‘Celebrity Big Brother 2019’ Spoilers: Round 2 Nominations

Nominations on Big Brother

Nominations are in for Round 2 of Celebrity Big Brother 2019 with the spoilers from the Feeds as the Houseguests settle into the faster pace for the rest of the season after the first slower and chaotic week.

Our new HOH set his plans overnight and stuck to them when the results were revealed. Unless things change up in the Veto with a renom and possible BD alternative we may be looking at a quiet round of events here. Read on for the spoilers.

After a NINE+ hour downtime from the Feeds (NINE!!) came back to reveal what we all expected. And no, no one was removed from the house, despite shamefully uninformed rumors floating around earlier.

Celebrity Big Brother Round 2 Nominations:

  • Kato nominated: Dina & Tamar

Kato’s target on Dina came up in the competition after she encouraged Joey to decline Kato’s offer of safety but is Dina really a threat to his game? Well heck, Marissa wasn’t a threat to anyone’s game and she won, so I guess anything is possible. Tamar is the bigger eviction-prize here with her stronger ally connections but she’s also a lot of fun for our Feeds so hopefully, she dodges this one.

Who do you think Kato should be targeting this round? Will the House have other plans for the vote?

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