It was some week in the Big Brother 15 house. Paranoia was at an all-time high and there were fights almost every day of the week. And among the muck was basically no one playing an actually good or smart game.
There was just something wrong with last week. But there were some moves made that at least make my player rankings lit this week possible. So let’s get to it.
Big Brother 15 Week 5 Player Rankings
1. Candice. When Candice went up as the replacement nominee this week, there was a good possibility the house would flip on her and send her out. She knew that was possible too. So instead of being a martyr for Howard, she took it upon herself to save herself. She made up that story about people planning to flip and vote for her to cause a tie, which would result in Aaryn breaking the tie in Howard’s favor. Helen and Amanda were not happy with that and put that plan to sleep. Little did Candice know, that exact plan was happening and Jessie was at the center of it. Or at least that’s what the house now thinks.
2. Spencer. Oh, this is hard. But I’m always a credit where credit is due kind of kind. Spencer was on the block and he won the Power of Veto and secured his safety for the week. And he also fought a decent battle to save his ally Howard. He tried his best to deflect the target onto Candice or Amanda, but the power Amanda has in the house is strong, even if it is in the form of bullying.
3. Aaryn. She won Head of Household and even though she didn’t make a bold move, she did secure her spot on the other side of the house. Amanda and Helen liked that she did what they wanted and got their target out for them.
4. Amanda. This is where it gets tricky. Amanda went form playing a great game to playing an awful game. She’s paranoid, MEAN as hell and as inappropriate as Aaryn when it comes to race. But she’s positioned herself nicely in the game and has gotten the huge target off her back that was growing rapidly before last week.
5. Judd. J-U-Double D gets this spot just for being cool. He’s made some silly mistakes lately which have made some people paranoid. But the fact that he’s able to remain somewhat cool with Amanda and Helen thinking he’s an evil mastermind is pretty solid.
The Rest
6. Jessie. She’s not really making anything happen or winning anything, but she’s using her head wisely.
7. Elissa. She’s laying low and has managed to go from target No. 1 to complete safety.
8. McCrae. He got out of bed a few times. That’s good enough for #8.
9. Andy. He’s imagining things about Judd that aren’t true.
10. Helen. She’s paranoid and annoying and targets a different one of her allies every single day. She’s playing horribly.
11. GinaMarie. GM is sure to move up next week after actually winning HOH this week! Go GM!
12. Howard. He was evicted. Automatic last place.
I realize some of my rankings won’t be very popular, so please feel free to share your own rankings in our comments section below. Who do you think played the best game in week 5?
Don’t get how Candice is number 1. She went from almost getting Amanda evicted to getting her only ally evicted because of her hissy fit. Seems very counter-productive to me.
Exactly. If she kept her cool and let Spencer work then, maybe, Amanda could have been evicted! Instead, she threw Spencer under the bus when, he was trying to save Candace and Howard. Go figure that one out!
Yes but you forget that Candice is not used to being treated this way by others. Now yes, you can say: ”Well don’t go into Big Brother then!” but that doesn’t change a person’s heart from being wounded. She became angry & bitter and kablam! She went right into attack mode.
I still cannot understand how she can miss Spencer lobbying for Amanda’s eviction when everyone practically knows about everything happening in the Big Brother House with Andy telling everything about everyone in the house? That would have given her the clue that Spencer is on your side?
Candace saved herself last week, but she went about it in such a way that in doing so she made herself the #1 target this week. Contrast this to Aaryn, who saved herself 2 weeks ago while at the same time solidifying at least a place in the jury house.
Andy and Jesse need to go. They re nothing but floaters, don’t contribute anything and don’t win.
candace did nothing, she is so typical of her kind. just lazy asses. howard was the same way. she will go next and good riddance. how can you say helen is annoying, she is playing the best game. she certainly is the smartest one in the house.
you’re in that 1% that likes helen. I wouldn’t mind her winning because she’s of color and i hate how they were treated but she’s becoming too cocky and arrogant. She was so humble at first.
you want her to win because of she is of color. are you mad. she is a lazy ass and whines 24/7. the blacks all are so dam smart asses because osamaobama is in office. don’t they realize he is an idiot. he the make all others look bad.
Obama is the idiot? You are on a Big Brother comment section being a racist. He is the President. Who is the idiot again?
Don’t answer comment like that. Flag it as inappropriate, ignore it and move on. If enough people flag it, Matthew will come by and remove it.
I like Helen too
Then power created an Ice Queen. Mind you that seems to be happening with most of the guests this season….power corrupts.
