Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights: Thursday Night – Round 5

It was likely Brandi’s last night in the Celebrity Big Brother house as she hasn’t been able to get Mark or Ross to budge, so she spent the night pulling pranks (a pretty hilarious one at that), and making jabs at Ross and throwing little mini bombs here and there. So needless to say, she hasn’t done much to help her cause. But it was pretty entertaining.

Missed Thursday’s daytime report? Go back and read all those Feed highlights before the new ones below.

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Celebrity Big Brother Live Feed Highlights โ€“ Thursday, February 22, 2018:

4:55 PM BBT – HGs released from HOH lockdown. No one is sure why they were up there. (Maybe production had to fix something.)

5:25 PM BBT – Brandi comes back from DR with a laminated card and calls everyone to the living room for an announcement. They have to wake up Ross and Omarosa. Everyone gathers. She begins to read… hair extension instructions. It was a prank. Omarosa isn’t thrilled.

5:35 PM BBT – Omarosa keeps encouraging Brandi to keep fighting. She tells him to guilt trip Ross.

5:40 PM BBT – Ross and Marissa agree that if they want to win the game they have to get James out.

5:55 PM BBT – James asks Omarosa who she would target if she won HOH next. She points out that Ross and Ari have lots of wins to their name and both have had strong social games.

6:00 PM BBT – James thinks Ari could win because everyone adores her. He suggests Ari floated to the end, but Omarosa counters that she didn’t float and won competitions. James counters that he wasn’t trying to win those comps since he was such a big target at the time.

6:05 PM BBT – Omarosa warns James that Ross is in good with all the women since he was aligned with them early on and there will be up to six women voting in that Jury.

6:15 PM BBT – Ross tells Brandi that they made their deal on Day 1 and a lot has changed in the game since then.

6:20 PM BBT – Brandi seems hurt and tells Ross that it was his alliance with her that hurt his game, it was having an alliance with so many people that damaged him.

6:25 PM BBT – Ross points out he is caught in an impossible situation with the two of them on the Block. He can’t betray Marissa since she’s been the most loyal to him. Brandi says she never was unloyal to Ross. Brandi promises Ross she has Omarosa’s vote and he could join them to make it 3 votes. Ross says they can’t trust Omarosa and he won’t work with her.

6:35 PM BBT – Ari tells Ross she doesn’t want him to look bad on camera if he made these deals and didn’t keep them.

6:42 PM BBT – Brandi tells Marissa that she’s known Ross for years so this just feels like a gut punch.

6:45 PM BBT – Ross tells Marissa that Brandi is making it personal like they thought she might.

6:50 PM BBT – Brandi questions Marissa on how they plan to deal with James. Marissa thinks it will have to be Ari who gets him out. Brandi confirms to Marissa that Ross won’t vote to keep her (B) and is keeping Marissa instead.

6:55 PM BBT – Ari tells Mark that she believes Brandi would still vote for Ross if he gets to the end.

7:00 PM BBT – Brandi suggests to Ari that Ross is siding with Marissa because of her connections in Broadway.

7:05 PM BBT – Brandi tells Ari and Omarosa they have to win HOH tomorrow and stick together. Omarosa agrees and says they’ll only have each other.

7:12 PM BBT – Brandi says she wishes they’d have evicted James instead of Shannon. Ari says Shannon would have won all the competitions, though, and they’d still be in trouble. Brandi says she likes Shannon more than James, though.

7:15 PM BBT – Omarosa tells James and Mark that Brandi was asking Ross for his vote. Mark says she hasn’t even asked him what he would vote if it’s a tie.

7:22 PM BBT – Brandi thinks the others were making Omarosa out to be a bigger liar than she is.

8:00 PM BBT – Marissa tells Ross to prepare himself for when BB After Dark starts because Brandi is going to be putting on a show.

8:35 PM BBT – Ross tells Mark that Brandi is being really tough on him. Mark says that shows he’s making the right move by voting her out.

9:34 PM BBT – Brandi asks Mark what his master plan is. He says to get his check on Sunday. She says she means for the remainder of the game. He says to win the next HOH he can and sail into the finale and turn on his athletic prowess. She then asks if he turns on his partner in crime (James). He says sure. They have to turn on everyone. Brandi is trying to prod, but Mark is turning it into a joke and playing it off.

