Celebrity Big Brother 2019 Episode 3 Recap: Drama, Drama And More Drama

You can always count on a Real Housewife to be at the center of some drama. But when you throw in a Braxton sister, watch out. And who knew that Olympic medalists come with their own drama? Celebrity Big Brother delivered a lot of drama Wednesday night and a ridiculous Power of Veto competition that had Ryan Lochte, Tom Green and Anthony Scaramucci bucking on a fake horse. Oh, Big Brother, I hate that I love you sometimes.

The drama started right away, too. The episode picked up right after Ryan nominated Anthony and Tom to sit next to auto-nominee Jonathan. Lolo, Tamar and the girls are not happy that Ryan didn’t talk to them about nominating Tom. The last they heard was it would be Dina and Anthony. Lolo says she saw Jonathan give Ryan a look, so she knows that he was behind keeping Dina off the block. Tamar sees it, too, and says that this was basically Jonathan’s HOH. So needless to say, the girls in the super alliance are already getting a little nervous with the boys.

And the Jonathan sketchiness intensifies. He goes to the gym where Lolo, Tamar and Natalie are talking about the events of the nomination ceremony. And talk stops, so he leaves. Then Lolo decides heā€™s just a sketchy player. So Tamar suggests they just go ahead and send him home this week if he’s still on the block Friday. Natalie reminds them that heā€™s in their alliance and they need him. Lolo and Tamar say nah, if they donā€™t get him out now they might regret it. So Jonathan is definitely in trouble.

But hold up. The inner-alliance drama doesn’t stop there. Natalie and Lolo start talking about naming their final 2 alliance before checking all the beds. And then they realize that Tamar is in the room. Natalie tries to pretend like she knew Tamar was in the room, but Tamar knows sheā€™s lying. They try to play it off but Tamar has definitely stored that one away in her memory. And it doesn’t take long before theyā€™re fine go back to the Jonathan topic. And the girlā€™s arenā€™t exactly hiding their suspicions. Ryan and Jonathan notice they stop talking anytime the enter a room and then there’s the whole thing where Lolo flips off Jonathan and Ryan’s memory wall photos IN FRONT OF THEM. So subtly is not their strong suit this season. And I’m OK with that.

It’s time for the veto competition. Joining Ryan, Jonathan, Anthony, and Tom in the competition are Ricky and Joey.Ā The players have to rock on a fake horse 60 times to start a timer. They then get 30 seconds to stack gold bars on a giant horseshoe. And if they donā€™t get back to their horses by the time the clock hits zero, they are out. Everyone struggles to stack their gold bars expect Rick. So there’s no surprise when he’s the one who wins the Power of Veto.

Ricky lets us know that his plan was to lay low, but now he’s going to have to figure out what to do with that power.

Meanwhile, more drama is bubbling up. Now it’s back to Kandi and Tamar. They start talking about what went wrong with their relationship. Tamar said that Kandi talked crazy stuff about her while they were on tour together and Kandi doesn’t seem to remember. Kandi has a laugh defense mechanism and that does not go over well with Tamar. So things get even more heated. .. itā€™s a mess and BB is definitely not the time to bring this up. But it was pretty entertaining, so I’m OK with this.

Elsewhere, Ryan decides to talk to Ricky about what heā€™s going to do with the veto. He tells Ricky that he feels like thereā€™s already an alliance with the girls. He wants Ricky to use the veto so he can get Lolo on the block. And since drama is the theme, Ricky decides to tell Lolo what happened because he wants to stir the pot to cause stress. Yes, Ricky! That’s how you play Big Brother. Lolo freaks out, thinking she was right about the guys (when really they decided to go after one of the girls after they were wrongly paranoid) and tells Tamar and Natalie. Kandi comes in the room to finish her talk with Tamar, but this other drama puts that drama on the back burner. For now. Don’t worry, it returns. Trust me.

At the veto meeting, Ricky decides not to use the Power of Veto. This is where I’d normally say who will be evicted Friday, but as you may have heard the BB announcer say, a shocking twist sends another HG out the door. So some things have changed, and if you want to find those things out, be sure to check out our Celebrity Big Brother Spoilers.



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