‘Big Brother Over The Top’ Sneak Peek Details: Perfect ShOTT HoH Comp & Host Paul Abrahamian

CBS has revealed this week’s Head of Household competition for Big Brother Over The Top will be not only bringing back Paul Abrahamian, BB18’s runner-up, but also one of the comps that put him in power. No word yet on if each HG will have to be frisked on their way outside.

Hey Girl, It's Your Boy, Paul

When the HGs head out to the backyard for their HoH comp at 9PM BBT and airing live on your Big Brother Feeds, they’ll have the company and Friendship of your boy, Paul. The pressure will then be on for them to deliver the Perfect ShOTT.

You’ll need to remember back to Week 6 of Big Brother 18 when the HGs competed by placing a bad on a long, winding board and tried to reach the end box or at least get the highest score in the process. Well that’s what we’ve got coming back, but with a twist, as CBS puts it:

Paul will be hosting the “Perfect ShOTT” competition tonight at 12am ET/9pm PT. Tonight’s competition is inspired by the Perfect Shot HOH competition from season 18 that Paul won with some new, Over The Top twists!

Here’s a few pictures of the competition and the HGs warming up last season with it as a refresher plus a video clip of the comp in action.

Any early guesses on which HG can pull off the win with this challenge? And just what sort of twists are they going to add along the way? Plenty to find out tonight when we watch it all live on Big Brother Over The Top.



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  1. Well it sure looks like one of the cameramen has a foot fetish with all these close ups of Whitney’s and Morgan’s feet. LOL

  2. It would be a hoot to have big brother yell “RED ALERT” and have Paul frisk all the houseguests. Should be a fun comp to watch.

  3. I really feel sorry for the East Coasters, BB has not been kind to them with such late times for DR’S, comps etc….. Would it kill them to dial it back a couple of hours?

    • Totally agree!! I’m on the east coast and the times are impossible. Really shitty that they make us pay to see it but all the action happens when it’s too late for us to watch. #pissed

  4. Never know who’s going to win, but Shelby has played the piano most of her life. That gives someone strong wrists, hands and fingers. Now, how is her aim? It would be fun to see her win HoH and especially if Jason receives the Care package.

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