She is telling him everything right now.

      • Hi JacinJax, and thank you. I agree with you that Christine is loyal to no one, but didn’t she team up with Nicole the blonde nursing student for a final 2 deal week one?

      • She did but she’s been throwing Nicole under the bus to others and not feeding her any info on the BS alliance or anything else unless it suits her game.

      • Ok, I kind of thought she wasn’t telling her any BS info, but i didn’t know she was throwing her under the bus…wooow

      • Maybe not asking me but I think she is loyal to herself but right now she is with Caleb, amber, Devin and Frankie….

    • That house is a sieve. Victoria needs to watch who she’s running to. It’s not like she’s on the block. He promised her not to put her up as a replacement nominee (for what that’s worth, considering the source). So she appears to be safe from going up at all.
      They all admittedly consider Devin rogue so why on earth must she blab about her deal? That just tips off non Victoria supporters so they can scramble to effect the outcome.
      Victoria trusts Frankie so if she must share that info, share with him. Not these others. Good grief.

    • V should take a page from Brittany’s book and shut it. Everyone may surmise Brittany made a deal with Devin but no one can report back to Devin that she said it. Devin expressly told V not to tell anyone. Now it can get back to him that V blabbed. He no likey that.

    • I dont think Christine will do anything.. Frankie threw derrick, Cody and Zach under the bus..Devin says that the alliance is now 5 instead of 8… Christine is sitting pretty.. Zach, Cody and derrick are out and on chopping block

  6. Devin just asked Zach to talk with him again and Zach said no he was too tired and not in the mood. Devin just called him a F’er and said that he’s going right into that seat. Oh My!! How dare anyone refuse King Devin when he calls. ROFLMAO!!

    • At least he’s providing drama, but he’s got to go. Drama is one thing, insanity is another and Devin is driving ME insane… can’t imagine being stuck in the house with him…

  7. Christine and Frankie talking about how Devin is a huge ally to the both of them.

    • I think it is veto ceremony. I know Matt said Monday but last week it was Sunday too. I think with the knew twist and extra comp this year the veto meeting will be on Sundays.

  8. The fuse is lit, and I think we can expect the explosion to happen any day now.

  9. Feeds back up for a little bit. Devin in HOH with Cody going on and on. Frankie and Caleb in BR then Amber comes in just chit chat. Then Victoria comes in and Caleb leaves. Frankie says he slept 9 hours and had the best sleep ever. Amber says its because he slept next to her and Frankie agrees and says that’s his spot from now on. Amber says he’ll have to share it with Victoria when she’s no longer a have not. Then Jeff interview comes back. Something may be going on they don’t want us to see?

  10. The feeds are on a constant loop of interviews. It says the HGs are playing a secret game that won’t be revealed until the next ep which is tonight

  11. Geezzzz feeds were up for like 5 minutes and then go down again. Caleb and Frankie talking about who Devin might put up so no POV ceremony yet

    • Pretty sure it will be Zach. Zach did not come calling when the king called him up to talk earlier.Devin then.called him a f***** and then said that “he’s going in the orange chair, and he told Zach yesterday he didn’t trust him.

  12. Christine is telling Cody about her talk with Devin earlier..I can’t figure out where this girl is going!

  13. No wonder girls have a hard time winning this game..all they do is primp and worry about what they look like the whole day..all amber does is look at herself in the mirror all day. She frustrates me!

  14. They brought the photo booth in and Bow Tie is now in the middle of everything. Guess she came back from the store.

    • Ha ha. Wonder of is was a beer run? But, think she forgot and had to go out again. I am not seeing the house guest get sloppy drunk this season. Usually when they drink they have looser lips and sink ships…telling each other stuff and “not remembering.”

  15. If anybody knows the answer (or close) Who is Devin going to remove from the block (if anybody) and if he does who is the replacement?? I HAVE BEEN LISTENING ALL DAY and cannot get a clear picture of what his intentions are??? Does anybody know??

    • I can’t get a read on it either..I kinda think he is going to take britt off and put up Victoria..although now Zach is in the mix too. After watching tonight’s show, I can’t stand Devin even more.

      • If I hear the word integrity coming out of Devins mouth one more time I am going to vomit

      • said he won’t put up Victoria because she doesn’t understand english and get s confused – huh????? He’s way beyond just crazy

    • Devin has made a deal with Pow Pow, Brit and Victoria and he wants Zach up so no one knows what he’s going to do–including his alliance

    • he’s so screwed up, will probably volunteer to go so his daughter will be proud! lol

  16. I want devin go home tonight forvever then I wont see him never again hes mean doing drama I dont care about him he is a big baby cry bye bye go home devin you are not devin

  17. So, King Devin says that he is not disrespectful to women. In the HOH room when he was talking to Hayden and Nicole about noms..Amber tried to say something, he basically turned to her and said shut-up. I cannot stand this guy..I didn’t like Jeremy last year. Jeremy is tame compared to this lunatic.

  18. No matter what Devin decides to do will end up being a bad gameplay on his part. As he’ll be evicted either next week or be the 3rd-fifth evictie of BB16 since he could get Veto, or become HOH again. I don’t see him making jury.

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  1. Big Brother 16: Veto Plans In Week 2 | Big Brother 16
  2. ‘Big Brother 16′ Spoilers: Week 2 Veto Ceremony Results | Big Brother 16

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