Aaryn probably played the best game this week as much as I hate her! Give credit where credit is due. Her giving her nominations to Helen and Amanda to use as they please cemented trust and now, she can float week after week safe even if she gets nominated! She gets 3 sure votes against anyone else on the block with her and that is a huge advantage anyway you cut it! Spencer played well too getting out of the hot seat and winning POV and he tried very hard to save Howard but, Candice threw all of them under the bus! I disagree that Candice played a good game because Howard was target number 1 so, 99.9% was likely to go! Candice put a huge target on her back and she will get evicted more than likely this week! Now, if Candace manages to save herself from eviction this week then, she should be player of the week this week! But, that is a big if!
Is everyone forgetting this is DOUBLE EVICTION WEEK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I cant wait, I hope they dont vote out Judd, at least not while Spencer, Andy, Jessie & Amanda are in the house.
And Aaryn, don’t forget Aaryn.
I have nominated Aaryn 4 votes, Helen 3 votes and Judd 3 votes. Let us see how it ends up!
Double Eviction is not until next week! It is a regular eviction week which means Candice is evicted barring a miracle of sorts. Next week probably, we have Jessie and Spencer. And we still have Elissa and Gina Marie for the week after the double eviction week! So, we may not have any excitement for another 3 weeks!
This IS the DE week. Thursday night a HG will be voted out. They will immediately do another round of events. 2 HGs will be leaving Thursday.
Oh, okay. Thought it was still next week. Strange they have not mentioned it on this blog.
This Thurs there will be a double eviction. We know, but the hgs don’t.
I disagree with your rankings. Candice did only damage to her own game as well as Howard’s. But I’m very confused about your placement of Helen. How did she get placed below people that didn’t do anything, while she basically made all of the hoh noms and controlled the house? I think she’s one of the only people actually playing the game. Even if you think she’s annoying, she at least deserves top 5.
I respectfully disagree that Candice was #1. Yes, she saved herself (or did she?) but she only had to save herself because she made herself the biggest target in the house with her clumsy attempts to save Howard. I thought her game was horrible last week. Approaching Aaryn to get Amanda out? That was dumb.
I’d put Helen, Andy and Aaryn as 1-2-3. Helen may not be playing a pretty game but it’s working for her. She and Andy have managed to stay off EVERYONES radar. I don’t like how either of them plays – Helen too much emotional blackmail and Andy very sneaky. But when you manage to get people to do what you want (without bullying) then you’re doing what you’re supposed to do. As for Aaryn – i dislike her intensely but i have to give credit where credit is due. She was dead in the water but managed to pull herself to shore.
I think Candice and Spencer should be in last place. Candice house meeting was not good at all. So bad that she is the target this week. Same for Spencer.
Amanda, Helen, Andy all figured out that JUdd is playing everyone and gotta go.
Helen did control the HOH nominations.
This list this week was a joke.
This just goes to show how pitiful or awful (pick one) this crew of HGs is, when you have Amanda, Aaryn and Spenser in the top five.
Do we have a date for BB 16 yet ?
First football game of the season tomorrow. Pre-season football sound more interresting than BB 15.
Not sure about the football, but I agree with you about wanting to know when BB16 is starting. Heck, even BB Canada wasn’t all that bad compared to this! ;)
You got that right. At least BBCan had an excuse, it was their first one. You could see they needed to polish a few thing. But in general it was quite interesting. The cast was pretty much all decent people. Except maybe Gary (who I know lots of people like), for me, he was just a bit too much flamboyant, a little too much over the top.
Thanks for your tweets! I look forward to each and every one. Ranking wise, I disagree about Helen. I think she should be much higher. I’m not sure how I feel about her game play, but she sure is playing. Every time she says “I love you” I want to bop her one but so far she seems to not have any enemies.
Helen is the devil. She makes Amanda look lik a saint.
At this point I don’t care who wins. They are all to scared to make a move. Give me the money for watching this crap. I will be voting for Howard or Spencer to get the 25000 this season. He and Spencer did try. SNOOZE FEAST THIS SEASON.
Call amanda a bully one more time and ill ahow you what bullying really is
hahahaha what are you gonna do? call someone names?
Racist hypocritical skank work better for you?
believe that would be aaryn
Amanda said there was no strategy to putting her. So, Spencer said he thinks America is the MVP and Amanda said that she is confident it is someone in the house. Haha, apparently she can’t face the fact we don’t like her. She said no one would vote to put her on the block and that Jessie is being portrayed much worse than her. Jessie is actually a saint compared to Amanda. She finishes with “What am I doing that they would want to put me up?” This is hysterical.
Aaryn and GM don’t know when to shut up. Aaryn was like “if Howard and Candice both go home because of us, do you know what that is going to look like?” and GM says “what, black on black crime.” and they both laugh. Goodness gracious.
Guess who will get the last laugh ?
