CBS Promises ‘Twist After Twist’ On Big Brother 16

Part of the fun in each Big Brother preseason is the hype of huge promises CBS delivers to its fans. The 2014 season could set to continue that trend with another new commercial from CBS featuring a big promise involving what we already heard Allison Grodner say is critical to the game.

Twist After Twisted Twist on Big Brother 16
Twist After Twisted Twist on Big Brother 16 – Source: CBS

On top of promoting the new season’s fully stocked house with 76 cameras and 90 microphones (CBS now says 100+ mics), we’re being promised “Twist after twisted twist!” Oh my.

Before we get too worked up, we still have no idea with any certainty what the Big Brother 16 twist will be or what could make this season’s approach so “twisted.” It’s also worth keeping in mind promises like “most houseguests ever” revealing a sometimes disconnect between reality and hype.

Following last year’s MVP twist chaos of one HG monopolizing it to the point of production changing its use and eventually scuttling the whole thing I’m left hoping we’ll see something a little more carefully constructed. Simple restrictions and safeties on twist plans can go a long way to keep things running smoothly. Then again, chaos might be exactly what Grodner is looking for on Big Brother.

Check out the CBS commercial below for Big Brother 16 and get ready for the new season’s start on June 25, 2014! Do you have your Live Feeds yet? Sign-up now and start watching exclusive subscriber-only content available right now. Join us on Facebook, Twitter, & by Email for even more!



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  1. In my opinion, Season 1 was the best and it’s been downhill each year since.
    The idea was to put people in this situation, sit back and watch the interactions. Now it’s all become about scripting “twists” and other gimmicks to alter those reactions. And what I hate the most is bring old contestants back, instead of giving us a fresh cast to watch.

    • BB should really consider bringing back tasks, perhaps in the form of rewards-based missions so the whole house benefits. It also prevents idleness among the HG’s.

      • How about bringing in a little pet to take care of – like the little pot belly pig they brought in during the 1st or 2nd season of Big Brother.

      • I like to see them have a dog again, like BBAU’s Mr. Clooney. He was quite entertaining. :D

    • If by 1 you mean 2, then yes. It should be all about who plays the best game, not who production wants us to believe is playing the best. Twists are what ruin the game every year. That and recruiting players.

      These are the reasons why 2, 3, and 7 are considered the best seasons

  2. i dont understand, this commercial is not new…it came out last week, we’ve seen it already….

  3. Yeah well I can only hope they will actually come up with a good twist one of these years. The one last year was shot in the foot thanks to bringing Elissa in the house. Give me a nice surprise this time BB. However, I really do like the idea of giving those on the live feeds the opportunity to vote for things to affect the game as long as they make it good challenges like making them work for their food for the week or some kind of housework that will tick them off. lol

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  1. Hayden Moss On Big Brother 16 Twist & More | Big Brother 16
  2. Big Brother 16: ‘Most Twisted Season Ever’ Says Host Julie Chen | Big Brother 16

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