Big Brother Week 9: Alliances And Deals Update

After the Big Brother 22 triple eviction, the All-Stars house and its alliances are looking a bit different. Finally.

Now that everyone outside The Committee+Enzo are gone, the big group has started to turn on each other. It’s the only thing left to do, after all. Dani was the first casualty, falling to Tyler’s HOH during the final round of the triple. And those ripple effects are being felt in the house today.

The Committee is no more, so now what? Well, Tyler and Christmas are paying for being the first ones to turn last week. They find themselves on the block together, thanks to the unspoken leader of the alliance Cody. That means one of them, likely Tyler, will be leaving this week. So with Tyler out of the picture, here’s what we are looking at as far as deals go.

The Core Three: Cody, Nicole and Enzo are what’s left of the Core Four. I have good reason to believe this is the most solid alliance still in the house. Even though Enzo talked to himself last night about clipping Nicole if he wins HOH next. Will Cody be OK with that? I don’t think so. Cody is a tricky one, because it’s hard to say who he’s most loyal to. I’m pretty sure it’s Nicole, but he and Memphis had that almost unspoken alliance at the start of the season. And Cody knows that Enzo is loyal to him. So I think Cody won’t be devastated if Nicole some how goes, but that’s definitely not what he wants, I’m pretty sure.

The Wise Guys: I’m not sure what to even think of this Memphis-created alliance. He has two versions of it. Both versions include Enzo and Memphis, but Cody and Christmas are each a part of of it separately. Cody knows about this, thanks to Enzo. But regardless of that, Christmas staying this week definitely helps protect Memphis, so I think you can say Memphis and Christmas are pretty solid still, despite how annoyed Memphis seems to be with her.

Triple Threat: This is Cody, Enzo and Tyler. But with Tyler likely going this week, that one is about to be dead.

Tyler and Christmas: They’ve had a final 2 since week one in the game, but that ends this week. One of them is definitely going.

If Tyler does happen to stay this week, he’s pretty much going to be a lone wolf. I don’t think that happens, but if it does, then all of these remaining deals are definitely going to look differently after Thursday night.

As always, thinks to @89razorskate20 on Twitter for helping everyone stay up-to-date on the alliances and deals with their ever-trusty chart, shown below.





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