Wish Howard & Candice were on the Jury to get a better ”last laugh”! :)
Yea, but who got the last laugh is those employers who fired these little idiots.
If you feel like it, Google “Bella Petite Magazine”. Go to the Entertainment section. You’ll find 2 editorials from the editor in chief. In the oldest one she explain why she is firing Aaryn. In the second, she refer to this site, about the spin doctor Aaryn’s mother hired.
Thanks Captain! I sure appreciate all the info you list.
You’re welcome.
People need to go on YouTube and watch Amanda Zuckerman Social justice. She talks about killing & raping Jessie, says more racist remarks then Aaryn, makes fun of autism, and calls people retarded and to top it off calls Andy faggotity Andy. How do these people put up with this. The killing comments she made, made me want to hurl. It was horrible, and she should be held accountable.
Good, keep sending people there.
It’s now over 100,000 views.
Wow, that is way more views than when I saw it!
Yea, went up from 60,000 yesterday afternoon
being racial bad enough but talking about killiing people what the f they should have removed her immediately theats like that should be taken seriously
Sadly…I don’t think Candice should be ranked 1st. She should’ve worked with Spencer on getting Amanda out. But what does she do? She blindly listens to Helen about Helen overhearing Spencer & Amanda talking…and calls a housemeeting. She should have talked with Spencer 1 on 1 and figured out what was said. Spencer had already told her (Candice) that they would work together. I guess that Candice thought that Spencer should have told Amanda that he was gunning for Amanda…lol.
I think Aaryn should be ranked higher as well. She was likely on her way out the door if she didn’t win HOH…even though she made a deal with Helen to stay and have Kaitlin go home. And then she nominates who Helen/Amanda want and pretty much assured her safety for the next couple of weeks.
Wow, ok I have to admit I resisted watching the Amanda Youtube clip because I felt it would’ve been unfair to see any montage that can be taken out of context…. BUT… Wow! Most of the things in there actually show the context in which she said these things and it’s brutal. I am VERY annoyed CBS hasn’t taken ANY of these moments to show them in her tv edits. She has said some really hateful things.
We need to keep pressuring CBS. And better we need to involve the sponsors. They have the biggest power.
The sick thing is that most hgs can have a reel spun up on them just like that (see my comment above). The fact that this kind of behavior is so rampant in the house saddens me so much.
Best comment of the entire season made here by Nadine-give me the money for watching this crap”
That’s right, emotional distress compensation.
Haha! Candice #1? She had that stupid house meeting which made her a target! You never make yourself a target!
More like dead last.
I definitely agree. Her game was so bad last week. I have no clue why she was given the #1 spot.
I guess it’s another torturous week for Amanda. When she’s on the block, she acts like a death row inmate, waiting for that one call.
Everyone please go to YouTube and watch Amanda Zuckerman Social Justice Warrior. I can’t believe CBS is allowing this and the worst part is that they make Amanda look like the shows hero. If I were her parents I would be embarrassed. She talks about raping and murdering Jessie, makes racist remarks towards Candice, Howard, and Helen. And makes racist remarks about Puerto Rican people. And makes fun of autistic people. She also calls several HOUSEGUESTS retarded, in particular Elissa. She also makes homophobic comments about Andy.
The bigger problem is the fact that most of the hgs (not all) have displayed as bad, if not worse, behavior…and a lot more of it. You could make a montage that is equally long and more disgusting of Aryan, Spencer, GM, and even Elissa. That is the sorriest part of the story…that it’s not just one person.
Candice and Howard made their share of racists renarks as well!
that’s a lie…period.
Branden, your placing Candice first makes me wonder if you’re just fucking with us cause I see her scraping the barrel next to GM as far as this weeks rankings go. And,Elissa, please, any status she has is a direct result of Helen’s support and direction. Elissa,as an independent player has done “nothing” on a strategic level and her social game would be flat-lined but for the wonders of jacking up one’s medication.Andy is super underestimated and deserves higher ranking than sycophantic Jessie. Helen, is so damn annoying that I just don’t care where she goes but appreciate that at least she is playing the game.
Otherwise, your analysis is perfect! LOL….Love ya
White Power!!! How come everyone says are country is racist, when black people have their own TV channel (BET) How come whites can’t have (WET). Ohhh noo if white people ever had their own channel it would be deemed the most racist thing ever. For gods sake we have a black president. Blacks should learn from Obama. Look what happenes when you stop selling crack and having 15 babies before age 20. You go to school and get educated and maybe you can become a valued member of our country like Obama. Aaryn isn’t racist, the people who beat Rodney King were racist. Take a history course before you label people racists.
Koresh, you come off as a racist! WTF!!!
BET was created because it attracts the black demographic. Whites are the majority, practically every channel on television caters to the white demographic.