Our first round of nominations for Big Brother Over The Top will start up today with a scheduled 10PM ET “Safety Ceremony” shown live on the Feeds (and available later On Demand) and while we don’t know for sure what that means, we do know what Monte, the new HoH, is planning to do when it comes to targets.
Monte started his round of bringing up the individual Houseguests yesterday on the Live Feeds and despite a good talk with the original target nothing has changed for Monte’s goals.
The group thought right now has been to target Jason Roy for eviction. He’s a Vet with existing fans coming in to a fan voting focused season. It’s reasonable that he should be the one to go as the most logical target, or maybe they could use him to their advantage.
Jason pitched to Monte (10:05 PM BBT 9/30) that if there’s going to be an America’s Vote this season of Big Brother (and we know there is going to be a lot of fan voting each week) then Monte and company could use Jason and keep control of those votes for at least the start. Think back to BB15 how Elissa kept getting all the fan votes thanks to her sister’s popularity helping to control that vote. It could be like that again. Monte may be tempted, but he’s not taking the bait.
Flashback to 12:10 AM BBT 10/1 Cams 1/2 on your Live Feeds (get the Free Trial now).
Monte is talking with Shane and Whitney about the Over The Top nominations and what to do. It’s clear that Monte is going after Jason. He says that he already has enough allies and doesn’t need to expand that circle any wider. Jason is the top target.
So who will go up with Jason? The current plan is to get Kryssie on the Block but she will be plan B in case Jason wins the Veto. There’s also talk of Shelby going up and Shane says that’d be safe because no one has a reason to get her out (as compared to Kryssie?). Monte is a little nervous that Shelby could inadvertently become the target and be evicted.
This should only be an issue if Jason gets the PoV though (Veto comps happen on Mondays for BBOTT & Veto ceremonies are on Tuesdays) as Monte appears to be set on his plans. Jason and Kryssie are his targets to be nominated with Jason the eviction target.
What we don’t know is how this Safety Ceremony will work out but we saw a board of names and pictures hanging in the HOH room with buttons below each face. It looks like Shane may select a series of HGs for the initial Ceremony on Saturday night (10PM ET / 7PM PT) and then by Sunday night we’ll get the second installment of the reveals (also at 10PM ET / 7PM PT). I’ll skip speculating over how these two events could work and just wait to see how it goes down tonight.
We do however know that America will be voting for a 3rd nominee and that vote is coming up on Sunday. You’ll need to be subscribed to All Access to participate in that vote as well. But again, I don’t know yet how that will work in to the nominations timeline. As soon as we know more I will share it with you right away.
Update: Shane and Monte discussed the plans again this morning (9:20 AM BBT). Monte says he’ll go with Alex, Danielle, CB, and Neeley for his first four Safety picks. Not sure if DR told him to have four ready for tonight.
twitter-tweet" data-lang="en">Discussions going on between Monte & Shane for who will get Safety later tonight (10PM ET). Monte says: Neeley, CB, Alex, & Danielle. #BBOTT
— Big Brother Network (@bigbrothernet) October 1, 2016
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I can’t remember, do the viewers also have a vote in who gets safety for the week?
It’s my understanding that we’ll get to vote for a third nominee, but it’s on the HOH to determine who his first two nominees are.
Ah ok, that makes sense. Thanks Jeff.
So we’re RK winners for the summer?
Sure sounds like it…minus the hot RV:)
I can understand why all the newbies on BBOTT want Jason gone since the viewing audience will play such a big role this season.
Remember what happened when Elyssa (Rachel’s sister) kept winning all the audience votes that kept her afloat for so long – simply because she was Rachel’s sister? I can see the same thing happening with Jason.
Exactly. I believe it was Alex that was making this same point earlier. Jason was in a tough spot going into this game being the only returning player. Add in that the viewers are choosing the winner (and so much else) and it’s even worse for him.
I’d like to see what a more accomplished BB player would have done in this exact situation.
Since Jason is such a high profile HG and rather loud at times I don’t think that’s helping his case any either.
So Alex believes that loose lips sink ships? I have to agree with her where Jason is concerned. He might even be getting on their nerves if he’s too loud as well. I know that type of person bugs me and I’d want them out sooner rather than later.
Since the cast has a southern majority I wonder how Donny Thompson would’ve done if he’s been the lucky vet to return.
I wouldn’t have minded seeing Johnny Mack returning either.
Monte reminds me so much of Paulie. Monte talks and talks and talks over everyone and does not listen to the other person. He’s very arrogant in the way he acts and the things he says. Monte has tunnel vision and already does not like to think out the box. This is going to be Monte’s downfall real soon. Since it’s over the top, they could had Jason and Jozea both on the show together!!
Jason and Jozea in the house together would have been crazy!! Lol
I haven’t watch much of the feeds, but I do agree that Monte is a bit like Paulie. Hopefully not a chauvinist pig, but his personality seems similar to me.
I don’t see how some of the HGs are already pointing at floaters. The only one who I saw floating a little was Khryssie, but until there are actual physical comps and the game truly starts it is hard to tell who will float through the game as of yet.
Just a shout out to producers of BBOTT…the days with action happening for us feedsters seems really out of whack. Thursday and Friday and most of Saturday with no action is too long and boring. Then the ‘nominations’ are cut up into two days? And it is really not a nominations ceremony, just a heads up that you might be safe? Then after the weekend when most people have the time to watch LOTS of feeds is over you finally have the Veto comp Monday and the Veto ceremony Tuesday just one day before eviction with very little time for social game to determine who will go? This just all seems wonky. Why all the dead time in the start of the ‘week’ (after HOH comp) and so little time after Veto re-nom for social game play?
I agree.
The weekends should be the best time to entertain the viewers and not just have the HGs chatting about nothing.
Monte talks too much and barely let’s others talk. He knows everything, so why bother talking to anyone else.
I do hope Jason wins Veto.
I think cornbread is a good nomination. His snoring is keeping people from sleeping. Jason needs to be saved, he is not boring.