Celebrity Big Brother Eviction Prediction: Who Is Going Home Round 4?

Brandi and Ross on Celebrity Big Brother

This round on Big Brother we’ve got an interesting situation with a new Veto twist that’s going to keep us from easily predicting who is going home tonight. In the regular summer season we’d already know the final noms and most of the votes, but this is no regular season.

Right now we’ve got the noms on the Block and the votes laid out if nothing changed, but this crazy Veto is making all that rather uncertain. We may end up seeing both noms still on the Block or two entirely different players on the Block by the time the votes are cast. Heck, we don’t even know who will be playing for Veto to constrain the choices likely to be made given the twist options. Yikes. All the same, we can take a look at the situation and make a few guesses on what to expect.

Scenario 1) Ross & Brandi remain on the Block.
In this situation, Brandi will be evicted. Ross has votes of support coming from Marissa, Mark, and James. 3-2, Brandi goes out the door.

Scenario 2) Ross comes down, Marissa goes up next to Brandi.
Here Brandi is again evicted. Ross votes to keep Marissa along with Mark and James since they set up a F4 deal.

Scenario 3) Brandi comes down, Marissa goes up next to Ross.
Marissa is out the door. Ross gets Mark and James but loses Metta’s vote. That leaves this up to Ari and Brandi. They’re close to Marissa, but I think they’re closer to Ross and trust him more.

Scenario 4) Veto twists start mixing things up.
This is just too complicated to predict very well, but here we go with a look at each of the three Veto twist options.

Scenario 4.A) If it’s the Diamond Veto then the winner gets to take down a nom and pick the renom himself or herself. That one isn’t even forced to be used in which case go back to Scenario 1.

Scenario 4.B) VIP Veto situation could see Ross save himself if he wins it then wait for Omarosa to renom Marissa, then use it again on Marissa. In this particular set up I think Mark would be the one to go up and probably gets voted out. Lots of variations here but it’s also worth noting the power does not have to be used at all so again we’re back to Scenario 1.

Scenario 4.C) Spotlight Veto means the PoV must be put in to play. Ari would save Brandi, see Scenario 3. Marissa would save Ross, and since she’s protected we’d see Mark up and out. Metta would probably save Brandi since he knows Omarosa really wants Ross out, then Marissa goes up and out. James and Mark would save Ross, Marissa gets renom’d, and that leads to Brandi’s eviction. Omarosa would save Brandi and renom Marissa who goes home.

So I think that covers the major possibilities, which probably means some variation that I didn’t cover will be the one to happen. I think this is a good pass at what could happen tonight though. Ross is Omarosa’s big target, but just as she’s admitted to herself, he’s going to be tough to get out this round. Brandi and Marissa seem like more likely targets.

Who do you think will be evicted tonight on Big Brother? Vote now in our poll and share your thoughts below.



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  1. OMG can someone please get rid of Marissa!!! I can’t take her voice, her constant talking or her big, ugly store bought clip-on hair anymore! I’m watching Big Bro After Dark from last night, and I have to keep fast forwarding when she’s on, which is a lot. Save my remote control batteries and my sanity!!!!

    • I swear if I hear her say “like” or “at the end of the day, like” one more time, I’m going to cut my own ears off. It’s annoying AF. Worse than a teenage girl.

    • When Marissa started baying at the moon that James was America’s Player I had to mute BBAD as well and go to closed captions.

      Please BB, for the sake of all that is holy send Marissa home, I don’t care how, just do it!

      • Exactly. My ears bleed when she talks. And she’s trying to cast doubt on everyone and then say she can’t win against any of them. I hope since she’s been on The Talk she’s not ‘favored’ to win. 😒

      • I share your suspicions and fears about Marissa being favored to win. Pretty sure they want a female winner this year too.

    • I know right? The other night (Fri or Sat….nights are running together for me, sorry) when she was called into the DR for the last hour of BBAD….I SO ENJOYED the conversations! Just NOT hearing her constantly trying to be the center of attention and trying to monopolize the conversation was SUCH a breath of fresh air!

      • I agree. That was the best hour. And when her mic is down and you can’t hear her, I keep praying that she won’t be asked to center her mic. I’m really enjoying all the other houseguests, but she gotta go!!!!!

  2. I disagree w/ 4.B & 4.C b/c of Omarosa’s deals w/ James & Mark. However, if Brandi or Ari win Diamond veto, Brandi will come off the block & James will be renom. James goes home.
    If Ross or Marissa wins Diamond veto, Ross will come off the block & James will be the renom. James may go home.
    4.B options:
    If Brandi wins VIP veto, she’ll come off the block & Marissa will be renom. Brandi will not use 2nd veto to keep Ari off the block. Marissa goes home.
    If Ross wins VIP veto, he’ll come off the block & Marissa will be renom. Ross will pull Marissa off the block & Ari renom. Brandi goes home.
    If Ari wins VIP veto, Brandi will come off the block & Marissa will be renom. Ari may pull either Ross or Marissa off the blick in which case I think Metta will be renom. Metta may go home (as he wishes).
    If Marissa wins VIP veto, Ross comes off the block & Ari will be renom. Marissa may pull Ari or Brandi off the block which case I think Metta will be renom. Metta may go home (as he wishes).
    4.C options:
    If Omarosa, Brandi or Ari wins Spotlight Veto, Brandi will come off the block & Marissa will be renom. Marissa goes home.
    If Ross, James or Mark wins Spotlight Veto, Ross comes off the block & Marissa is renom. Marissa goes home.
    If Marissa wins Spotlight Veto, Ross comes off the block & Ari is renom. Brandi goes home.
    Not sure who Metta would save but Marissa would be the renom. Marissa will go home.
    Really the only people who I think are completely safe are Omarosa, Mark & Ross.

    • I really want to see either Ross or Marissa evicted instead of Metta, but if this is the only way to save James then I’m ok with Metta leaving.

      It would be hilarious if Metta won the POV :D

  3. Did anyone besides me get a laugh out of Marissa’s bio?

    Three adjectives that describe you: Loud, loyal, and feisty.

    Well she got the LOUD right. Ask Shannon how LOYAL Marissa is?

    Do you have a strategy for winning the game?

    I’m going to play a social game. I’m going to try not to annoy Houseguests and talk too much. I’m also going to try to team up with some athletic house guests who can win physical challenges.

    Wait, WHAT? Try not to ANNOY houseguests! How about try not to ANNOY everybody in America!!!

    Double wait, WHAT?!!! Try not to talk too much!!! If this is Marissa trying not to talk too much I’d REALLY hate to see her when does talk too much!!!

    • Her husband has got to be enjoying his vacation away from her! I never heard of her before this show, and I’m hoping to never hear about her after this show!!!

      • She said after the last week video from home that he looked happier. No wonder why.

        She at least look like she knows herself. But she cannot improves at all.

    • Did you catch her talking about being not very maternal last night? Pretty insightful, her own son calls her by her name not mom. I think she’s very wrapped up in herself and has no idea how annoying she is.

  4. I am imagining the scenario where Ross or whoever in the alliance of four Ross-Marissa-Ari-Brandi to save themselves with either of these three special vetos and the final nomination would be any of the four and James being renomed, who eventually evicted, with votes from the remaining three who voted against him. That really would shake up the house and will get Omarosa furious.

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