9:37 PM BBT – Brandi says James is a dick. Mark says he’s a lovely human being. She says you’ll see when you get out. Mark says it won’t work on him. She says she’s not trying to work on him. Mark says it’s a shame Brandi and James got caught up in the game because he thinks James is a lovely person and they probably would’ve gotten along in different circumstances.

9:40 PM BBT – Brandi tells everyone she never had a final two with Ari but she had one with Ross. Brandi says Ross had a final two with everyone. Mark says he thinks so and more power to him. Omarosa says she had a final two with Shannon for about 15 minutes and then she turned on her.

9:41 PM BBT – Brandi brings up being with friends with Ross outside the house. Mark said he didn’t know that. She said it sucks because of how the game is playing out.

9:44 PM BBT – Omarosa admits that she cried for three days the first week in the game. Someone said they never saw her cry and she said no one will ever see her cry.

9:57 PM BBT – HGs wondering if America will vote someone out. Omarosa says if so, she’s toast. Ross says maybe America has seen her in a new light with this show. She says she doesn’t think so.

10:25 PM BBT – HGs are trying to figure out the rest of the evictions with so many of them left. The women thinks a DE is coming up on Friday. Mark disagrees. (The ladies are right.)

10:40 PM BBT – Mark and Brandi discuss who could win and why. Mark thinks it’s more than just comp wins. He expects the social aspect to weigh heavily. Brandi says the vote could go to whoever didn’t screw over others. Brandi advises Mark to get Omarosa to the end next to him for a better chance to win. Mark agrees and says he couldn’t beat James, Marissa, or Ross.

10:45 PM BBT – Brandi tells Mark that Ross won’t get her vote. Mark tells Brandi that Ross has had her back more than she knows. She tells him it’d be very close between him and James if they both get there so to be careful.

11:00 PM BBT – Ross apologizes to Brandi. He tells her he was wrong to have made that kind of deal so early in the season. He asks for a favor, to not be too mean to him since his mom is watching. Brandi says she won’t and has been saying he’ll win. She promises she isn’t trying to ruin anyone’s game or life.

11:05 PM BBT – Brandi and Ross agree that James needs to go before Omarosa. Ross promises he isn’t going after Ari.

11:10 PM BBT – Ross reports back to Marissa that he and Brandi hugged it out.

11:35 PM BBT – Omarosa tells Ari about her talk earlier with James and how confident he is that he’ll get votes, but she disagrees. They think maybe he’d get Shannon’s vote. Omarosa says she warned James that he needs to start sending some friends to Jury so they’ll be there to vote for him.

11:40 PM BBT – Brandi and Omarosa tell Ari how they think she can win at the end because she put up two of the biggest players this season and did it with a smile.

11:45 PM BBT – Brandi lets Omarosa know that she tried working on Ross to keep him from targeting her (O).

11:50 PM BBT – Omarosa asks Brandi to get Shannon’s number when she gets out so she can start working on the Jury votes for them from outside.

11:55 PM BBT – Brandi thinks the votes will split if it’s Omarosa and Ari at the end. They think Ari has a good chance of winning.

12:15 AM BBT – HGs getting ready to call it a night.

12:30 AM BBT – HGs heading to bed.

Brandi has accepted her situation and is prepared to be evicted on Friday night. Omarosa and Ari are getting ready for a battle ahead and it’ll be a tough one as they’ll face off against the other three in the next HoH competition as part of the second elimination during the DE.

You can watch all of these Big Brother events using the archives Flashback, the DVR-like feature of this yearโ€™s Live Feeds which means itโ€™s always live, even when you missed it! Sign-up now to get the free trial to watch it all live & uncensored.

Gallery: Live Feeds Highlights



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  1. Brandi is almost certainty the next banishment, but it looks like she is going down swinging, yeah I am up for some fun ๐Ÿ˜ธ Don’t know if I could play this game , it is not the being cooped up, it is the strategy. You have to find wiggle room, that gray area being truth and fiction where someone can take what you are saying one way, when you are actually saying something else . You have to find a way to eliminate people without upsetting them so you can get jury votes, good luck with that
    It’s your thing, do what your gonna do, I can’t tell you, who to sock it to .

  2. If, James wins HOH, hopefully he puts up Omarosa and Marissa!
    Maybe, Omarosa gets voted out tonight.
    I don’t see James throwing tonight’s HOH.
    He will keep Mark safe!

    • Marissa is not a threat for the finals. I donโ€™t think other will vote for her to win. But everyone loves ari. Strategically he would put her.

      But for us, I hope Marissa goes soon.

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