Big Brother: Reindeer Games Episode 5 Tonight

Nicole shocked on Big Brother - CBS
Nicole shocked on Big Brother – CBS

Two nights left to go in the Big Brother house as the Final 5 players prepare for one last elimination ahead of Thursday’s finale featuring the coveted Reindeer Games tournament.

The HGs just saw Josh depart from Santa’s Lodge after he just barely, so barely lost to Nicole in an endurance battle featuring giant candy canes and quick moves. Now Nicole heads back into the house and knows where she stands with Taylor.

Meanwhile Frankie continues to play hard and keeps his game alive with his allies Britney and Nicole who hold the numbers advantage over Taylor and Xavier who will likely have to pair up after Taylor’s choice to target Nicole instead.

Frankie and Taylor on Reindeer Games - CBS
Frankie and Taylor on Reindeer Games – CBS

We’ve got one more elimination in Tuesday’s episode (9/8c) on CBS and then those last four Houseguests will return on Thursday’s episode (8/7c) to face off in a series of competitions with the winner leaving the North Pole with $100,000 in their sleigh. Not too shabby for a week’s work!

So who do you want to see walk away with the prize money? Britney, Frankie, Nicole, Taylor, and Xavier are all that remains of the original nine. That’s such a strange pace for a Big Brother “season” when it only lasts two weeks, but that’s a good thing after that super long summer of BB25! See you back here tonight at 9/8c for the next episode of Big Brother’s Reindeer Games.

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